Soybean Desiccation: What Rate is Best?
23 Jul 247m 14s

Matt discusses a research project focusing on the viability of planting two crops of soybeans in one season. The field, planted on February 26, faced challenges including multiple frosts, impacting yield expectations compared to the previous year. The desiccation process involved testing different desiccant rates (16, 20, and 24 ounces) to determine the optimal application.

00:00 So guys, we're here today and today's the day a little less than five months ago. February 26th, we planted this field of beans. 00:08 This is another research project. We got to see if we can plant two crops of beans. We did this and was successful with it in 22. 00:15 We waited a little longer to desiccate than we are right now. As you can see, you know, I've got, 00:20 there's a few stalks out here that are solid green pods, but the majority of the stalks 00:25 that we're looking at have got the yellow pods and a few green pods on too. So, you know, we're looking at about 25%. 00:31 That's probably absolutely not ready. And the other 75%, this one's a little probably behind ready. 00:37 You know, we've got yellow pod from the bottom all the way to the top and then this one's kind of in between. 00:42 Not a great looking bean crop here. These had three different frost on 'em, one of them being pretty severe. 00:48 They made it through that in 22. We were looking at, I think 74 bushel on the first crop. But we're looking at here I think is maybe 65. 00:55 So we're a little off of what, you know, what we think. I think we're a little off when the combine comes through here. 01:00 The seed size is gonna be pretty good. They may be a little better than than what we think, but we didn't get a lot of height on 01:05 these for an early four. See if we can get those two, you know, two crops to combine as one yield as you see the sprayer, you know, running 01:12 behind me, I always say that desiccation is more of an art than it is a science. You know, we've used anywhere from 16 ounces to, 01:20 to 26 ounces or of, of desiccant in the past. This year what we decided to do, you know, the target for this whole field is gonna be Monday, 01:28 but I wanted to come out here today, today, Saturday, get in the heat of the day and run three different rates. So we did a round with 120 foot boom at 16 ounces. 01:37 We did a pass at 20 and then we did a round at 24. So we can see which one works the best and we'll come back Mon Monday with a rate of 24 ounces 01:46 and, and finish the field. We probably did about 15 acres out of the 60 acres. Now this field is the 4.0 01:54 that our objective is get a second bean crop behind the other field, which is about 90 acres is a 4.9 and we're just planning on having the one crop out of it. 02:03 The goal here is to figure out planting a variety this early. You see it's not very tall. 02:07 I'm standing in the middle and it hits me about mid thigh normal. Our, our full season beans are gonna be somewhere between, 02:13 I guess the correct word would be breast high to belly bun high. So we've lost height. We knew we were gonna do that. 02:19 We're gonna lose height with a second crop, but can we make an ROI outta two crops together? You know, if we can reach that 02:25 a hundred ten, a hundred twenty, a hundred thirty bushel yield on one crop. 02:28 So we're trying to see if we can do it on two. Looking at the health of these beans and how it works. I wish we'd have planted more acres than we did. 02:35 Like I said, 22, we were successful. 23 we weren't successful. So we were 50 50 when we started this crop. 02:41 The goal is to see if this short season variety 4.0 and then the second field we planted a 4.9. So the 4.9 theoretically should be 10 bushels better than 02:52 these, but we're not gonna be able to plant a clo a crop behind that four nine. I think it's gonna get too late. 02:57 So we've got two different kind of tests going on there. We've also got a test going on 03:02 where we used some stress mitigation products to try to prevent the frost from being as severe as it was on the grass and the ditches. 03:10 And then we've got the desiccation test also that we've got out here to figure out if you know, what rate's the best rate. 03:16 I get that question a lot and I really wanna firm that up. I've always said if the bean don't want to get ready, 03:22 it don't matter what rate you put out, it's gonna take longer when the bean is actually ready to go, you know, it's, it's gonna be a short amount of time. 03:29 There is a rate difference there, but I think it all depends on what that bean's really ready, ready to do. 03:34 You know, God's got these plants doing what they want to do and we gotta make 'em work. 03:38 When I say that, what I mean is, you know, it's the same way with cotton. You know, the good Lord's got intentions for these crops 03:44 of how he wants 'em to grow. A lot of people use mother nature and when you try to do something to a plant to force it, 03:49 you know, you may not get the same results as a few of these pies to do something that they may not want to do. This one's a little green to be doing, 03:56 but we'll see what, what happens. Alright, the reason why I'm not totally scared to do this is, is one year when we first started 04:02 Desiccating, I had a 90 acre field at 70 over here that I needed to do. I didn't really make that clear to the airplane. 04:08 When he flew the fields, he flew across the 23 acres. Also they were at R 6.5. Talked to the pilot about it 04:15 and he said, man, any kind of yield deduct you've got, you know, we'd be willing to trade that out and spray and pay for it or whatever. 04:22 When it was all said and done, there wasn't a bushel difference in the, in the R six and the five R, 6.5 and the ones we've done. 04:28 So I don't think we're gonna hurt ourselves bad if we are a little bit too early. But you know, the question always is 04:34 how early is too early to plant? And now we're gonna see how early is too early to desiccate. This is the 24 ounce rate, 26 hours later 04:43 and we'll look at the 16 X and see if we can see a difference there. This is the 16 ounce rate here. 04:49 You might can see a little bit of difference in the foliage on the 16 and the 20. If you look across the field, 04:54 which you probably can't see in this video, you can definitely see a difference in the 16 versus the 20 and the 24. 05:00 But basically you can tell, you know, right now we just kind of started burning the leaves on the foliage. 05:05 We'll walk out in the 24 and see if we can see much difference than we do here. The leaves are still kind of green, 05:10 a pod are really starting to turn yellow. But like I said, this is only a 16 ounce rate. We did about five acres this way just to see, you know, 05:18 we can give you guys a, a real idea of what we think the best rate to run is. This is a 24 ounce rate. 05:23 Really can't tell a whole lot of difference in my opinion. You know, right now between it and the, 05:28 and the 16, you can see the leaves are a little bit more crispy. You know, it's taking a little bit 05:33 more of the leaves off faster. They're not, it's not taking any of the leaves off, but it's burning them a little faster. 05:37 But I got something I wanna show you up here that's kind of cool from relative to what I was talking about yesterday. 05:43 So as you can see, these beans are, are all desiccated. And then you look at this right here, not to have a stand in it simply 05:50 because of the grow up in weeds. You can see right here where this one road didn't get planted, where, where the weeds got bad. 05:55 So we came in here, I don't know, two or three weeks later and planted these. Do you know, just spot planted this little spot here. 06:01 It's not, you know, 10 yards wide, but what you can see, like I said, when a bean's not ready, it's just not gonna desiccate. 06:08 And we'll watch these, I'll show you some more videos of them, but you know, you can tell from here it's got a 24 ounce rate on it 06:14 and it's really not going to do anything to it, but possibly shut the plant down and cost me a little bit of yield. 06:20 So guys, you can see here, like I said, this is 26 hours later, application to death material on their own. 06:28 So, you know, if a guy's needing to rush his harvest of a guy wants to run his combine faster, there's many, many, many different advantages 06:36 to desiccation other than it does cost a little money. I think we make that money back super fast just in harvest efficiency speed of harvest of more pos in the hopper. 06:45 So when you're harvesting a crop, you know, we've harvested some mature beans that have leaves on 'em like this. 06:50 You know, there's, you know, what happens to those leaves are going out the back. What goes out the back with those leaves? 06:55 Sometimes there's a few beans go out of them. This over here leaves will not be present. You know, you have to watch and manage your moisture. 07:03 You don't wanna cut these at 10%. But you know, if you've got the combine power and you're on top of it, it really does make a difference in 07:08 harvest efficiency.

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