Tracking GDUs For a Last Pass
Temple is talks about the research he is conducting to determine when the exact best time to make his last pass is based on the number of GDUs.
00:00 I'm Temple Rhodes. I'm here with extreme Ag and I'm lucky enough to have John Schafer, he's a sales agronomist for, uh, ag Explorer. John, 00:09 this is one of the things that we're trying to figure out. So I don't know if you've done any research on this, 00:15 but Chad and I started this this last year. We started with this really, really late season pass and we're trying to figure out the exact 00:24 gdu where we're making that pass. We, we did it last year. Chad was around, I was around 1900 Gdu. 00:33 Chad was around 20, almost 2100. Mm-hmm. He, he actually had a little bit bigger return on that investment. The products were exactly the same. We used two different companies. 00:47 He used a company. I used, uh, you know, your products similar. Everything's kind of similar. Yep. But we want to kind of know like what are we doing? What, 00:57 what is making the biggest impact here? So with what you're running in that late season, pass your XR five K sb Yep. The octane in that, in that late season pass, 01:06 we're really trying to finish that plant out and get it to the finish line, increase some kernel depth with that potassium acetate and uh, 01:12 and some of the boron that's in there. And then just kind of feed that plant. So I have, I got, I got a question. Mm-hmm. So we both use a P G R. Yep. Um, 01:21 he used a P G R as kind of a natural or occurring age to the process. Yep. I used your P G R. So I wanna know this, 01:29 and this is something that we didn't test and maybe, maybe this should be a test, would this work and could we get a return on an investment with no P G R in 01:39 there and just late season fertility, we put 'em together for the reason of, we kind of thought that we needed to stimulate the plant and behind that 01:48 stimulation we needed to absorb it. Right. So would one work without the other one? Or is this a synergetic effect? So it's because we don't know. 01:56 It's a synergetic effect because you look at what the P G R does, it's more put more plates on the table. Okay. 02:00 And then you've gotta feed those plates with nutrition, late season nutrition, which you're coming back with that lazy season past. So with the P G R, 02:05 we're gonna, we're gonna increase we the amount of pods out there or kernels on that, that ear. But then late season, we're gonna have to feed those. 02:12 'cause if you put more, more plates on the table and you're splitting out the same amount of food, you're not really gonna increase as much as you are by, you're 02:19 Just putting an empty Plate on the table. You're just putting an empty plate on the table. You, so if We just went with P G R, 02:22 it could potentially mean if the fertility wasn't there in the plant, that's an empty plate with no food on 02:26 It. Right. And it's gonna take, that's A great analogy. I, I wish I had thought of that and I'm not smart enough to do something like that, 02:32 but I Stole from somebody else too, so. Okay. Nice Job. Nice job. So we're, we're trying to figure out the exact G D U. So, um, yesterday we made an application on 2,250. 02:45 This one right here behind you. This was at, uh, 2100. We got one over there that was at 1900 gdu. So we got different stages. And Chad's replicating the same thing I'm replicating. Mm-hmm. 02:56 So we can try it in different areas across the country. Is, is there a point where, where do I stop at? I mean, I know that this particular variety, it ca it black layers at, uh, 03:08 28, 35 mm-hmm. Gdu. So I mean, like, at what point can we affect it and stop affecting what, what point we're trying to find out what point where the R O I goes down. 03:19 Mm-hmm. Um, you know, there's nothing there. And we're trying to figure out at which one is exactly perfect. 'cause last year we kind of, we were, we were staging it. 03:29 Chad and I were guessing and we were staging a crop, which, you know, a staging a crop, you can be so off, you know, one way or the other. 03:36 So that's why we figured out we're gonna try this. Like what, where's the start and stop. 03:41 So with that late season nutrition, I, I think it depends on number one, geography and, and your hybrid that you're, okay, 03:46 you're running it on because different black layers would be different. Gdu like you, like you had mentioned there, um, anytime in that timeframe. 03:52 I'm curious in myself to see where you guys come up with, 'cause we haven't really done any knowledge on like the, 03:57 the 2200 to 22, 50 to 23, or where the stopping point's at. I think it's so new for what people are doing in the industry that people, 04:03 we really haven't figured out where the stopping point is at. So last year application, you know, the difference between mine and Chad's were, 04:09 I mean, they were literally exactly the same. Mm-hmm. Um, just different company's profiles. Right. Um, 04:17 the only difference was is, was Chad's, he was about, uh, 550 gdu away and I was a, 04:27 a fair amount more. Mm-hmm. And we think dragging it a little further out, I mean obviously, 04:33 and so I'm thinking like 500 might be that magical number mm-hmm. Before finish. And it doesn't matter what variety of corn, 04:41 just knowing that your corn is gonna finish at 2,800 mm-hmm. You need to be at 2300 before that or it's not gonna happen for you. Right. 04:50 And I think we're gonna figure it out. Yeah. Yeah. Um, but I think the magical number for me, I haven't gotten in the corn. I've looked at a lot of it now. 04:58 Obviously the 2250 is over there and it got flown on yesterday. We'll know more, but I can't wait for the results. Yeah. Because it was, 05:06 it was actually a pretty big deal. That was probably the, the heaviest return on investment on a foliar 05:13 fertility that I've ever seen in my life. Now can we replicate it? We'll see. 05:20 We're gonna see. Yep. Thanks Guys. We got a lot of information coming.
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Centreville, MD