What Did Johnny Learn From His Planter Flipping Over?
When it comes to in-furrow planting, every detail matters. Just ask Johnny, who had an eye-opening experience when his planter unexpectedly flipped over. Sure, he could get a replacement planter, but it wouldn't have an in-furrow system on it. Knowing that he needed some sort of in-furrow nutrient package, he turned to a new product from Meristem.
00:00 When you farm, stuff happens. Well, Johnny Verell had an experience this spring that had him hopping. He made the adjustment. 00:08 And actually because of the adjustments he was forced to make, he might have found a new way to farm. Come next spring, Johnny, 00:13 you had a planter sitting kind of on the edge of a road. One of the intersection the road gave out. These planters are top heavy. 00:20 It flipped. It's in a tree line, it's damaged. That's right. All of a sudden you can't run the way you normally do. 00:26 And then you had to change from being an infer guy to a different system of how you got your, uh, biologicals and some of your fertilizers in or something. So, 00:35 uh, gimme the scoop on this. That's Right. So we, we were out planting this year. A guy pulled over on the side of the road, 00:40 the planter went over and we're always been a big infer, uh, user on our farm because we believe in a lot of the things that you can add to 00:48 really stimulate that plant in early development. So we were trying to think of what to do. So we called our local dealership and they're like, yeah, 00:54 we could send you out another planter. It's no problem. Well, I knew it wouldn't have infer. 00:57 So I was sitting there trying to think what we could do to keep that planter going. But the easiest solution for us was a product made by Mart stem. 01:03 So, real quickly, for the person that's like maybe not as familiar with what we do here in furrow means this right here, 01:10 and this is where you put how many products that time of planting this right here is where your in furrow comes out. I mean, what, six or eight 01:17 Different things? Yeah, six or eight different products go in there. And so we were just trying to figure out all liquid, all liquid, all 01:21 Liquid coming through your tank comes out in furrow in every furrow right next to the seed. And all of a sudden the planter system, you're the new planter, 01:29 you're gonna get to replace the damage when doesn't have that. So now you're pivoting. Yeah. 01:33 And so, you know, you're right in the middle of getting started planting. We gotta go. So we were just like, we're gonna make something work. 01:38 We pivoted and made a maim product, came in there and it really worked for us. Had everything we needed. 01:44 Okay, so this doesn't even seem like it'd be that complex, this in furrow thing, but yet it is because it's, it's all of a sudden, it's all the, uh, piping, 01:51 I guess that goes all the way up to that tank and then you put your liquid in there and it comes out. So the new planter or the planter, 01:56 you guys replacement doesn't have any of that. So basically is that tank not there on the new one? You, that's Right. The infer tank's not on it. It's just a basic planter. 02:04 It was a high speed John Deere planter. But you know, it didn't really matter to us cuz we were like, we need to go. You're up Against the clock when 02:11 Planting. Planting. And this was just one of them things. We got the planter that morning by lunchtime that day. We were already rolling. 02:15 So, all right, show me the product. So basically imagine viewer, if you will, if you're listening to this, 02:19 you'll understand if you're viewing it a planter without that tank, without any of the plumbing that comes down to this in furrow. 02:24 But he still wants to get some of the, was it micronutrients and biologicals put in the mix, right? That's right. That's right. So you came up with this, and this just goes in the seed tank. 02:35 You Actually directly treated on the seed. So this, this product here is actually a corn hopper throttle. We were using a soybean hopper throttle 02:41 In it. So it'd be the same exact thing except for as the hopper throttle. Same bucket corn is says hopper throttle. That's right. 02:45 Soybean. But it just has different bio capsules in the top. Okay. So this is actually what the bio capsules look like inside the tout bucket 02:51 itself. Uh, so you, you can get different arrangements, you can have two, you can have three, you can have more than that. 02:57 Whatever you're wanting to put out, you have. So what's interesting is, this is just talc, you know, this has been going on for a long time. In the old days of corn planting, 03:04 you went back or soybeans and you just dumped some talc in the seed box. This is the same thing, but on a bigger scale. That's right. 03:10 So the way you use this, it's already talc, now it's ta talc that's treated. That's right. 03:14 All right. That's right. So I mean, you basically, when you open up the bucket, you'll, you'll pull the pins outta the capsules, you pop 'em down, 03:20 it breaks 'em open, and all that'll go in your bucket. So all this stuff comes in your bucket. This one here is the corn one, and it's actually running 27% zinc inside the tout, 03:29 which is a huge rate of zinc. So Again, one, what those are is just one of these sort of situated like, like that. That's right. 03:37 Right. So like on soybeans you could have inoculate, you could have different biologicals, right? All that stuff built into these. So on your soybean treatment, what was it, do you remember on the, 03:47 on the stuff you ended up using? Yeah, I was using their MI microbes or biologicals and an inoculate. Okay. So you always think an inoculate you would've, 03:55 you were gonna put that on the soybean. That's right. Seed anyhow. That's right. Biologicals. Were gonna come through the Did you add anything with the new? 04:01 No. Okay. You know, I might have had to leave out one or two things that I couldn't put in because it wasn't an option. Right. Hopefully this coming year the way they talk, 04:08 you're gonna have more and more options for what you need. All right. What do you see first off? It seems like a pretty good pivot. 04:13 All of a sudden you are, you're up against the clock and then you got a planter go down because it's sitting in a tree line. So this worked. That's right. Is it gonna be easier? 04:22 Seems like it's gotta be a lot easier. It's Gonna be easier and it's gonna make it to where guys, if you're trading planters every year, something like that, 04:27 you're not having to put a infer product or infer system on your planter that you might not have the next year. 04:32 So I think it could be a big game changer going forward. The simplicity of it's big, you know, we were talking about earlier, 04:38 how do you actually put it on the seed? And the best way we came out with you pop the tabs, you shake it several times after you shake it, 04:44 you open up the top and we were dumping in the top of a seed box uhhuh. So if it was a 40 or 45 unit box of seed, we would dump a whole box in it. 04:52 Uhhuh, we'd dump that in the seed tender and just the suck effect of it coming down would mix it in good in the seed tender. 04:57 And then when we went in the tank on the planter, everything was mixed the seed. So you always wonder about making sure you've got distribution that's so by 05:04 dumping it in the seed box and then the seed box gets dumped into a seed tender. Seed tender gets sifted around, augered up into this. 05:11 And by the time then you move, you're convinced you got good coverage on the seed. That's Right. You can see it. You can fill it on the seed. 05:16 It gives you your full rate of tout that you need to keep your planter run properly. Everything's all in one 05:22 Cost. Uh, is it going to be equal to the, I mean if it's saving you a little bit of time and you maybe don't have to have in furrow, is that day coming where this is the system? 05:31 I'm gonna say it could be equal to the product for products. Okay. You know what I mean? 05:34 But sometimes on infers we might be putting more than what they had offered. But for us going forward, we got a lot of trials out this year. 05:40 We even got it put on a different planter during wheat beans where we actually ran their product on one side of the planter and our infer on the other side to 05:48 get a good side by side comparison to see if it's gonna yield the same or maybe better than what we're already doing. 05:53 Yeah. So there's a little bit of time saving, there's a little bit of convenience, there's a little bit of, uh, now instead of having to take nine things and put 'em in the liquid tank, 06:00 maybe you use this right here. And it sounds like they're maybe gonna be adding some products too. They're gonna be able to, 06:05 you're gonna be able to build a custom blend so to say in The future. Do you think you'll get away from infer o completely? I, I 06:10 Don't think I'll ever get away from infer completely, but when you have an issue, go out, a pump go out or something like that, you just drop it and 06:16 Go. Okay. Silly question. Could you get away from in furrow on beans? Because maybe in furrow for corn is more valuable and for soybeans. 06:24 So you have two planters, uh, one that's, uh, corn that has the in furrow one that's for beans. Is that maybe a direction? I think that 06:29 Could easily happen there. Yeah. And then you're saving some money on the in furrow That's, yeah. 06:34 And you're not having to stop and fill up because all this is already pretreated on the seed. So you come in every a hundred, 120 acres fill up with seed. 06:40 You're not having to worry about having to have a liquid infer Product. That's it. His name's Johnny Burrell. 06:44 My name's Damien Mason And more Great stuff coming at you from Extreme ag.farm.
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Jackson, TN