Breaking Down The Residue For Your Next Crop
Big crops create big residue that you need to get through while planting next spring, or even maybe to plant this Fall’s cover crop. How effectively you break down said residue can have an absolute impact on next year’s crops. Also, there is a bonus of stored fertility within your residue just waiting to be untapped — but if managed incorrectly, you could lose that free fertilizer.
Breaking down residue for your next crop. Our presenters are Kelly Garrett and Mike Evans. Mike Evans works with Kelly as his agronomist, also with, uh, the company integrated Ag Solutions out in area in Iowa. Johnny Rell, down in Jackson, Tennessee Temple Road, Centerville, Maryland, and our man Matt Swanson, somewhere in West Central Illinois. I don't actually remember the name of the town, but that's okay. The main thing is that we're talking about this as it pertains to you and how it can make you money. Our friends at Loveland, uh, wanted me to make sure that I tell our listeners on the podcast this stat, corn stalks retain 80% of the potassium, 40% of the phosphorus, 30% of the nitrogen that you applied to that corn crop last year. So when we're talking about residue management, if you are going into a corn stubble field, a corn stalks field from last year's corn, you've got a hell of a lot of available or maybe unavailable nutrients out there. How do you get to it? So it's about saving money. It's about use using, uh, nutrients you've already paid for. Also, there's the seed to soil contact issue. Also, there's just the issue of bigger crops create bigger residue. So what we're getting into now is all of the methods, all the practices, all the things that our extreme ag guys do to manage residue to make it beneficial. And I should point out, we're also gonna talk about tillage. We're gonna talk about things besides products. We're gonna talk about a lot of different things that you can bring to your farming operation. We're gonna lead off with, uh, the boys up in area Iowa. And I'll tell you why. Um, when I first started working with extreme ag almost two years ago, I learned about, uh, residue management. They do pretty much no-till. There's a lot of hills up there where they are. So breaking down the residue and then getting it back in the soil is very important for all the reasons we've already mentioned. But also, they can't do the old fashioned way. You know, your grandpa went out there with a five bottom plow or three bottom plow, and they thought managing residue was by plowing it under, that's not a practice anymore. So let's lead off with you guys. Uh, Kelly, you have a lot to say on this, and you're kind of our lead, our lead, uh, voice on sustainability. So talk to me about what you think of when I say residue management. Well, we absolutely have to be no-till for our, you know, for our U S D A program, our soil program. We wanna be no-till because we believe it's the right thing for soil health. We believe it's the right thing to recycle those nutrients, you know, things like that. Um, and obvi obviously just erosion, but the better that, the better that Evans does with our fertility plan, the more integrity the f the cornstalks have, the harder it is to break down, especially with the dry winters we've been having lately. And, you know, them being no-till and leaving all that residue on top of the ground, then getting as cold as is is here. You know, the, the breakdown process just stops. So anything we can do to encourage that to, to, to do better, be it the knife rolls, the devastator or the residue products that we apply, we're all about it. We, we throw the kitchen sink at it to, to try to increase that. Alright, Let's go with a couple of those, because when I first started working with you, I didn't even know. And, and before we hit, uh, let the, the gra the group in here and we hit record devastator and all these things, you've got a device that goes on the bottom of your corn head that essentially perforates is how I would call it, or slices the corn stalks. The idea is it creates surface area and openings for the moisture to get in for quicker degradation. Isn't that it? Yes. It crimps the stalk like every five inches, and then everywhere it crimps the outside of the stalk, it allows moisture to get in and, uh, allows that breakdown process because of the moisture to move faster. Got it. Evans, uh, you were, you were saying something before we hit record and opened the doors on this. So when you think of residue management, what do you got? Well, basically there was one weighted residue management was mechanical, right? Some guys tillage, you know, Kelly's no-till really becomes the corn head when we're talking corn stalks and the chopper in the back. So, like you said, the devastator, the one thing that I like about it, it snaps the corn stalk off at the crown, so it opens that crown road open and allows penetration of our, our residue products into there as well. So we got better planning in spring, but, you know, we never neglect any of the other parts. The snap rollers a big deal. We don't want four foot long chunks of cornstalks. We want 'em sized appropriately. So, you know, now we're adding in the spray the biology to help accelerate that. Can I Add, this is a really new thing for Evans. He came from Carroll County, Iowa. When he started here three years ago, he wanted to turn everything black, and it kind of gave him a facial tick and a little nervous twitch when we would no-till stuff. And he's really a, he's come along fast, Actually, you know what? He's almost like one of those converts you ever notice, like the people that used to be smokers and then they quit. They're the most anti-smoker of anybody you'll ever bump into. He's kind of that new guy. So lemme get into this, Mr. I used to till and think you had to go out and plow everything like it's 1950 all over again. You had a, a video that we shot together where residue management became more of a challenge because you had, which it seems like the last couple years you've had 60 mile an hour winds. You had winds that took up a whole bunch of your corn stalks and blew 'em into another area. So now you've got not necessarily bare ground, but more bare end corn, corn fodder, and then areas that deposited essentially truckloads of it. Did that become a residue management problem that you couldn't, couldn't manage? Uh, yeah. I mean, uh, two years ago when that happened, I became a concern. You know, we seem to be getting more freak weather events when we're trying to plant. Um, this year we had hail and, and, uh, two inches of rain and a half hour. So it creates issues. Um, and I think, you know, we're looking at accelerating the digestion. You know, Kelly got three new corn heads this year to help size that residue a little bit better, so we don't have so much blowing around and doing a better job of sending out the chopper as well. So, you know, we don't want 'em too small, too fine, because then it breaks down fast. But it's kind of a happy medium in there Pimple before we, uh, you know, overlook you, you don't have the crimper or the devastator or the monster dagger or whatever those product names are that, uh, they have over in Iowa. You have a stock chopper that's on your actual corn head. So it's same principle, but done same, same net result is to take care of the fodder at time of harvest and make it more digestible, more degradable, but done differently. So tell us about your mechanical and then also your, your, uh, product usage to breakdown residue. So we got a 16 row 30 inch, um, chopping corn head, and we basically, we got flat ground. It's not like Kelly's, we float it right on the ground and we chop it as low as we can. We also don't get the kind of wind that, that Kelly gets. So if Kelly used my corn head and did what I do out here, it would be very, very different. He got a windstorm, it would blow it all in the ditch down in the bottom. Um, it'd be, you know, 40 foot deep, you know, of, of corn stalks and it, so that's why we gotta handle things so much differently. So for years I've been using that and it's helped me break down the residue. I also think that it's, it's helped to get my base saturations up too, because, you know, you look at, even if you look at 150 bushel corn, there's about 140 pounds of K that's left in there. And our base saturations didn't used to be what the level that they're now, but we're trying to get it back into the ground. So, um, I'll just step back a few years and we'll talk about how I started with us. So I've done it a bunch of different ways. So I've used Helix since Vics mix with sugars with, uh, you know, it was like five gallons of uan and I would take my, you know, as soon as we got done, you know, harvesting a cornfield, I would go out there and I would spray that across the top of the, of the, the stubble. And I got tremendous breakdown and I've had tremendous breakdown with that. And it's, and it's been great for us. So, you know, we've used seacat, we use sugar, we've used, you know, just regular u a n and it's, it's been really cheap to be totally honest with you. The, the helix and the sugars, they help your natural biology out there work, right? It kind of feeds them. It kind of, you know, stimulates it and gets it up and running. We've now in the last couple years, have tried to, you know, start to use some of this other products, you know, some biology out there where it's, you know, maybe what I would call not really native biology to our soil, but it'll help break it. I call 'em residue eaters and it'll help break it down. And we're seeing tremendous results with it. But I think that there's, there, there's issues with all of these things, um, as, as we all know, we're all gonna have issues and we're gonna have problems and trying to overcome it. Some of the, the things that we need to work worry about is like, you know, um, you have to handle things a certain way. You know, you can't have, you know, Matt said, you know, he used some products, you know, that have biology, you know, bugs in the joke, whatever you wanna call it. Um, they're called 8 million different things, but when he used some of these things, he had chlorinated water and, and it just automatically killed it. So those are some of the things, like those are hurdles that you get over. Kelly, for instance, has to speed up the process so dramatically because he gets so cold so fast. I don't get anywhere near as cold as Kelly does. Not anywhere near as fast, fast. Um, so I have a little bit more time where I can kind of maybe feed some of my natural biology. And to be honest, you, I think, uh, I, I, you know, for lack of better terms, you know, we keep talking about this systematic approach all the time, and I think systematically as we're using, um, one product and another, and another, and another, and another, I personally think that the best of all the worlds is, um, when, when we start to mix and match and we start to pull all of these things together. Um, I, I think that that's gonna be a great fit for me in my area. Uh, I wanna cover one thing. We talk about different products that are specifically designed to break down residue extract or, uh, breakdown or, you know, whatever these things might meltdown. I mean, we got different product names that we see out there. Many of 'em we were already doing trials with and, and using some of on our general practice, you said fulvic and helix and sugars, you put that on and fall following harvest to accentuate Yep. The breakdown of residue. Yep. You put in the mix with one of those d products specifically designed to break down residue. Is that what I'm hearing? I I think that that's what my next step is. Like I, I've seen both of those, those are You doing, have you done it? Did you do it last fall? Did you put humic, fulvic and sugar in with a breakdown or with a product specifically designed to do residue degradation? And I think that it's working better. Yes, You did, but you, you didn't do, And I did it also. I'm gonna do more of it this year, and I did it, um, last summer I did a breakdown product with, um, IC and Alix and Sugars, and I did it on my wheat stubble, and I got massive amounts of breakdown. And fast forward 2022 where I did this at, when I took my wheat off and the beans started to come up and I sprayed that on there, all of that stuff was in that mix. And then this year I planted corn on top of it and I strip tilled corn on top of it. And the mount that's left there is so dramatic. I mean, it is undeniably like you can't get around it and the corn looks better. I've taken a bunch of our, our partners out here, and we went and looked at those two fields and I showed them, I'm like, look at this, where we use these products, look at this field where I didn't use any. Now look at the difference between the two. I can still look at my wheat stubble from 2022. It's still there. All of it's still there. Go over there across the road where I did, where I used all these products. It is, you can't even find it. It's gone all, so it's Broke down. So back to the thing on the stuff where you put in the extra stuff, the humic, fulvic and sugar mix, you did that as an experimental, uh, trial and it worked. You can see it side by side and say from now on with a residue degradation application, you will apply those other things. So starting back, like I said years ago, I've done the Vics, u a n all that stuff, been doing that for years and years and years, and we know, I know that that breaks down residue. I know it helps me in my environment. Now I'm starting to aid that with the residue breakdown tools. You know, I'm go, that's, I'm gonna, we'll go to, Uh, I just, you can take a guess where I'm gonna go next. I'm go, uh, we'll go down to Jackson, Tennessee and hear from my buddy Johnny, Johnny. Two things. You do a bunch of no-till we walked around your fields at the end of June, uh, heat index 114. Anyway, we walked around heat ex one 14 and we saw a whole bunch of no-till. So is this more important for you than it, uh, than it would've been back in your grandfather's day when there was tillage? Um, I mean, they didn't even have such things as residue management products or even practices per se, other than tillage. So kind of bring me forward to today and the way it works in your system doing so much no-till in west central Tennessee. Yeah, I would say, you know, going back to how my granddad was farming, one of the biggest things that's changed in west Tennessee, it was keen cotton back in the seventies, eighties, early nineties. There's no residue with cotton. It's just little stems laid out there on top of the ground. So as we transitioned into grain, we really had to learn, you know, how to handle the residue. And, and what we realized is it's probably our biggest, uh, hurdle to get over is the amount of wheat residue that we can generate. You know, we, we, we can generate a, a huge amount of wheat residue and it'll lay there, you know, even after we harvest the double crop beans behind it in the spring, that wheat residues there. And it really is a big deal for us to break through because of the, uh, it keeps that ground cold and wet, and we need it. We need that residue gone. We need those nutrients available, just like they've all talked about. But for us, that's where we've really seen either a slow start to our corn is where we didn't get consistent residue being spread with the weeded straw. Um, and, you know, it, it just, it never, uh, gets over that throughout the growing season if that corn doesn't come up growing. Good. So wait A minute. We're the same path. I wanna make sure I heard something right. Yeah. You said that the biggest thing for residue management for you, you do a bunch of double crop, uh, beans going into and, and corn at your place going into wheat stubble. And you said you wanna make sure that the wheat stubble is broken down because otherwise your ground will be cold and wet. You're talking about harvesting that in June in an area that has a heat index of a hundred. How could that be? How is it that that, did I hear this here? Did I mish here? Yeah, well, I was talking about mainly the spring corn, not the corn planted in June, but mainly the corn that we plant in April, the, you know, most years we follow corn behind the wheat or wheat beans. So it's mainly the, it's just the residue, just, it's just like a true mulch out there. And that ground really never warms up the same and warm. You can see the lag in the corn, and if it turns yellow when it's coming up, it really never comes outta that. Understood. All right, let's go over to Swanson Swanson. You're in, uh, what the hell's the name of the town in western Illinois? It's lahar Lahar La harp La harp. All right. Uh, these guys are talking about regional differences because of the cold, uh, and the amount of cold, et cetera. Uh, it's not something that I would've gone to necessarily first as the reason for residue management practices being so vital. You are in an area that's probably roughly the same as mine. Climatologically. Is it really that big of a deal, or is it more just that we're getting better at this and seeing that residue management matters? Because there's so much stuff out there because the big crops, Uh, Is the weather that big of a factor? Yeah, it is a factor. And, and it also, like, it depends, right? So if you're doing no-till, like we are, like Kelly is, like Johnny is, that's a bigger factor than it is if you're doing conventional tillage where we're at, where you're gonna bury and, and cover some of that residue anyway with soil, depending on how much tillage you're doing. So it's, it's a huge factor depending on what you're trying to accomplish and what you're growing the year before, I guess. All right. I'm gonna ask you a question. I'm gonna go over to Evans and ask him the same question. If, if it with, uh, mechanical cultivation worked for centuries, why, why does it not still work? Or why is it somehow frowned upon other than the obviously erosion issues that you're gonna have when you leave your ground barren for six months? Does mechanical cultivation still work for residue management? If you don't have an erosion issue? I mean, it absolutely works depending on how deep you're bearing it. I mean, if you're bearing it below the aerobic zone in the soil, you're gonna dig up the next year, you're gonna have the same stalks. You know, when you, if you go out and plow it with a, you know, with a, with a bottom plow and bury it 16 inches deep or 12 inches deep where you have no oxygen, it's, that's exactly what it's gonna be the next time you dig it up. Well, there's the other part of it. And then Evans and, uh, Kelly talked about it, and Darren Hefty mentioned this when we had him on an episode, which is soon to be released of the cutting the curve We got on Darren talking about building organic matter, which is something I'll get into in a little bit. You'll get degradation of the, of the residue. You also won't get the benefit of it. Speak to that Kelly and or Mike Evans. Yeah. Um, when you're, uh, tilling up or anything, like, I grew up on a tillage farm. I ran a disc for dad. You know, you, you're sizing up that residue, um, you incorporate in the soil, which some people thinks probably ideal. Um, but you'll break it down faster because you're sizing it, you're marking it in the soil. We're like, where Kelly's out with no-till, we're trying to leave it on the top. We manage it helps with weed control, um, and also gives us nutrient release through the year is what we're, what we're seeing on his operation A year. Like this year no-till is really shining because of the moisture that the tillage subtracts and the shade that the, the cover the stove provides for the ground to keep the ground from, uh, Drying out. Yeah. Because there's, you know, Kellys Hills, there's gonna be washouts. So usually they send the disc out in front of planters every year just to fill in the, the washouts. And the first place is to burn up here in August where, where we tilt. Yeah. Yeah. So the tillage issue is, it does actually break down the stuff, but you, you generally don't get the benefit out of the breakdown in terms of using, utilizing the nutrients for the next crop. Is that one of the, I mean, it breaks it down too so quickly. You don't get the benefit of, and you'd also might not get the benefit of building back agronomic, uh, benefits like organic matter, right? Yeah, it, it breaks it down too fast and it just burns up and it doesn't become available. We haven't applied potassium in four years now. We're, you know, we're getting a little bit out of our, uh, getting a little bit out the plant food only about 20, 25 pounds per acre from the plant food. But the rest of it, I feel like we're cycling outta those corn stalks and is being produced from the microbial system in the soil. And our, our potassium levels aren't falling. You know, the idea that we need to go put a hundred pounds or 200 pounds of potash on is, is now a foreign concept to me. Um, you know, potash is obviously oh, oh 60. Did anybody ever ask, what's the other 40 pounds? The other 40 pounds is not great for soil health. Right? And I, I think our soil is, I think our soil is improving from not putting on those, uh, the bad parts of the dry fertility. Got it. All right. Temple had to cut out for a minute to check on something. We hope he comes back here because we love his pretty face. I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm right here. My, my, my stuff got all choppy. Um, so I just cut my video off so you got a question. Hit me. Alright, so answer me this excuse mechanical the button by the way. Choppy. There you go. Choppy. The mechanical versus the, the products. Uh, which, which is more effective if you can only do one? The person listening right now says, I don't, I don't have the ability to go out and use those products. I'm gonna put one of those units on my corn head. Or worse, she, I can't afford one of those units on my corn head, but I'm gonna go out and hit something with spray. Which one matters more? Temple to get? Depends on your area. Effective residue management. It's, it's, it's completely on your area. Kelly cannot ruin a chopping corn head and size residue like I can because it's all gonna run to the bottom. Um, if you're in the south, you wait, can You get, wait, you mean the residue? The residue will be chopped too fine and it'll Yeah, wash And it'll wash out. It'll blow off. I mean, it, Kelly gets winds out there in them hills. It'll all blow right straight into the bottom. You'll have all these giant deposits. He already fights it. Now if you add a chopping corn head and you size it that small, that, that problem gets way, way, way, way worse. Wouldn't That help level those fields though? If you're filling the bottoms with debris, then maybe all of a sudden you don't have as many hills and it might make things better. If he wants to level them hills, the best thing he can do is carve off a lot of top soil and then bring it out here to me because I really, really would appreciate it. That's what I need. Okay. Okay. So geographic, geographic and, and landscape and, uh, climatological issues you think are gonna dictate Yeah. Which one You get your bigger bang for your buck. The guys down south, you know, they're, they're gonna, they're gonna fight somewhat what I think with, um, some, you know, residue or eat residue eater products. Um, I think that they're gonna work very, very well. Johnny's had some luck with them down there. The guys have had some luck with 'em down there, but if they, they get so hot and they, their, their biology just keeps moving and it keeps running all the time. And it's running so hard that if they chop the residue, it's eating it all up, you know? So that's, that's great for them. But where Kelly's at and where I'm at, um, I kind of get the best of both worlds. I can chop it and I get cold and I need to speed up the process. So I'm kidding. I'm kind of in, in my environment. I personally think I get the best of both worlds. 'cause I can use a chopping corn head and I can spray products on it. I can really get a bang from my buck as far as I'm concerned. I, I think that that's the best possible thing for me, but it really is region specific. I had to look at one of our questions. So I look at what you said, which one is the bigger bang for your buck and Centerville, Maryland? Um, all of them. Yeah. Right. I, I have to, I have to use, I wanna use them all 'cause I'm trying to break down everything. Keep in mind just 150 bushel corn has 37 pounds of phosphorus in it, but now it also has a hundred pounds of n in it. Right? That's only at 150 bushel corn. Now we're all trying to grow a 50 bushel corn plus we're trying to grow a lot better than that. But I'm just talking about a low-end dry land corn. That's what it has it now a hundred pounds of that end that's left in that stubble. If I don't break it, I'm gonna try to break it down. I'm gonna get it into soil. But the problem is, is it eats up most of that nitrogen trying to break itself down. Right. But the 37 pounds of phosphorus, I need to utilize that because remember I'm sitting in a phosphorus deficient world. I need all that back. So I want that 37 pounds back. I need it back. Yeah. Yeah. And that's, that's, that's a real key point right there, is that there's places that are not deficient in it and it's less of a, it's, it's less of a concern. Right. That's exactly right. We're gonna go to, uh, we're gonna go to, uh, Matt Swanson, but before we do, we're gonna hear from a question. It's Mitch, bo g, bo g. Anyway, Mitch and Mitch says, where does cover crop? Where do cover crops play into the residue management strategies, if anyone's doing those? Well, let's, we had a bunch of questions and he says, are these products being applied before a cover crop is planted? Or are these situations not really play hand in hand? So let's stick with that first part. I think the cover crop, uh, Evans and, and Kelly doing more and more cover crops, uh, no cover crops so much in Tennessee, right Johnny, we Uh, we apply our stock, you know, of course the devastator on the corn head. We try to keep the knife rolls in good shape, things like that. And then we're spraying our plant food byproduct right after we harvest. We have our residue breakdown product in the plant food as we spray. And then we'll go back out after that and put the cover crops on and the cover crops, you know, like this year, as dry as it is, I don't know how much good they'll do, but we're still gonna do it because we have to try. Maybe the weather will change, but when you have that cover crop growing and the biological system growing, I think it assists in the breakdown of the residue because you know, you know, always something growing on your crop or always, always something growing on your soil. The biological system is alive and active. It's a living, breathing organism and it digests that fodder that residue faster. Yeah. So I like this whole thing. The point is, he's asking this if you're using cover crops, which you are increasingly, right? Yep. You even started growing your own oats to be, to, to be used in a cover crop mix. And so to Mitch's question, the residue management sprays the ones that are designed to degrade residue, they go on after harvest and before planting of the cover crop. Exactly. All right. And then he wanna know, do these situations not really play hand in hand? Uh, like you said, cover cropping and residue de degradation products play very well hand in hand. Yes. Oh Yeah. I would say like even like products we use, we use res cycle and Kelly's plant food, you know, it's not only just residue digestion, but that's just biology in the soil to help mineralize nutrients in the soil. But beyond the residue we're breaking down too. So, you know, you're, to Kelly's point, we're activating the biological, biological system and helping feed each other. Yep. And like, if I could speak for a second, Temple's humic and fulvic and sugar mix that he puts out with his stock breakdown product, I a hundred percent support that. We feel that our stock breakdown product res cycle in with our plant food, which has hum mix and fulvic, you know, it's got carbon there, it's a food source. Same thing. Same thing. Yeah. It's a stock's a food source for the stock breakdown product until it gets activated, things like that. And it, it helps accelerate it. It's a great idea. Good. Temple you wanted to, you wanted to hop on and add to that and then we got another couple questions. What, what you were talking about with the question that Mitch had? Um, I think, think partly what he's asking is, is can we put them actually on the cover crop? And the answer to that is, is everything that we've talked about, you can directly put it on the cover crop as a cover crop's growing and they all accentuate each other. And Kelly's exactly right that living green root, all of that helps build, you know, root mass. It also helps build, um, organic matter. All of this a it's all pieces of the pie. Got it. So the big, big takeaway there is it's a weather dictates manpower who you have helping. I want to plant my cover crop like the day after the combine goes through, just 'cause that's what I got, the, the rented drill or whatever it is. I, but I didn't get a chance to spray. It don't matter the spray, the, the products that are meant to do residue degradation can go on before or after the planting of the cover crop. Or even if the cover crop is sprouted as an tall, putting on one of these products will not harm it. Well not harm it. I put it on my wheat, my wheat stubble one time and my beans were at V three, never heard a thing. Got it. Russ Sson asked two questions. What rate on seacat and sugar that'd be for you Temple? Um, I use a quarter and a half of C catt, one pound of sugar, five gallons of u a n Uh, no-till situation. I'm chasing the combine, planting the cover crop. Is there any antagonism using biological at the same time? I think we just answered that. Are we good on that? Yep, that's right. We did. So that's restless question is that there's no antagonism doing that. So we got that. And then the next question after that from Andy banal down the road from me, he says, is it correct when residue, when residue breaks down the nutrients are in ortho form, it can leach into easier. That's over my head. Swanson, I'm going to you, when, when residue breaks down, the nutrients are in an ortho form, it can leach in easier. You got anything on that? Yeah, so I mean they're, they're obviously in a plant available form 'cause they're coming outta the plant, right. So that's, but the, for me, that's what the sea, that's where the seacat fits in. It's no different than us using the combination of UltraCharge and seacat on the planter. We use that seacat to put a weak hold on those nutrients. And that's one of the reasons I like it on top of feeding the biology. So to, to answer Andy's question, I I, with Temple temple's using aquar quart and a half I think is what he said, um, we run closer to half a gallon to a gallon in those situations. But, And then to Andy's second question, should there be a concern in low c e c soils not holding it for the next crop? Are I he is talking about carryover or residual? Well, he is talking, I assume he's talking about the nutrients, the c c, the, excuse me, the seacat would be part of that. And it's gonna depend on what the timing of his breakdown is. If he's breaking it all down in the fall, which would probably is probably not the case if he's, if some of that breakdown's going into the spring, uh, you're probably okay there. Anybody else got anything on that? Got it. Hey Johnny, you went, you went uh, dark for a while. You went, I tried to kick it to you and your internet wasn't working. So cover crops, since we're talking about cover crops, uh, almost none, a little bit of some, what's your thought? And then how does this, how does it work into the whole system? Yeah, we plant some, especially on our steeper ground because if we have a wheat crop out there, the residue, if we get big rains, it can actually kind of float down the hill. If it's broke loose, like from like where we harvest the soybeans and we cut the wheat straw down low. So a lot of times we'll scatter cover crop in that. But kind of what temple was talking about, we actually start our process with the, the bacteria, the biologicals and stuff in the live wheat. So like one of our last applications in our wheat, we'll actually spray one out getting ready for that wheat crop to start decomposing as it gets ready. And we haven't seen any issues with that. But basically we're just trying to feed that ground feed those microbes, get that biology going so when that wheat straw starts breaking down the ground, it's there for it. And then also if the cover crop, the cover crop's easier to break down because it never gets to like a, I guess you would call like a hard stem or mature plant. So it doesn't take near as much time for that to break down. So for us it's, it's the crops we raising, what we're going after. But kind of tying into what Matt was saying about the nutrients leaching and stuff like that, if you have those cover crops coming up as that residue is breaking down, that cover crop's gonna sit there and suck those nutrients in and as soon as you kill 'em, the biologicals are already in the soil, gonna break them right down too. Once it's living and going, as long, long as you don't spray the wrong things on the ground, it can actually, you know, build over time. Your, your biology can pretty easily. I'll go back to Swanson. By the way, this is kind of Mark Coots, uh, uh, with, uh, our friends Tiva kicks this in, uh, when talks about when broken down, meaning when, when these, I'm assuming saying when these buyout, when these, when these residue products, whatever's out there break down turns into humus, which will not leach, obviously humus is part of the building of the organic matter, right? So that, uh, only leaves if it's eroded away and carbon helps to hold that which is, goes back to Kelly and the idea about, um, adding carbon, uh, improved soil, uh, health I think is what we're hearing this. All right, next question. We don't have any right now. Oh wait, I think we might, uh, okay, done with that one. Um, I'm gonna go then to the next category. You are a double cropper on many of your acres, Johnny Rell. Um, a tougher assignment to break this down or with your climate where you are. Is it more like Kelly talks about, uh, the stuff breaks down all the time and, and, uh, because of where we are and the heat and the temperatures? So does double cropping make it a bigger challenge for you or is it not matter because of where you are geographically or climatologically? I, I would say it, it will break down because the humidity and temperatures we have, but the wheat straw that's out there is full of nutrients. Just like temple was talking about with the, you know, the corn salt. We need those nutrients into that soybean, double crop soybean or double crop corn plant because it's tied up, it's not available. So for us, we're wanting everything breaking down as fine as we can. So I would, I would say kind of both. I mean it's there. Got it. If you're listening in right now or, or if you're watching the replay, I wanna remind you that, you know, we kick stuff over here. Look in the chat section, we'll just posted, uh, a, a link about, uh, capitalizing on existing nutrients in your wheat stubble. It's a link to something that we have recorded on extreme ag previously. So go get that. Um, Swanson, everybody's talking about breaking down corn stalks and then Johnny's talking about wheat stubble 'cause he wants to come in behind wheat and put in something else. Corn or soybeans, typically in his case, I haven't heard anybody talk about soybean residue. Is it just not an issue ever anywhere? Or is it just uh, something that we don't talk about? Why, why are we not talking about soybean residue? I saw Kelly talked about having, he, oh he, he had soybeans that gotta be six feet tall. Are you trying to tell me there's no residue with six feet soy soybeans? Uh, I mean the issue with the soybean residue are not really the issue. The, the reason that soybean residue is not such an issue is because the carbon and nitrogen ratio is, is drastically different. So the corn stub will have a lot more, um, I'm gonna probably say this wrong, but I I'm gonna try to get it right 'cause I'll think, I think I uh, screwed it up. But corn sub is gonna have a lot more carbon in it, less nitrogen in it. Soybean stubble's gonna have more nitrogen, less carbon, less mass. So the ratios are completely different. That's why your residue on the soybean side breaks down. And you know, if you take like a 300 bushel corn crop, you're talking about like 10 and a quarter tons of residue in most cases. Uh, on the soybean side for 80 bushel soybeans you're talking about two. So it's, the math is just, is drastically different and the composition is drastically different. And that's, that's why the soybean residue, unless you have piles or or something like that or a chopper issue, uh, is generally not a problem. Yeah, We see areas where, you know, it puddles into an area or around the area that may have flooded. So temple you back that up, I haven't heard from you for a second. Is, uh, is residue, is residue from soy following soybeans ever an issue? Do you even treat it? Do you even treat it with the stuff? Do you go out there and spray residue Soy? I have. I have, I have. And, and, and there is some effect on it. Um, but, but we're right about all the above. And then you gotta remember the mechanical side of cutting soybeans versus corn, they're different. You're running the entire thing through the machine and you're running an entire thing through a chopper and you're spreading it out and there's fine, fine particles, so they're gonna break down a lot faster. Now having said that, I've been in Kelly's environment too, and when I'm out there in Kelly's environment, you can see all the residue from everything that he's ever planted over the last maybe seven years. It's there. It's a lot of residue. I was astounded by this. I just, I can't, I still can't get over it. Like it is a massive amount of residue. So I have to go back to what I said before. When you get in those northern regions, I think that you really need to worry about any bit of residue stover that you have out there. And I think that it's dramatically important that you break them down and get 'em back into your soil structure. Because when you break 'em down, you get 'em into your soil structure, you're adding organic matter. This is something that's not a short term play. Keep in mind everything that we talk about is generally short term because it's do this, do this, get the yield. This is a long-term play. This is a long time. We're building soil and this is all adding to it. It's getting better. I li I like it. Um, I got a question before I do that. So to answer this, do you use a residue breakdown, residue, degradation, residue recycling? I think it'd probably be a better smarter way for it. We should start calling these products a residue recycling product on every acre temple. I don't, I don't use 'em on, um, early beans because there's not as much fatter there. But when we take off our double crop beans and you have that tremendous amount of trash there and you've got soybean fodder there and you've got still wheat fodder breaking down there, that's where I use it. And I'm, I'm just like, Johnny, there's a tremendous amount of nutrients that's in that and that's generally gonna go back into, um, uh, corn the very next year. Whether it's no-till corn or from my case it's strip-till corn. Um, and I need that broke down. I have to do it. And every acre that we do, we're on cover crops. So I'm, I need all that stuff. I need that stuff working. I need it working fast. Johnny Rell, do you use it? I I'm assuming you use it on every acre that's double cropped to get the, the wheat breaking down to make it better for the soybeans or sometimes corn goes into it. What acres do you not use a residue degradation product? We pretty much run it on every acre. And I mean the main reason is, is like in the soybeans, we're even seeing better nodulation when we're running products like this because of the biology, it's building in the soil. And so for us it's pretty much a standard practice for us in the spring to spray it on every acre and get that going in the crop. 'cause it's just always gonna be there helping build. But something tying into what Matt was saying, I can't remember the exact numbers, so he may know or Kelly or Temple one, but you know, I think wheat is, uh, well he was talking about beans as a 10 to one, nitrogen to carbon ratio. I think wheat is closer to 60 to one or corn's 30 to one. So when you start looking at the amount of ratio difference there, that, that really kind of tells you what you're doing with, with some of these different crops. Okay. So then we're gonna go to products and we'll lead off with you Swanson. Uh, we're not doing this, this is not an infomercial for products, but then based on what you're following and what you wanna break down, it should presumably change the type of product you're spraying on to accomplish the goal. Yes. Uh, yes and no. Um, anymore we run more of the same program because we've gotten away from applying so much nitrogen in our, our residue management pass, if that's what you wanna call it. Um, for some other reasons. Um, some detrimental reasons the next season. So now we typically run basically the same, the same mix on all of our acres if we do spray any soybean, uh, stubble. Right. Real quick to answer Johnny's question, so the cn this carbon nitrogen ratio for wheat straw is 80 to one, corn is close to 60 to one and and soybeans is I believe ten one Evans. You leaned up a little bit I think, by the way, that's good math. I like it and good numbers. Thank you. And but Evans, I like it when we can get a little bit more of a Jerry Springer type of confrontation. Would you like to tell Swanson he is doing something wrong that he wants to just use the same products in every AC or is it fine to use the same products? Do you at, at uh, up there at Garrett Land and Cattle, do you use the same product mix pretty much across the board? Yeah, because we're just putting the residue product in with his plant food that, that's making that fall pass. You know, it just fits into the programs around here with the guys we deal with. So. Okay. Let's talk about compatibility issues. Any of the stuff we've used for residue management, meaning to, to break down the stuff, uh, that's in the field. Is there any compatibility you put in with herbicide if you've got fall annuals that you're trying to control? You put 'em with plant, uh, plant food, the stuff that you guys use as a byproduct. Uh, you know, temple's talking about different stuff he tosses in the mix. Anything that that's, anything that's antagonistic that doesn't, that'll cause the product to not work. And then hang on. Swanson Kelly or Evans and Kelly first. That's part of the reason that we selected the product that we use, which is res cycle. We can't, you know, we'll put two four D in with the plant food for winter annuals. The plant food is very acidic, like a 1.5, uh, a 1.5, uh, pH. And then we, uh, and, and so we chose the res cycle because it can live in there. It can go in there with the two four D and we get a great, we get a great response and then we like using the same product because like Matt talked about and Temple talked about, you're building that soil biology and it's not a, it's not a short-term thing, it's a long-term gain. You'll see results very quickly. But the longer and longer we do it, the more and more response we'll see. So I like staying with the same product than the same program, you know, so far because, uh, we're building the soil all the time. We're building that biological, um, machine in the, in there. Got it. Swanson, you had something. Yeah. So one, as far as your compatibility question, Damien, uh, there are some products out there, um, one in particular that I can think of that contain calcium in them and it's ated calcium. So running phosphorus with something like that, or roundup or sulfur or two four D will be an issue and you'll hate life if you do that. Okay. So there are, there can be compatibility issues, but it's on, it's more of a concern for, uh, a limited number of these breakdown or it's more of, of what you are coming at mixing in with it. That might be a rare thing. Like you said, sulfur or something. No, it, it depends on the product. So this is one of those, check your label, check the provider because this could be a massive issue if you're using at least one of these in particular. That's fairly popular. Alright, we've got questions and I'm gonna ask mine. You know, I'm, I'm always the guy that asks the questions that maybe other people will say, for God's sakes, that's stupid. But I don't know, maybe it isn't stupid. Has anybody have ever had an experience of resistance or, or tolerance? In other words, you know, every other thing that we use, we talk about you use this too much, you overuse it, you overuse antibiotics, you overuse glyphosate, you're gonna end up having lesser and lesser impact. Has, is, is that a possibility with residue, uh, breakdown products? Um, I'll answer that Damien. No, no. Okay. Wait. Kelly says no and Evan's getting ready to say Damien. Brilliant question because you know what? Evans and I hung out at the Farm Progress Show and we bonded. We drove around a golf cart. Um, we, we ate lunch together. We, we bonded. So Evans wants to say Damien, brilliant question. Go ahead Evans. That's not what I was gonna say, but um, uh, there is a concern of a long-term use of building up the same family of biology and over, you know, swinging your by biodiversity in one way or the other. So that's something we're looking at this fall is, is is trying to balance that maybe, you know, a lot of these things are bacteria based bacterium typically, and we're looking at, um, we've done some research on Kelly's farms about the ratios of the bacteria to fungi. So we're looking at potentially adding fun a fungal product in there going forward. 'cause there's, you know, there's a long conversation about soil biology and balance and all that stuff. But We don't have enough fungi, we have too much bacteria. And by the way, isn't that interesting because we now are talking about we need to go out and spray fungicide on our crops. I mean, we're saying, but there's a lack of fungi in the soil that seems hard to get one's head around them. Is it just with me because, uh, it seems like it's, it's, it's kind of seems counterintuitive. Back up and think about what you just said, Damian. Yeah, We're spraying a lot of ide We sprayed how many years have we've been spraying fungicide? 10 15 on regular basis. So you know, your fungicide inoculates the bad fungicide and can inoculate the good fungicide fungus in the s So It's a little bit like antibiotics is what Swanson's alluding to. We, we, the more fungicide we use, the more it gets rid of the fungus. Yes. Yeah. The good and and the bad. That's the problem. Good and bad, right? Yes. Yep. You take antibiotics to kill off this terrible strep throat. You also maybe got rid of some, uh, some biotics in your body that were good. Is that kinda what you're saying Matt? That's that's the general idea. Yeah, I mean it's, it's, you know, we want non-selective. So a fungicide is a fungicide. Yeah. It's non-selective. It's like, you know, it's just dropping a weapon of mass destruction down there on all the fungus. You know, we know that we want a seven to one carbon and nitrogen ratio in our soil and then for our corn and but to do that, we know we need a one to, we need a one-to-one fungi bacteria ratio. And out here in my irrigated bottom the fungi bacteria ratio is one to 1,765. Which one is the higher one? The bacteria? Yeah. We, we want it to be one to one and it's one to 1,765. So what Evans is saying is correct. I was just trying to give him a hard time. We need to select a product that helps push the fungi and we're looking at a product now that will maybe help do that because we're, it's all about soil health and it's all, you know, and you know, like, uh, what we have learned is we, we want our carbon and nitrogen ratio to be seven to one. Well, because of this fungi to bacteria problem, we need our carbon and nitrogen ratio to be like 50 to one. 'cause there's gotta be something out there for the bacteria to eat. Otherwise it becomes a yield limiting factor. Johnny, do you have more fungi where you are than they are? Or do you have more or less? Or is it the same problem? I Have no clue. Well, I'm glad we have you on as a panelist then. All right, let's go to some other questions here. Tim Ducker asked the questions, in no-till situations does the residue breakdown leave nutrients on the soil surface and unavailable. So in a no-till situation, do you end up breaking down? This is a good question. 'cause this, this is where he probably is thinking like old school tillage. Is there nutrient stratification happening? We, we broke it down. All that nutrient stays up there on the top, uh, of the soil and it doesn't get down three or four inches. If you would just go through with a disc like Evan's used to on his dad's farm. I, I think that's what he is asking and it's a logical question, but I think that I already know the answer. Who wants to take it? Temple is Matt Kelly's the biggest no-till guy. He needs this question, Kelly. It It is a concern that the nutrients get, get, remain on the top. But again, with the long-term gain and the soil turning over, this is why we get all excited about earthworms and things like that. It does get turned over if you're gonna look at it just, you know, maybe year over year, what happens in a one year system? Yeah, they're gonna remain on the top. But again, with the long-term gain, we've been a 100% no-till since 2012 and we've been some form of no-till my whole life. Uh, we have, we've got nutrition deep in the soil, but it, it, it takes time. It's the long-term game. Also dependent on what nutrient we're talking about Damien. So like, you know, phosphorus for example, doesn't move well in soil. Things like nitrogen, sulfur, that's gonna move a lot easier with rainfall. But I mean this, this exact question is, you know, when they talk about, say phosphorus moving into our watersheds and things like that, a lot of that phosphorus is coming from erosion that's tied because it's tied to the soil, right? So yeah, that depends on the nutrient and, but yes it is, it is an issue. Whether it's a concern or not is probably, So the phosphorus that got into Lake Erie that's causing an al algae bloom is because we had sedimentation because the phosphorus was not just washing off as pure phosphorus, it was phosphorus tied to soil particles. Thank you. And then what about nitrogen? Speaking of stuff on the surface, doesn't nitrogen have the most ability to volatilize or go away or vaporize or something like that? Isn't that the one that you're most in danger of losing from the top? I don't know. Well, nitrogen is gonna move down with normal rainfall. Yeah. I mean the nitrogen's gonna move down with normal rainfall. The sulfur will move down with normal rain, potassium to a certain extent when move with rainfall. So it's just depends on, you know, the five inch rain and a half hour. Yeah, I mean that's a problem, but we Can't all, I got a question from Nelson Rinse. Johnny mentioned putting a residue eater on the last spray pass on wheat. Do you think that helps begin the breakdown and helps with a planting double crop behind wheat? Is it easier planting conditions, residue eater on the last spray pass on wheat? Yeah, for us, we weren't doing it to like start the breakdown process because you know, in theory the, your, uh, plants need to be dead, you know, or on the, you know, they're not, it's not gonna start breaking down a live tissue I guess is what we're seeing. But we were just trying to get it out there early so as soon as we started harvesting, it would start the breakdown process. So that was our goal on that. And what we've seen so far, this year we're getting better nodulation, just like we did last year, spraying end season. And it seems like the residues breaking down extremely well too. So doing that seemed to work well for us. Easier planning conditions, he asked, Nah, we're planting right there behind the combines. It's, it's a disaster. So, no, it doesn't really help with that, but it does, it does start breaking down through, down for those double crop beans. I I, I like it that you just says it's a disaster. I like that. You know what, what do we say at, at, uh, extreme Ag? We're making the mistakes. You don't have to. We're and we're real results. We're giving it to you. Straight talk. I like that. Another question from Coots or a statement. Mark Kouts says Matt was right. I would like to just say that again. Matt was right. The carpet and nitrogen ratio on corn is about 45 to 50 to 1 45 or 50 to one. Soybeans is 30 to one. Wheat is about 70 or 80 to one. That's good information. Humus is a 12 to one. He goes on to save. So we got both of those. That's awesome. Okay. If you have a question, please do type it in. We want to hear from you. We want the interactive, uh, nature of our webinars to continue because it's informative and insightful for you. Otherwise, we're gonna go rapid. We're gonna rapid fire here. Temple, I got a question. What Mistake have you, what mistake have you made when it comes to residue management and the, and the, and the time saving tip you can provide right now to somebody that's kind of new to this? Because it seems like you were, uh, ahead of the curve on this mistake or tip you can mistake you've made or tip you can provide to save somebody a, a little hassle and headache. I, I think the one mistake that I've made, and then after I'm done with this, I have a question for Johnny. So, um, the one mistake that I made is, I think I put on some of these products, um, way, way, way, way too late in the game. So I got a bunch of products in, you know, residue eaters, whatever you wanna call them, and I put 'em on really, really late because it was, it, it got real cold real fast and I put it on like, you know, in December 'cause, and I was trying to utilize the product. I wish I kept the product back and I wish I overwintered the product, put it in my shop, and I wish I used it in the spring because I would've got more bang for my buck in that. So that, like I was saying, like some of these things are weather related. Don't make that mistake. Don't be in too much a rush. Don't waste that money. It's a great product and it works really, really well if you use it really, really well. Okay, so I like the, the, the big mistake, or not a big mistake, but it's just a little mistake. Maybe it was because you didn't have time, labor or whatever, putting it out too late when you're definitely going into winter, it can't work its magic. So you, you're, It just didn't have an, it just didn't have enough time. I'm not saying it didn't work because I still think it worked, it just didn't have enough time to give me that full response. Does that make Sense? It didn't have enough runway of activity. All right. Uh, you have a question for Johnny before we go to Johnny? I would just like to point out that Kelly has been eating during our webinar and apparently his teacher never told him what the teachers told me. Did you bring enough for everybody? If not, perhaps you should put that away. Did did you bring enough for everybody? He, He's breaking down residue. Johnny has A temple, has a question for you. So, um, Johnny, I got a question for you. So here's the question. So a couple years ago I used, um, uh, recycle and I used it right after, you know, like I said, it was like the third tri in beans and one of the biggest things that I saw that year, and we had a tremendous wheat crop. It was a great wheat crop, but there was a lot, a lot of residue. So I sprayed it right over top of the beans. I was nervous about that. Um, and I did it and it, it went right in with one of my passes, right? You know, it was sea cat sugar. Um, I had some, uh, it was a herbicide pass. It was a bunch of crap in that past, well I added the recycle to it. But what we found was when we got in, when we got through that fall, um, that crop was so much easier to cut. The guys on the combines had called me and said, you know, this crop over here, it's really, really tough. We moved back to this field. Why is this field cutting so much better? And I was like, I don't know. So then I got thinking about it and I'm like, that's where we used that product at. 'cause we did, we split this a hundred and some acre farm and we split it in half and one side got it, and the other side didn't. So we saw a huge benefit to that. So, you know, you go back to efficiency and how much we can get done in every day when we get into fall beans, you know, when we're, they're double crop beans. Us particularly, we're getting into November, you know, and we're trying to get everything done, get, get outta the field before it turns real cold. Those beans actually cut better. Now did I see an actual yield difference then? No, but I saw a difference in my corn the very next year. Just what you were saying. But I wanna know, you know, piece. Yeah. And that, that's one reason we're doing it also because cutting our double crop beans is always a challenge, especially if it sets in the raining, because you can't hardly keep those heads from pushing, pushing the residue. It just makes a disaster on pushing the residue up. So we saw that last year. We switched, uh, headers last year. We're having just a lot of mechanical issues with our headers. But once we got kind of all that worked out, it was cutting a lot easier where we applied it. We didn't apply it on every acre last, uh, last year, but we did this year because of what we've seen. And I mean it's, it seems like the harder we push this wheat crop, the thicker the steels get, you put more growth regulators on the wheat. You know, it seems like the steels are getting thicker, which means it's harder to break down. Same thing in corn, it seems like the bigger the yields more harder it is for that crop to break down the he healthier the plant is. So it's kinda like what we're learning in corn residue. It's applying the same in wheat and it may even be working better for us. Okay. Alright. I, I had the same results, that's why I wanted to know. Yeah. All right, Evans, uh, I will thank you for not taking our webinars time to have snacks and eat your dinner. And I would also like to thank you for participating since you and I uh, uh, bonded last week and you didn't wanna talk about that. Let's talk about one more important thing. Where do you see this thing going? You came from the background. Were you the big Spoon, small spoon? What Were you? The big spoon or the small spoon? All right. When we look at what you talked about being from Carroll County, Iowa where everybody tills and then you've seen the light, you actually took a picture this winter. I was really excited you took a picture of a terrible erosion problem down the road from Kelly's farm. Not Kelly's farming, nothing you guys farm where they had lost literally tons and tons and tons of soil to erosion because they went out there and fall tilled and you and I both made it crack. The guy that farms that ground still blames the weather for this problem, not his practices. So you've obviously come full tilt and around on residue management, no-till, uh, protecting the soil, et cetera, et cetera. What's the next evolution that excites you as an agronomic guy that's just come to see this in the last few years? What's next? Well, I just think keep learning. You know, like we talked a little bit ago about learning more about soil health, soil biology, the bacteria to fungi, RA ratios, things like that. How can we get better and more balanced in our approaches to handle in the soil and the residue that, that we deal with? I think that's the exciting part for me, is just that path is we've, we're going down really Okay, going full. This is kinda a rapid fire. We'll go over to Matt Swanson. Matt Swanson. The question was asked about leaving that res residue and leaving those nutrients up there on that top half inch. Lee Luber has spoken, in fact, we did a podcast podcast recording a couple of years ago, all about earthworms, earthworms, earthworms is the secret to getting all of that nutrient from that top half inch unst stratified earthworms and roots. Seems to me that it would be, but maybe I'm too simple. No, I mean, I think that's fair. I mean, earthworms are gonna do a fair part of that. Some of your other soul biology will do some of that as well. But if you're growing really massive root systems, you know you're gonna move some of that down as well. Um, that, I guess to answer your question, I won't go long because you told me to go fast. Well, it's rapid fire time. Okay. Rapid fire, temple. Temple. The first question is, are you capable of rapid fire? Uh, and, and no. And, and I'll try And, and secondly, you already gave us the one tip, the one takeaway. Uh, the one mistake was the one I really, really liked. Where's the next evolution in this whole thing? Because I think we're gonna see more cover crops. I think we're gonna see more residue. I think we're gonna see more no-till as we should. What? Right. What tool is missing right now that you could use to be even better at this? What thing would you like to see developed? What thing would you like to see technologically come along that would make your job even easier for this? I guess I'm gonna start a worm farm and I'm gonna start selling them, throwing them outta airplanes and selling them to you guys. I guess I'm gonna start with earthworms. Hey, look here, here's, here's what you gotta remember. We keep talking about a systematic approach. This whole thing is a long-term play. It's all a systematic approach. This all works, you know, the cover crops, the seacat, the sugars breaking down stuff, the breaking down residue products, you know, all the stuff that we're trying to make plant food available. The more that we break that stuff down, the more it drags it through the soil. This all works together. I'm excited about all of it. I like the rapid fire. And I'm gonna give you one more, it's outta the question queue from Randy who says, when do you pull the plug since you had this problem once or a lack of performance once or a reduced performance once. When do you pull the plug with residue products when the temperature forecast to drop? In other words, when do you say, you know what, we're not gonna try this anymore. And I wanna ask Kelly the same question. When does it get too cold? And you're like, yep, we're done. Go tip. I want, I wanna see, um, two to four weeks before the ground's gonna freeze. Like that's kind of where I'd like to be. I mean, that's where I think I would be Two to two to four weeks before frozen ground is still enough time for these products to do their magic. Yeah, they'll start working and they'll, you know, the colder it gets, they'll just slow down. Uh, the product we use, I believe everything goes a hundred percent dormant at 32, which is obviously when the ground freezes and then they wake back up in the spring. All right. Johnny, I asked you a question already. You said, I don't know. So for rapid fire for you, it's whatever you wanna do to close us out, just gimme something on residue management. Yeah, well I think I talked to Kelly back in the summer about the, the fungi management, what's going on in his soil. So I think I wanna look more and more about what he's doing with the fungicides we're putting out and how that really affected my biology. So The fungis, give it to me again. I was looking to see if we had all the questions cleared. The fungi is, is about, you're talking about the ratio that you're gonna concentrate on. Yeah. Yep. I think I talked to Kelly back in July and he was telling, some seeing, and that really intrigued me. So that's one thing I'm gonna look at this coming year, is trying to figure out if the, if the fungicides we're putting out has really affected my biology that way. And I'm sure it's So Matt, Matt Swanson, Matt Swanson said, think of what you just said, David. We said we're applying all these fungicides, yet we're trying to increase fungicide, uh, fungus. And he said, well, think of what you just said. So yes, we're just killing off the good with that. And, and these products can help in that. Fungi, fungus, fungi, soil, fungus and bacteria, uh, uh, related, uh, correlation, right? The new product we're looking at is a fungus type product to help with the breakdown. And, you know, the fungus will grow on the, uh, residue as it breaks it down, which is, you know, increasing that ratio or helping that ratio. That's the idea. Got it. And I think that's a, a topic we should cover in the next few months, because that's a big one. And we've seen that in some of our trials. In fact, at a field date, your plane, Kelly, there was a great discussion, uh, with, I believe it was organics where they talked about the fungi two bacteria ratio and how far off we are on many of our soils. Oh, it's kind of a new, it's kind of a, uh, frankly, I think it's a new, uh, it's a new horizon for us on that whole thing. So just me talking. Hey, listeners and viewers, so excited you were here for this episode. We're doing this again on October 5th. Our monthly webinars are the first Thursday of the month, or they always have been, and they probably always will be, unless there's some huge conflict strategies for successful wheat. Okay? Whether you plant wheat or plant to plant wheat or use to plant wheat. And thinking about it, again, this is a great session for you because we're gonna bring on the extreme ag guys and they're gonna talk about seed selection, population practices to till or not to till, uh, planting depths, products used, fertility after, uh, emergence products. Every single thing that they do. Mind you, mind you, they do a wheat wager. So they get kind of competitive about this and they're gonna share all of their secrets, practices, uh, with you. And that's what we're talking about on October 5th. Strategies for Successful Wheat, that's the subject of the October 5th webinar, 7:00 PM Eastern, 6:00 PM Central Time, hundreds and hundreds of videos, recordings of the Cutting the Curve podcast that I've created. Videos that all these guys have shot out there in the field showing you their, their, their methods, showing you their products. Kevin, Matt Chan, uh, Lee Kelly Evans Gro. Sometimes he breathes heavily, but he is fun to watch. Our buddy Johnny Rell Temple, Matt Swanson, for crying out loud. There's great stuff. Go to Extreme and share this. Watch it. It's a library that can only make you stronger. Thank you very much for being here. See you on October 5th, and I've, as always, we want this to be interactive and informative, so give us any tips that we can do to help make the platform even better for you. Till next time, I'm Damien Mason. Thanks for being here for Extreme ags September webinar.
Growers In This Video
See All GrowersKelly Garrett
Arion, IA
Johnny Verell
Jackson, TN
Temple Rhodes
Centreville, MD