Running Home With This Soybean Crop
Matt sees more potential in his soybeans than he has seen in a number of years. Cool temperatures at the reproductive and vegetative stages, and nearly perfect stands. He talks about what he is doing to take this crop all the way to the end.
00:00 So we're standing in here, standing here today and what used to be our nature plot, uh, and when I say used to be land didn't spread with liberty, 00:10 or we didn't put the wrong thing out like we have been known to do before, but we've kind of evolved this year into a little bit different program. So, 00:19 so we started at V3 in this plot with a gallon of triple option and a quarter finish line. Finish line is a micro pack that, that we use, um, 00:28 continuously. Um, finish, you know, it, it's just the both of those are really good products. So that's where we started. When I say we've been evolving, 00:36 we've been evolving away from just a, I've always been a real heavy R three person after the R three applications, you know, I kind of forget about it. Money starts getting low. Uh, 00:47 you get tired, you know, you get to third base, you think, okay, I'm, you know, I can walk on end to to home plate. 00:55 This year we're gonna try to run into homeplate. Um, we've been seeing some really good results from the other guys with extreme ag on R five applications. So, like I said, 01:05 this went from a nature's plot to a grower standard practice across our farm at this R three stage. So at the R three stage, we ran a, uh, 01:14 combination of finish line impulse and kfl. This became our grower standard practice this year because we normally put out, um, either a, a knockout product or a total 10 product, 01:31 um, at the R three stage. And then we just quit basically this year. We're trying to go further. 01:36 We've got more potential this year in our soybeans than I've seen in, in, in a lot of years. We had relatively cool temperatures. You know, 01:44 when we started reproductive stage, we had decent temperatures as far as during the vegetative stage, uh, perfect stands. I couldn't ask for a better start than bean crop. 01:56 When we start seeing that, then you start, your mind goes crazy at what can we do? Uh, what's the cheapest thing we can do to make the most money? 02:04 One great thing about the Nature's products, you can piggyback them on everything you do. So there's not a lot of extra applications. You have to go out there and make, 02:12 you know, we're gonna go a v stage of herbicide, we're gonna go, uh, uh, maybe an R one would be our extra one, 02:19 but R three we're going with fungicide anyway. Uh, this year we're gonna go with R five stage, you know, another application. So there's some things here that, you know, 02:28 that we can do and really benefit the plant, but do 'em while we're doing something else. So, and that, and a lot of our partners have got that same scenario, 02:36 and that's what a farmer really wants to see. You know, I'm, I'm probably the world's worst at not wanting to make extra trips. Uh, 02:42 temple makes fun of me about, you know, acres per day, not, not doing it right. So, you know, 02:47 now I'm trying to figure out how I can do the acres per day and do it right, is combine these fertility products with things that we're already doing. 02:55 May not have just a straight up plot to look at, but we do have These products over a large amount of acres. 03:00 And hopefully we'll be able to see some, uh, some yield enhancements that we hadn't seen before, especially since we're, do, you know, we're kind of splitting this up, not doing it all at the R three. 03:09 So we'll see what happens and.
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See All GrowersMatt Miles
McGehee, AR