Residue Drifting
What happens when you plant beans in a no-till environment and then the wind blows piles of residue on top of the furrow? You have a germination problem. Mike Evans from Integrated Ag Solutions talks about what their plan is to prevent the same thing from happening again next spring.
00:00 Standing in a field here at Garrett Atlantic cattle with Mike Evans of integrated AG Solutions. And we're talking about 00:06 how residue and way too much of it prevents germination and then obviously reduces stand. This is a problem particularly this year Mike because you had wind and 00:15 water that moved residue and concentrated in areas like where we're standing tell me what I'm looking at. What happened was we planted this and then we had a couple about a 00:24 week of wind and some of those days are about 50 mile an hour stained wind. So it blew the residue here kind of landed on 00:30 top of our beans and created a kind of a layer there that Created this erratic germination. Yeah, frankly listener 00:37 and viewer. I'm standing in there. That's pretty darn bold. I mean, it's almost looks like you could have had a chemistry problem that created all 00:43 this but it's not it's just residue. And as you said, sometimes the water will move residue into 00:49 a lower spot in the field and we have this and then sometimes the wind doesn't like you had here. 00:54 You even if it happens, sometimes it happens after we planted. What are we supposed to do? 00:58 That's a good question. I don't know what the answer is. We can't really come back in the field do any kind of? Mechanical thing we don't want to disturb the beans would you 01:07 would have recommend what would have taken for you to have replanted? Um a poor stand we actually had a field where you ended up 01:14 replanting due to residue and poor germination. Okay. Now that brings me the next thing Kelly's been a leader on this whole thing as a Pioneer 01:20 if you will about reducing population, we used to think you had to put 200,000 seeds per acre when we see that our soybeans 01:26 and he did a trial last year. He's down to 34,000. He said is his best yield came at about 68,000 and 01:32 he normally plant how much like what was the population here here right this spots about 120, which is probably the 01:38 upper end of our very worried all the soybeans here. So normally across the whole Farm. Do you do like about a hundred thousand population a little 01:49 higher than that here and it didn't help no. No it was You know the residue kept it cold too. Yeah, and we had the coldest. I think the third coldest April on record. Okay, we 01:59 use products like for instance as an agerson product that we put in and it melts this stuff down. But even then if a bunch of residue gets moved 02:08 into an area is there enough product from companies like that to melt down this residue to make a difference there can be 02:14 that we were actually working on some of that when we come back with the post-turbicide past it, you know 02:20 before V5, so they're not very big and we get that stuff on the residue to help break it down faster Mike. The person is watching this right now or listening is saying yeah, but 02:29 you know what Kelly is all no till he Prides himself on being no-tillas with taking care of that residue. How do you respond? 02:38 Yeah, that's a fair fair argument. I don't know. If they would have that big a deal I bike into the customers. We have up north here about an hour. They do 02:50 some tillage up there more than what we do down this year and they had issues with residue too. It wasn't just no till. Okay residue blew. 02:56 I mean ditches were full of corn stocks. It was like the perfect storm for it was dry. The stuff would move and the wind pushed it and even guys 03:05 with tillich have so I think what we're answering here is if tillage doesn't fix it or can can but it would have to be old board plow 03:15 to make this stuff go away. Nobody's doing that anymore increasing population if we put 200,000 seeds 03:21 here with a fixed it. I don't I can't answer that some people would say yes, I don't think so. Because when you have 03:29 three four inches of residue laying on top they wasn't there when you planted it. It's gonna create that layer and it 03:35 means really Struggle No matter what you guys is there any remediation that could have happened say at the by the time 03:41 you got into June when these beans are starting to be like four to six inches, you're like man, we were lacking germination. You can't come in and receive then. 03:48 You could some people might I've known some guys that did end up doing more damage than on the good big. I mean, then you get 03:54 beans that are kind of out of different stages and stuff that gets a problem when you treat them down the road. Yeah. So what 04:00 what what's the takeaway from all this for the person that says yeah. I've got residue problems. Same thing the wind the water moved it 04:06 in and I got all this stuff and we're gonna have this because we got big corn plants to put big corn crops out there. What's the answer? 04:13 Think what we're looking at for a solution is a fall applied residue management products. Yep to put in with for 04:19 Kelly spray plant food. So we're gonna try to put it in there and help break this down and then when we get into March, 04:25 you know, March is warm around here, you know, we could have been out. We actually planted some beans and March it was so warm. But the biological cycle will kick up then we have product on 04:36 there and then get going earlier. Okay, so we're gonna start using stuff like agerson's product and I forget the name right now. Oh extract. 04:42 There you go to East Park like extract you're gonna put it on the fall and you'll get that microbial stuff going sooner and get rid of some of this trash sooner. That's that's the plan. Yes, we 04:51 mess with a little bit but not a full scale. This year is proven. We need to figure something out. All right. I know we're standing here in the rain Mike. So it's 04:57 long last question. What's your expectation? Because you can look across this field and you can see thin spots and his residue and 05:03 you see things about because they stuff where the wind or the water move the residue in particular. We got mats and I can see that on this 05:09 field. What's your expectation? How much of a d doctor we go ahead? You know on those thin areas, I I'd say 05:16 we probably see 510 bushel knockoff. Okay, just from what I mean. It filled in and I think we'll we'll get a decent yield so good thing 05:22 about a reduced population. These beans will really try and fill the app. They'll try and fill the space, but they're 05:28 not feeling where we are. Well, they grow that's a problem. Hi, so we talked about 10% deduct across this field. 05:34 I probably say five five to seven. Okay more mind them what I'm thinking. No, that could be like six five bushels. Yep. But I think where it's really good we're gonna see a good yield bump 05:44 too. So I might average out but I think we're residue was Heavy. We're gonna see a little bit. She has heard the answer to everybody this in 05:50 the future while we're standing in the rain is that we're going to use some biological products that help melt down this residue earlier 05:56 meaning in Fall. Yep, and on fields, we think there's gonna be a problem. What else we gonna do? Hope the wind doesn't blow and in population. We're gonna 06:06 keep the same. I mean Our later planer beans a we got past that our look really good and I'm really happy with the stands there. 06:13 So I don't think we're gonna change that by any means got it. We're talking about residue. Sometimes preventing your population from your your stand and 06:20 your your germination. And unfortunately, you're seeing what happens when this is the case, and we're talking about now. He predicts a five percent Dash. We're gonna come 06:29 back to this after harvest because I'm curious to see how it turns out go and check out the previous episode. We did on this topic and all other cool stuff. 06:35 We're covering here at extreme AG extreme agnot Farm until next time I'm Damian Mason, he's Mike Evans.