Focusing On Early Season Plant Health
Your crops emerged, you have an even stand, and you’re feeling pretty good about things. Now what? Well, now is the time to focus on plant health. What nutrients do your fledgling crops need and when do they need them? How can you tell whether or not your crops are as healthy as they should be? What’s the yield penalty you take for missing cues your crops are giving you about their health?
The guys from XtremeAg share their early season plant health practices at the May 4th webinar.
All right folks out and it's it's time for us to get going here. Welcome to the May 4th edition of the extreme AG webinar. We always want this to be interactive. So again type your questions up we will get them answered. We have joining us Lane miles and Matt miles. They're not Brothers. It's father and son and they're out of McGee Arkansas. We got Caleb trough coming for the first time ever to one of our webinars. He's an affiliate out of Georgia. We got Chad Henderson who's gonna do a lot of stuff here tonight talking about early season plant health and we got Kelly Garrett and Temple roads. Please in right here knows down. Ask us questions. We're gonna get things kicked off here. By the way. Caleb is not just an affiliate. He also one reason wouldn't have him on this episode is because he has a side business. He has a business where he goes around and Scouts crops. So we're gonna start off with Lane because Lane sent a group text about his scouting and he rice field and McGee Arkansas. They grow a lot of rice grounders as flat as a pancake for the most part and he was out there with a little square and inside that square. He's counting plants. It's all about what you saw focusing on early season plan Health when you're out there looking at your crops today. You just counting seedlings. Are you also talking about plant health? a little bit of both so Obviously, you know when we got the little square out there, we're counting per square foot. How much rocks we have out in the field. So the whole reason we were out there looking for the most part was to make sure we had a good enough stand for full yield potential is what most people look at for as What stand to have on our crop? but another reason why we were looking is to know that if a certain a premise that we were going to put out which is proud. So we had to make sure that we had enough germination on on those seeds to have a stand of rice. As long as that seed had a sprout. And was germinated would come through the soul. We were good. But that seed didn't have a sprout or or a shoot coming out and we sprayed prowl that it wasn't coming up. So. You know, long story short. We were needing to know what kind of herbicide we were going to put out. And whether or not we need to flush to get a good stand or flush to get killed activate our pre-emergence. And flushing on rice is just shooting water across the field because it's zero grade. So there's no levees. There's no rows for row rice. You just let water go and it puts a sheet of sheet of water across the field. but it I mean it's a hundred percent about plant health because if we do that wrong if we make the wrong application based man, then our I will we'll have to replant and if we put that chemical out and we and we have to replant we can't so it's it's a very tedious situation there that we were in when you look at plant health and rice because we think it's neat. You're the only extreme egg person that has rice. What are we looking for? I mean, you told me it's kind of like wheat, so it's a grass crop this time of the year what I mean, the rice is about what three four inches tall. What are we looking for? Well now go ahead line. So, you know as far as what we're after for us in the rice field, let's let's talk hybridized because most of the rice Growers round us are hybrid rice Growers and when you put that square out there we're looking for a minimum, which is this sounds in insane to me because I I hate to even say this we're looking for a minimum of one plant per square foot. Because that hybrid rice will till her out as much or more than we will. And and I said that we we look at Rice as we because that's what somebody like Kelly Garrett or Chad Henderson would would relate to as far as tillering how a hybrid plant will one rice plant per square foot. It's pretty thin. I mean you go out there and you walk a rice field and you you look at one plant per square foot. You look like you don't have anything there. I've got a neighbor that will for sure keep that and make full yield potential. I like seeing about three. Because it makes you feel better, you know, and you're good, but but rice will till her out a lot better than wheat wheel a lot more than wheat wheel and you'll have a big nice bushy plant that has a bunch of heads on it. But you know, that's what we're looking for as far as standing hybrid. Then you've got also you've got conventional rice that you'll need about 10 or 12 rice plants per square foot because they don't till they're out quite as well and and you'll get a little bit more you'll potential out of that because they're different than variety or conventional. Back to the health thing what kind of stuff what what problems would you have early on in a rice plant, man? Oh too much chemical damage from like we have to put out command. We have to pass so many residuals to to keep the grass out so we could get a plant that's kind of damaged from too much herbicide. I've had an old corn this year. Well, I put my herbicide on the corn and it was cold wit conditions and we've we've damaged some corn we've damaged some rice, but when you're in that high CC soles you can take more chemical than you can in like sand so mainly plant damage I would say so let's plan health and you know 101, you've got to have that plan healthy to be able to, you know, make it go to the next stage. You know it we talked about this on a recording. We just got done with temple temple focusing on really seasoned plant Health you talked about the one thing that you're never going to not do and you're going to use always infer a plant growth regulator and I didn't even know what a plant growth regular was until I joined the r Of extreme Ag and you guys explain that all to me and I said, why is that important for plant health? And you said especially when conditions get later in the season you want that pgr in there because why? You got to have that pgr in there because you're trying to promote as much grew growth as possible. You know mean like what's gonna make your Healthy system again, we're bit. We're back to we're building this Factory, right? So with a PCR in there certain pgrs build really good healthy plants because we're building that factory. We're setting up the foundation for the future. What about a plant health issue that that you go out and find early on you've got crops. You have me a plan because you got rained out you got crops are just starting to urge when you're going out there in the next week with all this rain you're having what are you focusing on in plant was plant Health Focus mean to you in this kind of conditions that you're facing, right? So playing Health to me focuses on you know, we're looking for pith young fusarium, you know, the all the early stuff for us. We're talking about, you know, it's been cool. It's wet, you know, those are the things that we're gonna have problems with that's why we try very very hard to adjust ourselves and try to be proactive and we're trying to put those things in Furrow, right? So here's a conversation that I had with Matt earlier and Matt. I need you to chime in, you know. When we get up here 99% of the time I know what's gonna happen. I know that I'm gonna be low and amen manganese magnesium Molly iron, you know, I I know that I'm gonna be low in them because those are all of the key elements that are going to help make photosynthesis or help me with photosynthesis. There's in that time of year. I know I'm going to be lacking of um, that situation is is very different than than mine. You know, I know that I'm gonna go through these struggles because of my Colder Weather environment up here at that time of year. Matt doesn't necessarily Bank on that. It could be one reason that sometimes he hasn't seen oh return on his investment when you want to talk about putting some micros and Furrow, but Matt, tell them about some of the problems that you face down there in Arkansas in a season where You're not necessarily used to is. Yeah. Hey wait and I gotta ask this the temple just take over my job as host. Hey, man. Yes. Sure. This is good. You know what? I can go in my wife sitting by the pool. I'm going to have a beer and just let you guys take up. All right, go ahead Matt. Well now Tim will not talk about this earlier. So he he faces cold temperatures and Kelly does to love the guys north of us face that Chad and I Hopefully plant our corn in a little bit warmer weather. But this year was totally different. So we got our first tissue samples back. We were low in magnesium. We lowering manganese. We're low in different. Totally a bunch of different elements that were you're talking early you're talking like tissue samples off the plant that's only like V2 or something. Yeah. Oh no as V3 V3 V4 or somewhere around it range and I jumped the gun. I'll admit to that jump the gun. It doesn't even think that anything you should do tissue sampling and they're out there. They're sitting in the whole plant. They're sitting in the whole plant Chan and done that. So when I when I when I sent those off of like I panic, you know, and and I'll call Temple and he said well, that's why I put this stuff in Furrow is because we can you know, we take we we know we're gonna have these situations and we have a song but normally I told him this today we'll have the low I'm just say manganese or magnesium and we'll have that. We'll have a low tissue sample, but our weather changes we get a lot hotter weather. So it corrects itself on his own. But this year was a different story so and and I shouldn't I shouldn't have took them so early, but I did and I panicked. But what what temples saying is correct, you know, he knows that he's got to and he said this on several webinars. He's got to prepare and chances of this the other day your tissue samples. You take this year or to prepare for next year. Yeah, because we start seeing an anomaly or a friend whichever one you're looking at and so we know that next year we can correct this by X, you know doing this and for him for listening to or maybe this in the foliar. So, you know that's a cool thing about about this group is we're not looking at tissue samples and chasing our Tails, but we're looking at what's going to happen the next year and this year was a different year for me because I mean I actually replanted 300 acres 350 acres of corn. That should have never been replanted and normal year in 10 years that this would happen one time. It was my Sands. It was my good dirt Chad cause it bad there, but it's my good dirt the best there I got because of cold temperatures and and in the situations we had so You know, it's it when you when you listen to what these guys are saying, and I've learned so much from them. You know that makes a lot of sense our tissue samples are for next year. Not for this year. Chad told me the other day. He said you're not gonna correct this year with your tissue samples. You don't correct it next year because you know, what's going on dear listener. I know a lot of you are going to actually be watching this as a replay because maybe it's a busy season for you. We did it. One of my favorite episodes I've ever done of of our videos and podcasts was with Chad and the girls from Agro liquid at his field and they talked a great length about tissue sampling. I encourage you to go on our website not now stay right here now and look that up because it's one of the best episodes we've ever produced and Chad gets a little animated. It's pretty good stuff. Anyway, all about two sampling four go to chat. I want to ask Kelly a question about focusing on early season plan Health Kelly. I've said this a number of times but I think for the person that hasn't tuned in before you talked in 21 of all 21 the year 2022 was gonna be the year of stress mitigation at Garrett Land and Cattle you're all about stress mitigation stress mitigation focusing on early season plant Health one of the big problems, of course, depending on the season you're having is cold or wet or what have you and obviously that's a stress and it's obviously bad for the health. What did you learn last year in the early season with your goal being stressed medication that made your plants healthier now. Taking some of the budget away from fertility and putting it towards the stress mitigation products. There's there's four different products that we use and in our trials all of them have paid. Okay, so stress medication at time of planting, right? Kind of stuff and then and so like what kind of products we're talking about. So In you know, depending on the field or depending on the crop. We use accomplished mats or Octane infero and then when we come back we'll use Shield decks on some fields on other fields. Now last year we tested terramar from Loveland and that that had a huge yield better the huge Roi through our drip irrigation. We didn't try any of it from a foliar application. We will this year last year. It was just through the drip and it really nice product for us on the ROI. Okay. So you just said four different things and those all one goes and one goes and Furrow one goes in drip accomplished Max and octane or both infertile not together, you know separately, you know like this year. We're using Octane and our soybeans and accomplished Max in our corn and shield X. We apply from a full year perspective and terramar we use last year through the drip this year. We will use it full year as well. Understood. All right, Chad. We're going to be at a field day next week at your place on May 11th is the field day. It's gonna be big we are excited to have it and I want you to show us some of your focus on early season plant Health when we're there. I want you to tell us your thoughts on early season plan health and then I got a couple more questions for you. Um, so we talked about the field day early season or regular season to talk about let's talk about when I said this title. This was focused on early season plan. I talked about nutrients I talked about how you can tell when your crops are as healthy as they should be early season. Maybe that's when you can take on how can you tell because you're not without the tissue samples. Of course, how can you tell? So, you know I say all the time and you know in in my world, I don't know about the other guys, but in my world, you know, if you could leave and the three or four and go the beach from V3 to be fat go then because that's when you're corn is going through that awkward stage, you know, it's like a teenagers going through that out for stage and it's got something out there blocking yelling. Somebody's green, you know, but the things we do for men photos and the Blends we make a lot of that pools that window real closer and when you pull that window closer them the less awkward time. It has the more corn that I can make, you know, that's how it works on my phone. I don't know about the rest of these guys, you know, Temple just makes lunch corn. Anyway, so Kelly can I stay you don't even need it. But anyway, that's that's kind of where we get at all these guys like I hate going less like everything they say no from Lane to the rest of what we doing all the way to Temple and Kelly talking about the accomplished mags or octane or you know, even you know, you may or grows, you know, all this stuff the radiates all this stuff we put in furrows. With me and Kelly's had a deep conversation about this stuff. You know how some some areas of our Farms are fertility is enough when you say enough then we focus on the things. We need the things we can't get back the root development, you know, those sort of things and that's what we're going after here. We can't get that. There's nothing we can put on after this stage to get more root development. Now we can keep that root development going or, you know, get what we've got and make it better but we can't get more after this stage that makes sense. So first off you're not going last Caleb is going last but other thing okay, honestly God, I really want to and maybe mad I'll get off his phone and pay attention because I think this is really worth it. I really think that we're hearing I think the job always call me ask me about what he's got us pray because we're friends some sensitive beside the corn playing cotton. So I have to answer somebody that's important. Okay, one of my things better family. I was I was on my phone. I got I got a question for Chad. I used to have this little thing where I could like raise my hand and I think will or somebody took it away from me because I can't raising my hand all the time. So I'm just gonna go back to what I used to. I'm just gonna interrupt Chad. I got a question for you. So with um You just talked about it some so you going through that funky stage where your seed goes from your corn plant is getting his energy off the seed itself and then it's switching over to the roots and the roots are reaching out to the tuba two like so there that's where Some of That Awkward stage comes in because it's not reaching a tuba to yet. Do you and your operation put different things in your YouTube that you know that your struggles are coming up. Do you help getting in front of that by putting some of these things in the two, but two? Yeah, I mean, that's exactly right Tim, but I know where you're going that because you do the same thing mean you can talk about it and you know before so with, you know my vision for going forward, you know, you know 20 years is you know, let's say when we used to start growing corn, you know mean you would just whichever seat we get to first on the palette. That's what we planning on that field. Well now you know you take I mean, I admire Kelly I mean Kelly can tell you in January. What is fun just have programs gonna Where the seeds gonna be planted which field it's gonna be in what's fungicide program will be and you know, I admire them for that because they they're that much detail will in the future. Let's fast forward in the future. I see us getting all the way down to each field, you know way. We know what this fortunately programs gonna be. We're gonna load this tuba two up. We're going a little bit more sulfur here. Okay, we're gonna lighten up on the Boron here. That ain't gonna be a metaphor. No. No say wait a minute. Did you just say light up on the Boron? No, I don't know my farm. I mean, you know these other boys that might get Boron toxicity Matt, but you know, I ain't seen it yet, but I'm still looking for it. And when I find it I'm gonna busted say it Boron toxicity. I got you. So, um with that being said, you know, I I see it's going to the to the other side, you know, when like what I see with Kelly and Mike Evans and all in doing you know, where they're so oriented, you know, they got a spreadsheet. It's got this stuff in it. I can see him really low enough and Kelly might be already doing this. I just hadn't seen it yet. I see it. I'm gonna take a picture of it. But you know, we're gonna get so detailed with this stuff and and a field maps and all the data that we have that we can just specify do a better job as farmers and not just having that neutral Bland that we got for 3000 acres, you know, so to answer Temple question in a long way. Sorry. Well again Temple my co-host as we call him and we're all still get to our friend Caleb and by the way, yeah, we let you know. We're putting you last because we want you to build see Thing but before I do that, I want to address a question that's over here in our chat. This is from Greg Dell. Do you all think those micros you're talking specifically about molybdenum manganese and magnesium are the main micros that lack in colder soil. So let's go to a colder soil person while we're talking chemistry. Let's go to Kelly because you're big on chemistry plus biology equals Agronomy or Agronomy equals a biology plus chemistry. That's a chemistry question. Do you lack? Those? Are those the main things you're lacking in colder soils? Yes. Well, you're lacking magnesium because it's a cation it gets tied up. I I do not lack manganese. I actually have too much manganese for my plant food, but your normal person would lack manganese. I would tell you that we lack all micro nutrients that we have too much nitrogen. We're out of balance. And but in a cold, I think almost in in the colder soils we do lactose. but that's a difficult question. It depends on the perspective. I believe that in my soils which are colder soils. Obviously, I believe that in my soils. I believe the biology of my soil is producing so much nitrogen that I lack all micro nutrients along with calcium so sulfur and carbon The nitrogen the nitrogen is a problem. Which is difficult for the average grower to hear the Holy Grail of farming is Raising corn to Holy Grail raising corn and I was turn up the nitrogen. Yeah, we put on it. We put on a gallon a half of micro nutrients today trying to balance it out. All right, Chad go. Now go ahead Caleb. All right, I will say too on the manganese. That is something that we have seen to help us get a nice even stand and it can be challenging to get enough manganese into the plant on those those first few stages. And so we really like bumping up our manganese whether we're running in Furrow or two by two. We definitely seen that give a nice even stand even if we do have enough in our souls we want our first few tissue samples to be Sky High and that's when we know we're doing a good job there. Okay to have a perfect stand then because my manganese is off the charts. No, and I don't even know where it comes from. So we add manganese and magnesium to our infer because I don't do that. I'm only good Chad. If you put mag in your inferral tank get the snot ready. It's gonna make snot. That's what magnesium in our little time let her sleep, but we put a magnesium product logo. I do too. So wait real quickly. So Chad says are you saying don't do it or just be prepared for viscous spray solution? No, I'm telling you. Don't do anything with I dump it straight in my tank. The mag I had now I may put EDTA in something like that. That's maybe lower percentage. Maybe I went too hot with a percentage but soon as I dropped it in there into the like a 3 18 or something like that. It may not so I've been now well what like me really does with water we'd be good but this was a straight fertilizer mix Kelly now, what about adding that episode like we did for our As anybody okay Caleb Caleb Caleb. You're first off Caleb. I know this is your first time you might notice that one of our participants talks about a solution becoming snot and the host the job of the host meeting me is to then take it to a more professional description and I called it a more viscous solution. So if he wants it if you want to know a synonym for Snot you could call a more viscous spray solution, but oh Farmers would call us not I'll be honestly What you got Caleb on them on the manganese or we saw mag because magazine magnesium and oh, yeah, and Kelly was going manganese which were we talking about here Caleb? So I was gonna ask Chad on your magnesium that you're having problems facing with. You know, what form that was or what the Magnesium was. It was a plant food mix from the co-op. Okay, because I know we like was it was he being funny? What is it? What was it? No? No, it was no joke. They brought me some the first time I've done it and Meg is just I mean give me your red we can play with different ways of but I just I can't put it with us when we get down to two or three or four gallons and we got to mix that mag in there the window so tight Caleb for me. It's harder to play with me like you need to get that water solution. No matter mag is the hardest one for me to play with, you know in certain fertility things. So me I'm with you on the manganese the manganese. It's pretty easy. And it's I'm a hundred percent. We own it. What rate of making manganese are you putting? and We're putting in two by two a little over a pound but we're getting manganese sulfate and so dry bags and then we're blending it with water and then adding that solution into our mix and I will say too on the magnesium sulfate. That's what we've done and we typically haven't had any problems because we're not trying to add the magnesium sulfate to the fertilizer. We first priest Larry a little bit and then we usually have pretty good success with making everything. Stay in the form that we wanted to be able to float through the planner. So it takes a how many gallons of water to deal with a sulfate? The mag sulfate there's where you solution comes. Yeah. Yep. So I've been told that Stoner has a my a MAG that will mix with anything. So one more Manny look at is he might know. See by now. Okay Caleb, I'm gonna stay on you for a second. We're talking about focusing on early season plan health and they're talking about a lot of products which is fine because one of the things and the right up that we send out to our members was that we're gonna talk about nutrients. Let's talk about the scouting what a couple of things two three four things. When you go out and you're looking at a stand of any crop, you can just just pick it and tell me what thing you might notice because of your job that the farmer doesn't notice or or maybe misidentifies or maybe doesn't think is as big of a problem as it is tell me some of the the things that you're seeing that maybe the untrained eye does not Sure. One thing that I've noticed a lot this year is planner issue something that when the crop comes up. It might look fine. It comes up evenly but then when we start digging around as the plants are growing and they're just not looking right. Sometimes it could be a depth issue. Sometimes it could be a did we plant it too wet or too dry something like that. And then also making sure our foliar applications on that early time frame. We don't get it too hot but we still are able to with a herbicide solution be able to take care of the weeds. That's something that we had some trouble with this year. Like that was saying the weather was just wish you watch it was cold and it was hot. So we really had to find tune some of our herbicide plans because we were seeing a little bit more crop response than what we are wanting to so sometimes it's where we have to go out there and make an application and then return back in a couple days and make sure it had the desired results. So if we need to change Thing we can. Okay. So you said there are a couple of things planter issues which we've talked about and and in fact Temple and Chad are big on that. You know, they went they don't work on each other's Planters. Sometimes that involves a thing Kelly called a wrench have them explain what that is to you. But anyway, I want to also go with then Caleb you said about the the herbicide being too high you're talking about that you just put is too big of a dose and you're talking about then it stresses the crap. Right right that and then watching our ads events and we need to know what are the components in the herbicides. We're applying for example, some of the EC formulations like dual and Outlook that contain oil. Well, we don't want to add those that are oil based and then add more oil like the MSO or profitable and then I have some guys that they were swapping their drift agents to something that was 100% vegetable. So then we have three times the oil in there and it really just sits on that leaf and starts burning it up. So and and it happens. We have to swap out things in the middle of applications. If our retailer runs out of something that we just want to make sure that we do our due diligence by checking our mixes beforehand. I know these guys here there's usually a half a dozen or doesn't things going out there were in that sprayer. So we need to make sure that things are I'm going to cause us any issues there. But then also making sure on the back end that we check that crop out Caleb if you think that Chad stops at a dozen the guy is the sending by the way Temple informed me. He's not they're not the sin that twins Temple says he's even more of the senior of the Senda twins. Temple is like hey, I've even backed off on sometimes around like no, I don't think we need to do this. But Chad is what he Farms like he races. It's the pedal to the metal all the time speaking of Chad. I want to say he's kind of our Bobby Bowden. He says funny stuff. There's a little while ago, he compared corn plants to an awkward ugly teenager and then in a extreme AG text the other day. He said he had a batch of stuff. That was so fertile. He wouldn't let his wife walk by it because she might get pregnant that's straight out of Bobby Bowden kind of stuff right there. So I gotta tell you man. It's not lost on me. All right Lane's laughing Lane. Um, let's talk about what you see because your crops are already up what and play over what Caleb just told. I look out and I see yellow plants. I know I got a problem. What if I don't see yellow plants. Do I still have a problem tell me some of the stuff you've learned in your so far in your farming career when it comes to being out on the field the picture you sent today you were laying on your belly this far away from the soil. So clearly you were digging into something. You're very thorough. Oh, I was digging and Rise the end. But yeah, I would laugh a pretty good because I had a guy just walking here and he's actually an employee and landowner and he said something about Chad and high school teenager. He's kind of shook his head. But yes, so it Jazz not gonna like what I'm fixing to say. So, I mean the only real way to know that you have a problem and it's a problem. You're gonna fix next year is it's tissue sampling. Um, but I mean that that's kind of how we know that that we have a problem and we'll try to oh a man that the best we the best way we can which I mean in in way in this last time was was low in mag. And and we got some magnesium sulfate to be able to kind of I mean that so that's that's the best way we kind of figured that out. Got it. I got a question from Andy hubenthal solo, Indiana guys. He made chance of Matty turn his camera off any humanthal ass. What about the Affinity in this? This is over my head. So please guys pay attention. I need somebody that can answer this because I don't even know what some of these words mean. What about the Affinity of chelates for iron being greater than the affinity for manganese and substitution happens iron gets taken up and less manganese. Is anybody is this make sense to people that are more on this chemistry side of it. Mmm Got nothing. Temple's fixing the answer I'm not you just Mass rubbing all I was gonna say this is where we need to leave. I think that you know when when What Andy's getting that is like when you want to talk about kelaids be be careful with a lot of the key lights because when you start adding in a bunch of this and a bunch of that, you know, you could get this this in Balance, right? So I think it's very important that if you this is what I do now, I'm not saying what I do is what I do is right, but this is how I handle it. I choose there's a ton of micronutrient companies out there find something reader labels and find something in the area of what you need and they are already a balanced nutrition. That's not going to put you out of balance. Right? So if you started playing with chelates and don't in a quarter this a quarter that yeah, you're gonna all set all that. They are there for a reason use these companies make a phone call. We have plenty plenty of people that you can call and find out what the best one is for you and and get them in your area. We have so many different partners in this deal. A lot of them make some tremendous Blends and this would work the best for you. Don't try to out think them. Don't try to out think yourself use the Blends and I think that it would just find a blend that works for your needs, but you need to find What your needs are first? among anything else All right, the only thing I have it and I got a text from somebody. I'm not gonna say who it is. I'm very dumb when it comes to chelates edgas all that stuff. Oh, is that a Maggie? EDTA is the only mag source that will mix anything. It still does not play nice for other micros regardless EDTA key lakes or not. Whatever. That's the only thing I got that didn't come for me because I'm not the smartest guy on that. Why didn't that person type it here for all of us instead of using you as the conduit to get this information dispensed. He likes me a lot. He may not like you. Well, there's a lot of that going on, but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't share the information. All right. Hey, I want to go around to my to my buddy Chad again Chad. When I first came to your farm. I very first started two years ago with extreme AG came to your property you we went out there and we were putting in tile you actually I wasn't I was just filming stuff and talking so putting in drainage tile. It was a big deal because you haven't done a lot of Dreams tile in the South and you and Matt have both put in drainage town. Now one of the advantages of getting water away is early season being able to get on the field, but also presumably it helps not have a bad day for your plants if it's wet or what not. So are you seeing any early season plant health? advantages to a tiled field versus a non-tiled field So yeah, that's a great question. And and yes, we are. Okay. So one of the tile Farms is in wheat and it looks I ain't gonna say my weight looks phenomenal, but I have wheat and I have a great week prop where I would have zero wheat crop. You remember when you pulled in you're like, well somebody parked the header trailers in the field. Like you wouldn't know that that's a bottom, you know where you pulled in it and it was literally too wet do anything with like we pulled it here and stuck a truck and you just took the header off of it. So, I mean we fix that problem with it. Now the other tile project that ads has with me and McCain them is that we got it in his beans planning. So the beans are just now emerging but we I mean just I can't I mean we don't have enough time on here for me to talk about the benefits that I'm seeing so far. I can't wait to see the benefits further down the road, you know my soul life the biology there's none of that just like, you know when you walk across the field and it's just kind of sleep and slimy like it sealed off. You know what I'm talking about when you when it's wet and it we just don't have that and so I'm really looking. Over to the benefits, you know down the road that we're gonna get with win. My soul biology takes back off, you know, because I'm always killing biology. You know, I like to just scratch it in there a little bit. You know what I'm I'm killing biology all the time, but you know the the soul health And the layers and textures of the sole and the profile is what we're going after and that's what we're rebuilding in this boat. Answer the long the temple version of this short. Yes or no is yes, we're definitely building more biology. We're definitely seeing better merged. We're seeing it's not as much better as it is more uniform because now it's not saturated and the whole Fields planted like it wasn't plenty before and it's playing at the same time, you know, that's those two or three things, you know, because we would have to plant this spot and come back a wheat and plant this spot. So well, I mean, I don't think it's a stretch and Matt you can tell me you're in your first year, I guess second. You've had two plantings in one Harvest on your experimental ground that you drainage child with ads. Is there anything noticeable, you know, you've been farming at ground for 30 years. Let's say do you go out there now and say these plants a plant would not look this good two years ago before we did the drainage. I just rode around. Two hours before we come here to do the webinar. And we we planted in March and we've never planned the field March ever before so yes, absolutely. I mean we got beaten up that are growing that are healthy that we wouldn't have had. a month earlier if I'd I think if I didn't have the time. Got it. I want to go in with the other thing that I promised our listeners if they if they read the invitation about yield penalty if you miss a cue if you missed what your plants were telling you meaning you just drive by and say yeah, they look fine out there. So a plant health issue that you didn't catch if anybody has an example like that or you caught up but it was too late. What are we talking about? When we talk about a couple less bushel, we talking about like 20% less bushel, who's got something for me, maybe temples always wanted to admit when he's made mistakes again. Oh, yeah, so so of them about this today, you know when I put out my herbicides and I'm looking at my corn, you know five years ago. That corn looked okay to me. I mean my it might get yellow it might get ugly looking but it was just corn is gonna grow out of it and today. I'm paying so much more attention to what the corn looks like. That it's made a big difference. I mean there's there's things we do that we screw up and and I'm I'm not probably the master at that but I mean after being in this group, I pay attention to my corn more than I ever did before and you see things that you didn't see. Yeah. Oh man. So maybe I'm calling the yield penalty but it is a yield penalty. You've grown your yields and you're gonna say it's because of extreme Ag and all that. We appreciate that and all the people that are here appreciate that but what do we talk about? If you grown if you grown your yields by 10% in the last two years because of now paying attention to stuff that you previously it wasn't because you were lazy because you truly missed, you know health issue. I didn't know I have no so yeah, I'd say 10% That's a good a good number. Chad was getting ready to say something the temperature might going to change, you know. Honey part of this group, you know. And we are look at the people that we now are in contact with and and the group that we have that we can just you know, we can get a hold to so many more people's got so much more knowledge than us, you know from the company's just like temples talk about earlier. That's that's our disposal as Farmers that not all farmers use because they just think that that's the way it is, you know, I mean, you gotta take you know, whether it's our liquids and you got your rep of you know, Molly or Stephanie or one of those or whether it's you know, Tommy with Natures or whoever your company is, you know, I mean, it's just a lot of good people out there. I think this grown all our yields together and we've started paying attention more Chad you got an example and we're gonna beat your field day and I hope you show us some things and all the attendees you show them some things that are specifically about plant Health, you know at this time of May and things that maybe you would have missed five years ago, but now you've upped your farming game, but do you have an example of something you missed and now it's like God looking back. I was probably sacr. Missing, you know five bushels ten bushels, whatever just because of this one thing you have anything like that? Yep. You don't say that field day. Here that there's a tease. There's a lot of what we're gonna look at what we're gonna talk about in at the field day for most real. First of all, you know, agriculture's got it both sides. It's gonna be it's gonna be good. Y'all we're gonna do some root digs, you know in the corn small but you know, it's so much you've learned but what we're really gonna focus on is the wheat side. There's some things I've done in a week that I just messed up. I just didn't have didn't think I needed anything I needed and it's starting to predict forgotten worse. And now I'm gonna show y'all some bad week. Like I'm literally gonna show y'all some bad week and there's and there's gonna be a couple fixes to it. We know what problem is, but you can't fix it this year and what's doing is doing so we will definitely have you know, in a strip-tailed stuff. We're gonna we're gonna talk about how to stay on the street that's difficult to do with 24 row planter that's behind you so many feet. Okay and then the regular ground we're gonna talk about compaction in the wheat field. We're gonna talk about disease, you know, so there's several things that we're gonna get to talk about that's you know stuff that we do every day that we can't battle a hundred percent, but we can work on one step at a time. Yeah, I like it. By the way temples getting ready to say something about. Okay. Yeah, if you have it by the way, Andy's Point developed on his question is that his iron is greater than 100 in the soil and it happens the soil. So he's talking about that problem where the chelates and the iron don't don't go together. I think that's more of a statement that he wanted to follow up on the question and I just I just say that watch the temple down there is like watching a caged animal right now. He's one day. All right, trying to get a word in man. He's going no. I've been I've been very good about trying to stay in my Lane. Go ahead somebody you got for us because you a playoff of what I was talking to chat about. I think the answer is is very tell us about a yield ability that you took because of a plant Health thing that you did not know or and now you do hey, hold on first of all sample send it. All right, I'm gonna send it. I got lots to say so here's the deal so. All these guys have told us that nutrient deficiency plays a big part in disease your talk. We're sitting here talking about it and we got to realize that from the beginning. Okay. So the beginning is obviously or in Furrow. We already talked about that the next the next little problem we get into is when we go from our seed and to our root we talked about that by addressing that with our two but two the next thing that we haven't talked about yet is this so we've talked about everything else. We haven't talked about, you know, some of these efficiency products that we need to put in some of all of these so it makes all these things, you know, we're putting nutrients out there, but are we on time that's one thing that we need to talk about. So here's the next one. You're sitting here between ve you know, your earlier emergence and V3 and you're like, holy crap. I've got a problem. I'm gonna go out there and I'm gonna put a whole bunch of micronutrients on blah blah blah or you make your phone call to your retailer or to your agronomist. And you go man what's going on with my corn? It's yellow. It looks terrible. And the first thing that they're always going to tell you which absolutely makes me angry is man. We need two things. We need to see son when he well. I know that I absolutely know that but I'm trying to get we're trying to get around it. So I talked to Matt about this today. You know, we're we lack is that period of V3 until we can make that photo first forward your treatment? I guess I should say early emergence and that first foliar treatment, you know in that window there. We have a huge problem like we could fix it, but we can never move the needle we can go out there and it up we can wait for sun. We can wait for heat, but we can't move the needle. So I talked to Matt about this today and Matt hit him with what you told me. Use a band sprayer. So you take a band sprayer? And and you I'm 30 inches so you take advant spray and you do 19 inches and you can double the rate. But put it on the band just like a streamer novels that we're using you. I've seen the videos and you can move the needle if you use that but if you I mean well you're looking at V3 V4 corn how much percent 10 will you thanks going on the ground probably if 85 I'd say probably in some cases you look at you know, if you're in a field that you know, like in my case, I'm 30 inch rows and I'm at you know, let's say 30,000 plants per acre and it's at V3 and I'm gonna go out there and I'm gonna make you feel your treatment. I'm telling you 80% of it's hitting the dirt not the plant and I just put on a full year product so that in my mind, I've wasted all that money. Yeah, so you can do a band sprayer. It takes a lot more time and people call me the banking because I use band sprayers on my cotton so much but you can take that. So when you do a band if you're running a cord or something you run a pint, right? So you your court if it if it's not damaging to your plants on that band and you're getting you you'll move them needle with that. But so many people don't want to do that because it takes an extra extra sprayer and extra nozzle set up and Temple and I talked about this today the same scenario. We're using with the streamer nozzles. We could do that with a band nozzle and you get double the rate on that plant not on the ground. Okay. Well, at least it's not wasted product. Yeah, again, it's back to or efficiency, you know, we talked about phosphorus efficiency products. We talked about being efficient, you know that we're not being efficient with our micronutrients. I line up my other way and you know, you're probably listening staying. Hey, we've gotten a little far astray from the topic of focusing on early season plant health and I think what we're really gonna admit here is it all goes together? I mean, that's really what we're talking about here efficient use of product getting it right where it needs to be learning from your mistakes realizing that sometimes there's stuff that's happening. You don't aware of Caleb talked about some tissue samples and then chance started going into some kind of convulsions right there. And so now Lane has something to say chime in from his father. Yes. Language was putting his computer. Sorry. I had to get back to the unmute. I was raised my hand because he is the banking. That's the band King. All right, Caleb. What do you think about band about band rates of when we come not herbicide, but just fertility. So that is something that I was kind of sitting back here thinking all in our contest Acres. We will go across with a application between V2 and V3 and I do like the band option something else that some guys are doing if they're running rtk. They're putting a very narrow nozzles on their sprayer toward where they're just spraying in lieu of pulling a three-point hit tree or they're doing like a lay-by application right over the road. But when we're doing that we're usually going out with a product like Mega grow something. I be a something that's going to promote cell division and we're typically able to put two more rows around on the ear of corn when we're doing that application. But with that plant growth regulator, we're also needing to put a little small dose of my nutrients and we want to remember too is the plants are small and the we measured the nutrients by percentage. So if we have a Eggplant we have to put on a lot. But if we have a small plant, it doesn't take a lot of product for us to move the needle so it's okay. I mean, I understand I'm spending $10 an acre and eighty percent that's going on the ground and that's not doing us very much good but that little bit that we're getting on the plant. The timing is what we're going for. It's not necessarily the rate, but it's the timing and the placement with that extra pass that we're doing even before our herbicide pass on for I agree with Caleb. I always worried about how much was going on the ground and Mark Coots told me that the amount that is going on the plant relative to the size of the plant is what the plant needs and don't worry about the rest of it. So I quit oriented Mark's pretty smart. I don't when we're talking about when we're talking about early season plant Health. Our perspective here has changed, you know, Mike Evans and I our perspective has changed after we started working with spray Tech and you know something that Drew told me one time something else stuck with me like Mark. a disease persistent a plant because of a nutritional imbalance and that is one of the things that has started me on this path down of trying to balance the plant or balance my chemistry, so You know the temple was touching on that a little bit and I think that's something that's very important. You know, the stress mitigation products are great and they're a huge part of my budget. They won't leave the pgr is a great. They're a huge part of my budget and they won't leave but and and so I feel like I've checked those boxes, but now talking about the micro nutrients and talking about the carbon and the sulfur I don't know if you want to put those in a micro nutrient or macro nutrient perspective but talking about those that is why I'm trying to balance the plant from a chemistry perspective nutritional balance leads to plant health and that is the most important thing that we have. But our question in terminalized question is if you do that on a band you take the double rate put it on the band. Is it more effective? You in half? Yes. I I think theoretically you could cut the rate in half. It was what Mark is saying? So I think you could I I don't know that it's more effective. But I think you can save input dollars by doing. I I think it's a good idea. I'm not saying you're wrong I'm saying it's a good idea and I think you could save money if you took the time to do it. What if you didn't cut in half you put double the mouth on the plan. That's here. If you're incredibly if you're incredibly diff, I've never done it before so I don't know but if you're incredibly deficient and twice as much gets on the plant it stands the reason you should get twice as much in the plan if the plant wants that much. I got I got a point. Um Caleb hit on this a minute ago, you know when he was talking about the rules around and they saw an effect by that, you know, all these plants in this plant's life between V4 and V6. It's determining the rows around and if it's determined Rose around if we can go just prior that make some type of treatment like what Matt's talking about and and Trigger sometime some type of big response in that plant prior to V4 V6 when it's getting ready to determine the rules around we might not have to move the needle. But for a short stint of Time Capture that and then fill it out at the end. A hundred percent. Okay, Caleb. Hey Caleb your cameras off pal. This is the weather. It's a webinar. We got to see you. You know, what if we just hear you talking it's kind of like we don't trust you as much. I'm trying to plug in my iPad because you're about to lose me. But but yeah, I was long time in on that and ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure if we're already seeing the plant start to go downhill. It's hard to make up for that law scrap. Caleb just for the future. That's a cute quippy saying you'll never be Chad. You'll never have the for the batch I have is so fertile of my wife white walks by it. She'll get pregnant. You'll never have the kind of stuff. He says my court my corn between V3 and V5 is like an ugly teenager going through puberty or whatever. He said I'm telling you the guys a master. Okay, we got a we're gonna get out of here, but I want to go around the horn one more time with everybody about this and I want to remind you dear listener and viewer and I know many of you are watching the replay on this again. We're gonna be a Chad on May 11th, Thursday, May 11th one week from right now is the field three to seven PM you can you can register for it and extreme agnot Farm we want you to be there. He talked already about all stuff. We're gonna see talk about plant Health we're talking about wheat, that doesn't that's not doing well. Don't talk about the drainage stuff. He's got all kinds of cool stuff show us and the race car. So we're gonna have a good time and I'm gonna be there the miles brothers are gonna be there. They're not really brothers, but I just think it's cute to say that and then Chad send the twin because they do everything together. Temple roads are gonna be there. So anyway, before we do that going around the horn here once more focusing on early season plant health and I promised her by that they'd get some big takeaways again about the healthier plants and also the yield burn so concluding thought anybody Temple, you're always good to go on the focus on early season plan health You talk a lot about nutrients. We talked about the time of planting. Is there something that a person can do right. Now that says man, I got a problem. You've talked about going out and still doing treatments. But also sometimes it's a deficient time planning. When do I know? When do I know when to do what I again? I go back to all my years prior and I try to take all the years in the past and I try to move it forward. So I always try to be proactive about it. So there's something in my infer that takes care of that. There's something in my tuba to take care of that. There's something in my D3 foliar past or herbicide paste. It takes care of that. There's something in my side dress that takes care of that. So I'm always trying to be in front of it not behind it. It's again. It's a systematic approach for all of us. We all have a program find something in your program that you're lacking in and getting in front of it next year if you're lacking somewhere now, it's really hard to catch up. But it's it is easy to find a way to try to mend a whole and try to get through and make it a little bit better. But you can't fix it completely. You can have a Band-Aid. A resounding theme here has been prevention versus try and catching up Caleb just talked about it. You just talked about it. Chad says tissue samples are great, but it's more for moving forward about what I'm gonna adjust next year. Matt said the same thing. Is anybody have a story of a health a plant health issue a stressed Problem, whatever were you actually bailed it out. I mean we have we have examples of you know, what I saw this deficiency. I saw this problem. I saw this plant health issue and you know what? I think we saved it. We saved it or we at least salvaged it anybody got to say we're salvage story. We have started to push fertility, especially in soybeans later and later, you know, when they're in the reproductive stages and by putting potassium on, you know, a foli applied potassium on later in the season. We get a bigger yield King and I would agree you can't the prevention is the way to go because if you're trying to be reactive not proactive that you'll lost you spoke about earlier has already happened. Anybody anything on on since Chad you're the send it guy and you'll willingly admit that you know, sometimes it's a lost cause but do you have somewhere where you sent it and you saved it? No most time when I send it you can't say. You know what? I'm like Temple, you know, it's just you from years ago. Yes, but now I ain't saying that y'all gonna come down here. Y'all gonna say everything's great. It's not it's a working progress and it's a system approach from the years. We've done spent figuring out how much the planter load needs to be your I told Matt to this your first tissue samples over is a reflection of your planner load. Okay, and you're gonna have most times it's gonna be one of your better ones that one or the next one according to the weather. Don't get hammed up on that. But that's come but you're good one because like Caleb said the plan is small, you know, it don't take as much uptake and then you just start as you start moving over. You got to keep pushing it harder. You got to just put another degree of time it. So Caleb, let's go to you. You've got certainly clients that you what you walk their fields. Sometimes. It's like man, there's a lost cause sometimes you're probably going and sitting with that producer and saying, you know what it's a gamble but I think we can really Salvage this 50/50. Give me an example like that where one that was a 50/50 and it didn't one was a 50/50 that did. Oh, I got two examples and and I'll tell you at the end of the season how exactly they work but had to fields that came up this year. They were both fields that were just picked up. So new ground didn't really know a whole lot about it and on both of these the corn just just was kind of icky green color when it was even before V5 V6 and found out that we had a nematode problem and once the fur is closed there wasn't anything that we can do so we sat down and said we're gonna have to put this corn on a foliar diet because we know our root system is not going to be as efficient. And this is the only way that we can salvage the stand besides going in there killing it off and putting down in the Mad a side and replanting and of course now that it's made we don't want to do that. So basically going out there and having to change up our fertility program based off the things that we learn from the field another situation similar in terms of what we saw in the Out but it was our sole pH because if our pH is not an Optimum range anything that we do from there on out is not going to do what we want it to do. So it was a field that the average pH was about 5.3 and for whatever reason the line never got applied and the crop was planted and we didn't really put two and two together until after the fact so similarly in we had to change up our fertility program there is kind of advanced. So I'm not sure if we'll be able to recoup the Lost ground that we had but we'll definitely be able to at least have a return on our investment of what we're doing from here on out. Yeah. A big takeaway again prevention versus trying to bail it out and and it's not always possible. That's the best strategy. What do you got to well, there's one thing, you know, you're asking for it, you know, a side-by-side comparison more or less. But all as I can tell you is this you'll never know what it should have been. It's just that simple and it all goes back to what you learned in the past and move it forward proactive versus reactive because you're never going to know what it would have been. I want to probably leave it there that again not quite as quickly as a statement as you would heard from Chad, but you're getting better. I like that. He's you. Know, you know like half the clever quotes always attribute to Yogi beara the the old New York Yankee, I think all the clever quotes from extreme AG are gonna be attributed to Chad Harrison except for this one and that is about what Matt miles says, most everything we do to produce a good crop revolves around stress reduction. Why am I telling you that because June 1st is our next extreme AG webinar, June 1st, Thursday the first Thursday of every month. That's when we're doing these now first Thursday everybody, June 1st. Thursday is our next webinar. We want you to be there. The subject is stress reduction strategies. I use that in the tease. You'll be reading it when you get the email about Matt miles statement, and I believe that is true everything we do to good crop comes back to stress reduction stress reduction strategies is a subject of our next webinar between now and then we've got Chad's Field Day, May 11th and Henderson Farms Madison, Alabama, June 22nd. We've got another field day. It's gonna be here at Land and Cattle in area in Iowa. And then August 22nd, we're gonna go and see temple in Maryland, Centerville, Maryland that is on August 22nd Mark your For those dates most importantly mark your calendar for June 1st our next webinar. We want to see you. We thank you for being here Caleb. You did a great job with your first webinar Keep It Coming Matt and Lane as always and then of course Chad. That looks forward to seeing you next week and then Temple and Kelly. Thanks a lot being here till next time. This is the extreme AG webinar. I'm your host Damian Mason.
Growers In This Video
See All GrowersTemple Rhodes
Centreville, MD
Chad Henderson
Madison, AL
Kelly Garrett
Arion, IA
Matt Miles
McGehee, AR