Webinar: Stress Mitigation For Higher Yields
The XtremeAg guys are excited about results they’re already seeing in this year’s crop as it pertains to stress mitigation. Kelly Garrett — who stated reducing stress on his crop was a top priority in 2022 — has visible results in his fields so obvious even his mother is commenting! As Kelly points out, “Maybe we don’t know what a healthy corn or soybean plant really looks like because maybe we’ve never seen one?”
Protecting your plants from stress— or preparing your plants to better tolerate stress — has a big payoff. In our latest member webinar, we cover stress mitigation products and, more importantly, practices. Because, as Matt Miles says, “There are lots of things that constitute stress mitigation. It’s not just a product…this is about farming methods.”
All right. Hey folks, welcome to the September edition of the extreme AG webinar. I know bunch of you're gonna be watching this as a recording because some of your busy right now, we're doing really well on that. We're getting like 60 to 70 people that are watching the recording. So while we want you to be here lives, you can participate we also know that you sometimes have conflicts and you're watching the recording. So that's awesome. If you want to participate as a live participant as a live viewing spectator as it is raise your hand and if you move your cursor around the bottom of the screen has the raise your hand feature. Also, it has the chat feature. You just go and hover over the thing that's a little cloud with an arrow on it and type in what your question or your interest is that you want us to cover and we will do that. We do a very good job of taking the questions. We want it to be interactive because this is after all the value added service to you the members and the sponsors of extreme AG if you think of something after we hang up go ahead and type up an email to support at extreme agnot Farm support and extreme AG dot Farmers the email if you say hey, To cover this next month or two months from now or I'd like to know more about that send the email we obviously are here for you. This is what extreme AG was founded upon is spreading a dispensing wisdom and also experiences the good ones and the bad ones the successes and the failures So today, we're talking about stress mitigation for higher yields, and it's not just about a practice or a product as combination of both. You know, when we did our very first webinar nine months ago. We talked a lot about products. Well, sometimes mitigating stress is utilizing products, but also it's about your general farming practices. I think that this year based on what we're seeing west of the Mississippi with extreme dryness the further west you go and then with problems that we're dealing with in the South and Southeast with this La Niña cycle that's bringing in extreme moisture that people like Matt miles are experiencing and that whole band that goes through Central, Texas and South Central Arkansas and the parts of the South so Got a real stressful year going on. I think what we're gonna do is kick it off with this one. Very big statement that Kelly Garrett made way back in the fall almost a year ago. I was at his farm in October and I said Kelly and we recorded this on one of the extreme AG podcast cutting the curb I encourage you to go check these out. Hundreds of them out there with really good information. So Kelly, what's the biggest objective for you for? 2022 Kelly said Stress Management stress mitigation. He said, you know, we talk a lot about healthy plants. What if it occurs to you that we've never actually seen a healthy plant a healthy Corner healthy soybean plant as healthy as they could be anyone on talk about let's say you're a great athlete and they keep putting plates of food in front of you but you're banged up your injured and you got the flu all the plates of food ain't gonna do what you want them to do to make you big strong and productive because you're banged up and you're suffering from a virus. What if we have that with our plants so Kelly said that I've got us thinking that we should do this as a extended subject here on the webinar. So let's leave it off with I think the poster child for mitigation of stress to still achieve a yield my man. Lee lubbers up in the great state of South Dakota you walk to field you shot a video and you show that to the rest of us, we're not going to show that video right now, but I want you to tell us what you saw and what makes you so excited about the practices that you do you have extremely dry and hot And you're still going to end up with like 140 bushel corn don't sound like a lot to some people but when the neighbors getting half of that, it's pretty damn impressive take us there Lee. Well for us this year is a repeat of 2012 and actually the stretches of no rain are actually even worse than 2012. It's a unique year our wheat crop. We raised that on three. Rain events, and it looks like our corn and spray beans are gonna be the same thing. And things that we're learning this year are reinforcing I guess is we got to keep around in the bases being proactive doing everything from infero and fertility plans and foliar applications. We can see we're definitely defying the odds. Even last night we were checking fields and one we came up. It was a mile and a half away and we could see it on the horizon and the neighbors field was brown and you can see our field would just like a Green Island. And pulling up to it. I would say the difference in yield was going to be we're gonna be at least double. And same way with the day walking into that field where I sent the video. That field since it's been planted is about nine inches of precip total and that's counting the 2000 showers stuff like that. If you talk measurable rain half inch or more about Seven inches a little over seven inches of measurable good rainfall. And walking into it and focusing on managing stress. We're kind of amazed everything really just because the person that's listening to this might be down and mass part of world where they got seven inches of measurable rain, like in the last 10 days or something seven inches of miserable rain from wind to win. Give me your time period from the beginning of May. Until now last rain was it was about 30 days ago was that seven is the rain would be a very difficult situation, but more importantly you had excessive heat. So your range didn't stick around much. No, we've had as high as 115 today was a balmy 106 and yeah, it's been a tough year, but he's expectation has reaped huge dividends for us. We can go from one side to the road where we are versus a neighbor and see night and day. Our stocks are staying green keeping plant Health. Our ears are remaining erect and they're upright and they're feeding where we've seen some neighbors their ears tip two to four weeks ago and their Shucks are brown the party's over. So are you done? I mean is that corn plant done at this point on September 8th in your part of South Dakota? Uh, the last five days have been about a hundred plus today was 106. Yeah, it's kind of like the plants have had enough. I think they're calling it the season we can start to see changes in our plants. We're starting to see our husks starting to teeing up and you're starting to tip out and if you spots in the field, but they're still feeding the ear and we bought a lot more time that the average guy didn't get. Real quickly under six for the person that's listening from somewhere. And you know, Texas Is that real temperature is that he is that that with the heat index that was real temp and then we had a nice breeze of about 20 to 40 mile an hour. So it gave the convection oven effect. Pretty much. Okay. So stress mitigation. What did you what things do you do first off? I want to go to somebody else and we'll come back to you Temple. You've always got an opinion. This one would go to you is when we talk about stress. Is it just heat and water? Is that is that what we're talking about from planting till now? Is it just heat and water? No, it's not. Just heating water. We we can't look at it like And Matt's gonna talk about it. I'm sure in a minute, but I'm not trying to steal any Thunder or nothing but it's kind of a systemic approach for us. We we look at it like from the beginning to the end. So we try to set the plan up. So one thing that we do is we put a pgr in Furrow we use maker grow and what we're trying to do. There's we're trying to set the resist them all. So we put neutral charge in Furrow. Well we're trying to do is we're trying to get enough phosphorus and energy into that plan early season. Kelly brought this up a long time ago and Kelly should talk about this a little bit, you know, one of the other sponsors of the extreme AG we talked about, you know disease pressure and some of these other things and they look at disease pressure as Kelly explains. It really a lot really a lot better than I do but one of the things that they talk about is when you have the right nutrients into that planet to right time, you're really you can resist some diseases and some other things and that's all part of stress mitigation. So right from pgoers and Furrow putting Nutri charge in there getting phosphorus in the plant getting it energized keeping the nutrients in the plant that you need that's all part of the stress mitigation from the beginning to end and then you know midseason, you know, we might be using the heat stress product. Um, and then disease, you know, we're trying to keep disease out. So it's It is it really is a systematic approach from the beginning to the end and we see the same things at least talking about. and we're you know, I'm not saying the neighbor fields are or worse than ours, but are seem like they hold up a little bit better a little bit longer. So I think all those things together, and we're not talking about a lot of money. We're talking about little things that you're doing at the right time getting things into the plan. Let's them deal with the weather in adverse conditions that they are going to have to deal with or at least not in his head. We're gonna go to him in a second, but you reference. We should kick to Kelly Kelly or Mike Evans Mike Evans for you that are listening that don't know or haven't watched the recordings with my keys The Economist that works side by side with Garrett's Landing Cattle and Kelly Garrett's Place stress mitigation starts when Mike Evans Kelly here. Stress mitigation starts with inferral in the planning or or in the two by two of the planning. I appreciate Temple saying that and it was a perspective. I had not thought of early on but I I adopted this perspective from Matt to be honest with you. It's just mitigation starts with her with correct nutrition, and I was correct nutrition because that is going to mitigate some stress. And then I adopted the second part of this Mike Evans. a lot of diseases persist and eggs exist because of an imbalance in the plant and I think that one of the one of the Thoughts or ideal allergies. I don't know how to say that term for sure. But one of the ideas that exists in agriculture is that disease is just exist. Well, I I don't necessarily agree with that they exist because of a nutritional imbalance and that is something I have learned from Mike Evans and a lot of you know, I mean to put it simply Damian the Holy Grail of raising corn. Don't what let me back up. The Holy Grail of farming is Raising corn and the Holy Grail of raising corn is put more nitrogen on and sometimes that can make us be out of balance in our fertility in our soil structure and when you're out of balance, that's when the disease problems come in. So if we can look at balancing our fertility we can look at We can look at mitigating our stress and it really starts there. That's a very broad statement. I'm sorry to get so big at the beginning but I don't know how else to say it. We need to balance our fertility balance our plant Health that will lead to better stress mitigation. All right, Mike Evans you work alongside Garrett Atlanta cattle with your your business and your side business working with them and you can talk about stress mitigation as the agronomics expert there you and your your sidekick wingrove. Stress mitigation and we're gonna kick it back to Lee then because he doesn't pretty amazing stuff. He does it with no water. You don't have that excuse you got water in Iowa. What what is it that you're you're doing that because Lee needs stress mitigation a lot more than you. She has a hell of a lot more stress, but you're saying now we've got stress also again. Is it just heat and lack of water? What else is it? And what do you do? Oh, yeah, I mean stress. I you know, I just had a conversation guys stop this morning and I mean we would call it biotic stress or whatever but residue is caused stress because their stands aren't as good. I mean it's a it's effective not getting the plan the ground and our heavy residues and stuff and we're more people we talk to you more issues. We have we have trouble get stand up. So if you don't get your plants in the ground, right and you're struggling with that and you're gonna create more stress because you get shallow plants are deeper plants or plants that get covered up. Um, so that's one thing that I've seen this year that's created a little more stress than the normal because the plants came out of ground or technical temperatures we deal with in our climate early season is Creating issues as well. So I mean I see you and I recorded something about the residue issue you had in your opinion excess Revenue part of it was didn't break down because the weather another part of it was because you had high winds that pushed some of your residue around and all that you're calling residue stress, you're calling excessive stress kept your ground cold. It prevented temperature from getting down there or prevented seed to soil contact. What what stress came from the residue? Well, it's a precursor to stress. I mean, you're not getting a good plant standing that's you know, Kelly talks about corn being the Holy Grail I mean, Stand even stand emergencies a big deal and you get uneven with that. I mean the other factor of heavier is do we saw this spring was it kept the ground wetter? So you go through a perfect planning condition you hit the residue and You we got dry slots and there's what do you do about those? I don't know maybe much we can we got to plant, you know, 90% of the fields ready to go. You can't worry about that 10% So those are things that you try to manage but some of my control so when you get those things then we try to use products and stuff to manage them as well. The residue issue you just talked about where those 90 and 10. Is it create different planning depths because then your planner is adjusting to one thing and they can't just quickly enough through the 10% that's different. Well, we try to use real cleaners and Kelly's No to the mitigate that but there's some conditions that are just too extreme to deal with that. You know, you can't deal with so I mean, yeah, I mean, what do we do with that? I don't know but just hope for better break down during the summer. We're looking at products like rest psycho and stuff like that to break down the residue faster. So we don't have those issues and we can get that good stand and then we can manage that plant through the rest of the stress the year. All right. I want to hear from Matt because he said something brilliant again that it's not just about a product. It's about a practice. It's about product. It's about every stress but everything you do should really be about alleviating stress on your crop. But before go to Matt, I'm gonna go back to then Lee. They're talking about all these different things Lee. When you you're one of your big ones is conserving water, you know till you're big on on building up organic matter, etc. Etc. You're all about building up things that keep your soil. Holding moisture is that is that where stress mitigation starts when you're in Gregory South Dakota, or is it something else? We're like buddy else in the group. We're starting we're planning for it before the planner hits the field. It starts in Furrow. It starts with fertility programs. If you have a plan to smell nourished, you're behind the eight ball your glasses already half empty and the one common theme my you're gonna pick up from everyone tonight. Is it pays to be proactive that is the key to stress mitigation because if you let those stresses happen and they become visibly noticeable to you. You've already lost a lot of yield you can't catch up on that. We've had a big we've had a big coverage. I mean from the time I went to Kevin Matthews Field Day in August 13 months ago, and we talked to the BASF people and Kevin and to being at your place. We've heard that a lot. By the time you see a problem you've already lost significant amounts of yield so that that's a common theme here at extreme AG. I guess that I've picked up all of my time with you. What's the what's you can't control the weather but you're getting yield. So what's the number one thing you say? It's a systems right Lee. It's a system approach. It's multiple moving pieces that you addressed throughout the season. Matt miles you don't have the problem of being in a drought like Gregor South Dakota. You're getting you're getting boatloads of rain right now, but you also do get hot. These guys are talking about 106 and you're like hold my beer. Hell it was a hundred twelve heat index all summer long. I might are sweating. It's your hot hot is is stress to you in the Delta Region equal heat. Is that it? Um, yes, mainly nighttime temperatures of you know, we we have very high humidity. So, you know at night our plant don't it's just like if you know like you Damon you you love you love to exercise but you quit at night go to sleep. You know, if you don't go to sleep, then you're not gonna be able to exercise the next day. If you exercise all day long you're done. Well, that's kind of the situation. Our plant gets into is it never has time to quit and respire, you know, you get in these lot areas that are heat and I'm not I've been to Mr. Lee's and and I want to talk about that too, you know, and it was like a hundred six Kevin Chad and I went out there prior to Ag and PhD Field Day year before last and you know mostly was talking about it being hot and I thought, you know, they don't have any humidity. It's not gonna be hot. We stopped in a little place here to get gas and get a Coke and they were all inside getting their stuff. I done got mine come outside and I would just standing there in the sun. I thought I'm gonna test this out. He gets hot. And when to add to that story so so some of the things that Mr. Lee's talking about, you know, we get to his farm and and Kevin will agree with this. I mean if we would have been in an airplane. I promise you I could have picked out every field at Mr. Lee Farm. I mean we went each field with and I know it wasn't as drives it was this year, but I mean there was like I was like, how do you how can this plan even be surviving much less being green, you know the soul look good. When you go to straight stress mitigation products. I don't know that we're on a person that knows anymore or does any better with them than than lead to us. So, I mean when he's talking about that I promise you it's the real deal because I walked in his fields and seen it. All right. So let's go to Lee then we said is practices as products again. I'll go to the practices that I've seen and been at your farm and also that we've talked about on our recordings. You're big about conservation of moisture conservation of moisture. So that's one practice everything you can do to conserve moisture. No till build up organic matter. That kind of thing. Let's talk now about another practice and then give me some products. Well, we are a huge Believers and a balanced fertility program like everybody else. If you have a plan that's malnourished has deficiencies you open the door to disease and to unneeded stresses environmental coming in and nailing you we're like Temple and the other guys a pgr infero. We like make it girl. Also we've worked with that for 20 years. Actually, that's how we kind of set the stage and then we go from in the last years now. There are more full products and this year. We actually have five different things going on in the field in numerous trials versus untreated that we're testing. You will go ahead and expand on that. We're working last year. We worked with Pacesetter with fungicide. We did that again, even though it was in a drought. We actually was out probably the only plane in the air on. BT corn applying fungicide with Pacesetter because that seemed to work last year. We actually even working with some stores trying to boost fertility and the capitalism of the plant during that time to increase yield and handle stress. We have tests with teramar from agerson. We're doing some other things we're doing a couple from non-sponsors and then also just Foley or fertility last night looking at some soybean Fields the fields that we have that are hanging on the best is where we focused on nutrition in the third quarter even in a drought third quarter means We were R3 and going even we did our last trials on we did some at R5 and we're visually seeing it in a drought year on soybeans. There's a fully nutrition any products or anything you want any prescription you want to share. We are doing some things from Nature's we played a little bit of eggroll liquid. We're doing some things with spray Tech. We have numerous trials and we did. We did fungicide on soybeans on numerous Acres doing trials because we feel those benefits of plant health will come back and pay his dividends yield. So we give up on the crop even though it was tough and adverse. We'll keep rounding the bases. That's that's our goal. Well, go to a question before I do I want to make sure we say hi to Kevin. He didn't know if he's not here because he had green load out today. So Kevin you're initial thoughts. You've been listening everybody else going around the horn here. The stress mitigation for higher yields is its practices as products which one's more important your initial thoughts and we'll come back to you. Well, I kind of it's kind of neat. We having this subject earlier today yesterday. I was at Biltmore looking at crops and I went to a field on the west side. It had corn on it for probably 15 years straight corn on corn. and it is kind of on them. Aha moments that you realize, you know, maybe you've been looking at things wrong. And typically we try to plant defensive varieties, you know, we want to be real defensive and get a variety that can handle these diseases in these tough environments at this stress that we have. Causes but when I looked at that corn, it adds highway on it at planting because they, you know, they're limited on their equipment. They ain't got big sprayers and all like we do up there. So he puts, Iowa on this corn and they were some disease there, but it was it did not hurt to yield. By far the best crop I've seen in the five years. I've been working with the state up there and the mountains and then we got looking around on the farm different spots where he had used Highway we use fungicide across the board. We use it on every acre and See and that he created a good environment from the beginning. He didn't realize hard on those hybrids to mitigate and metabolize that stress that they're putting on it. So when I see that I think about what Matt and and myself. When we walk through Lee's Fields out there in South Dakota if you was listening to him. 20 years he's been using these stress mitigation products building these soil profiles and Matt will tell you when you all into Lee's field. It went from walking on concrete walking on a shag rug carpet with about a half inch pad under it was soft. Wasn't that. It was just amazing of the difference and they are yeah, I mean that that early environment that Lee created for that plant made me realize that you know. And I've always said we got to learn to manage the plant not they and that's just so much truth in it. And you know, we're supposed to be on the Leading Edge of all this stuff, but then I feel like being real behind. We're just now starting to you know, we got five more years to get caught up on this stuff. Like I don't know. I I need to listen to more quick talk. Hey Lee, real quickly about that. They just said that walking on the neighbors field. It was like concrete they walked in yours like a shag carpet. I've been your Fields. I like the fact that the soil is dark and I could see that the organic matter was there is it just organic matter and practices for 20 years that then help you manage stress because organic matter holds moisture and helps your crops get by or is it also some products that is a kind of one works for the other and they have the the thing we love to talk about. We're a synergistic effect where one plus one equals five. Of what got a or the was a good foundation and that's your fertility plan and then like it like Temple and everybody else is going to talk about pgr usage and Furrow and then Branch out from there on the foliar side stress mitigation. There's products we've worked with for years like Shield we've had good luck with that. But now there's some newer ones in the game and different action. So like I said, that's why we have five different tests going on. Just John. straight out stress mitigation products not counting foliar nutrition and fungicide Diamond when he's talking when he says years What has it been Michelle a nine years. We spoke together at hefty's I think it's nine years. It was using Biologicals when I didn't even know what the word mean we ever met. You know, he said we're using these Biologicals and I'm like, I got to go Google this and see what a biological is. I don't you know, I thought it was some kind of surgical procedure, you know, wasn't sure. Yeah, you know, I thought yeah, right man, you know, they're maybe so maybe not I'm just gonna put my mp&k out. You know, I'm gonna keep trying to make beans or corn or whatever and you know, nine years later what nine years later, you know, six years later, right? He was still preaching the same thing to me every time we went and spoke together. And I finally my dumbass finally decided by the older Charlie. You know, by the way, I want to go to Iowa and I want to talk about the cumulative effects. So Evans you go first and Kelly come back it up. But what I'm just heard there was what Matt's giving credit to Lee about is you are many great. You know, the old thing, you know, if you're a forestry person, when's the best time to plant a tree 30 years ago? When's the best time? Oh, yeah stress. I'm kind of hearing if you when you if you want to mitigate stress start by creating an environment nine years ago is what Matt just told me Evans take me away and see are you doing that? Are you creating stress mitigation for the year 2025 because of what practice you did this year? Yeah, and the piggyback on what Lee said, I mean you look at some of like Kelly's fields and the better fields that that look healthier that are. Staying together longer our fields that he's been farming for 20 plus years, you know, and they've taken care of them. They've they balance the soil a lot better and the conditions are a lot better, you know the Farms. That are probably newer and stuff. We're at that process of trying to balance them and get them squared away. They're looking a little tougher. It's some spots, you know, so there's a lot to that balancing the soil and taking care of it there. So yeah, we're working on it. I mean there's Farms are fixing with calcium deficiencies and and using Kelly's plant food to balance out the high pH is so Yeah, there is that's a great great strategy that Lee is used. I will go to some questions before we do anybody want to wrap up what we just finished with Mike Evans Kelly or Temple before I take some questions. I I really think that This year as tough it as it it's tough as it is. The stress mitigation is really playing true. And I would have to give credit to extreme egg talking to Lee is like talking to Yoda. And talking to Matt miles is like talking to Chewbacca. you know, we're we're really we're really learning a lot here from people that have a tougher stress situation that we do in, Iowa. This southeast part of the United States like Matt Kevin and Chad or Lee. They all have way more stress than we have here and we're bringing those practices here and it's paying off in Iowa extreme Vegas really paying off here. I am very happy. I'm gonna go to I'm gonna go to the questions, but for now before that because I know you have something to say you're taking notes. So we're gonna call you go into R2D2 so our 2D to what do you so there's a couple questions that I got and Lee and Kelly can come in on this and might you know, do you actually and that some of the source of not at planning because we talk about breaking down this, you know, this residue and a hard Mike talking about, you know, trying to break down more residue. Do you think that part of this is trying to get that break down to get into the plant earlier on do you think that that's all part of? And is that something that we need to be stressing more on because I told Kelly about a system that I tried quite a few years ago, you know breaking down the residue putting pre-axle or on the ground and we were having less disease pressure when we started out of the gate. Do you think that that could be something that's up and coming new in the future? We are gonna focus on that big time already have even this year and working in 23. We feel that's gonna be a real important component. We really do. Good deal. I want to go to some questions now guys Steve Olson. Is anyone using aerial imagery in DVI to monitor stress Steve Olson from our partner spraytech. Steve Olson says is anyone using aerial imagery to monitor stress? Well, I just heard Matt say if you could have taken a drone and flown it around at Gregory South Dakota. You could have picked out Lee luber's Fields. That's not passion on his neighbors just saying he's done something right but the cumulative effect to get to where his his crops handle a bad year better than crops that have been stressed every year and Fields that have been not loved. I think I'm hearing that. So are you monitoring it Matt you seeing this, you know, you gave the example you actually doing that. Yes, and I think everybody on here does that to a certain extent because a lot of the new programs we use now? That's part of the you know, the program as they give you an ndvi Mount now, there's better ways of doing it. If you get an airplane to come to them. It's a lot more expensive. But you know when I when I found you know, if y'all remember last year during my you know, one of my plots was on accomplishments, you know with agerson and I couldn't I don't I didn't have a flag. I didn't the guy that was running the planner which is no longer with me didn't record it. So I didn't know how I was gonna find a the plot. I knew it was pretty close to where it was. But where was the road, you know, the last thing we want to do is screw something like that up. The first ndvi image I found it no question. I mean and we washed it all year long. So yes, we you know, we use that as it foolproof. No, but it will give you a it's a really good guide to begin to start looking at that distress stress area. I'm gonna since I was playing the dumb guy and I know many of you like to point out that I am about stuff like this in DVI, Kevin Mack Kelly. Lee Temple Mike ndvi. What's that mean? Because this kind of new thing to me for monitoring stress. To me ndvi's is a is a picture that it like for instance a drone will take and it will show the vegetation over a field and the better vegetation would be the better yield that will ensue it. It's not a hundred percent, but it is it it's a pretty good correlation of what will happen and we use it a lot on our drip Fields with with neutral drip and net of him to see and So if you take the ndvi map and then put it over your yield monitor at the harvest season. Would there be a would it be a pretty well a direct correlation? Absolutely. It has proven to be a it's not perfect. But yes, it's a great correlation. The only one that it might not follow. Perfectly as cotton, you know, the you don't want your cotton to be big and large and pretty you want your continuity belly button high school. That's the only one of our crops that we that we in DVR that we're not always happy when it's really dark green. It's not Got Kevin, you were not your head. You got something. All that, that's all correct. Only time it can really fool you is if you have pollination issues going and reproduction and the get a good rain, especially in in the southern areas where you have more heat. You'll have a good ndvi map. It'll show you got a really good crop. They won't be no reproductive fruit out there. We've seen that before so you still got to get boots in the field and verify what's going on, but it certainly as Kelly says there's a lot of strong correlations in the final yield map and that India you can find those deviations in there pretty good. I think that the GI is something about vegetative index. So I was playing dumber than I am I've read about it once but I don't know about it and it makes me think that we should probably do a podcast on this subject. If you have an idea for an expert, please send the information to me or will and I'll do a whole podcast about in DVI how to use it effectively, you know takeaways how to glean the most value out of it Etc. Speaking of our podcast if you're tuned in here to the webinar and you are not checking out all the cool podcasts. We're doing seriously go over to extreme agnot Farm. We have recorded like a hundred and twenty cutting the curve podcast. We have so much video content out there. You don't have to watch it all it doesn't cost you nothing go there send your friends there send your buddies that want to be better at farming. We got great trials great information the cutting the curve podcast and the video content extreme AG dot Farm, you can find our podcast and listen to it when you're driving your equipment this Harvest as Spotify Apple podcast SoundCloud and obviously at the extreme AG dot Farm website, it's free use it share it when you're out there harvesting or have a lot of time a wheel time and you know, what you also make yourself stronger smarter and better and do that by listening to all the cool stuff we're doing so you bringing in great resources. I also want to thank our sponsors for our podcast ads or girlfriend Darla that does so much good stuff for us ads AG Explorer aggress in And of course Sylvia's Financial, so thank you for being partners and sponsoring the extreme AG content, especially the cutting the curve and the shortcuts podcast another question. We got I want everybody respond to this one is From Lane boating Wayne says planting double crop soybeans behind High yielding wheat is a nightmare how much fertility would I lose by bailing the straw that comes out the back of the combine. So he's already talking about he's gonna put soybeans behind we he's saying we yielded High I also now what if I take the straw, what do I need to do? Who wants to help out who's take that one? I'll take it. I've been bailing straw for a very long time. And you do that I support your daughter's beef Enterprise and there's a sale coming up that we can all go no, no, no. I mean that's true. You can you can support her her sale coming up. But the reason that we do we do stroll because of that hour and a half north of here. There's a mushroom industry and the mushroom industry is huge and they use a lot of stroll. So the as guys to bail as much trouble as you can they pay pretty good money for it. We hope big bills throw up there. They turn it into mushroom top soil compost and that's how they grow. it takes anywhere between 70 and 90 pounds of potassium off your soul every time I don't know how much phosphorus it takes off the soul, but it's a fair amount of that as well. So you got to be willing to justify that and that's pretty rough thing to do now if Wings having trouble with balance, so we're all growing. High yielding wheat and that group one the contest course he sets his on fire and burns it up but Restless. I was gonna break. Yeah. Yeah, I'm gonna throw you under the bus, but the rest of us have to deal with it. So we bail some straw we don't bail it all anymore because it does deplete your ground tremendously. So you have to deal with that and is it worth the you know is the ROI there? Anymore. It's getting to a point special like a year like this year. The ROI is just definitely not there to bail your straw. So we blew over on the ground again this year. You got to be a guy that pays a lot of attention to you know, your residue management as far as putting it, you know, getting your residue managers to work, right all of those things and it's tough. There's no question. It's tough but policy and a bunch of these other chemistries out there pgr, that will stunt that plan can help out a lot and how you situations. Other than that. You know. It's a it does take away a lot and you can really watch your soul deplete if you're not careful. I think it's hard to give an exact. I mean unless you know the tonnage of straw you're blown back out. You can't get an exact prescription. But the point is you just did a smart thing there Temple. You just said when a year when fertilizer was so high if I'm a Dairy Farmer like the guy right my land to he needs a certain amount of straw period because he puts it narrations. He uses it for calf bedding, etc. Etc. He needs a certain amount of straw. I don't matter he's got to have it. But if you're saying you're just either gonna sell to a mushroom producer or blow it back in your field. You're like this you're blowing it on the field. Yeah, what we do is I'll tell you is out that when we bail our straw we only cut the very top top part of it and we still leave 16 to 18 inches. I know that Matt a lot of these other guys use Palisades and stuff the stunt that plant and keep it shorter. I don't do that because I still want to bail a little bit all I still want to get some off the field and make it easier to plant through but I'm leaving like 16 18 inches of double still there and I'm bailing the very top of it. So I kind of get the best of both worlds I get to take the stroll I get to get that out make a little bit of money and then I still leave a lot of trouble there and then when I get done what I'm you know, spraying my wheat or my beans before they come up on that week's trouble. I'm putting a product on that is breaking down that stroll as fast as I can to get those nutrients back into the ground. That's one of the things that we've really really rely on. God of Evans I want to go to you on that topic. I'm told by your by your boss Kelly that you're gonna do on Garrett Landing Cattle more Acres a week because he wants to push the envelope and do more double crop beans when we have this kind of if Wheats in the Eight dollar to plus range and then soybeans are where they are. He says we're gonna do more of that. So what's gonna be your strategy? You gonna blow the wheat back you're gonna blow the straw back out. You gonna bail it. All right. Now we're bailing it for the cows and stuff for bedding and we haven't really gone away from the ACT. We didn't feature possibly so. Yeah, I don't know. On that it work on that front if we're gonna change a whole lot with the double crop beans yet. That's to be different to be determined. Yeah. All right stress mitigation question. I'm gonna bounce this toward. Oh, let me give my opinion why maybe burning fire fire? That's what he heard is being fired. Maybe Barney by the way, there might have been people joking about your approach. Maybe happening Gregory South Dakota. Just maybe maybe there are some joking about the Arkansas practices of hey when I was down there I didn't see an organic matter. I wonder if it's because they burn all the stuff off their fields. I just had that discussion with somebody great. I think it was a guy and a gas station. It might have been a guy in a gas station. It's all about the route. Maybe it ain't about the problem. I'm gonna go to Kevin one of our questions that I think you can help with Kevin. I know you're on a phone texting but I want you to pay attention to this question. Jeff Fritz asked us do you believe fungicide helps with nighttime heat stress? I think that you kind of touched on this when you said you've been managing the Acres at the Biltmore farm for 15 or you've been Advantage for five, but they've been in continuous corn for 15 years. And you said they put ziway on that's a Fungicide and you said you putting it together that this looks like as good a crop as you've seen is it because the fungicide help with the heat stress help out our question from Jeff Fritz. The two part actually I was telling dispatch that I couldn't respond to a fire call. So I was all right. All right. All right. I got you on that one buddy. You need to volunteer and help your community out more but the second part because I just could have been mad. This could have been Matt burning off the stubble off the field. It might not be anything threatening. No actually apartment there before it was a medical call. But anyways, they they got it covered. But but anyway, we got a good crew there the The biltmore's estate, you know, that's in the mountains Asheville. So heat is not an issue up there. They get real cool nights and so disease this problem there but where we are and we're disease is disease is not disease. They don't disease is the pressure but he now heat stress and disease stress is two totally different animals. But stress is stress, but you got to know how to manage which one and where your target audience is that you're going after. the the fungicides do help certain ones mitigate the heat stress. Headline amp is a product. It was a product that come out several years back. And one of the product ingredients in that product. By accident they found out that it was reducing that heat in that plant by the ethylene production. Now it actually is a big yield benefit in some areas using the BASF. That's one thing that stood them out when they got that and people were seeing you'll benefits the the yield benefit was yes, it was from reducing disease, but it is also by lowering that canopy temperature and as Lee was talking earlier. There's a lot of products out there now, you know the heat shield different or Shield different products that lowers that canopy temperature that works with ethylene. Now, Mike Evans is one it can go into the The physiology of part of the plant and get more detail than me. I'm just a farmer but I will tell you that. Yes, those fungicides that has the right components in it will help lower that he and it will help that plant manage these high Heats that Chad Matt myself experience and Mr. Lee as well right now, he's hundred degrees. So so yeah and Mike can talk more about how that works. He knows more about that Mike if you do and then also we said we're gonna talk practices and products. So and Kevin made a good point there. He just isn't the same state, but he goes up in elevation to the Biltmore people and it's cooler at night. So it's not as much about he is more about disease pressure, but stress is stress. So kind of take us parlay from what he just said to that, please. um so gun Kevin's give me a little more credit than that, but it's like ethylene production and plant is created. Hold on here. I got something. Hey, we can all Google it. Come on man. Yeah. I mean It's kind of put me on spot here. I can't can't remember. Oh, let's talk. Alright, let's do let's talk about what you do. Remember let's talk about you. Do remember the products that you used because you have both in Iowa, you have both heat pressure heat stress and you have disease stress. What products did you use that you're happy with that combined with practices that you've starting to put in place that you say this is gonna be standard practice one of our old things. We always say what standard practice Yeah, first that you know, we use Shield some of this come from me. We saw tremendous results from that this year and you know what that does is help strength and so walls build a better plant and all that stuff and I think Temple even talked about it earlier as Mega growing for I think Kelly's been using that for for five years and help build that root structure. I think that's you know, all of it. starting to plan out great and building that huge root structure is really key for us because You bigger root mass. You create more more opportunity for nutrient uptake. And it better nutrition. I think Kelly talked about it too was building better nutrition and plant and and balancing that you get a better healthier plant. So I mean for us that's the things that we do around killing the guys we deal with in Western Iowa's is really focused on that planner treatment and then if you few applications because then our topography we don't, you know twice across the field. That's it. Typically I mean Planet spray it once and that's too tall. We can't well we get the most stress called iron blight if we go back in it again. So my favorite you're my favorite Farm of everybody involved with extreme. I talk about iron blight. You know what Henderson down there. He'll drive around that field every day of the season if you can because he just likes driving equipment. He doesn't worry about iron blight you guys act like if you just drive by the field, you're going to knock the crop down. I mean you guys talk more iron blight than the rest these guys put together. Where you've seen the hills, I mean he can't even came and walk on him dance. So yeah, if I owned Hills like yours, I didn't roll them in CRP man. You're not in your head. What do you got stress mitigation for higher yields practices and products. We're gonna get close to wrapping it up here. So what do you got for us getting close to the end here? The answer to that question is absolutely I mean fungicides a newer fungicides reacts or you know, Kevin brought up headline now basil has a, you know, a product in their fungicides we did actual radar gun test and the canopies on beans and absolutely some of these fungicides will lower canopy temperature that's proven bass got mounds of dad on that to where it definitely makes a difference and that's where we think we're getting the the bump on soybeans with the fungicide here in our area is just lowering it if nothing else just lowering the canopy. Lee we heard from you for a while Lauren a canopy temperature by 10 degrees if that really happens I first off I want your 10 pinion if that really does happen are there products that drop the the canopy temperature by 10 or 15 degrees and then for somebody like you your nights do get cooled down, but then it becomes a matter of preservation of moisture, right? Yeah, we are working with some things to work at lowering canopy temperature plant temperature. That's kind of a newer error for us jumping back to the ethylene thing. Ethylene people like oh man, ethylene is just bad. Well, yes and no every plant has a trace amount of eth lean in it's part of this normal functions. What happens is good or bad everything in your plant. It's about initiating triggers and that's what happens with your health. Like when you get unwanted stresses, it could be disease pressure not fungicides right now nutrition heat water stress, you get a spike and that's lean within your plant and when that happens that sets off a chain reaction, it initiates trigger and then within 70s 72 hours or roughly, you're gonna get you're sick and ethylene Spike that's gonna be much larger. That's when you're damaged. That's In your own the trains and the tracks you're going in the wrong direction. That's when you're getting into damaging your plants and taking away from yield. So your goal was stress mitigation is not to eliminate ethylene in the plane, but keep it from hitting that Spike. That's your goal with all these other products. You're trying to initiate what these other products and fungicides fertility. You're wanting to initiate the good figures within the plant so you don't get that ethylene Spike. So there's a there's a there's a good there's a it's it's good and so still good and then it gets bad to have in terms of levels, right? Yeah. Basically I gave you a rundown and redneck biochemistry. Yeah. Well, you know what? It's better than Evans did Evans was supposed to question Mr. Economy, and he cracked Under Pressure like hey, hey, you're a Cliff Clavin on Jeopardy in the categories like the US Postal Service and beer and then Act under pressure that was Evan's right there. We threw him a saw we threw up with him a lollipop and he couldn't back. He couldn't even get a base hit out of it. All right, my friend Temple. I'm gonna come to you after I throw this question out there. The question is from our friend Dustin Park who asked when talking about a balance of fertility. When talking about a balance of fertility when you apply certain nutrients, do you apply other nutrients as well to keep the plant taking in a balance fertility plan or you based off of Just tissue test and only apply the nutrient that is lacking and trying to correct that way. So I think what I'm hearing from Dustin is you take a tissue sample and you find out you're low in this micro nutrient. Do you just whack it with that or do you throw it out there in a cocktail? so in my opinion I think it's very important that everybody realizes that whatever your initial balances in your soil. Is he everybody's different I'm different than Kelly I'm differently. We're all different. But we need to know what we're lacking in the most. So I try to address that right out of the gate Lee talks about being proactive versus reactive. We all talk about that extreme Ag and I think that's very very important and it's one of those things that you need to address very early in the in the season you're trying to keep a balance but you need an understand that not all of us can balance our souls the same as the as the other so, how do we how do we mitigate that do we put some of things in Furrow that we try to mitigate that up front that's part of our medication mitigation of stress it in the beginning. So I think everybody's approach is probably very very different. Throughout the season. But yeah, we're all trying to get the same balance but our schools with different cease with with everything. It's going to change very dramatically. So so I think it's the first question though Temple as if you did tissue sampling. I know we've done but sampling before if you did tissue sampling it came back and you were and you were in different need of this one thing would you just put that one thing out there or you decide to create a cocktail and whack it no, I would create a cocktail and I would whack it with a couple different things. But when you when you have to realize when you whack it with one thing you may change another and you need to know ahead of time what you're going to change. Okay, you're not you're not in your head when he said that you and I recorded with our friends and I grow liquid and we talked about interpret because they've got their thing called Back to Basics. I think it is their video series about interpreting. All and Analysis. We're not talking about soil now. We're talking about tissue analysis if you Do tissue analysis and you find out your delinquent and one thing you're gonna pick up a cocktail because of it. It's the old Synergy thing that putting out there this with two other things creates that Absolutely, and I'm a temples 100% right on what he's saying you've got to but you've also you know, and that's what Temple was trying to trying to get get everyone to understand is you've got to realize okay. This is the problem. But when I correct this problem, I'm going to create another problem. So I need to you know, history tells us this from all the years of tissue sampling and that we're seeing which one it is. You know, let's say you're just low and phosphorus or you know, how do I get that into the plant? I just don't go put phosphorus out there. I just don't go get potassium acetate and put it out there. I've got to put something else in it to let that plant metabolize that nutrient or that deficiency better because you got to remember it's already sick because we don't have it what it wants. It's not a balanced plan. So when it's when it's not balanced and we're trying to get it back in Balance. We got a we got to find that equilibrium and that's exactly what temp was talking about. And that's and that's one thing Lee is so good at is I mean, he's got so much experience in this and you know, it takes all of us guys getting together to try to figure out Stephanie at agric liquids, you know that it's big. I mean a lot of times, you know, they're real big on that calcium in different products and you know with my drip tape, you know, trying to feed it in through the roots and foliar. A very little stuff. Can I get up into the plant unless I put a little nitrogen in there and it just moves Freer going up through the root system getting up in the plant. So absolutely it's a systems approach. There's not a right or wrong answer in it. I don't believe whether there's one right answer we all can we all agreed to with Dustin's question. If you find in your tissue sampling that you've got a real deficiency in one thing, you're not gonna fix it by just putting in the one thing you're going to probably need to integrate with other stuff Evans. I'm throwing you always unless it's water evidence. I'm throwing, you know lollipop. Let's say finds out his deficient and zinc is that only need to put out there. oh, yeah, I mean I from what we've learned this summer this year. Anyways, we lack micros. It's three times no matter what the tissue sample says. I was at your point when I was at your place, you talked about foot and cowboy through a drip because you talked about how you found out that there was always a deficiency of calcium and it also carried everything else. Is that what is that helped them to Dustin then does he think is is he needs consider something like that? Well just goes back to a temple said it depends on what he's got and what he's working with. I mean there's you know what we do when we see stuff is we what's a plant starts showing stuff and we see a few things and tissues. I'll take up soil sample along with that tissue because I think that's critical to know what the soil is doing. You know now we overlay so tell Dustin if he's got a tissue sample showing something before he goes Hog Wild treating one thing also compare and cross-reference it with soil samples and then see if we can't maybe put a cocktail together man. You're not in your head. You know, that's what you know when I was young and and had no idea what was going on. I'd have a problem Pioneer that I was dealing with Pioneer a lot then and when they come out to dress a problem. There was a tissue sample of Soul sample. Mike's 100% right? Just I mean the tissue symbol alone. You need that soil sample to back that up. Yeah, and we use Next Level there up and penis South Dakota. We use their indicator test when we do that and that would give us a lot more data to go off of than just a basic standard university recommendation. They'll do plan available nutrients. Look at some of the biology in the soil as well. So That's a good diagnostic tool for us. Got it. We let off we talked about stress mitigation for higher yields. We're gonna go around the horn right here your last 10 seconds on stress mitigation Kelly Garrett stress mitigation practices and products. What did you use this year? What is your one takeaway? So far this year and stress mitigation for higher yields that you didn't do last year. You're like damn it. I'm on to something now. Ziway, you know we tried it last year this year. We used it across almost every acre that is showing great results The Shield accomplished Max terramar every product that we tried last year. We tried it on bigger Acres this year. They all prove to be a good decision. Got a temple. What's the what's the stress mitigation for higher yield practice or product practice or product this year that you're seeing results on? So we've been doing a lot of these things for years. The one thing that I hated was I put neutral charge in in three different versions. I put it in. In Furrow and put it in Tuba two and then I also added it in a side dress like in a wide drop and eating all three of them together. I'm coming up with some huge numbers that I really Rob Deadman was out last week Matt setting up here and it was huge what we're seeing and we can't really believe what we're saying but I think driving phosphorus into phosphorus deficient school like we have is huge for us. So that's the one thing. Okay, by the way, it's not true that Matt said Rob up there. The word is he's sort of just deflect what a wall and ran up there. She likes to hang out. That's okay. So anyway, yeah, that's all right, Kevin take a final quick takeaway stress mitigation. You're you know what? I think you're Biltmore stories are good one you finally you've been watching something for the same same place for a number of years and all of a sudden it dawned on you. Here's this thing and that is that we're talking about yeah, well, you know the one the one thing Kelly he talked about the highway and Last year, we didn't have a good experience was Highway in for a and so when we put it into this year, we like it a whole lot better it is what really? Well it's also worked very well in our select shot with our capstan system is that's pretty amazing. I'm looking forward to if when it quits raining enough we can get this corn picked and seeing what kind of your response there, but, you know being two inch placement off at seed. I think that's gonna be pretty big deal for us next year. If you're if you're listening to this webinar, you're wondering what we're talking about. We covered Us in great length and our February webinars, we covered again at the commodity classic when we talk to I can't remember the gentleman's name from FMC but you know what? It's a great reason why you should stay tuned what we're doing here. We're making a mistakes. You don't have to we figured it out and Kevin's a great Testament. He had some real struggle and trialing Highway last year. And now look he's Ambassador for them man. How are you? You weren't done. No way neutral charge man. It's across every acre. seriously, 400 Acres last year multiple test plots You know never seen a loss but we had the same deal as Temple. We need that phosphorus in the souls into the plants. We can't get it there and the neutral charges been a absolute Game Changer. All right. So the person that this person like me that's saying wait a minute you just pitch a new charger because they're a sponsor this supposed to be about stress mitigation is new to charge fresh mitigation. I tell you we charge our sponsors a lot of money to be on our phone and if they're not serious about their product, They not going to be on our phone because they don't want us to tell something negative. We lay it out there just like it is. And if it's a good product. You're going to know it. If it's a bad product. You're going to know it now. We won't put it on social media that you got a bad product. But if you're a member of extreme AGG, you're going to see the good bad ugly. We don't sugar coat it so answer me. This is neutral charge stress mitigation. Yes, sir. You call stress mitigation because it allows the phosphorus uptake That Gets You Through the stressful time. Remember what Mr. Lee said about stress, it can be your fertility. Anything it creates a bad environment for that plant is stress and our biggest hurdle we run into is getting phosphorus in our plants, especially soybeans and we see it a lot in corn but it's soybeans Dr. Poston has been on me and on me working me several years and he says Kevin we've got to figure out how to get this phosphorus into plant. We've tried everything. I mean you can buy all you won't out there and you can't get it you'll it'll be in your soil sample, but you can't get into playing and you put three ounces of neutral charge out there and I I don't know how it works. It's over my head it works. Hey Mike, do you what's also there's a charge Works? No. I know. I'm joking with you Evans. You got anything on stress mitigation on the way out the door here something that you something that you say a practice or a product that you're like. Hey, this looks like it's got real promise and we're gonna stick with it. Oh, the one thing that we're seeing and I kept at least talked about us. Terramar. We put it through the drip put it on Fuller. We got some beans that we're gonna we're trying to cut we're from dry out that we got some trials up there with them too. That looks like a very intriguing very intriguing product. What's it do? it's a Stress irrigation. It's got some extractions winter died extractions in it. Helps helps plant. Utilize fertility. Got it, Mr. Matt. What do you got for a stressman engagement? You're the one that said, it's not just a practice. It's not just a product. It's everything you do everything you do should be about making a plant healthier, which means not letting it get stressed. Yeah, that's a you know back to to what everybody said here, you know stress mitigation is not Product a b or c it is a complete process. Stress mitigation is is relieving stress from the plant whether it's fertility or a foliar or whatever, but we're through with our corn. I'm not I've not been able to go through all of our our results yet. But we've got one stress mitigation project with a lab. That was 23 bushels better than the check. So yeah, and we're gonna be and we're at seven fifty and do the math on that and see what that is. We're going to be doing at the end of the year deer listeners and viewers and I know some of you're gonna be watching this replay we're going to be doing as we always do as we did last winter and after we get all the results in we're gonna go through and tell you about stuff. So we're already doing that now because the guys in the South have run the combines, you know Lee's out here still waiting a while so we don't have the results but we're gonna give you them as soon as we have by the way Kevin before we go to lead to wrap it up. You said Finish Line. What's your point of Finish Line? Yeah. That's that's another product. We use your crossover acre now. It just seems to do really good. Help help set in the season stress going in that reproductive system, you know, we're maximizing that fruit out on the plants. And you know, we got our double crop soybeans, you know, we'll put them all we put it on every time the sprayer goes across we're going to finish line. When we're in reproductive side just it's economical it works good. And just we just get about a totes now, but like say we've used it about I guess what four years Kelly. I believe we've been at it and it's I love it works great. Anyway Finish Line in that from our buddy down and and everybody Tommy. Well, Jason looks after me. I forgot about Thomas. It's a sport. It's a sports theme name. So again, you know is Texas Tech Guy? And so this products are all named after Texas Tech things fumble. No bowl game and made major loss to a conference opponent. All right Lee lubbers. Let's go to you to close things out. We open with you. Let's close with you stress mitigation. You're in one of the most hostile environments up there in Gregory South Dakota. What's your last thought higher yields practices and products when it comes to mitigating stress. Well, we all face our challenges that's very evident over the last hour and it's a systems approach and being proactive on our own personal farm with all of her trials. I think we're going to learn more on the postfoliar application of mitigating stress, whether it's lowering canopy temp thickening cell walls fungicide or nutritional we're going to learn a lot. So we're gonna have a ton of data to share with our members. So we're looking forward to that as as we learn everyone learns what this so that's a win and then Temple must have read my mind because we are going to focus a lot more on residue decomposition tying that in distress mitigate. Actually, and I want to do a subject on that. So I want to do ndvi a tissue, you know analysis and I want to do something about your new approach on residue management Lee. All right, that's gonna wrap up this webinar. And if you raising my hand trying to win a stress mitigation product works in Iowa that Kelly Garrett's Farm just think what to do on all the rest of our Farms. Here so so in case you're just your Wonderboy saying there's they like to give Kelly a hard time saying he farms in the garden spot where you can plow uphill back you can plant uphill backwards in July, which you'd be uphill all the time because that's all he has his Hills and he still get 220 bushel corn. So the point is if it works it works in the gardens by little work for you and we will keep telling you about the stress mitigation stuff. We do that's what this episode was all about. Again. If you have a topic you want us to address some ways webinar send it but you know what the next three are set the one we're done doing October is gonna be on Wednesday, October 5th. That's right. Our next extreme AG webinar is Wednesday, October 5th, and it's gonna be a six pm Central seven PM Eastern like we always do I'm looking at my calendar right now why I'm excited about this, we're gonna discuss efficacy results and lessons for soybean fully or treatments done in 2022 by that time we meet even up in the north meeting. The soybeans will have already been run and we're gonna have some anecdotal and some yield monitor information from the south. We're gonna have a for sure from We're going to have it efficacy results and lessons from soybean foliar treatments done in 2022 tune in for it. If you grow soybeans if you want to grow soybeans, if you won't get better at growing soybeans tune in for the October 4th fifth webinar. Also again, I want to plug it one more time. If you're not checking out the cool podcast. We were doing you are missing out it's free, and we have been producing. I've been with these guys for 14 months cutting the curve the shortcuts and all the other cool videos stuff. It's an extreme AG dot Farm cutting the curve over 120 episodes released available at Spotify Apple podcast, SoundCloud, and of course the extreme AG dot Farm platform. Thank you for being here. We want to make sure we continue to give you something that is a benefit, and that's why we are here. So again, if you want to give us feedback, please send it to support at extreme act Farm till next time. I'm Damian Mason, you know, everybody is here Temple Matt Kelly, lee Mike Evans and our friend Kevin Matthews, and of course our producer Willow step. Thank you.
Growers In This Video
See All GrowersLee Lubbers
Gregory, SD
Kevin Matthews
East Bend, NC
Matt Miles
McGehee, AR
Kelly Garrett
Arion, IA
Temple Rhodes
Centreville, MD