Addressing Your Spring Fertility Program For A Fast Start
Face it, to get top yields, you need to start your crops off on the right foot. A major component of this is getting fertility right before the seed hits the soil. We’ll examine how each of the XtremeAg farmers manage fertility in the critically important pre-season. Coaches will tell you, a lot of athletic success experienced in-season, was the result of work put in during the pre-season. Same goes for crops.
Going to start rolling here because my clock says it's time. So welcome to the February 2nd edition of extreme mags webinar. We're going to be leading off with Kelly Garrett Kelly Garrett. You said something before we hit the record button you said when I think about spring fertility my spring fertility begins in the fall. Tell us about that. That's for a few different reasons on the nitrogen. Our main source of and is anhydrous and I very much believe that I need that anhydrous applied in the fall, you know, obviously we want to wait till the ground temperature gets below 50, but and Hydra says we all know damages soil biology, but in my opinion it only damages it in a small diameter around the application area and then the soil goes you know, where we live in soil goes into the frost. It freezes when it comes back out that biology is very forgiving and it replicates itself and it it goes back into those areas that we damage it in the fall and I have a yield bump because of that so I very High priority to get that anhydrous applied in if I can, you know and I out of 5,000 Acres I have about 300 left that I didn't get done just because we got froze out we variable rate that anhydrous of course because we are very cognizant of the carbon to nitrogen ratio. We want that ratio to be seven to one. Seven Parts carbon for every one part of nitrogen. And so in my high yield areas, I'm only applying now 80 pounds of anhydrous in a rotated field in a corn on cornfield in a high yield area. We're applying 120 pounds of end in a low yield area be it rotated or corn on corn. We're applying 240 pounds of it that might sound backwards to some people where we're putting less than a high yield area. But that's because Of the elemental nitrogen that is being mineralized by the soil, you know that has to do like when we talk about our source product that we apply later in the year things like that. But we're we're giving credit to what the ground is a producing for us. We're taking that into account because if we shove too much synthetic and into the system it screws up that ratio and as a young farmer, I was led to believe or I always thought that I needed to build my soil. I now believe that my soul has greater potential that I ever thought and I kind of need to get out of the way and I need to balance the soil. So spring fertility to me is setting the stage balancing the soil getting that fertility ready to go into the rest of the year. The rest of my fertility program would be the plant food by product that I apply that's where I get my K my pee my sulfur all of that. You know, my biggest yield challenge you could say is the the base saturation calcium problem. I have my base saturation calcium is 65. It's more like 80 or 85. The 90 in extreme case and the sulfur the elemental sulfur in that plant food helps balance that soil again and unlock the potential. Hey Mr. Swanson, I'm gonna be leaning on you since you're more the soils guy here because some of the things that Kelly just said we said we're going to hear from Matt. But before do that, he said seven Parts. Was it? Seven Parts? Carbon one part nitrogen. Did you say that Kelly? Yep, I want seven Parts carbon for every one part nitrogen. All right, we've never whether it's spring or pre-planning or even middle of the winter. We've never talked about measuring carbon content Swanson. You've got thoughts on this. Yeah, actually that's that's funny because we use. we use the soils carbon nitrogen ratio is kind of our indicator of how much nitrogen we're gonna preapply so let's say we have An 8.5 carbon and nitrogen ratio. We're typically going to apply no more than 85 pounds pre-plant because that helps. It keeps it balanced. So we don't have so much nitrogen that we burn carbon out of the soil before the before the season starts. By the way, I apologize. If you're listening to this and you're saying what the hell Damian I'm in the lobby of a hotel in Watertown South Dakota. It's only place I can get a strong signal. So if it sounds like there's a Thursday night at the fish fry Buffet going on at the restaurant. Here it is. So you're gonna be you're gonna be hearing some blobs walking through the fish. Right? Which brings me by the way is being a blobs in case you haven't been paying attention all the extreme ad guys have a winter weight loss challenge going on. We'll be sure and we tell you all about that. But anyway be happy you're not here because you'd be getting elbow to the back of this Buffet line. Trust me go ahead and get to then Mr. Miles either Mr. Miles lane or Matt things a little different you're in the Delta of Arkansas your season starts way earlier you made the crack before we hit the record button that you're gonna be planting stuff like in six weeks and we're now talking about what's going on in Northwest, Iowa where you know, It's it's a long way away. You know, the snow is blowing and the ground is frozen. What do you think about when you think about spring fertility, I want to go with Lane first because you always give me you always give me a little different perspective than your old man. All right now and expect that I will let that go first. you know Damien as far as spring fertility early, you know, we don't we don't do a ton from just say November to now we do put put a ton of ton ton have two tons of litter earlier in the in the fall. just based on kind of Soul test what we think needs needs what and where that's the majority of our early fertility And then then we'll go into like pre-plant, you know, right right when we get ready to plant, but other other than that, we're mostly literally early in the fall when you say that. Yeah, they're kind of tell you our program and higher program works. So we're in very Sandy Souls. I think Temple deals with these two. We're in a CC's on a majority of our souls that at Ford of four to ten. So we have a lot of 18 it goes on so we have to kind of be mindful of that. But what we do as soon as the combine rolls out of the field Regina comes in and does the soil samples and so we're actually applying what what a lot of people call Spring fertility in the fall now is the litter better in the fall than it is a spring. I mean you can go 50/50 on that. So some people say it isn't it in what it does for us is a nitrogen piece of the litter actually will break down the stove now. We have a lot of heat so we break our down so much better than the guys in the north do absence of litter but the nitrogen in the litter does break down the stove over which which helps us there. And then what we do is we pull soil samples. Like I said right behind a combine we'll look and see if we're 80 parts for me and her less. On on P. Then we will definitely apply somewhere between a ton and a half to two tons of litter the other land gets a ton regardless. We used to apply a ton and a half to two tons regardless, but as prices went up on on synthetic fertilizers, so as a price of litter so we're paying and 70 to 75 dollars a ton for litter. So it's getting up there where it's Pretty complete you know it before, you know letter wasn't a big deal here at I'd say 15 years ago. People would give you litter today. Everybody's figured out that it's it's a value in and so the price is went up. So that's all done in the fall. And then once we look at our our soil samples when they get back that's done mandatory based on last year samples. And then when we get our samples in we decide what kind of K we need. And again with the Sandy soles we try to apply that some of it goes out in the spring, but if we're going growing corn or or cotton. We're taking that K and putting it in with our urea application as we're going over the fields of side dress. So we're not really we actually almost basically skip the spring. Go go late fall and then mid season. All right. So by the way, you talked about the fertility issue and litter. I don't know that that you know, you and Temple use it Kevin Matthews uses litter. I don't know if Chad does but the point is it used to be almost a free resource and and you could put it out there and fall and even if you thought you weren't getting the maximum usage out of it. You still you're getting it for almost free. So it's kind of like you got times you were basically using litter as a free resource or a very low cost resource and you also use your your slack time because it was farming was done for a while. Do you think that a decision you'll make is better utilizing it because if you think you're losing some of the nutritive value by letting it hang around all winter, is it now valuable enough that you're going to treat it better? Oh, we actually treat it better and we've also had to go into the micronutrients, you know litter provides a lot of micro nutrients that just synthetic fertilized don't so before I'm gonna say five years ago, you know, we were still paying for it at that point, but we just looked at the at the P&K that's the only levels we looked at to compare with synthetic today with a price of litter we've had to start taking into consent into context the you know, the sulfur the zinc all the other micro nutrients in it to be able to justify, you know, putting an out before we was getting that for free now we're paying for it. So, you know all good things come to the end at some point in time, but we still feel like there's a synergistic effect between the litter and the crop versus synthetic. We also Damien get, you know, just just a difference in two, you know, we've lots of chicken houses around here just the difference in two types of litter whether or not we're getting Broiler or hand litter is if we need more calcium. In the soil or even if we need just a little bit of lime to Jack with our pH, you know, we could go in or brawler for that because he has got a lot more calcium in it. I think we're gonna stick on this litter thing for about two more questions. First off now that it's more expensive and people are chasing it. Do you see yourself getting to a point where maybe you don't use chicken litter like is it going to get to where the the price? Is? It? Hit a point where you might as well just use some other source, or do you think that it's nowhere close to that? Man, we think there's such a synergistic effect between the litter and a crop. And it's hard to prove that's not something crew scientifically, but the carbon in it the different. It's just a synergistic effect now thank Kelly probably can has the same thing with the plant food, you know the same deal which I want to say this I'm too levels behind Kelly and Matt on all the ratios and everything they're doing I'm still trying to learn from them. But it I don't think we will if as long as it stays equal to say an MP and K recommendation with zinc and sulfur will stay with that and like Lang said if you got a feel, you know, I've Had a Farm before that that the pH was like under six and the consultant recommended line. We just started putting out two tons of litter hymn litter. So the the line that comes from him litter the calcium that comes from hen letter is because it's their egg produce or so. There's a lot of shell in that. And there's lime in the eggshell so we can kind of address that depending on the type of litter we use. As to what fertility needs we use and will will sometimes we use in sometimes we use Broiler depending on what the Soil Test shows. Mr. Swanson you get you got a little bit of a timeline so I go to you before I do Kelly wants to share something litter. Well, you know, I think that we as we as humans or Farmers or Growers or whatever when the term byproduct comes up, everybody wants to say it should be free or somebody should pay you to take it. There's a negative connotation to that term plant food. My plant food product is a is a byproduct liquid feed industry litter or manure is a byproduct of feeding livestock, but that doesn't mean it's a bad product. And if you go back to Neil Kinsey's book one of when a nutrient has been through a plant once it's 10 times more available to the next Plant. So the NP and K in litter or plant food is 10 times more available to the next crop than synthetic fertility. So while we're valuing it and we think it shouldn't be as much as synthetic fertility in my opinion. It truly is better than synthetic fertility because it's more available and I just because it's a byproduct don't lose sight of that. Well, it's not good. I don't have to what Kelly says so Neil Neil works with us on a couple of farms and we were thinking that the nitrogen piece of this fertility, you know, we just wrote it off. We didn't use it at all and we started seeing on our cotton that we were over we were getting more nitrogen than we needed. And with years of repetitive poultry litter which probably works with, you know cows or Hogs or whatever that the residual from that after so many years you start getting in a into a different level where the nitrogen piece actually, you know catches on. So we're actually reducing our nitrogen because of the poultry litter that we didn't even count the nitrogen for five or six years ago. Also checks and Temple had something to share as well as Lane. So we're getting on a boat. We're spend a lot of time on litter Brown hits a bad thing because I think we set the foundation here with Kelly and Matt and Lane all saying they're spring fertility for a fast starts in the fall and for them it starts with litter but they're not the only two people that use litter Temple use a lot chicken litter because they got it, right we do we use a lot of chicken litter as well. But there's something that you got to remember here just like Kelly was saying you're talking about in organic fertilizer versus organic fertilizer. And yes, it's a little more readily available it it can get it into the plant a little bit better. Some of it's still tied up but it a lot of things that we're doing here in extreme egg, um, you know with Aiden carbons and sugars to synthetic fertilizers, we're making new synthetic fertilizers very much like the in the organic stuff and we're making that a little more readily available then what it was before. So what I'm seeing here is the ground that We've spent a lot of time with with litter and doing a really good job and that grounds up and pumping and we're feeding a biology and it's just really grind and now we're being able to with all these things that we can we can utilize within extreme AG now all of a sudden we're starting to use synthetic fertilizers a lot like we do and we're turning them into something that's a little more readily available like litter and it's making things work a lot better for us. So now it's kind of even the play in field for us. By the way, it's simple since you're on here, we're gonna cut some Mr. Swans a professor Swanson after you're done your spring fertility for a fast start. This is one of the recommendations they came up with for what would be a great topic for our February webinar that was down here hunt Lodge spring fertility program for a fast start. Give us in a quick synopsis. What's the spring fertility program? And I don't know. I don't know if I can give it to you quick, but I'm very much on like Kelly and seconding that and all that you're sending it. You're hashtag and raised his hand in second and you I'm not going to be able to do it quick and I'm not gonna do a quick I'm just I'm gonna skip across a lot of it. But just to tell you guys what we have to do here. We can't put down any fall fertility. So what we do, I'm just like Kelly I put down anhydrous and we do it variable rate just like Kelly does I'm learning a lot from Kelly. I've reverse things a little bit than what Kelly's variable rate thing is but I'm gonna try his way this year and see if I can make it work on my ground but right to clear to clarify you do very nitrogen, but you don't do it in the fall before the spring I do it. I do it like we'll start as soon as we can get on the ground after March first because we're not allowed to apply any fertility until March first. So from March first on we're open and we can start applying and hires. So we'll start with that and we're a variable rate program now I inject where I'm different than Kelly is I got a injector on my rig now. He can't do it where he is because it's too cold in the fall, but we're in the spring we get Warmer quicker, so I inject humex into that. So I'm yes inhydrous number. Ammonia is kind of destroying some of the biology but we're putting stuff in there to try to buffer that as much as possible. Does that make sense? So we do that and then we have a dry spread program. We treat it with Titan from agerson. We put ionize on there from another company and it's a phosphorus efficiency product. So there's a lot of things that we're doing and then we have a big in for a program in our infer a program when we strip till our anhydrous everything that we do after that. We're trying to build the biology of the soul back as fast as we can. So there's a lot of stuff. I mean, I got a heavy heavy load of infer and I can go through them. But basically on our March 2nd webinar, we're going to talk about everything that happens in for. Okay, let's stick with preseason. Remember this one is what are you doing in the office as we said if you're a football player? like obviously Mr. Miles. One of the best Arkansas one of the best Arkansas lineman ever produced class of '88. Anyway, they know that if you're going to perform if you're gonna perform on the offensive line in on Friday night, you got to put in to work in the offseason. What is it? You do off-season that gets you ready when you so what would you just ready is is when we strip till anhydrous we inject him next to try to improve our fertility or try to improve the damage that we've already caused. And when we put our dry spread on ahead of the planners and that's all the fertility that we're getting ready for, you know with our potash and phosphorus and a little bit of well a lot of potash mainly but that stuff is treated and we're treated trying to break it down as fast as we possibly can because that's the only choice here in our Watershed that we have. We got to break it down and get it available as fast as possible. So I lean on those companies to make that happen for me. Okay, so big the big Way, I think there was since you can't do stuff way out in the fall. Your pre-season is what is scrunched because of environmental regulations. I think that anybody listening this would probably bear in mind these kind of environmental regulations might be coming to a farm near you based on the intensified regulatory environment as it relates to groundwater. It relates to carbon emissions nitrogen emissions Etc. So the good thing we can learn from Temple Maryland was 20 to 30 years in front of the rest of the country on these kinds of regulations his preseason can't start in October really it can but the stuff you're starting to really apply to talking March first onward, right? Yeah, March first home. We're not allowed to play anything from basically November first until March 1st. And by the way I missed it. Can you do you can do chicken literature during the hard winter or is it also mmm? No, no, no, no, no that starts March first too. I run go to Swanson because Mr. Swanson's a little tight on time. I'll make sure we get all this stuff. I call Professor. Johnson he's one of those guys, you know, like he's always in school. He's still in school. He's like 35 years old and he's still in school and also speaking to school. I think I misspoke. I think Matt miles might be class of 87. The thing is when you're as dominant as he was you just think that he never left like he was there the whole 80s he was he was basically commanding the offensive line. All right, Swanson go. Yeah, so did touch a couple things on the litter on the litter one of the things one of the watch outs. I guess I would have is around here the guys that are able to get litter because they've been scraping it more often because it's more valuable the quality has gone down slightly here. So that was the first thing. As far as what we're doing pre-plant. We have a couple extra challenge that long expand on that because we talked about it. He said litter is getting less available. Meaning more people are chasing the same pounds of litter and so what would you say about? Yeah, so since they're cleaning buildings more often because they want. The litter faster because now you got conventional Farmers because of the price of fertility that are trying to get it whereas before it was largely organic guys. The nutrient content of the litter here anyway has decreased slightly. So that's all because it's not it's not sitting in the bottom of a barn for a year at a time and cooking well and that point, you know with covid chickens guys short everything got short so they got to produce a chicken's faster. So it is getting a little less quality than what it was. Okay. So the chicken litter has lost some of its nutritive value for a couple of reasons and we don't need to get into the animal feeding part of it. But the point is chicken. There's a little less valuable but it's still obviously has readily available nutrients when it is applied. Right Matt. So awesome. Yeah, you just need to check just check your analysis and make sure that you're still getting what you think you're getting basically what we do diamond just to kind of you know, our program is we sample every Farm we don't sample every house of a farm may have seven houses on it or three houses on it, but we get a sample from each farmer and we've been getting that same sample for what line six seven years. So we kind of have an idea as to what you know as to what the litter is going to be and what the you know value is going to be other letter as we get it. Yeah, okay. So yeah, this one Professor Swanson's big point was all that is not created equal check and also you can do a sample. Okay check but when you're in the Western, Illinois, your timing is a little different than the miles Brothers. But the main thing is it's still the same thing. You want to hit the ground running. So when you think about spring fertility program, you're gonna bring us numbers in a little bit, but what do you think of when you think about a spring fertility program that you can live with now heading into 2023? Yeah, so our spring pre-plant fertility program largely revolves around do we need to spread potassium any kind? And what's our self requirement for the crop we're going in. So we've actually bumped our grower standard practice solver application rates up to about 70 to 80 pounds to be able to balance out some of the free nitrogen we're getting but in order to get that done because we want to use a very soluble source, which very often use 8009 Which is about a pound per gallon. So obviously you're trying to get half of that nutrient needs on that's 40 gallons so that you've got a you've got a situation there the other thing in our soils potash availability is kind of tricky. So when you first apply it you'll get a flush. And then as it sits there longer it'll get tied back up or especially if it dries out it'll get locked up in the clay the colloids or the clay particles themselves. So in order to maximize our early season, potash availability if we're going to use that product because it is still the cheapest version. Of potassium available. We have to kind of time that so we get it on and then it's available and then we get our next source of potassium on before it gets locked up. So our potash thing is one of the things that we do one of the tests that we've run in the past is saying, okay. How long does that take? And what we saw is about a 45 day window where we applied it it became available and then Before it became available. It actually made our numbers worse our potash availability numbers worse and then the podcast became available and then it got locked up again so that 45 days out from when we needed is when we're trying to get that done. And then as everybody's talked about the car, by the way, and this is maybe this is common knowledge, but certainly it's not to me. So I'm gonna play the dumb guy and make everybody else. Feel smart. Is this a thing that potassium even though if it's there it has a window of availability that that you've got to try and shoot for so that's very soil dependent. Right? So in our soils we have what they call a double bond clay and there's a more scientific name for it. But essentially what it does is when that clay dries out it locks the potassium particle inside the leg. Particle and you lose it. So it's still there. It still shows on a soil test. It's just not available to the crop but in a soil like mats where he's got ample water and he doesn't have that double bond clay. That's not a factor. At least that I would I wouldn't think it'd be a factor at all. All right, and then we're gonna come back to some numbers. I ask you to share numbers though about actual application and result but before do that, I want to go in here from our other send it twin Chad Henderson. He's being patiently quietly sitting in his dark basement ready to tell us about his and by the way, I can already go into prediction his his Preseason spring fertility program is if we have it laying around we throw it out there and we don't stop until I run out of gas before we hear from Chad. I forgot. We have a question from Joel and so if you're listening and you're I want to participate obviously we're here for you. That's why we create these webinars. It's for interactivity and for you your questions asked and answered Joel asks Temple. Why do you spread dry and not strip it in with NH3 and strip till machine or did I misunderstand? So Joel wants a question about why you dry spread on your nitrogen and and he wants to make sure these understanding it so shoot away their Temple. So most of my and most of my Narnia needs is met through and age three. We put a little bit of dry spread on just as a you know, it helps to blend out but most of our blend our dry blend that we put down it's mainly a phosphorus and potassium blend. There's very little nitrogen, but we still To have some in there to make that blend but majority of it. It's all of our nitrogen leads are all carried by our strip-till rig up front and then we dry spread the other we just we haven't gotten to the port the port of doing that years and years ago just to answer Joe we did a we were a full fertility program in trip till a long time ago all over NPK was in liquid form. We didn't do any dry spread and we put it on with a strip till rig that I built and it worked very very well. Every load was a hot load the problem was is you couldn't get over enough ground per day. So it it really messed with your efficiency. The planers would be right on top. They had just rigs all the time or the trip till rigs all the time. So we had to change things for for our own Usage Now in our way that we work. Cecs are really really low organic matters low. We're really volatile. So our problem was is with the liquid potash that we were putting on at the time. Um, that was we were depleting our soul terribly. So we ended up having to go back to a drive program. So really really most realistically the dry blend is really just for a little bit of phosphorus and mainly are potassium load or nitrogen load is to strip till and there's something to do with I don't know what it is, but I can always grow a better crop with anhydrous in my Lucy Seas. I think it's because the form of nitrogen that you get out of it it stays in the ground much much longer than any other four source of nitrogen. So that's why we use a anhydrous and it carries us a lot longer. So that's I don't know if that's a good enough reason or not. I think that that equally answer the question. I think it does Chad and I got two things to say. First I'm glad Jazz last because he's been sitting there really patient the whole time number one in the South. We don't have basements. If we do, it's just because about our old house and number two Chad when you're talking talk about I mean spring fertility we can kind of blend into wheat what you're looking at between granular urea and going with your with your streaming nozzles because that that's a pretty good if anybody's on here this guy wheat, that's a pretty good something to talk about. Hey Chad, I'm sorry that I accused you of being in a basement. I didn't realize that there was a regional rivalry about basements and styles of homes. I just thought you were sitting in a basement. But alright. So anyway, now that we know you're sitting on a ground floor, we'll call it. We'll call it a slap. You know, what we'll call the crawl space wherever you are. I'm glad you're there and I'm glad you're with us. Would you talk about spring fertility and address the things that Mr. Miles just asked you to address. Yeah, I mean, we're we're all equal whether we go first or last right? We're all equal. We new man had to jump all so once in that jump off, so we just, you know, let him ride with So what you want to talk about first? Like I got all that by the way Swanson is in West Central, Illinois, which is just slightly warmer than where I am in South Dakota right now is backdrop is cotton and it's like there hasn't been a field of cotton in Western, Illinois since the dawn of Illinois, right? But he's just he's jacking with people. So anyway, it's it's kind of funny. It's what he does. All right. So before you address the stuff that Matt asks you to address. All right spring fertility, you're all about send it. Do you do some crazy stuff? Are you going out there doing stuff? The neighbors are like that guys nuts. He's out here doing stuff in winter time and he shouldn't be because that's not what we do. What do you do that might be upsetting the apple cart with the neighbors as far as fertility before planting way before planting. Yep. Yep. Now, you know, um, we do a lot of different things. Most of ours is our fertility when we talk about corn or soybeans is right in front of the Planters. I mean, we'll run them in, you know, like if we work up the ground subsole ground and we're gonna run to rigs across it then we're gonna feel cultivated in and then running freshener do all or something and get to see bed ready. You know, it's a lot like it used to run, you know back in the 60s up in the United States. I guess it was, you know, when they flat broke the ground now, which I think they even put it out in front of You know breaking players. I'm gonna drag my bragging plow back out. I think that has Set Me Free too, you know, it's something to that. But anyway, so let's just say we're going to run a strip to you. We're gonna run a strip tail. We're gonna try our best to chase the combines with it and when we do that, It's gonna be anywhere from a hundred and fifty and this will be Dapper map and this will be a potash and I'm like Temple, you know, the only thing we're gonna get up in in that is going to be what we get out of the day. So we'll we'll put a put a rate in there if somewhere around 150 155 up to 225 pounds is that'll be are going rate and that'll be doubting. Potash and maybe some Boron maybe some more Boron probably a little bit of boring now. I don't have a whole bunch in there, but we'll put that out and then Uh, you know me and Tommy roach did some stuff right now. Hey, I know that we always talk like when we're talking about in-season stuff v3s and r2's and all this kind of stuff which I didn't even know what all that meant until I met you guys, but when you're talking about these things are doing kind of give us a calendar time and if it's not by the month, maybe how many how long before you think a planner runs like the thing that you're doing? You're talking about right now. Are you doing that after you said after the combines you comments? So anyway, no comments running in February. So let's back that up a little bit. Hmm, you're doing great job, baby. So we're gonna I would like I have a few distractions here and this is looking at the fish land. I'll tell you what just just mute yourself out just one second. So well we're gonna do is we're gonna be somewhere between let's get it day. We're gonna be somewhere between November the 18th and December the 13th. We're gonna run a script to read and when we do that that's like I said, it's what was running and we basically got into strip tuning for, you know, a different source of what we're doing. Um, we got an end to where we really liking the way we don't affect the biology in the middle of the road. We're just affecting the eight inches with assaults. We're looking at that, you know, our ground is staying as well. And so that's what we got into. Well me and Tommy, you know that we've got a A trial we done last year where we put a half a rate out of dry and you put a real big load out of infer and tuba 2 that turned out really well, so we'll talk about that on the next one, you know, because that'll talk about the planners but look forward to that because it it made a lot of sense. It didn't make some sense but it did make some sense on what we spent. We spent the same amount of money. We took 35 dollars out of the program on drive and spent $35 on the program with his product and picked up about 15 bushel, you know, it was a big deal, but we're gonna do some more work on that but back to where we're talking about. So we'll strip till some we broadcast some and then we were used a lot of chicken litter when we can will use fall letter. Will you spring litter? It's maybe just when we can get it out because if we're going in front of a week, we're going to use Fall litter obviously, but it's most of our stuff is pre-planned. Go ahead Temple what you got? I got a question for you Chad you think and and my in my position could I do similar to what you do? Could I like let's say March first comes around and I get all my highness on and I strip till it all could I come back with a strip fresh and put my dry on and cut my rates back somewhat on my dry spray program and cover that that need that I have. Yes affirmly believe that because we was doing that as well, you know, you could run a freshener and run the same thing out and but we just really need to be you know, because it's a lot of guys up in the United States that put out a lot of pounds, you know, I know several those guys and they really helped me through this strip-telling process, but they put a lot out in the spring, you know up to five six hundred pounds because when you start getting into the urea aspect of it, you won't be putting out one or 200 pounds. You got to get on up there to four five six hundred pounds. It reminds. My race won't be that high beings that I'm I'm running over it ahead of time with anhydrous up front. I could come back with you know with a different program. And yeah, it wouldn't be that bad and what you and I been talking about strip freshmen anyway, so here's a question for you. So if you had to guess what would you guess my efficiency would be what I save 10% and fertility. Could I save 15% 20% Like how would you do it? Would you do the math by the row because we know root what the root zone is are we just going to fertilize that root Zone and and can and continue to think on that efficiency. What's your guess on the number? That's not a guess. Okay, it's so we started out and we cut it back. We cut it back a third the first year and then I cut it back 50% and now I'm a little over 50% when we pull a strip teal out. We say 50 bucks an acre. I don't care how you got it lace. I don't care how I don't care how high fertilizer gets I save. I say somewhere around 50 bucks an acre. Wait, wait, that's worth repeating. How you say $50 by pulling out a lot. Say thank you and he scares a s*** out of me doing this Temple. But I mean he don't know when it when his land's gonna go into housing project or Amazon building or whatever that kind of like you've had to do on the on the Foster's program. He's had to do that on farming in general. Well, that's that Matt. That's how we treat. Oh, I mean, I don't want to say that that's how we treat every acre, but we cannot build a farm up around here. There's just there's no way to do it. So we Farm every acre all the farmers doing Delmarva. We form it just like that. We Farm it. Just for what that crap needs and when Chad says something like that. That's the kind of things that we found over the years and that's a huge huge point. So so let's look at it this way. What is what I'll have Mike Evans and Kelly figured out up there on talking about we talk about the carbon ratios. We're talking about what we can use what we can't use we talking about availability. Let's talk about how much we think we got that. We're not using that's not available. This is not about fertility. This is about available for utility. Okay, we can grow the plan on this fertility. We grow the plan on available fertility. So that's what we got to wrap your mind around and well when we're working in these numbers and the things that you do when you're putting out the humics and the sugars and our carbons and things of that nature then we're making it's available for utility, but it's it's it's all about a balance. We know that but it's we don't have to put out. I mean again, there's no 400 bushel blend. We all know that but you know through through strip healing through tally. I mean we talked about fall fertility best thing you do in the Falls put a bunch of tile down. If you do something just go put a bunch of style down. We're gonna open this thing up. We're gonna get some air in it. You know, we're gonna Water off of it and then we're gonna start cranking in some available fertility that we didn't have through what we're doing with tile. I mean there's Chad talk about the fact that we're we where we all think and I do I'm on the worst ones about mining the soul. Well, you've done that and your level still stay the same. So we but we put in five crops and just put down. land so what when we when when we hear when we're gonna lose a farm, you know, we kind of know in the farm will start just slowly going in, you know from it'll be us gas station, then it'll be a Subway and anybody other things, you know, but he just kind of goes in we know that's coming. We've started dressing pH. You know, we know we got to have pH first we got to fix that first. If we don't I picked up some Farms that was that was pretty rough, but they had really good for two. You know what they had good fortunately because they're pH was in the crapper you get your pH and a crap and a fertility still there and it's just hanging out like you don't go nowhere. You ain't using it ain't nobody else using it. So fix the pH first and when you get to pH in Balance, then the fertility comes to it, so we put him five crops and if you want to talk about ppms, you know, you know, we're kind of based saturation, but we'll talk about ppms. You won't drop the ppms near what you think you will when your pH is correct and you get that thing works pumping. Um, and these are normal crops. It's like the last year I had to farm. I had made a hundred and seventy five b*******. And I had 175 dollars an acre in it. So then when you make some money, you know. But really that really wakes me up when Chad talks about the parts per million the ppms, you know as a young farmer and you're sitting there and your Co-op or your AG retailer and you're looking at I've got 200 parts per million K. And if I raise 230 bushel corn, I'm gonna remove 64 pounds in the grain. Is that about right Swanson something like that? And yep that there you go. So you think that that 200 or that 200 30 PPM? That's all you've got. That's not right. That's what's available but they ain't anybody gonna tell you that because they're trying to sell your products. They're in anybody gonna tell you that we did a total soil acid. I'd have to have Evans here. I can't even remember the name of the test. You know, how many pounds of K are in the top six inches of my soil 4,400 pounds 4,400 pounds. So I appreciate Chad saying that what we figured out up here, but part of what I figured out appears because it's talking to him. There ain't no such thing as a 400 bushel blend of fertilizer. And looking at those ppms is pretty worthless to me. I look at the base saturation and I balance the soil and now I think we're starting to maybe understand what the potential of the soil is and we're barely scratching the surface of it and I I heard a speaker one time say that we have got to come to realization that the biggest yield limiting factor on our Farms is us and you got to be man enough to admit it. And so you know what, I think now my soil has got so much more potential than ever thought it did and I need to get the hell out of the way. I need to balance it and get out of the way and let it do its thing. It ain't about building. It ain't about putting a bunch of stuff out there. It's about balancing it and stop screwing it up. I'm excited about I mean ecstatic frankly is that every parent over parents and then finally like maybe like has to be in the hospital and the kids prove that they can do a lot of stuff. I'm in a bad spot here and Chad just told me to mic down and shut up and then you guys just basically took this on your own. I'm like the parent that couldn't be there anymore and the kids are doing fine. So, you know what? I almost think about just checking out here and like reading the paper. But anyway until we do that. I want to hear from swans before he has to log off and we have one more question from Joel. So Swanson, you've got a you've got a time commitment. Can you go ahead and give us a good number a number example for us please about money? Yeah. So let's I mean, let's just take Kelly's, you know example right there the excess we'll call it Baseline fertility the soil. So most things you've got three pools you have what they call the standard availability pool, which is the middle one, which is what you're seeing on a standard Soul test. You got what what we call on h3a pool, which is the plan available pool and then there's a bigger pool like Kelly was talking about what the Hundred pounds and that goes for a lot of nutrients. But you ask, you know, this mining the soil question that that Mr. Miles was talking about here, you know, if you do a good job with your biology if you do a good job promoting biology and like Kelly saying don't destroy them. What we'd found here is when you do those things and core on corn and things like that that promote Soul carbon soil biology help that but what we've seen is you'll have a soil that's really poor on a standard soil test. Maybe it's 10 PPM and you'll take five crops off of that and your PPM numbers actually go up. And the reason that is is because one that number you have is a 18 inch or a one to six inch sample and at least here anyway, the plants are going much deeper than that to pull nutrients the other part of that. Is as the plant pulls it up and ends up back in the surface your biology works on it and that's why those numbers or that standard soil test number goes up. One of the things that we've done here. Is you know on our any of our liquid fertility anything that has a heavy dose of salt? You know when we've talked about this at length ad nauseam, you know and speaking events. And in extreme AG is the carbon portion and one of the things that we do here is we base our carbon applications on what we're trying to do. So our humics and folics, you know, if we're putting on so many gallons of fertilizer. We trigger our rate on those humics and full of space on that. And what we've seen is that may pull you know, what we may get 40% of available fertility out of what we apply now we're getting 60 to 70 percent available. We're still not getting all of them. Okay, but are availability is going up of what we're actually applying getting a better return which speaks to what Chad's talking about. And gosh, I had something else and I just flat out forgot. Oh, here's one more thing while I was thinking about this. So, you know, there's a lot of things on the market today like Source or like pivot bio and all those things and some guys see that they work and sometimes they don't work and there's not really good explanation for that at least in common circles. I think what your explanation is. Is a lot of those products are based on building biology or adding biology to the soil. Right? But if you're adding biology without feeding them, you're not going to see a response out of that. So on a soil with adequate carbon levels, you're gonna see a better response out of something like a pivot or a source that you wouldn't see if you didn't have those adequate. It's it's no different than taking that at his 320 or whatever. He was at University of Arkansas and 87. And then taking the Buffalo line and there's nothing on there, right? You can't it's gonna be worse for him than it would be for 120 pound person because he's trying to feed more mass. So if you're adding biology to the soil via Source or via pivot or any other things you need to make sure that you're adding a soluble food source for those for that biology. You're not gonna see your responsible. All right, and you might have to go. Is there anything you want to wrap up on before you had to hit the go pick up your kid? Yeah, the only thing. I've got on my list is you know in our area since especially and I and I was suspect maybe in Kelly's as well. You know, we can have higher base hats of calcium, you know, 70 80 percent but a lot of times what we don't have with those higher base hats available calcium, which is probably something that Matt doesn't struggle with because of the litter situation. So we have to apply soluble calcium here to do that and we do that via pelletized gypsum or essentially calcium carbonate like a rock salt type situation. You just can't apply that with everything. So we see big responses out of those two products because we've got to get our soluble calcium levels up to open up our soils and build the plan architecture that we need to put yield on later. I match you need to go ahead and explain your background too before you leave. Me the fact that he's been in college only time he wasn't in college was when he was in the service. He's Professor Swanson because he continues he's taking correspondence classes right now and like basket weaving or something. I don't know. What oh, that's right. Auburn got a hello. Hello background. Yeah, so I've been around a little bit. All right. Hey real quickly. Um, we do have a question from Joel and I also want to what Matt miles asked Chad to explain we recorded see Chad's actually gonna put his phone down and pay attention for a second. We recorded during Christmas to New Year's time a podcast and it was called managing fertility for the short term and it is not released yet. It will be releasing I looked and I don't think that will has released it yet, but it is an amazing episode because we talked about that very subject if and basically what Chad took away from it. He's sitting there for a piece of ground that's gonna become a housing subdivision. So he doesn't want to go out there and break the bank putting fertilizer for for A Five-Year Plan when it's gonna be housing in another year or two. So he really learned about just putting on what you need to feed the plant and still get amazing yield. So it's not about mining the soil. It's about still getting what you need to the plant and making your money, but also not looking at this thing of and Learned was maybe you've been over applying on Acres even if they're not gonna become a subdivision. So is that really the takeaway from that Chad that we recorded back then because it's managing fertility for the short-term really sometimes means managing fertility smartly. Yeah, and we've learned a lot. You know, we've been we've been at this game. You know, what? I was all in 10 years ago. You know, it's extreme AG didn't do this to me. I did I just found five or six other brothers. That was thought like me, you know is all I done but we've been doing this for a long time, you know pushing too much and I mean it's hard for me to say that Temple. I mean, I'm all shed a tear but it's really hard for me to say that but we've found spots and we know what too much is and we thought it but we've tried to look and learn from it because people said, oh, well, you can build a soul or you can do this or you can do that, you know, and and Really ain't there's a lot of smart people. There's a lot of people that's put me where I'm at. And but It ain't a whole bunch been rat and it's probably my thought is probably an application. But you know, it's it's a lot of things we've done. You know, we know we can fix zinc we can do that but like building cave by putting out a thousand pounds gay or something. I've tried it like you can't do it. Like you don't change like five years ago. It don't change like you can kill the ground with so much nitrate. Like I've done that. I mean, it's just all kind of things you do, but the balance is the key to it and humics and the sugars and the more we learn like I want to make a crop like and I'm probably gonna do that this time like I want to put a crop in we just like a really large amount of sugars and just really see. What it would do, you know with humics and sugars, you know, I don't know. Where do y'all think. I got a question. Where do you all think the top side of hammocks and sugars is Per year, give me how many pounds of sugar you think it takes. Give me how about a lot? I mean, I don't I don't know until you're saying until you cross line. And what's too much. Yeah, I mean like I think your pocketbook can be your pocket your pocketbook could literally be your to be the limit Kelly. Talk to me. You know when you're talking you sugar doesn't work for us as well. I would rather have carbon which that sugar is a faster release it gets the plant all wound up like a seven year old on Mountain Dew. I'd rather have a long chain carbon, but the goal is the same and I used to think that my high yield areas releasing like a hundred and fifty pounds of Elemental nitrogen or mineralizing that I now think it's twice that so the ability to keep that ratio of seven to one is the goal and I don't think there's a I don't think there's a top end. I I don't know. How about this? I there is a top end, but I don't know where it's at because we've not found it yet. Again. It's about balance and we've screwed it up for so long. I don't have an idea where the top end is. So happy burning the nitrogen down and we keep turning the carbon up. How about Because what are the three most important elements in corn production? corn seed nitrogen and Kaylee That's a great. I would say Temple not Kelly, you know, obviously and people would like to say MP and K. It's not in pnk it's carbon oxygen and hydrogen there isn't a top end to the carbon. Holy the Holy Grail of farming is Raising corn and the Holy Grail erasing Corners turn up to nitrogen. That's wrong. Turn up the car right by the way. It's what I'm gonna print up. I'm gonna print up a shirt because I've heard him say that a couple of times. Hey real quickly. Temple wants to chime in and I want to give us back on our thing about spring fertility program for a fast start because it's all good stuff. Obviously very very good stuff. I want to make sure that we're talking about it as it relates to fertility going into the season. We're talking about preseason kind of stuff heading into the season, you know, you're getting ready to suit up and go out there and play your first game. What do we do for fertility program before that before we address that we're gonna end up going to my friend Lane Miles because he's been up there. He's been wanting to say something. I know it Joel asked another question by the way, Joel apologize for asking too many questions. It's fine. We are here for you. That's why we have these webinars to make it valuable to our members and and to our business partners Chad. Are you maintaining tissue tests pulling your rates back 50% with the strip till are you I said, are you Dating tissue tests pulling your rates back. And by the way, Joel don't get him going about tissue samples for God's sakes. We had a podcast. We had a recording getting with the the girls from Agro liquid and the about about blue a gasket. Joel can anybody maintain tissue test? So what we're doing Joel what we need to do is when you start a process like this and this is when I say what we need to do because I'm still learning. Yeah, we can we can pull tissue says but it's so hard because we don't know the weather pattern and from year to year when we pull them how we pull them we would literally have to pull them on the same day have the same weather pattern and the same rainfall in front of our behind it to get what I would call exact data, but we can do the soul test. We know that so we got to pull this now now we are learning we're pulling do we pull our soul test? Here's a good question. Do we pour our soul test from in the middle? So do we pull our soil test for me to in the strip teal? Okay. Are we gonna be on rtk gonna strip down the same spot every year, you know where we gonna scoop that thing over 15 inches and jump another middle. I mean, there's all kind of theories back and forth. Do we save the biology and the center and let's try to keep that biology going for 20 years and staying at same zone or do we jump it back and forth. So Joe those a great question and I don't know and yes, I am checking on All that. I'm trying to maintain for my soil test. Look at that. See what I'm gleaning. See what I'm not. Um, yes, I'll pull sporadic tissue test, but I'm I'm trying to gather today for you, but that's because I won't say this Joel I'm skeptical just like you are with Chad what Chad's doing, but it's working. I will say that it's working. I was gonna throw in there one thing and it kind of goes back to Joel's question when we were standing in the field Wills on the camera and I was recording with you and the girls from Agra liquid and you started blowing a gasket and get them all scared about tissue sampling. You said something smart Chad, which you do occasionally you said that you don't go out and make huge adjustments Tomorrow based on what that tissue sample comes back and does you look at it as more of a ongoing guide I think is how you called it. So kind of recap what you told us in the field that day about how you look at tissue sampling because I think Joel's point is are you thinking that you're deficient and you're kind of more like I think tissue sampling is more of a ongoing guide because if you start pivoting and making a huge decisions on one sample and one corner of the field, you're probably screwing up. I think that's how you told us back in July or June and your place. So so I just get real wound up over tissue sandwich, you know, and and David who told me he was, you know, just been a good friend of mine, you know those whole deal and he told me one time. He said it's a snapshot s*** don't get wound up on. Snapshot of what just happened, you know where you're headed, you know what you're doing and you know how much fertility you need. So don't get wound up over tissue samples because according to the weather in front of or behind of or what's going on with that plant. You may not gather that what you doing. Um, I killed a wheat crop one time because of that, you know, so, you know, but that it wouldn't a big deal but I'm just saying yeah, don't get wound up on tissue samples. It's good to go by it's good to get a baseline from it's nothing wrong with tissue. Sounds just don't live and die. That's that's what you basically told Molly and and Stephanie and me down in your field. Okay. So let's go ahead and go back to the thing here spring fertility program. We started off with Kelly Kelly said that he he looks at this all starts in the fall and you know, by the time the plans are rolling he figures he's done. He's done the gym work, you know, that's that's what we're talking about here. So let's go back around the horn. We're gonna go you to the miles to the temple to the Chad Etc. We're wrapped things up. So I think we've really covered this enough your takeaway big big piece of advice Kelly on Spring fertility way before the planter rolls. Balance the soil set a good foundation. Balance the soil from a ratio standpoint from an availability standpoint address your I don't know if I want to say address address your pH if it's low. But if it's high then you need to look at your base saturation balance your soil. Yeah, and then I think the other one that you you've obviously talked about this a great length way back in your office. You said the old thing since we keep making this about you know preseason athlete you said put a whole bunch of fertility into a plant that can't get to it put a whole big bunch of nutrition in front of an athlete that's wounded and can't you know banged up and can't eat it. It's the same thing. We probably in as you all to me. We've probably got enough fertility in many cases. It's a matter of availability versus and Chad's obviously learning that just having a whole bunch of fertility on that field still doesn't matter. You can you can squeak along for five years by just feeding the plant versus the soil and some regards. Absolutely. You know, I learned that from chat Chad's talked about putting 1400 pounds of Drive fertilizer out make the ground white and it didn't change his yield map. And then the the retailer told me so well, it's not available yet. It's five years later. You still can't find it on the yield map. So what are the accomplished? You know, that's that's that was an eye opening statement for me. He talked about that when we were speaking of Fort Dodge Iowa, and that was an eye-opening statement for me. I came home and I'm like, we're we're in the way. We're in the way of the soil. And we need we need to balance the soil and get out of the way. Hey, man, and I'm sorry Lane and Matt you guys are the closest to planting. So spring fertility for a fast start you guys are now it is truly spring for you guys. It certainly isn't where I'm sitting. It's like I said, it was negative four today here in South Dakota. So I'm only imagine what's like over in Gregory where Mr. Luber's Farms you guys are closest to anybody. Are you there? And do you have your spring fertility where you want it to be? Are you gonna be happy when the planner's role with what things look like now talk to us. Well, we think we are based on what we had in the past. But I mean the guys on this website tonight on this webinar tonight much from them and what they're doing from Kelly with balance in the soul to Chad stripping and not knowing if he's gonna have that property again and Temple Just Smokes me every year You know, so I it we're learning what I've learned a lot of text Lane early and I said this is super informative to us. So even though you're a owner extreme AG or part of extreme AG. I've learned a lot tonight that I can take back and kind of revamp what we're doing but as far as friends, yeah temples got notes as far as spring Attila fertility. We think where we need to be but I'll be calling all these guys during the season to make sure I'm where I need to be. Um, I want to go over and hear from Lane leans the one that's over here. That should be taking notes clearly. Temples taking us. Are you taking notes Lane? Absolutely. All right, so your perspective spring fertility. All right. So either if you don't have any contribute to pick up where your old man left off then tell me what you learned tonight that you're gonna what is sticking in your head right now as the as the young as the junior member of the miles Farm operation Young Gun, not Junior member Young Gun Young Gun. Oh your terms. Um, you know, I'm gonna say I just listening to Kelly as far as far as balancing the soul making sure that that when it's time to go that everything's everything's in the right spot. Everything's you know, we're supposed to be as far as levels and whatnot. You've put back what you took off and make sure you're ready to go. Sorry about that. I just had to give a woman a hard look across the lobby because she's talking too loud and messing up my reception. Hey, we want to we want to go to Temple now Temple sitting in his hotel room. He's in Orlando. His kids want to go out and like do the water slide instead. He's hanging out here talking about spring fertility for a fast start simple. And by the way, dear listener and viewer, we're still open for questions. If you have anything on the way out the door wrap us up here on Spring fertility program for a fast start. So I've learned as much as anybody's learned here as you saw my news and then go Matt ain't wrong. Um, we really learn a lot off each other more than anything and not only do we learn off each other all of us get phone calls from everybody all the members all across the country and we learned as much off of them as we don't do off each other. So keep it coming. Please do not hesitate with any comments or questions because it's a ton of stuff that we can all do. This is the only thing that I have Chad is right about the whole. Efficiency deal with keeping it in that band Kelly is a hundred percent right with balancing the soil and paying attention to the base saturations and work on that. And once you get your pH, right you start to get your base saturations, right? Then you're only job is is to make every ounce count feed the biology in the soul. The soul is going to take care of you and make every ounce of that fertilizer that you put out there. I don't care if it's organic fertilizer synthetic fertilizer. I don't care what it is make it available make it available to that plan. And then once you do that the rest all come to you we've had to do this for years here. And this is the only thing that is saving us it is literally saving us. Hey Damien, I got a couple things if you got a minute here. I I do Mr. Mr. Swanson is driving. He's got something sure let's go ahead Mr. Swanson Professor Swan. Yeah. So I mean this the short version for me is as far as things you can do right now check your sulfur levels check your soluble calcium levels because that's soluble calcium level especially really sets the table for building the plan architecture for yield later. So those two things to me as far as do it tomorrow is what are my soluble calcium levels? What are my sulfur levels? And what can I do pre-plant to adjust? All right. So from Professor Swanson, I got soluble calcium levels sulfur levels. And what was the third thing? I was just a matter of what you know, what are they and what can I do to address them? So and especially the calcium products usually don't always blend well with things like sulfur so you may have to play with where you're applying things and and make some adjustments. It's separate some things to so you're not building rocks in your sprayer or things. Got it. The crowds get a little loud here. You've got two questions real quick, Corey Hardin asks, and anybody can answer this. But obviously the guys that use chicken there. He says I apply all chicken litter across all my Acres. Would you guys recommend using humix and sugars and not focus on applying any on any more commercial P&K anybody anything on that? Ask Damien, absolutely. So we we have a mutual friend of all of ours that is a heavy chicken litter guy about two years ago. He did a trial with just a sugar source and carbon source and repeated it over and over again and what he found is his plan available nutrition was extremely good because he was building and feeding the biology to break down and use that litter. Okay, temples got temples got temples got probably as much experience anybody using chicken liter. So what do you got their temp? Well, Matt probably has as much as well as me and Chad all of us do but obviously there's there's all that he was accused me a favoring Mass was trying to throw it to you you favor Matt extra credit. Do you favor Matt? So let's not try to lie. Most actually I did look I even got on his head. I do too. Chad won't send me that I usually wear Kelly so It Swanson is right. So we do the same thing carbons and sugars. You're feeding the biology of so if you can feed the biology so you can break it down and make it available to that plan. It's available to plant when it's making that change. So he's right there is other products out there. Now that is coming to the table that we can apply now that we can spray it on right as we spread the litter and make that product make that litter available right away. And if you can do that and you can get that that fertility into that plant it's a lot less volatile. It's not gonna go anywhere. Fantastic, and then we got another question from fellow Hoosier Andy humanthal says carbon to nitrogen ratio. And he's asking is that a pound a pound in other words Andy I think is asking probably Kelly. You're the one that talked about a seven to one ratio on C to in are you is that a pound of pound? How what's your how you ratio and that's not a pound of pound. That's a specific soil test that we've taken. You know, that would be something that we would need to ask Mike Evans. It's it's a ratio on a soil test. Seven Parts carbon to one part nitrogen. Okay, so we don't know pound. But anyway, there is a test that can be done to do this. Right? Okay has something to say good man? Yeah, Damian that test is It's available from a lot of soil Health Labs. But the one I use is is with Next Level Ag and in South Dakota. And what you're doing is you're they're measuring your weak. Which is your water extractable organic carbon or your microbial food basically and dividing that by your available nitrogen soil. That's where that number comes from. I keep muting myself because of the noise here. So you just said the facility the lab and South Dakota you use to give you this test is where yeah, it's next level AG labs and Alpena South Dakota. Awesome. Thank you fly. Jason Schley got another quay's been on our podcast. Also Jason slow. I got a question here from Joel Joel says Kelly. Can you go more into the long chain? Carbon Source you were talking about long chain? Carbon Source you were talking about well, you know a product like Sweet Success from concept agrotech or sea cats for Teva. We get a human from Lee out of a source of Canada. Those those are long chain carbons. That's what I've learned that from Jason actually rather than a sugar Source should sugars aren't bad, but they're such fast energy. It's like giving a kid Mountain Dew is the quote I get from Jason. Whereas a long long chain carbon is gonna be a more sustainable energy source, so I I tried to go more towards the carbon Source rather than the sugar Source myself in my soils that seems to work better. But in the South for like Chad and Temple and Matt they do get a better bank for the buck out of they get they get something out of sugar that I don't it all depends on your soul. Are you calling Temple South? I I am South I'm telling you I got here temperatures, but I'm South now. You know me that Temple was below the Mason Dixon line not by definition itself. Hey, by the way, I'm gonna wait wait wait Kelly. There's a better way of finding out. Hey Temple. Does your house have a basement? My house doesn't have a basement but it was built in 1800. So see Matt miles told us that nobody it was it was a root seller. He said it was a root challenge based on a rut that I'm just great room. What about my idol told me that there's no basements in the South. So I just now I go with that. Hey, let's go to the soft filled in wait a minute. I got something before we go Kelly talked about the sugars and Corbin's work better for him. Let me tell you why sugars work better for me Chad and Matt and Kelly is right. It is like given a seven year old Red Mountain Dew and it's like her own crack. He's not wrong. But the reason that we're putting that in there is is we're trying to wake up a response. We talk about triggers. What pgo's we talk about all these other triggers when we put that thing in there. There's a reason that we're trying to do. We're trying to trigger a response of an immediate reaction of driving it in there and it might be A micro that is needed at the time and we need to wake it up and suck it in there. And that's why it works for us. You're gonna learn something ice cream farmer. As well. We don't give Owen Mountain Dew. I don't I don't know. You know, I I've tried several sugar sources and they just don't work for me like carbon and I don't know is it because of all the carbon that I'm getting out of the plant food? Is it because of my soil it? It just hasn't paid for me like it does for you guys. I would like to point out. Also, I'd like to support Temple statement of earlier where we talked about learning from each other and phone calls. I don't know if everybody noticed but I text Temple and I said temple, I don't know if you know this or not, but you've got Caroline's glasses on. And he stood up and he walked away and he came back and he's got different glasses on now because he's so blind at 52 years old. He didn't realize he had his wife's glasses on and now he's got his glasses up that's enough party, you know mute yourself. Can you get muted somebody will mute him. Hey, by the way, Chad usually is the person that tells people to mute themselves. So Chad. Let's go to you now to wrap this up this webinar about when we get we've been off top. We've been tangenting away from this to our topic since you guys made me put it out there spring fertility program for a fast start Chad. Give us the closer on this my friend so it's gonna be a little bit but one thing we didn't get to talk about is anybody's got wheat right. Now when your top dressing your weight here, don't forget to sulfur parse of it and don't forget that big good time to put in some grainy board grain you more. We looking into couple different ways. There's some urea prices. Look at your your represses. Look at your liquid prices of 28 and it may pay this time to put out some urea. Where I'm at, so just but don't forget yourself or when you do it somewhere around seven pounds per hundred. There you go and And on it fertility piece, I forgot what else I was gonna say. I guess that's it. And we do learn a lot from each other. I don't know notes down because I'm dyslexic and they're backwards and I forgot everything else. Damian's gown, so I'm all saying yellow this Chad Henderson. We've been we've heard from Kelly Garrett. We've heard from local so I'm not but I'm not gone. I was handling distractions in the hotel. And you know what? Everybody has their role here. I appreciate you deciding to step on mine. But you know, what? Here's the main thing you talked about. The thing that Matt miles asked you to cover about the wheat thing. I think we got everything covered here. Is there anything that anybody wants to close out with here to make sure that our listeners are members the people that turn to us to see what we can help advise them to get bigger yields spring fertility program for a fast start anybody got anything? Keep having conversations with us because every time we talk about something get questions about it. It makes us think more and we try to address this stuff. So please don't quit questions and conversations. There's no such thing as a bad question. I answer your learning more off of them than they are learning off us 90% of the time. Please help us learn which Speaking of which Stephen Sexton sent a question is not really questionable statement. He says wait till you are 65 Temple exclamation point three times. He's talking about apparently then you'll be wearing your your wife's glasses or your grandma's glasses or who knows what you'll be doing by then. Can I just add one thing Damian here? I think it's amazing that in the hour that has been going on. I will guarantee you that you have pissed off everybody in that hotel. Everybody that was surprised of your key works. So you might I've stood up and yelled out of a few times to shut up when I unmute myself and on camera myself. But anyway, they're still talking. Okay, here's the thing. We are meeting again on March 2nd. That's exactly one month from tonight. Because remember it's one month from tonight. And this is February planning for planting dialing in your infer a program. We're here from the guys and we're gonna have a few of our Affiliates on here as well. And we're going to be talking about planting for planting you're in for a program getting it dialed in before the plants are hits the ground for big results big yields. Bring your questions, bring your your challenges and and obviously bring your interest because you know, we always put on a great program for you. We are also making sure that you know, if you are going to the National farm machinery show that is only coming up here in less than two weeks in Louisville. If you're gonna be there we have a VIP we have I'm sorry, we have a reception. So make sure that you already know about that reception for all the people that are members or our business partners. To us come to have drinks with us. If you will. We're also going to put on a panel that's in Louisville. It's on the night of February 14th. Nothing says romance, like hanging out with extreme Ag and talking about Machinery. We're gonna be talking about how the extreme ad guys make farm machinery decisions. So me a great panel interactive as usual and we can have drinks in order as well doing so that's in Louisville, February 14th at the national farm machinery show. We're going to be there also, don't forget we're going to be at commodity classic. If you are a paying member of extreme Ag and you're listening to this even as a recording check us look us up because you know, what we want you to be at commodity classic you can get in for free courtesy of our friends at Natures we meet again on March 2nd. So a lot of stuff going on February 14th and Louisville National farm machinery show March 2nd our next webinar, March 9th 10th 11th down in Orlando for the commodity classic. We're gonna be there we want you to be there too till next time Chad Kelly. Will Matt Temple and Lane I'm Damian Mason. Thanks so much for being a part of extreme AG till next time. Hey, Damian before we get off. Let's just answer one. Quick question from Robert. Oh, it just came. Go I was gonna I sent that to the text. Make sure somebody answered that. All right. Sorry about that. Even though we wrapped up Robert those neck. What was sugar carbon source. That was from Canada. Can you talk about that Kelly? So when you said came from Lee Unmute tell me mute mute. There you go. Sorry about that. It's a carbon source that we get out of Canada through Lee. It's one that we if you're interested we have it for sale here at integrated AG Solutions. We Source it out of Canada because it's the most Pure Source that we have found. We've had great results with it because of the extraction process is what I understand if somebody wants some message me tomorrow. I can sure hook you up with that. Fantastic. Thanks to even thanks Robert and thanks Kelly. All right, we good will. Fantastic. Thanks for being here till next time. Thank you guys.
Growers In This Video
See All GrowersTemple Rhodes
Centreville, MD
Kelly Garrett
Arion, IA
Chad Henderson
Madison, AL