XtremeAg Monthly Farming Webinars

Tune in each month for new insights discussion and information on making your farming operation more profitable. Each month the XtremeAg team provides valuable insights into the methods, techniques and tips they utilize on their farms every day to improve ROI and boost crop yields. From farm equipment, agronomy, soil health, crop protection, grain marketing, populations, and more, the XtremeAg webinars put you at the table with some of America's most successful farmers. Our Live webinars are open to all, but you must be an XtremeAg member to access our comprehensive library of past webinars.

Reduce Nitrogen Costs Without Reducing Yield: Smarter Strategies for Maximizing Nitrogen Efficiency

Thursday, March 13, 2025, 6:00 p.m CDT

For decades, conventional wisdom has told farmers that high corn yields require high nitrogen inputs. But nitrogen isn’t just a macronutrient—it’s in a category of its own. And the truth is, most farmers are still over-applying.

“The holy grail of American Agriculture is massive corn production, and to do that, you have to apply massive amounts of Nitrogen, or at least that’s what we’ve always been told. But some of us are wising up.” - Kelly Garrett

We now understand nitrogen availability better than ever, learning how to work with the soil rather than against it to optimize uptake and efficiency.

Ready to cut unnecessary nitrogen costs without sacrificing yield? Join Kelly Garrett, Johnny Verell, and Temple Rhodes—three farmers successfully reducing applied nitrogen while maintaining productivity—for an eye-opening XtremeAg webinar on March 13th at 7 p.m. Eastern / 6 p.m. Central.

Invest one hour of your time and start saving thousands on fertility costs. Reserve your spot today!

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