The Search For Southern Rust
Caleb Traugh is down in Florida searching for the first signs of Southern Rust. He talks about the unique disease and what farmers can do to protect their crops as the disease blows in from across the ocean each spring.
00:00 Hey guys, Caleb Tra here with its extreme mag coming to you from northwest Florida with a field report. I'm standing in a cornfield, 00:09 one of the earliest planted corn fields that I'm working with this year. It was planted around February 18th and is now approaching the R five 00:17 growth stage. So just a few more weeks and it will be matured. But what I'm out here looking for today, 00:23 scouting for is a disease called southern corn rust. The southern corn rust is unique in regards to the other diseases because it does not overwinter in previous years. Crop residue, 00:36 southern rust blows in from tropical areas into the United States each year. So what I'm standing in in this field is, 00:45 is dry land corn with the modest yield potential. And since it was planted so early, it did not receive an automatic fungicide application. Also, 00:55 considering the fact that I'm standing 25 miles or so as the crow flies from the Gulf of Mexico, 01:01 this is probably one of the first areas in the country that will see southern rust. And since this does not have a fungicide, 01:10 it's in an advanced growth stage. So the disease resistance naturally within the plant is declining. Uh, this area right here, 01:18 this field should be one of the first ones in the country that we'll see southern corn rusts in. And uh, once we do, then that gives us an idea. 01:25 Okay, areas north of here do we need to start looking at some fungicide applications. So in that case we'll work with university plant pathologists and they will 01:35 update an online database where you can go in and you can see county by county areas in the country that have southern rust documented in, 01:44 or areas that they believe is it's in where areas that it is probable. So by using those tools, growers can, uh, 01:52 make more informed decisions on fungicide applications and corn, whether that be, uh, do we apply a fungicide at tassel or not? 02:00 Or maybe a grower has applied a fungicide at tassel. Uh, maybe we need to come back a few weeks later with another application to make 02:08 sure our plants stay healthy and disease free through black layer. Speaking of fungicide applications, 02:13 some that we like for the control of southern rust are Triva Pro DeLauro, complete to Velma, and then one that we are demoing from fmc, 02:23 a new fungicide called a dash Trio. All those fungicides have three effective modes of action and they work to promote plant health. So by keeping our corn plants healthy and disease free, 02:36 and using whatever tools that we have available to help us in that, we're able to preserve our yield potential.