Hey y'all, this is Chad Henderson with Extreme Ag and we're on the field day tour. We're here in our field day. That was May the 16th.
All y'all that come out, we appreciate y'all coming out and we're just gonna give y'all a recap on it. You know, we come out here and the corn was a foot, uh,
I don't know, uh, two feet high, you know, something like knee high maybe. So we come out here then and had the field day.
We had a great showing, this is agri liquid plot and we talked about we had a $4, $6 and $8 corn. That means that if the market was $8, what would you spend?
How much could you spend? What was your fertilizer rate that you would go up to on your dry? So all those things come into play.
How many fers could you make? So this is the $6 corn. This had 125 pounds of dry in a strip tail and then it had a foer, you know, obviously with herbicide.
Then it had one more foer and then it had wide drop as well. So this corn looks pretty good.
Uh, you can tell some of this tip back, I think it's a hundred percent me. We talked about it two or three times.
This pivot's a large pivot and we went three and a half weeks with hardly no rain and it just couldn't keep up.
So when the nutrients are here, you can see by the plant health the nutrients were here and we had what we needed, but it just could not get
it flowing without the water. Hey y'all, this is Che Henderson and we're standing here in the agri liquid plot
and this is the $4 corn. Now what do I mean when I say $4 corn? I mean that if we had to raise corn
and it was gonna get $4 for it at market, what would your program look like? How would your budget look to make a good living on $4 corn?
And it's not easily done. It's not easily done all. So what we've done here, we had 50 pounds of dry in the strip tail and then we went from there.
We, we put inferred a small amount, we put two to two in the same amount as the other and then it had a one wide drop.
That's it. 'cause we run out of money, right? So this, our budget here was $4 corn and I wanted to show y'all what it looks like.
You seen it If you come to the field day, the field date was May the 16th. The corn was about yay high.
You hadn't really seen it since. I just wanted to give you a recap of the field day and see where we was.
So this is a $4 corn and I think it's going to be pretty good myself, you know, for no more money than we put in it.
Hey y'all, it's Chad Henderson with Extreme Ag and we're standing in front of one of the agro liquid plots here.
This one particular was the one that we had rigged it up on $8 corn. So if you had $8 corn, what would you do?
And of course me and Stephanie jumped in and Galen was talking about it. You've seen some videos talking about that,
especially if you made it to the field date. We definitely talked about it. So this plot here is the 200 pounds
of dry fertilizer in the strip tail and it had two wide drops, two foer sprays and it had everything it needed except the water.
So this is what we got here on this tip back. And I bad wanted to like pull him off, but I ain't gonna do it for y'all.
We're gonna show y'all what it did. But we have irrigation here and we did water it, but it, we couldn't keep up with a pivot
that was here on this farm. This farm waters on six systems, but it's one water source and we went through three weeks of dry weather
and we going to make good corn, but we couldn't make this corn. And that's where we fell short at.
We can have the nutrients we have, but it still falls behind. But I think Stephanie's gonna be proud
and I think Galen's gonna be happy with it. He might, me and Stephanie May beat up on him a little bit,
but this is the plot from the field day that we had $8 corn and no money to spare and this is what she looks like.
So stay tuned for the yield. We'll have that coming in probably another month or so.