Stress Reduction Strategies
Matt Miles says, “Most everything we do to produce a good crop revolves around stress reduction.” As summer warms up, your plants are feeling the heat. High temperatures are a problem, but temperature isn’t the only form of crop stress. The XtremeAg guys discuss plant stress and their strategies for minimizing it. The products, the practices, and the lessons they’ve gleaned about keeping your crops from getting stressed out.
00:00 All right. Hey friends. Uh, welcome to the June 2nd. Wait a minute. June 1st webinar here at Extreme Ag. 00:07 We're gonna talk about stress reduction strategies in just a minute. We want to make sure we get the room filled up. Uh, we got a really good topic. 00:13 We're gonna cover a lot of cool stuff. And we also got great, uh, participants. Of course. We got Matt Miles, Kevin Matthews, Caleb Tra, Kelly Garrett, 00:19 and his son Connor. Sometimes wins Verne and of course, temple Rhodes. That'd be a great topic for you today. Go ahead and grab yourself a drink. 00:25 Sit down here. We're talking about stress reduction strategies. I wanna remind you if you are an extreme Ag member, uh, 00:32 we'd love to have you join us at our field days. We got field days coming up. We got, uh, June 22nd at Garrett Landon Cattle. 00:41 We got August 10th at Matthews Family Farms. We got August 22nd at Chestnut Manor Farms. That's Temples and Senator, Senator Bill, Maryland. So we got three field days. June 22, August 10th, 00:50 August 22, you were invited. We'd love to have you there. Great stuff. Uh, really cool information you're gonna learn. 00:56 We already had a really good field day, uh, May 11th at Henderson Farms down in Alabama. People even asked, why are you doing a field day so early for that reason, specifically, 01:05 so you can see what stuff looks like and what you can glean early season. All right, uh, 7 0 1. We're gonna get started in 30 seconds. So go ahead, 01:12 grab yourself a drink, get ready. We're gonna again, mark your calendar. Got June 22, Iowa, August 10, Matthews Family Farm, North Carolina, August 22, 01:20 Centerville, Maryland. Also, as you're filling the room, if you are an extreme ag person, and we know you are, that's why you're here. I also want you to know about this. 01:31 Extreme ag is going to do, as we did last year, a scholarship. We like to foster the next generation of agriculture. 01:38 I just printed this off cause I wanna make sure I got all my details right. Extreme AG invites eligible eligible students to apply for one of 10, 01:45 one of 10 scholarships of $3,000 each. I'm just gonna tell you this right now. Here in my hometown, these little organizations, 01:52 the sorority that sells cheese balls, they think they're doing something cool cause they give away a $500 scholarship. We're doing ten three thousand dollars scholarships, 01:59 ten three thousand dollars scholarships to be used on your secondary education expenses. 02:03 All entries must be full-time students or plan to be by December 31st of this year, enrolled at an accredited college, junior college or university, 02:11 pursuing a bachelor's or associate degree in agriculture or crop related disciplines. Deadline for entries is August 1st. 02:18 August 1st deadline for entries. This is not peanuts kids. This is $3,000 and we're gonna away 10 of them. 02:24 So I'm gonna re announce that again before we get, uh, to the end of this po uh, webinar. All right. Um, it's 7 0 2 Eastern, 4 0 2 Pacific. 02:32 Let's get this thing started. Stress reduction strategies. That is the subject, and I cannot think of a more appropriate subject for us to cover. I sat in a, 02:40 uh, session I was in speaking engagement in South Dakota in February. Before me was a meteorologist. Many of you know of Eric Snodgrass. 02:47 I saw him in February. But I also saw another gentleman. This guy and s non grasses overlay scared me because they said, 02:54 all systems look like we're maybe heading into another pattern like we had in, in 20 20 12 or 1988. I said, oh crap, I remember those years. Very, 03:03 very dry. Very, very hot. What if that's kind of stress you're facing? What if the stress you're facing is not heat and dry? 03:09 I don't know what that would be heading into this time of year, but that's one of the big ones we're gonna cover. Matt Miles said, yes, 03:15 we've covered this topic before Matt Miles said way back when, just about everything we do is stress reduction. Whether it's watering, 03:21 whether it's timely watering, whether it's application of nutrients, whether it's practices that we do, 03:26 even some products like we have out here that bring down canopy temperature. Yes, those products exist and we've been experimenting with them. 03:33 That's the entire subject to today's stress reduction strategies. When I was at Kelly Garrett's farm in October, a year and a half ago, he said, 03:41 Damien, in 2022, my entire mission is gonna be stress reduction. As you famously said, Kelly, 03:46 and I've been quoting you in podcast ever since that you said, give a plate of food like I've got right here to an unhealthy 03:54 athlete that is all banged up or ill, the nutrition doesn't do any good. You said that back then you made stress reduction, but major, 04:04 a major focus for your operation last year. I want you to kick things off. Stress reduction strategies. Let's just start by, what did you learn in 2022? 04:11 Stress reduction strategies? I believe we're wasting a portion of our fertility budget. Uh, that's a, a variable answer as to what it actually is. I've said before, 04:20 we're probably wasting 25% of our fertility budget because the crop doesn't utilize it because it's under stress. 04:27 You don't know what a stress-free crop looks like because you've never seen one, because one doesn't exist. You need to back off on some of the fertility. 04:35 That's what we have done. Incorporate some of the stress mitigation products to try to lower the stress on the crop so it can utilize the fur, 04:43 the fertilizer that you're putting out there. By the way, that runs counter to probably 50 plus years of what you got 04:50 told. Ah, needs more fertilizer. Needs more fertilizer. Oh, well it didn't rain, that's why you don't have a crop. 04:55 And you're saying it could be those two things, but the reality is we can't control the weather. We've probably over fertilized. Let's now look at some of the new biology. Is that what we're talking about? 05:03 New biology that helps Some of it's biology. Yes. Okay. So tell me one big, uh, one big product you used in 2022 that you made standard practice in 2023 in 05:12 terms of just looking at mitigating stress Accomplished Max in Furl. Okay. And what was your, 05:18 is it cause the data or just because what you anecdotally saw The data in a high yield area. 05:23 We had a 10 bushel yield increase in a stressed area. We had a 28 bushel yield increase, and it, that was in 21. It became, uh, standard practice in 22. Uh, last year we saw a lot outta terramark. 05:36 We saw a lot outta Shield X ROIs, ROIs on all those products. And now it, 05:42 it's becoming a bigger and bigger part of our program as we learn more about our soil. 05:45 All right. We're gonna go over to, uh, the people in the south that know a little bit about heat and uh, and drought. And Matt thinks I'm gonna go to him cuz he always says, you make me lead off. 05:55 No, you're going last, you're going last. Buddy. I, I wrote you up in here. I said, Matt Miles says, 06:00 most everything we do to produce good crop revolves around stress reduction. So since I use you as the tease to get these people in the door, 06:06 I'm gonna go to Kevin Matthews. Kevin, um, do you have stress? Do you have stress? 06:13 Lord, yes. Yeah, it's a pretty common practice. We're, we're still looking for that year where we don't have, um, oddly this year has been cool. Um, 06:22 and as it is created some challenges that we're not used to. Cold soils. We're used to things warming up, coming outta the ground fast. 06:29 This time of year, usually we get corn more planet and about, uh, four days we're staying at spiking. It's taken about a week now, 06:36 which is not bad, but we've actually took a lot of advice from Kelly. We, we've reallocated some of that money on our fertility and put it 06:46 more into the stress reduction, quite frankly, two or three years ago. I will Is every, is everybody else getting the same audio that I'm getting? You're 06:54 Getting a little feedback. Yeah. You've got globally and a little bit feedbacky. I don't know if if it's coming through your phone or if you want a doctor. 07:04 Yeah, I'm on a laptop, so it should be good. You don't have some on top of your microphone, do you? No, sir. No. Pull up at, uh, we'll get, 07:13 Yeah, mute yourself for a second. Mute yourself for a second and then we'll go ahead and go to Caleb. Caleb, uh, speaking again about the south, obviously you're in Georgia, 07:21 you do a lot of your crop consulting in Georgia for you that are listening or tuning in now, and you don't know our man, Caleb, he's an affiliate. He, 07:27 he covers a lot of acres. He has a very big social media presence. He talks about the things he sees predominantly Georgia, correct. 07:33 Georgia, Alabama, Florida primarily. Yeah. And you're in peanut country. You're our only peanut person. So anyway, let's talk about stress reduction strategies from your perspective out here. 07:43 Helping people get a crop in an area that's historically, uh, 90, 95 degrees plus with humidity issues, et cetera. 07:52 Oh, and first off, I heard at the beginning of here that used peanuts as a derogatory term, so I'll let that one slide right now. But, but yes. Uh, 08:01 stress mitigation is something that we have to look at from start to finish. Of course, 08:06 by the time we rip open the tab on the seed and pour the planter, it's in a stressful condition. Uh, typically we're very hot and, 08:15 and can go through dry spells. We don't have the vessel soil in the world. So we're kind of ground zero that I'll look at for, uh, 08:21 experimenting with these stress mitigation products. And I'll follow along with what Kevin said. We've had a year that we haven't had as much stress as we typically have. 08:31 That's what I had growers call me up and say, Hey, the corn, it looks different this year. It looks like a plant that is not under stress. 08:40 And I'm like, you know, that's interesting. That means every other year we've been losing potential to these yield robbers. 08:48 So as we go into these products or these practices on what it takes to remove the stress off the plant, 08:55 one thing I wanna key in on is it's a program approach. It's something that we do at planting all the way until the combine rolls to the field. There's a lot of different things that we can do culturally, uh, 09:06 mechanically and then also with, uh, product applications. All right. 09:10 So give me one product application that you have in the last year seen actually make a big difference. 09:17 And now you're telling people you're like singing its praises. One thing that I was really surprised last year that we had a trial with a 09:24 product called Weather King, I believe. Uh, it's also the same as the Shield Ex that Kelly was talking about. But basically, uh, a salicylic acid, uh, 09:33 product that we can apply onto plants to help them be able to handle stress events better. It's a metabolite of aspirin, 09:41 so it basically lets the pathways in the plant open up and it makes it, the plant think that it's not having a bad day. 09:48 So it's something that we took a field, we incorporated it in with our fungicide regimen on peanuts since we're already had the passes going across the field. 09:56 So we did three applications and it returned to us a 500 pound yield increase. And we actually, 10:03 even though we had one of the driest years that we had last year, we had two months where, uh, we had no rainfall. 10:10 We had our third best dry land peanut yield out of the field that we had this trial, and actually was only about 5% less than our irrigated acres. 10:19 So that really kind of surprised me, and I'm looking forward to, uh, experimenting with it again this year with some more trials in addition to some 10:28 other products. So it's a, it's an aspirin type of product. So like when Verne shows up hungover and Kelly gives him a few aspirins, 10:36 it's because of the same thing. It's, it's convincing, it's convincing the plant. It's not as stressed or as much in pain as it really is. 10:43 Is that what I'm hearing? Yes. And it works with cold stress, heat stress, and salt stress. So something that even this, 10:52 this spring when we had some really late frost and freezes, we received the recommendation to, 10:59 we use this product even within 18 hours of a freeze. We can go out there and apply this to the plant and we're able to see a better response to with the freeze. We didn't seem to lose as much stand, 11:13 so didn't have any trials with or without, but it's interesting to see. It can go in multiple scenarios. 11:20 Connor, are you glad, are you happy to see that I involved you in here? I made it so that you were part of the show also. You, you had to run, 11:26 take a call by way until you came back. Yeah. I appreciate that. So, uh, Kelly says, I'm supposed to involve you in this. 11:33 So since you are fresh out of Iowa State now three years, and you are like, uh, you know, cyclone agronomy, what did they teach you about stress reduction, uh, 11:43 that you brought back to the farm and said, Hey dad, this is something we should look at. I don't think we covered one sentence on stress reduction in 11:51 Crops. Okay. So then since I asked you that question and, and you're being honest, is it something that we are actually in, uh, 11:57 in front of the curve on? Because I took a, I took a couple classes back in the nineties and I don't ever remember 'em talking. I remember ta selling herbicide, like a, like a m**o they sold, 12:06 they sold herbicide like crazy and we talked about fertile, uh, big, big macro fertility. 12:10 I don't ever remember saying anything about stress reduction. Yeah, pretty similar program. Yeah, 12:16 I'd definitely say we're ahead of the curve on this with what we're doing. All right. I'm gonna go back to Caleb for a second. Hey, you said that, uh, the, 12:23 the thing about you did better and, you know, top three crop and, and based on bad years, et cetera, et cetera. 12:28 Kelly also has a point that he says, I think the seed is plenty good. We keep wondering if it's the seed, we blame the seed and we give, uh, you know, 12:35 accolades to the seed. Is it, is it the same thing in peanuts? The seed's plenty good. It's not, seed's not our limiting factor, 12:41 nor is it the reason that we ring the bell on a great year. It's other little things like maybe we're talking about today, 12:47 Right? Yeah. The, the potential, the crops that we grow, it's just phenomenal. And, uh, the, the potential, 12:53 I don't think we've seen the maximum potential of the seed that we're already planting. And we can see that in just the variability of the yield. 13:01 So it's something that we're definitely looking at going forward. And as we're learning more about stress reduction inside crops 13:09 and better managing them, we're seeing our yields go up. So, uh, I don't even think we're close to the top end potential of even what we have 13:16 today. Not to mention the, the genetics that we have coming up in the pipeline, I, I don't pay attention to as many other farm, uh, forms, probably as, 13:25 as some of you guys do. But you what? That's something that's unique to what I've heard here. I've not heard other farm groups say, well, the seed did this, 13:34 or the seed that everybody here is almost unanimous. That our seed is plenty good. It's the other factors that are our limiting factors. All right. 13:41 Temple was raising his hand, pointing his pencil. And while you're thinking about raising hands, if you are one of the, uh, viewers, listeners, if you have a question, 13:48 obviously we want these to be interactive. We've been doing these now for almost two, for a year and a half to two years. We want them to be interactive, we want them to be educational. Raise your hand, 13:57 uh, type a comment in the comments and question answer section. We will get to you. We have one right now. Mario Cillo. 14:04 Is the salicylic acid product registered in the United States or just trials at this time? 14:09 I think that's definitely already ready to go because you're using it in Georgia and then you said it's the same thing, something product X that Kelly uses. 14:17 Yeah. Right. So right now, if, if I, if I'm stating correctly, the EPA has not recognized it as a active ingredient. 14:27 So right now it's in a jug. It's a one oh oh foliar fertilizer and it really doesn't say anything on it. So right now we're having to use, uh, the, 14:37 the knowledge that we have of these products and what's in it. But I did hear in July that, uh, 14:42 they will have a label for it that they will be able to say salicylic acid on it and it'll be labeled in corn and another crop. It wasn't soybeans, 14:51 but it was more of a specialty crop. So it's something that we're finally able to get the, uh, the EPA and other governmental organizations to be able to even identify this 15:03 as an ingredient. So now we can start looking for it on labels and seeing what products that it may actually be in already. 15:09 All right. Um, I'm looking at the questions here. So it says thank you for the answer, much appreciate it. We also have one that we already answered from Nataline Bouch that said Kevin. 15:16 Sounds like he's talking while going over rumble strips. Uh, alright. Real quickly, back to the product about the sal acid, salicylic acid. 15:25 You said you've got a product that you're using, Kelly, is it, is it already approved? Is it something that, uh, Mario can use? 15:31 Yes, we use a product called Shield X. Uh, there's salicylic acid in it. You know, 15:36 we learned about that from Lee Lee's been using it for 25 years because he is ahead of all of us, like us usual. 15:42 And last year in corn had a nine bushel yield gain with that at, at post chem time. Uh, great product. 15:48 What Lee has taught me is it strengthens cell walls. So be it heat stress or cold stress, strengthen the cell walls, uh, gives you an advantage and gets you through that stressful time. 15:58 It's got a 21 day residual, I believe we need to check on that, but it's a 21 day residual. So we, uh, we've applied it, uh, 16:06 two and even three times during the season. Okay. By the way, two and three even times it must be cheap, right? It's about last year. 16:14 I think the retail is about four and a half dollars an acre. Okay. So Mario, I hope you're getting that by the way. Again, 16:19 if you have any questions, raise your hand. More importantly, just type your questionnaire, we'll get to you because this is important. 16:23 So you did three times, it was about 13, 14 bucks of, of usage. And you think you, you obviously used it a second and third time for a reason? 16:31 Yes. Well, last year it, you know, very hot, very dry. Uh, we had reason to keep taking it out. 16:37 Got it. Okay. Mario's saying we've, we've more than covered the cell silicon acid form. Um, I'm gonna go over here to Kevin, now that you're back on Kevin. I said, 16:45 do you have stress? I wanna talk about something besides heat stress. I mean, maybe in, in that the July webinar, we're gonna be talking about pest stress, 16:54 but maybe you can kind of give us a teaser on that, about stress reduction strategies that you have beyond just the usual heat stuff. Is there anything you got 17:03 All, can you hear me okay now? Or is my camera looks like it's a delay in a little bit. Not good. Yeah, it's still, it's still kind of, it's still kind of rough. 17:12 Let me Try the iPad. Cause usually the laptop's better. I'll try all. We'll hit mute you. Okay. All right. Temple, 17:21 you've been ready to tell us something about, um, and, and by the way, I want to get to this also. Uh, I wanna get to Temple, 17:27 then I wanna get to a product that we're all trialing this year. And, uh, it's from Stoler. And I wanna make sure that we, uh, give a little, uh, uh, 17:34 outlook on what we expect out of Bio Forge Advanced. So anyway, temple, go. So, you know, we we're, we're talking about this stress mitigation. 17:43 I think the important thing that everybody needs to remember is, is, um, you know, these stress mitigation tools work really, really well, 17:51 but a lot of times they don't work when it's, but when it's already, the stress is here, you know, so you need to be, again, 17:57 we about it all the time about being proactive, not reactive. If you're proactive, this all starts at planning upfront. You know, 18:06 Kelly talked about putting accomplished Max in up front. We do that, you know, putting in Radiate or Mega Grow as a P G R upfront because what 18:15 we're trying to do upfront is we're trying to build the factory. We're trying to build a root system. 18:20 We're trying to build a factory that can handle that stress. That's where this whole piece all comes together. 18:27 And it is a systematic approach. One of the big things that, um, you know, we haven't talked about yet is, you know, um, 18:36 stress mitigation starts with building energy. You have to build energy up into the plant so it can sustain all of this. You know, um, we use a lot of M M T MMTs sugar, um, we put it in furrow, 18:47 we put it in with every spray. It's a cheap product. Um, we use a lot of it and it helps keep that stress where we put, 18:55 um, the sugars and the hum phobic blends a in with, um, the accomplished Mac and, um, the radiator mega grow. We took it out of some of our trials up front and just used a regular, you know, 19:10 infer a blend. And it is night and day in those, in those two trials. So again, we're building that factory up front and it's a big deal, 19:20 but we have to be ahead of it. Not behind it. You know, I'm not, you know, Terramar is a great product. You know, 19:26 we're seeing a lot of these kelp things that are coming on the market, and they are huge stress mitigators. Um, and they work really, really good. 19:35 But I'm not sure how that's gonna work. Let's say that we're in a mass drought right now, and things are going the other way. 19:43 I'm not sure that when you're in that situation, whether you can put on a product like that and it's going to bring it back, it could aggravate the, the whole problem. Um, I'll give you for instance, 19:56 so the other day I called Matt and I said, Hey Matt. Um, man, I, I'm just, uh, we're I'm stressed. We, I've got, 20:05 I I'm off of my regular plan. Um, Matt's like the king of r o i, he's better than any of us. So I asked him, I'm like, here's my plan. Here's what I always have done in the past, 20:17 and I know it's a truly ascended program. And he talked me out of it. And he was like, you know, part of stress mitigation is, 20:24 is learning when to turn it back a little bit. Maybe you need to back off of that and you need to put a bunch of stress mitigators cause you know what's coming. Cause I was telling him, I'm like, 20:33 you know, corn looks fine. Beans look fine right now everything looks good. But in the next 15 days we got nothing in our forecast and there's 20:43 just nothing there. And he was like, look, put out your sugar, put out, you know, you know, a terramar, 20:48 put out some stress mitigation and control your plant health and don't worry about all that other stuff. If you get, you know, a, a rain event, 20:56 then you can go back and you can hit it with that other stuff. And I think part of stress mitigation is really, I mean it's really, 21:03 it's not a product. It's using your brain. It's getting ahead of it, getting in front of it, um, putting a product out, pulling back on some stuff, 21:11 and to get a bigger r o I. So I, I think it's a big combination of a lot of different things, a way to look at it. And it's for each specific person in their area, 21:19 what they're going through. I want to go to, cause I think that was said once before and I like that you repeated it. I think it was such a brilliant statement. It may have been said by me, 21:29 stress reduction is not a product, it is a practice. And I think actually it might have been Matt Miles that said it. So since you're last to go now, buddy, 21:42 stress reduction is not a product as a practice. Actually it's both. Give me kind of your view. 21:48 You always talk about things you've learned since you hooked up with extreme ag and, and formed this group. Kind of what your thought is, 21:55 practice meets product and how it all comes together to make it so you can grow crops in an area that last year was 105 degrees every day. 22:02 Yeah. Well, I'm, I'm really hesitant to say anything. Cause when I say anything about our heat or stress relief or anything like that, Mr. Senate twin, he makes videos of me making fun of me. So I'm, 22:14 I'm me and Kelly both. So I'm really hesitant about, about saying anything about anything about our heat or swamps or whatever. But Compare you com you compared your farm, 22:24 you've compared your farm weather and conditions to Vietnam. Uh, and so I gotta tell you, you, you have been on the verge of a little bit, 22:33 shall I say, hyperbolic? Well, I would love somebody to research weather in Vietnam and research weather, McGee, Arkansas and see if they're not got a lot of similarities, but 22:43 It's not dry, I can tell you that much. So, so, you know, right now we're, we're getting in a really, uh, stressful area. Be, you know, right now in our, 22:54 in our crop cycle because of the, you know, dryness. But I, I've said this before, I ever knew anything about a stress relieving product. 23:03 You know, our, our stress mitigators 10 years ago when we started, you know, started making a few, a few decent yields. It, it's a, 23:11 it's a systems approach. We say that when we're talking about an infer, we say that when we're talking about a, you know, insecticide program, you know, 23:19 you can't take one insecticide and kill every insect, you know, so if you've got a multiple amount of insects in your soybeans, corn or, 23:29 or I would say cotton, most of the time you have to compare a lot of products together to do that. Same thing with, with what we're doing here. It it's a systems approach. 23:38 You know, the, the, the Te Mars accomplished max, uh, the different stress relievers, they're all good. Every one of 'em Shield X sometimes you have to just kind of step back and 23:49 say, what do I need at this time? Temple hit it on the head. If you start strong with a strong plant from the beginning and you keep that 23:57 plant strong, whether it's with a specific stress, mitigator, fertility, or just timing of the inputs you put out there, 24:06 you've got, you've got that built up. I've seen be I've seen before where I have bigger roots, wider leaves, you know, on a corn plant, bigger girth and make the same yield. 24:17 So you can't just look at, at, at these products that do that. You've gotta look at the whole approach. Do I need to be, do I need moisture? 24:25 Do I need a stress mitigation product? Do I need more fertility, less fertility, as Kelly said? And just keep that plant happy. 24:33 The whole goal is to keep the plant happy. And when that plant is not happy, it's not making yield. I 24:40 Think it's important also to, uh, we've done this before. We did it when we were with Nature's in their, uh, 24:45 in their booth and Commodity Classic doing a panel. We've done it with Agri Liquid at our field days. We're not saying we are not into fertilizer. 24:52 We're saying Kelly's point's well taken. And I think it's been restated by every person that has been on one of our podcasts. There's a point there, 25:00 throwing more fertilizer at something doesn't mitigate stress and it doesn't give you yield. And I think that's ki it was wasting money. And frankly, 25:07 we're probably gonna get to where environmentally will have no choice but to be a much more judicious. And I'm talking about regulations, e p a, 25:15 state departments of agriculture, uh, state departments of environmental, uh, management. It's coming probably. So anyway, 25:22 I think that's really common and that's, which is probably a topic we should get to in a webinar down the road. How to reduce fertilizer and not lose yield for good of economics and 25:30 environment. Do you guys like that idea? Yeah, I got a, I got a point k Kelly's right about the, the reduction of, of fertilizer, but it's not really reducing fertilizer. 25:42 It's reducing the amount of fertilizer that you don't need and adding the stuff that you do need. 25:48 And that's the beauty of all of our partners because they are making blend and fertilizers that that will, 25:56 will facilitate our needs for, you know, what Matt needs, what Kelly needs, what Caleb needs, what Kevin needs, what all of us need in different areas. 26:04 Cuz we're all so very different and we need so many different tools, you know, Kelly's grounds, I mean, not anybody can grow a crop out there where he is, but, 26:13 um, we, I had to, you Know what, that's formerly the southerners that do that. That's always the southerners that give him a hard time about that. 26:22 And you're now joining the ranks of Kevin and Jack. Yep. Oh yes. 26:25 Oh, oh. So he is south of the Mason Dixon line. If you look at this, I am 26:30 Temple is is south of the Mason Dixon line. But see, I'm so close to it, I can jump back and forth and I can talk trash on in both of them. 26:39 So it works out really good for me. True. Yeah. It's called a turncoat by the way, or a traitor. That's fine. You say something, you can call me whatever. I'm fine. 26:47 I wanna say something too about fertilizer that I've learned. You know, I say a lot about what I've learned from extreme ag fertilized placement 26:56 is probably the most important thing I've learned from this group. Yeah. It's not about slinging it all out there, sling in the ditches. 27:03 If you put that fertilizer where it's needed, and I think Kelly agree with this, whether it's a lot amount of fertilizer or a little amount mm-hmm. 27:10 Face the fertilizer in the right spot. That's where, that's where it comes in to me by the way. And you're gonna say that just to mean yield, 27:18 but since our subject tonight is stress reduction strategies and then Kevin's got talks and he's finally got a good connection for audio, 27:24 having fertility where it's needed is also less stressful. If you've gotta work like hell to go and get your nutrition, it's stressful. 27:33 I mean, think about it. If you have to walk, if you have to walk to, you know, to get, you have to walk five miles to get breakfast, 27:39 or if you don't have to walk five miles to get breakfast, you probably are gonna be a little bit more able to use nutrition for whatever 27:44 growth or whatnot. Kevin? Yeah. Okay. Can you hear me better now? Yes. 27:50 Awesome. Now we can, I was running a lot of options. I'm down to my iPad, so appreciate y'all's patience. But yeah, 27:57 I agree a hundred percent with everything that the guys has said. And we use those a lot of the, a lot of what Kelly's talked about, um, 28:05 Matt and Temple and uh, Caleb as grower standard practices. But, but what are we doing right now that we, 28:12 we know we're going to have more stress throughout this growing season. You're exactly right, Damien. Heat stress is something we focus on, 28:20 but we also focus tremendously on disease stress. So how are we gonna build that factory to set that plant up, to get ready and prepare us for the best possible scenarios we can go. 28:30 We're doing post emerge applications right now with our corn and our soybean beans. And a lot of growers don't have infer capability. 28:40 They don't have side by side cap or two by two capability on their planters. What a great time to be putting some micronutrients out there on these plants. 28:47 Some of these herbicide passes, get some sugars. Uh, you know, we, we have good luck with micro 500. It works well with stuff. 28:56 We have great luck with Finish Line. Uh, we're going to put that on in a foliar pass when, and we're also going to add a P G R in there. 29:05 We're going to add some radiate in there. Um, so there's a lot of folks that don't have the capability to do everything that, that the members of this group or, you know, 29:17 us owners do and our affiliates. But there's so many options out there to help decrease the stress load and build such a good plant. Whether it's your corn, soybeans, cotton, rice, 29:29 whatever it is, now's the time to get those ingredients in there to strengthen and make that plant a good seasoned, 29:38 conditional athlete to hopefully bring in a good harvest for us. Kevin, I got, uh, I always like to go to the simplification. 29:45 I think it was a podcast recording we did a week or so ago, me and Kelly and Temple. And, uh, I said, what if I want to, 29:52 what if I don't have the sophistication or I'm just digging into it, I'm just waiting into the waters, the stuff you guys do. Kelly said, yeah, 29:59 I'll give you a great example. We put nine stuff, nine different products out in furrow, I think he said at planting, I'm just, maybe it was in two by two, whatever, nine products. And I said, okay, 30:09 the person that's wading into these waters stress reduction, uh, Kevin, one thing, one practice, one product, one application timeframe. 30:18 Give me one that maybe most people aren't doing, you think has a huge return for the money or the time to reduce stress. And I know that it might change geographically. 30:29 Yeah, absolutely. Geographically, the man one, you're putting me on the spot. That's well 30:34 Is it, is it something in furrow? Is it something coming over the top when it's at, uh, a critical timeframe? Like right now, when we're, uh, 30:41 Right now we're, most people are doing post emerge applications or they're beginning to get ready to do that corn. We like to do that v3, uh, 30:50 21 days after planting. We wanna be in there spraying for us. We want, we are going to put a micronutrient package in there. We're going to have a, 30:58 a sugar and, uh, we're gonna have a really good adjuvant that can get that stuff into the plant. The full tech has become a standard for us. We can get it into the plant, 31:10 the the plants metabolize, the micronutrients and the weeds that I wanna get rid of seem to take up the chemicals better and we have less regrowth. Now, 31:21 I will tell you, I I just seen a farm yesterday. We had Italian raw grass as a beast right now. It was sprayed round up, it didn't look good. We hit it hardware gramoxone, 31:32 it was burnt plum down. That stuff suckered out and it is embarrassing. It's my field. It looks awful. But, uh, 31:39 we're going to hit it again tomorrow at V3 and clean it up. But, you know, so 31:45 The one thing I had to look over and look at the questions we have in the queue and make sure I was getting all my stuff. The one thing, uh, 31:50 that goes with your herbicide application at V3 that you think helps on the stress reduction is 31:56 The, the one thing is going to be even a good micronutrient package. If you have not put any down, you need it at that V3 stage, 32:04 V4 at the latest. Okay, I see, I see heads nodding micronutrients. If our man, if our man Chad was here, he'd be, he'd, he would take this as a, 32:12 as a segue to roll with boron talk. Kelly, um, hi, The salicylic a any salicylic acid product. One thing we have learned is that it ramps up the appetite or the hunger of the 32:25 plant. So when we apply that, when we apply Shield X, we will apply it with a micro pack. Because if you don't have the, if you don't have the correct fertility out there and you ramp up the hunger of 32:36 the plant, it can cannibalize itself somewhat. Uh, I've not seen that. But we have, we've, we've read about it, 32:42 we've talked to other agronomists that have experienced it. So we always make sure when we're putting Shield X out, 32:47 we put it out with a micro pack. That's one thing that's very, we feel is very important. I forgot to say that before. 32:53 Got some questions here in the queue. We're gonna go with, first off, from lane miles, that would be, uh, of Miles Farms in McGee, Arkansas, 33:01 who, uh, says, I hate, hate, hate, hate ryegrass with seven exclamation points. He's a millennial. They use a lot of exclamation points anyway. Uh, so he is, 33:10 he's feeling your pain. Uh, Mr. Kevin John Abraham says, Kelly must not be as stress as Matt and Temple cuz his goatee is a gray like 33:17 theirs. It's clean living, it's clean, he Dies living, he, he dies. His No doubt Grecian formula, John. That's the answer all. And then our, 33:28 our friend gal beer from Ag Agri Liquid says, sounds like stress mitigation is protecting against the future unknown. So really acting a little like insurance, 33:38 Insurance policy. No question. Okay, so that's, that's, that's a good, that's a good, um, statement. Stress mitigation is buying insurance. It could be dry, it could be hot, 33:48 it could be bugs, it could be, it could be, uh, locust, uh, it could be cold. But then he goes on to say, 33:55 is there a dollar per acre you consider an appropriate amount for these products? Are you trading dollars from somewhere else? So let's go with that. 34:02 Since Kelly led off by talking about, and, and Matt's done the biggest big turnaround five years ago. 10 years ago, he was bulk fertilizer, fling it everywhere. And now he, 34:11 he's gotten smarter about reallocating those dollars to other places. So why don't you lead that off, Matt? 34:16 Are you relocating money from another crop input to stress mitigation as an insurance policy? 34:24 Yes, probably so. So I've learned, I've learned that we could reduce fertilizer, you know, now it, you know, in corn we're talking about corn. So, you know, I, 34:34 I think there's, there's points where you reallocate, like when we're doing the infer, we will reallocate where we used to think infer was a pop-up fertilizer, 34:43 a phosphorus fertilizer, and we had to put three to five gallons out. You know, now we're taking some of that money back and we're putting 'em in PGRs and, 34:51 and hemophobic acids and you know, micronutrients that, that's a big deal. And I, that's what I, I was digging around here on in, in my office. 35:00 So 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. So I'm fixing, I'm doing an R three application on my beans right now. And my big deal is, that's where I get the most bang from my buck is, is the R three application. 35:14 There is, uh, three fertilized products, a fungicide, a P G R sugar, a humic and phobic and an insecticide temple by the way. And another, 35:28 and another micronutrient. So we're spending about $35 an acre on this application. Most farmers, if you said $35 an acre, they would probably pass out, 35:39 you'd probably need 'em sitting down to say I'm fixing to spend $35 an acre on my R three application. This 35:45 Is a full air, this is a full air pass you're getting ready to do right now, June 1st, second, third in the delta region of Arkansas. 35:53 You're obviously a little ahead of the, the plains in the Midwest states, but yeah, right now you're off, you're gonna go out until 35 bucks per acre, uh, 36:00 over the top. Well, let's just go with $11 a bushel. Cause the markets have tanked, you know, we're all in trouble cause of markets if we hadn't kept up with our marketing, 36:09 right? That's, that's less, little less than three bushel an acre. I can almost guarantee you that what I'm putting out will double 36:19 the $3, the the three bushel acre. Yeah. By the Way, you, you, you scared people there a little bit. When you said market to take, you said 11 bushels per acre. And I'm like, 36:27 good god, are we down to three bucks a bushel? What you meant 11, 36:30 $11 and $11 beans, you're at three bushel and you think this pass is definitely gonna make that three bushels and then some. 36:40 And we always say when we do these webinars, it better be at three to one return before we even really fire up the engines. Yeah. And I'm not, I don't have to have a three to one. I mean, 36:49 if you give me a dollar, if I give you a dollar and you gimme a dollar 10 back, I'm gonna take it every day. So if I can pay for my application, you know, 36:57 pay for everything I do and make anything above that, if it's not a real stressful deal to have to make that application, I'm making it. But I don't, 37:06 Kelly's actually, the one ma Kelly's the one that always claims he won't, he won't put his pants, 37:10 I won't get dressed for less than a two or three to one return. But you know what, he's also one of those guys that's a compulsive gambler. 37:16 He's never lost a card game if you ask him. So I think maybe he fudges some numbers sometimes. I can't help with that. You can't keep up. 37:24 Well, what I'm saying is when you're, when you're using these stress mitigation products, whether it's a, you know, if you ask me one product, 37:31 and everybody else is probably gonna laugh at me on this, if I had one product that's a stress mitigator for me on a soybean crop, 37:38 it's gonna be a fungicide. Yeah. I mean, no question. Plant health early is, is is my number one stress reduc. There's a great, there's a great array of, 37:49 of stress mitigation products out there, but a fungicide to me as a plant health agent, not necessarily for disease, just for plant health alone is probably my number one. 38:00 And that's half of this budget that I'm fixing to spend. My fungicide is half of that. So we're on. 38:06 So if we're gonna run that regardless and I'm gonna run that no matter what, then the rest of these products I'm running are about the same price as one 38:15 application of a premium fungicide. It's, it, to me it's a no-brainer. So wait, I, I just think this is really an interesting thing because Kevin, and, 38:23 and it's different for everybody, but this is, this is good information. Kevin says, if I'm gonna do one thing to reduce stress, 38:28 it's going to be a micro pack. Or the one thing I wanna say, you get a biggest, You missed it, girl. I'm glad you brought that up. 38:34 What did you just miss and what we both talked about? Me or him? The, probably the whole audience. 38:41 Okay. If he Was really not listening. I'm talking about a V3 post application, post emerge application. He's talking about a R three. 38:52 So we're from vegetative reproduction, ah, Reproduction. I'm a hundred percent with Matt Miles on this. 38:59 Okay, so it's fungicide Or agree with me on a V3 application. It's, it's, 39:03 it's fungicide at vegetative and it's micro, it's at reproductive Opposite. 39:11 It's At reproductive. Yeah. And it's micro at vegetative. Yeah. Kevin has taught me that on the, on the, on the micros. 39:22 Get that in there before reproductive, get everything you can get in that plant before reproductive because it'll have the root system and then have the ability of the factory, you know, 39:31 to take over if you take tissue samples for instance, and you've got a plant that's really robust, okay, and we all use tissue samples, sap, SAP samples, whatever. 39:41 And you've got a plant that's really robust and you've got a, and you've got a kind of crappy plant, 39:46 they're gonna take the same amount of grounds from both of those plants to do the tissue sample. 39:51 So a lot of times our really healthy plants will show deficiencies because the amount of grams that they use to do the tissue samples are the same. 40:02 If that makes any sense. It does make sense. And I wanna point out that Kevin just did something if humor back to like junior high school when you were called in front of the, you know, 40:11 you had to answer a question in front of the class and you got it wrong and the class all laughed, but then the teacher said, wait a minute, 40:19 Damien just helped you all learn this better by getting these two things backwards. So anyway, you're welcome. I played the dumb kid in the class. 40:29 Kevin got us to where we all learned it was V3 versus R three and I love that whole thing. Fungicide at reproductive and uh, 40:37 micro pack at fungi at, uh, vegetative. We got another question from an anonymous attendee, uh, I don't know who that is. Uh, 40:45 we missed our V three four application for some foliar fertility, stress mitigation. 40:50 Have you guys seen return on later V five to V6 applications on foliar fertility or stress mitigation going later? Uh, 41:00 vegetative And somebody was nodding their head there. Kelly. Yeah, Kevin Temple, 41:06 Who you want to go? It don't matter. Let's go Kevin. We're probably going, we're gonna have a couple different remarks. 41:11 So if you've got the capability of going over taller corn and I missed that window, I would, okay, so I feel like I've kind of missed that trigger point, 41:20 right Terry? A little bit. I would actually save my money and go for a V 15 V 16 and spend some extra money there and get that baby 41:31 set up for going into pollination. Get as much as you can get in that plant and get it set up so you can retain all those kernels and the length because you don't determine your girth. 41:43 So you did that at V3 or you did at V4 to V five and that V3 setup was what was determined in that gerth. So yes, in that, I, you know, 41:52 in corn I would say I would probably hold up now if your equipment's not big enough, you know, get it on there when you can, the later the better. 42:01 But you gotta do what your equipment allows. So the answer there is if I miss V3 B four and you're talking just corn. Just corn, yeah, just corn. If I miss v3, V4 corn, you say don't, 42:12 don't go ahead and just go a week later, wait and go a month later. Uh, depends on your GDU and your area you're farming. It could be, you know, 42:21 for Matt and I it could be, you know, three weeks, Two, yeah, two or three weeks later, Kelly, you're, you're nodding your head and you had something to say and then Connor has to a 42:29 Connor, you have to contribute whatever he says. You have to then give me a yes. Also, 42:35 I would still make the application, I would hear where we live. I would still wanna put out the mega, 42:41 I would wanna put out the liberate ca I would want to get that stuff out. Uh, but Kevin, Kevin is correct about the B four B five, 42:48 but there's other things I still want to get into the plant. I would still wanna put my Shield X out or my terramark uh, 42:54 whichever product you choose there because it, I still want to get my insurance policy out as you say. And if I'm gonna make the pass anyway, I still want to mega grow. 43:03 I still want to liberate ca I probably want my zinc, you know, I still want to get those things out cuz I'm always trying to keep that plant 43:09 balanced. I I don't wanna miss that application because of the timing Kevin's talking about. He's a hundred percent correct. 43:15 But I still want to get those things out in Iowa, I think, okay Connor, this is a perfect opportunity. We brought it right back to what happens in Iowa. And one thing, 43:26 you're not call, you're not the send to twins. Kelly was not here saying, you know what I'd do it just to prove the neighbors that I'm doing it. 43:31 That's kind of what Temple and Chad do sometimes. So anyway, what's your Yes, yes. Also contribution. 43:39 Um, I mean I think they covered it pretty well. I, like Kevin said, wait and hit that next trigger point if you have, if you've already missed it. But it is nice to get all that stuff in up front. 43:50 I mean, they hit both sides of it really? Oh, some of you viewers have not seen Connor. They call him burn sometimes. Um, now that you see him, uh, 43:58 sometimes they say the first kid gets the mom's genetics, obviously. All right, so let's go with uh, Mario. Mario Cillo says, 44:07 thanks Matt for raising this issue of R three applications. We have to get all those sugars out of the leaves to help boost yields. 44:14 Is boron a component on your application? And I think we kind of hit that on the Chad thing, but his point of course is getting the sugars to where they 44:23 actually need to be in the plant, in the, uh, in the, in the seed or in in the, in the, the product. 44:27 We're gonna put in our hopper I think is what he is talking about. So boron, yes. 44:30 Yeah. There's probably not an a application we make for you that we don't run a boron of some sort. This year we're using a product called Bora Max from Spray Tech. 44:40 And it, if you look at the actual pounds of boron per application, it looks a little, you know, it looks a little less. 44:47 I had a couple people argue with me about, you know, why are you using this? Because it's not as much you would solu bar, 44:54 but when you get into the foer side of things, whether it's corn or or beans, either one, this product here is made out of two different boron, uh, 45:03 derivatives. So it's, it's more efficient. And I have to learn that the hard way. You know, we think, okay, the more we put out, the better it is, but sometimes the more efficient we are, 45:15 the better it is. So I've had to kind of transition from more product to more efficiency. And so this product we're using here is, has been really efficient. But in, 45:25 in general, we're gonna put bore on out just about every time we go over our crops no matter what they are. 45:32 Got it. If you have a question, type it in there. We actually, we want this to be interactive also. We know we have some people here. 45:36 We open this up at the public cuz we wanted to show everybody what we're doing. So usually these webinars are only for the paying members. 45:42 If you're checking this out and you're learning from it, we're happy you're here. And you know what, 45:47 you don't have to be a paying member to learn from extreme ag. You can go to our website, extreme, uh, 45:52 literally hundreds of videos that these guys have shot in field and about 170 I think podcasts that I've produced where we go deeper into topics. 45:59 It's all If you want to take your farming game to the next level and get direct access to these guys and also be on the monthly webinars. It's seven 50 bucks a year, 46:08 seven 50 a year. It's not, I would call it peanuts, but that would be insulting to Caleb cuz he's a peanut guy. It's very little investment, how I should say it's very little investment. 46:18 It's not peanuts. Caleb, speaking of peanuts, I'm gonna go to you then I wanna talk about the Stoler trials we're doing, speaking of stress mitigation with a product called Bio Forge Advance cuz all of 46:28 the guys are doing some fashion of, uh, trial with Bio-Forge Advance from Stoler. So we give it to you then we're going and you're not doing anything with, uh, 46:34 Stoler Bio Forge Advanced, are you, Caleb? I think we are, uh, get confused on some of the product names, but I believe that is a product that contains cytokine and boron, 46:45 uh, or that's one of the products that we're going out with. And those two things are key in, uh, 46:50 stress mitigation inside the plant. So cytokine, it is a, is a plant growth hormone that is not produced as much when that plant is under 47:00 stress. So by applying some out there, we're helping that plant work through problems. And then also it's got the boron in there. 47:07 And just to kind of tie in on the boron discussion, not only does Boron help move the, the, uh, sugars into the grain to build the starch, it also is a natural, 47:18 uh, stress reducer in itself. So that's one thing that, uh, like, like Matt mentioned, 47:23 we're going out there every time we're going across the field, we're throwing a little bore on out there. 47:26 So I think this combination of a little bit of pgr that's gonna help us work through stress in addition with a little bit of fertility, 47:33 things that are going to help us to accomplish the same goal should really help us out. 47:38 I just printed this off because I I am not as agronomically advanced, by the way. They all give you, uh, accolades. Caleb always young and he, 47:45 he knows what he is talking about, you know, and then you did this thing to sort of subliminally paint yourself as being sort of the messiah, 47:53 this light coming from above your head just because they said that you're smart and you actually answer questions. Well, you know what? It is not biblical here. 48:01 Okay? You've got like this light coming by your head, like, oh, he's the all knowing he's coming to us to answer our question. Um, 48:08 I printed this off from Stoler right here. It, uh, it, it combines three modes of action to, uh, minimize, uh, stress management. And, um, I gotta tell you what, 48:16 I'm gonna need somebody smarter than me agronomically to explain it. Uh, but, uh, Evan's made me 48:21 A cue card, so I'm ready to talk about bio. I tell you what, let, let me grab these two questions from Kayla H****r. Are you guys using any cytokinin or hormones during R three 48:32 Temple? You haven't answered a question for a while, or Kelly's shaking his finger. So one of you two. Tim, tell him ab Absolutely. So I use, I'm, I'm a big P pgr guy, 48:44 so I use PGRs, um, all throughout the growing season, used the vegetative ones we use. Um, I did see, uh, there's another question in there. We're gonna, 48:54 we're gonna hit both of 'em at the same time. Yeah. The other question is you, If answer the first one, then we'll go to the second one. 48:59 Hit, hit it. What are some of the, so I'm Gonna answer it all at the same time, Brad Hitler asked, 49:05 what are some of the strategies the group uses to overcome stress-induced from herbicide applications? So are those the two you're gonna go with or 49:13 Do you want Yeah, yep. I'm gonna go, I'm gonna answer both of 'em. So, so, um, PPGs that we use Mega Grow and Radiate upfront. Um, 49:22 when we put that in our herbicide, they are herbicide safeness, and they, they knock down that window of, you get that three day window of, you know, 49:31 you get a little yellowing where it's trying to, it's basically trying to get rid of the stress that that herbicide just put it through. So those, those PGRs work really, 49:43 really good with that. It takes away that window. You get a three day window where that plant's really not taking in much and it's tied up all the, uh, micronutrients. Manganese is one of them. 49:53 So one of the things that we do is we always add manganese in. When we put in glyphosate, 49:59 we always add in mega grow when we put in glyphosate and it takes away that, that whole problem. And then we don't get that three day law of, you know, 50:08 where it's kind, the plant con shuts down. So she asked about, um, they asked a minute ago, 50:14 Are you guys using Cytokinin? Okay, so, um, in reproductive I use a lot of, um, PGRs and reproductive. It's, I use, uh, I particularly, 50:27 I use Onward Max, um, as a, my reproductive one. Um, I use a lot of it and I will hit it at R one and I'll hit it again at R 34. Um, it wakes the plan up. It, uh, you can actually, 50:42 when you go out there, Kelly was, um, he kind of talked about that earlier. You know, when you hit these plants with some stuff and you wake that plant up, 50:51 um, you gotta be willing to put some other things in it because when it wakes up, it's gotta have energy to drive forward. So, you know, 50:58 when we put a A A P G R like that in there and reproductive, you wake that plant up and that plant revitalizes and it's getting ready to 51:06 jumpstart. Well, what if you don't have a d If you got a deficiency in that plant, um, you're gonna actually create stress so that you can create your own stress 51:17 if you're not careful. So we'll put a heavy load of sugar in there. We'll put a fulic in there. We're gonna put a, um, 51:25 of course it'll be the P G R in there. We're gonna have, uh, um, fungicide in there. We're gonna have all that stuff in there. 51:30 We're gonna have a heavy, heavy dose of a micro pack in there. One micro pack that we'll use will be really, really heavy. And phosphorus, 51:38 phosphorus builds energy, energy and sugar work together. Um, you know, fossil sugar work together to build more energy. 51:46 So when you're doing this, you just started, you can actually do this and you will come out with a whole new flush of, um, of blooms on beans, for instance, 51:57 and you really wake that plan up. So yes, we use a lot of 'em and this, that's why we use 'em. But, you know, one thing to keep in mind, you know, 52:06 Lee would be great to answer this question. You know, you don't actually wanna go out there with a P G R and let's say it's 95 degrees and you're just gonna use that P G R and you're gonna throw it out there and 52:18 it's O three and it's hot and it's dry. You can actually have adverse reaction to it too. So be very, very careful. By the way, uh, we're, we're gonna, uh, 52:30 get through a few more things and I wanna remind you again about field days. Field days coming up June 22nd. 52:35 That's only a three weeks away from today at Garrett Landon Cattle. That's Kelly's place. Our buddy Connor's gonna be there, believe it or not. 52:42 He's gonna be very verbose. He's gonna talk a great length. He's gonna put on a hell of a presentation. 52:47 I'm gonna be there to make sure that happens. I'm gonna be there for like a couple days ahead of time and I'm gonna be cracking a whip to make sure that he is prepared to deliver one heck of a 52:55 presentation. August 10th at ma uh, Matthews Family Farms in, uh, it says Kumi, North Carolina. It's somewhere by Knoxville. Anyway, 53:04 he'll get you out there and drive you around and he'll get you turned around. But anyway, it's there. And then August 22nd as at Temples. 53:10 So those are our three upcoming field days. Put on your calendar. We got a couple questions before we get to them, Kelly. Well, 53:16 you and I recorded the podcast in the last couple of weeks and we talked about, uh, a trial you're doing and, and temple's on it as well, 53:22 using a product from Ag Explorer called Architect. It's about stress reduction coming out this time of the season, basically. Right, 53:31 Right. It's, it's a new product that we're trialing this year, you know, so we're validating what happens, 53:35 but I'm excited about it because it's the first e p a registered P G R and nutritional, I think I'm saying that right. It's a 10 55, 53:44 it's got micros in it and then it's got hormones in, it's got the hormone gaba, which, uh, reduces abiotic stress. I'm, so, I'm excited about that. Like, 53:53 you know, talking about the Bio Forge, I'm excited about that as well. So our first year at that product was Stoler. 53:58 The reason I'm excited about that Bio Forge Advanced, by the way, bio Forge, advance Advanced Bio Forge Advance, yes. You know, short, yes. Bio-Forge Advanced. 54:05 I'm excited about that because a couple years ago when Chad and I were in the pickup with Lee, he talked about he wanted the ab and Lee is again, 54:13 so far ahead of us, he talked about the ability that he wanted to be able to sniff ethylene. He wanted a device that could sniff ethylene or he could get rid of ethylene. 54:22 Uh, ethylene is a stress hormone that a plant produces when it's under stress. Bio-forge advance suppresses that, that suppresses the ethylene. 54:31 So the cytokinins, the jibs, the oxens so they can keep working the, uh, and pushing the plant forward as it should. So again, 54:40 I've not used Bio Forge advance, I've not used architect, but I'm excited for these products because, 54:44 because of what they're advertised to do. And, and that's why we've got 'em in trials. I wanna say about the, about the PGRs, be careful. 54:54 So talk to the representative from the company you're using that in. There's natural ones, you know, 55:00 the natural ones make the plant use what they've got. There's synthetic ones that actually add to the plant. You know, some of 'em are used at at reproductive, some of 'em are used at vegetative. 55:12 Make sure that you're using the right ones at the right time. And, and we can't all answer that ourselves, but I mean, you, you know, 55:20 like complex from Teva, it's a natural pgr, so you can use it, it's say day one to the end, 55:27 but sometimes there's other products that will do maybe the same or better job. So just make sure when you're using A P G R that you're talking to the, to, 55:36 to our partners that that make 'em, or whoever you're using it from, because there is some adverse effects if you, you're trying, you're, 55:44 we're tricking the plant, right? So we're tricking the plant to do things that it's not naturally doing. So we need to make sure that we're doing the right trick at the right time, 55:53 I guess is what I'm saying. Well, by The way, I think Temple can expand upon that based on, uh, the recording we did, uh, uh, recently, that if we're talking about stress reduction, 56:03 that he says there's two absolutely different categories of plant growth regulators, the kinda you put on vegetative, can you put on reproductive, 56:10 which obviously is stuff we've been talking about already. You know, Kevin's point about when to do this and your point about Matt, 56:15 when to do that vegetative versus reproductive, you, you're gonna actually create stress if you use the wrong P G R at the wrong time, right Temple. 56:22 That's exactly right. Um, we've, we've done it before. Um, I've fooled PGRs for 15 years, you know, when they, 56:31 some of 'em first started coming out and we put 'em on at the wrong time and, and there's still people out there trying to promote, 56:38 putting things on at the wrong time. I had a really good friend of mine, he's actually a member of X A now. Um, 56:44 and he called me last year and he was like, man, my beans look awesome, blah, blah. 56:49 And he put a P G R on at reproductive like way in a reproductive that was a vegetative one, like radiate. And um, it actually gave him an adverse reaction. I mean, 57:01 he basically lengthened the, the, the, the cells out and it got real big and got real tall and he didn't put on any bo anymore pods. And that plant was done and it was bad. We've done the same thing, 57:14 um, years and years and years ago we used A P G R and we put it on, um, corn when it was in, um, you know, 57:22 when it was in right before brown silk and it elongated that, that ear and made a great big long tip, you know, 57:31 that didn't fill in and really reduced yield. So be Matt's right? You've gotta be careful. 57:37 I mean you gotta be really careful and if you don't know the right question to ask, um, send it in here to our little forum, you know, 57:45 our questions and answers thing and let us answer it for us and we'll get Lee on it, you know, we'll get somebody on it that can answer it the right way. We, 57:52 we've all fooled with all the pgs, but be careful. Yeah, you might end up regulating growth the wrong way by using the wrong plant growth 58:00 regulator in the completely wrong situation. And all of a sudden it doesn't reduce any stress, it just causes you lots of stress cuz you just wa wall up a, a crop. Caleb, 58:09 you got something to tell us. Yeah, and in addition to that, watch the conditions that you're applying to pgn, especially ones that contain a lot of iba of iLIGHT, 58:19 Marove Radiate use it on every acre, but we have the problem that we get too hot too quickly and sometimes we're still working on these applications. I had a grower call me up, Hey, yeah, 58:30 I'm throwing radiating the tank and I looked on the forecast and it's 94 degrees today. I said, pull it out. Well, he said, I'm halfway through the field. 58:39 So we had a nice little trial there that really showed us that if we apply the wrong products during the wrong conditions, 58:46 we can send that plant on a treadmill when it's looking for a reason to give up. So we want to use the right product at the right place and apply them in the 58:54 right conditions. By the way, I think that's really cool. Obviously Temple was on the whole, you know, different types of regulators. I hadn't even thought to, 59:02 to the person that's as, uh, not as smart as me when it comes to botany, a plant growth regulator in the wrong. Was that the just temperature? 59:10 It wasn't seasoned, it was just temperature that was gonna cause you problem Caleb? Yeah, so, uh, 59:15 IBA really puts that plant on a treadmill or IBA is a, uh, kind of plant growth regulator, plant growth hormone mold, 59:22 and it really pushes that plant. It's what drives root and shoot growth. We love it in the first part of the season, 59:29 but if we are dealing with a plant that is beginning to experience these kinds of stress, 59:35 we need to make sure that we aren't applying those products at the wrong time, that we're using these products that, 59:42 that are going to help the plant be more efficient with what they're doing and be able to tolerate these antibiotic stresses. 59:48 All right. Two, our two Southern, our two, our two, our two true southern guys, Matt and Kevin both wanna contribute here. 59:53 And I want to point out it's true Southern, not a turncoat, not a jump and skip back and forth over the Mason Dixon line, a true southern, 01:00:00 because obviously the temperatures down in little Vietnam are gonna be an issue, but does that mean you can't use it because hell, 01:00:06 I've never been there when it was at 90. Well, you just have to like what Caleb's talking about, if it's 94 degrees, that plant's already on a treadmill without any kind of help. 01:00:16 So he's already running hard trying to get, you know, and then the nighttime temperatures, he don't rest, he don't respir. So what kale's talking about is when you get those temperatures, 01:00:26 temple and live little Vietnam, by the way that are, are, are exceeding 90 degrees, you know, 01:00:32 that plant is already under stress and trying to, that, that's where we have a lot of trouble with, with yield on corn is our greenfield period is shortened compared to 01:00:43 Mr. Kelly up there that's got, you know, he's in God's country. So our greenfield time on a, on a corn cob, you know, to fill it out is, 01:00:51 is shortened because of the heat. And that's what exactly what ca was talking about, that plant's already on a treadmill because of the, the high temperatures. 01:00:59 So then you add something to that plant to make it even go faster and then you can get in it, it can cause adverse conditions. 01:01:08 Got it. And then Kevin was nodding his head and after Kevin, we're gonna get to our four questions so we don't take too long. Hang on Temple. 01:01:14 Kevin was an nodding his head, so he has something on the, uh, is it temperature and, uh, PGR? Well, 01:01:18 I mean, Caleb's so, right, but we, I mean, when we get to those kind of temperatures, we shut the sprayers down. We're we're going to shut 'em down, 01:01:25 we're gonna wait till it cools off in the evenings. We may be spraying at night early in the mornings and then we're gonna shut 'em down and then we're gonna start back maybe six or seven o'clock, 01:01:33 eight o'clock at night and spray to midnight or something. But man, absolutely, please pay attention. I have gotta say one thing, you know, 01:01:42 Matt said Kelly lives there in God's country, but, um, I really don't think God intended for everybody to walk up and down those steep hills that he's got, so he's not quiet in God's country. 01:01:53 Got some beautiful souls. I'll give him credit on that, but I don't think I'd wanna farm there. I I it would be tough with them terraces. 01:02:01 I agree with you. Um, I'm telling you what, my calf muscles ache because I got skinny legs, my calf muscles che for a while, and also I had to get a, 01:02:08 an injection of cortisone in my left tip after being at his place. Yes, Matt Said sometime it's comical. 01:02:14 So I'm gonna ask Kelly a question on those big tall heels. Kelly, how many feet of top to top soil do you have? 01:02:21 It's all top soil. There you go. Yeah, So I got some poor, some poor guy that's trying to make a crop in little Vietnam and he has a 01:02:29 hundred foot tall hill of top soil. All right, let's get to these four questions. Rapid fire, five questions now from Dan Keo, if you are, 01:02:36 and I just want one person to answer unless you really have something to add because we wanna get through this and let everybody get to back to, uh, 01:02:42 back to work or back to having a beer for the night. Dan Keo says, if you're stressed already and have to make a herbicide application, 01:02:48 is there something to help and not hurt the crop worse with the application? I think we already got that with Temple's question, right? 01:02:55 If you've already got stressed and you're doing a herbicide application, you already covered that. Correct? Anything else to add, Tim? 01:03:02 No. Um, basically I covered it in the last one. A radiator mega to that and it'll, it'll help, uh, alleviate that. Jonathan Reynolds asks, 01:03:12 are there any stress reduction strategies or products to he check out for a wide drop application stress reduction going through Yra applications? Anybody got 01:03:23 going? Matt, Matt? No, Matt, get 'em on on your y application on what's your look, um, when you put your charge. 01:03:32 Alright, so say that again. Temple it, it didn't come through. You Froze up. 01:03:37 Oh, did it? Um, Matt, your y drop application of this year when you put in the Nutra charge, tell him the difference in the plants where you added the Nutra charge and your 01:03:48 Y drop because Matt's already ahead of it. His plants are way past this wide drop. Yeah, 01:03:53 so we went out yesterday and I I sent you all the pictures and looking around, I had the, a agritech group here and I said, 01:04:00 let's just do a root dig just to see what's going on. And there was a tremendous difference between where we added the Nutra charge in the Y drop versus just in the infer, you know, 01:04:10 temple did this last year and had great results. So we, you know, we copied that this year, but it, yes, so you can put, 01:04:17 I think you can put products in the wide drop that will kind of, and and, and we gotta decide now here, 01:04:23 we're not just talking about stress mitigation products, but fertility, you know, uh, things that will help make your fertilized more efficient. 01:04:33 You know, to me those are all, you know, stress mitigate mitigating products along with irrigation. We had a tremendous response from Terramark in our drip irrigation, 01:04:44 so I'm very confident that it would work through the Y drop. That is very good stuff. All right, thank you Jonathan for the question. 01:04:52 Randy Dial or Randy Diehl. Um, and I apologize, know how to say your name, don't fungicides reduce the stress hormones as well. 01:05:00 Let's go with Kevin because he talked about that. Or Matt, do fungicides reduce stress hormones as well? 01:05:05 And I think we already kind of covered on it, but going to Yes, it, uh, especially the, 01:05:11 that was one thing that kind of put headline amp on the map with corn and uh, then there are other, 01:05:18 was the ability to change the ethylene production of that plant to help it handle heat stress and that it really wasn't what they intended when 01:05:27 they first developed the product, but it's what they started finding technology advanced with it. So absolutely fungicides play a role in that. 01:05:35 I can't say that ever fungicide out there does, but we do know that some of them do And they lower canopy temperature and that's a big deal for us in Temple Live 01:05:44 little Vietnam is we lower the canopy temperature where the plant will expire at night. W you know, we're, we're it cutting before that? So yes, 01:05:54 that's why I say my, my biggest stress mitigator product is fungicide, By the way, between now, dear listener, 01:06:01 I wanna tell you again July 6th of our next webinar and I want you to, uh, join on because by July 6th I'll have to read a 01:06:09 proclamation of apology to the country of Vietnam. Cause I fully expect that we'll be getting some letter from the embassy here in the next week. All right, Tim Ducker says, and by the way, 01:06:20 we're not insulting anything about the country other than he's comparing, he's making comparison from weather conditions, 01:06:27 asterisk only comparing the weather, nothing derogatory other than talking about weather. Tim Ducker, what's the best time of day to apply these foliar products Spring in the early 01:06:36 morning, late evening or overnight? Kevin kind of already said shut things off until evening. So you guys probably, I'm thinking, are you're fine. As long as it's not terrible, 01:06:44 Caleb's nodding his head, or maybe he's just looking at his phone. As long as it's not the heat of the day, right? 01:06:49 Early in the morning is when I like to go out first thing in the morning. Uh, when that plant is, is not under stress, it's cool, 01:06:56 it's got plenty of moisture inside of it. That's when we see the best results from an application. When we're in that middle of summer, we will f we will, uh, 01:07:06 finish up in the evenings if we still need to. But early in the morning is definitely my favorite. And Damon, I'm gonna say this, so you just need to watch your plants. So 01:07:15 I'm just trying to look, I'm just trying to show you my version of Caleb. I don't know if that's coming through or not. Does that look, uh, 01:07:22 you little bit, yeah. Watch your plants. Go ahead Matt. Everything is a vigil. So if you're looking at your plants and at 10 o'clock in the morning, 01:07:29 they're starting to look a little stressed, maybe your, your soybean lasers are turning up a little bit. Your corn plants are twisting, you probably need to quit. But if that plant's really healthy, 01:07:39 I think you can go all through the day, you know, but that you, it's, it's a visual look at your plant to see what that plant looks like as you're 01:07:48 spraying that plant. If it's, if you've got a corn plant that's twisted up, it's in a defensive mode, 01:07:54 so it's not gonna accept that as well as it would if it was in the morning or late in the evening. Like Kevin and Kelly be said. 01:08:01 I got one more question and I want to kind of just point out, uh, something here from my observation. 01:08:06 We've covered the stress reduction thing in a number of podcasts and a few different videos on site with Mike Evans, with Kevin or Matt or you know, 01:08:14 Rob Deadman, you know, anybody. And you might say, man, we've, we've, we've hit this. 01:08:19 I think it's kinda like the basics of financial understanding because I've learned so much having great seed or praying for good weather. 01:08:28 You guys have actually, I think, covered this a lot because it's as it's fundamental to the one chance you have against inclement conditions. And I think that that's, 01:08:37 that's why we've covered a lot and covered it very, very well. So I just wanna point that out to the listener why we've hit this topic before 01:08:43 and we'll continue to hit it because also we're trying out new products, we're trialing new products and it's, it's usually important, as you've heard, 01:08:50 we probably have adequate fertility. You probably have adequate power in your seed. What's next? This of course with practices as well. Um, my last question from Wayne Boden. 01:09:00 Hey, I want Wayne's question. All right. Wayne asked, when putting Nutra charge in a wide drop, is it better to put it into first or second wide drop application? 01:09:10 Can I go? Yep. Look at the demand curve for phosphorus and a corn plant it the second, the second one for sure, 01:09:18 because that's when the most phosphorus is needed is late. And Temple taught me that with his wide drop application of nutra charge last 01:09:26 year. You know, put it in the last one cause that's when the plant needs it the most. So study your plants, study the demand curves and, 01:09:35 and learn what when the, when, when they need the most. Temple will say this a lot on, on, uh, tissue tests. Look at, we're not looking at tissue tests for immediate, 01:09:45 we're looking at 'em for the next year. So if we're always compiling the data and, and a corn plant needs a phosphorus later in the season, 01:09:54 so that's when I think you should put it on there. Temple, do you agree or disagree? 01:09:58 No, a hundred percent agree. 75% of the phosphorus demands are in the R stages. So we, the leader you can put it on, the better off you're gonna be. 01:10:10 Again, you might say this is fertility and not stress reduction. Well, if I'm a corn plant and all that phosphorous was put out before I needed it and 01:10:17 now I'm looking for it, I'm gonna be stressed. So I think that this is a stress accurate, adequate amount, but accurately timed application of phosphorus, for instance, 01:10:27 is completely a stress reduction. I'm, I'm, I'm, am I right on that? Phosphorus drives energy. Energy reduces stress. 01:10:36 I think we're gonna leave it right there. Ladies and gentlemen, this has been a fantastic episode. 01:10:40 I hope it was as educational for you as it was for me. I wanna remind you, again, speaking of education, we care about the future of agriculture. 01:10:45 You've got a kid, a son, a daughter, a niece, a nephew, someone you know, maybe one of your hired kids that's going to college and you want them to come 01:10:53 back and be stronger. Start with getting applied for this scholarship, the extreme Ag scholarship. The second year we're doing this. 01:11:01 I'm very excited to be able to be a part of this because you know what, we're fostering the next generation, not some little $500 tokens. 01:11:07 We can put it out there on Facebook saying we're giving money to the next generation. $30,000, 01:11:12 $3,000 times 10 students going to an accredited ag school doesn't have to be a four year school. It can be a two year school. 01:11:20 We want them to be enrolled. They have to be enrolled by the end of 2023. You've gotta get your application in. You go to extreme, 01:11:27 that's our website. There's a button, it has the scholarship logo, it's got a little graduation hat, mortar borders, 01:11:33 it's called with a TA on it. And you know what, we want you to click it on it. Deadline for the entries is August 1st. August 1st. 01:11:39 You've got two months from right now to get applied. Isn't $3,000 worth it? I think it is. Please do this. And also I'm gonna share this around. 01:11:46 Please share it. If you don't know a kid, share it with somebody that you know, put on your social media because this is a big deal that we're kind of giving 01:11:52 back and we wanna make sure that you are, uh, you know, able to help somebody get to college. All right, July 6th, our next, uh, session July 6th. That's the first Thursday of the month, 01:12:02 which is when our extreme ag webinars always are pest management practices. By then you're gonna be absolutely knees deep into the farming and you're gonna 01:12:10 say, man, I think I start having a pest problem. Pest management practices is the, is the subject for July 6th. Don't exactly know who the slate of participants are gonna be, 01:12:18 but you know this. They're gonna be knowledgeable and they're gonna be here for your interactive questions to make you a better farmer. 01:12:22 The one after that is going to be on August 3rd. The August 3rd webinar. We're gonna talk about rounding the basis for results with an R five 01:12:29 application. So two great webinars that you can put on your calendar right now. July 6th and August 3rd. First Thursday of each month. Willow Stets, 01:12:38 the quiet guy up in the corner that is the producer and the brains behind putting all these awesome videos together for you. 01:12:43 Let Matt Miles is the guy that farms in that little part of Arkansas that sometimes acts like Southeast Asia. Weather-wise, 01:12:48 temple Rhodes is the guy that jumps across both sides of the Mason Dixon line, mostly just to be a turncoat to agitate. You know what? 01:12:54 He's the Benne Benedict Arnold of our organization. Caleb Trau, uh, agronomist, crop grout and guy that brings a nice, 01:13:03 a nice bit of agronomic knowledge for us here. Kevin Matthews finally got his audio dialed in. We're glad he did. And Kelly brought in his son Connor. You're gonna see him on June 22nd. 01:13:13 That's the next extreme Ag Field Day. Till next time, thank you for being here. Check out all of our cool stuff on extreme ag and if you're not a member, 01:13:20 you really should be. It's great stuff. Till next time, I'm Damien Mason. Thanks for being here.
Growers In This Video
See All GrowersKevin Matthews
East Bend, NC
Matt Miles
McGehee, AR
Kelly Garrett
Arion, IA
Temple Rhodes
Centreville, MD