Dryland/Irrigated Corn
Arion, IA
Kelly Garrett is a 6th generation Iowa farmer and runs a 7,000 acre no-tillage operation growing corn, soybeans and winter wheat in western Iowa. Garrett’s focus on soil conservation, yield stability and innovation has led to multiple honors from the National Corn Growers Association, including top yield honors in no-till irrigated. In 2020, Kelly became the first farmer in the nation to sell carbon credits to a corporate buyer and in 2022 Garrett was named Field to Market’s Farmer of the Year.
Garrett co-founded XtremeAg to facilitate knowledge and innovation, sharing among progressive farmers around the nation and is continuing his passion for regenerative agricultural thorough the launch of XtremeAg’s new Soil Health Initiative program.
XtremeAg to me is real farmers sharing and collaborating their experiences with others in an honest and unbiased environment.