Maximizing Yield: Strategies for Double Crop Corn
Johnny Verell and Brian Adams double crop corn is in full pollination. They assess plant health and talk about their next steps to bring this late planted crop to yield.
00:00 Johnny Rell with Stream Ag. I'm out here today with Brian Adams with Volunteer Ag Service. We're out here in our double crop corn. Uh, this corns planted about June 10th. 00:09 Um, it was planted right behind the wheat being harvested right behind the combines, and at that time of year it was extremely dry. 00:15 Here we were kind of going into our dry spell and uh, the corn came up great, you know, got a good root system started and throughout the month of June, 00:24 we really didn't have much rain. The corn came up good. Uh, we had a, we had enough moisture to get it up, had the roots get established. 00:30 Great going into the season. And, uh, we got into July and we started catching some good rain. And the month of July we caught several good rain events and it got us to where 00:39 we are today, which is about, uh, August 6th, seventh range is where we are right now. And so you can see here we're going into full pollination and Brian's gonna kind 00:46 of tell you what we're seeing out here right now. Yep. So, like Johnny said, uh, we got a really good start early. Um, we were going into a drought, but with, with all this, uh, 00:56 with all this stubborn on the ground, we were able to maintain moisture, get the corn up. Uh, of course this field is irrigated. Um, like Johnny said, 01:03 I think it's August 7th today. Um, as you see here, you can see all that's left to pollinate on this corn. So we started, um, we went full time, so what, August 2nd? Yeah, so that was, today is day five. 01:16 And when I can get to here at day five, meaning that I'll be done by day six at the latest, uh, that means we've had a very successful pollination window. Um, 01:25 Johnny mentioned all the rain in July, and I think we have what, north of 10 inches of rain here at July. Um, it's August 7th. 01:33 The ground is muddy underneath us, and I couldn't tell you the last time we turned the pivot on. Uh, that's not something we're accustomed to, but, um, 01:40 sometimes it's better to be lucky than good. As far as, uh, as far as the rain goes, um, one thing I will say is, is in addition to, 01:48 um, having this full moisture, we've had really good temperatures, Johnny. I mean, we've been, what, mid to upper eighties for a high. 01:55 And we've been getting down into some upper sixties and low seventies for a low. So, um, as this corn starts to, to, as it, as it finishes, 02:04 pollinating and gets ready to start going into Greenfield, um, generally as August comes around, 02:09 it's still high for the first part of the month, but then it really starts to cool down around here. Generally speaking, um, who knows what that holds, 02:16 but I like our chances as we move forward in the grain field. So as you can see, again, I mean, we've got everything but the very tip of that ear pollinated. Uh, 02:24 there's still a lot of active polling around here. I'm gonna go take a shower after we get done this video so I don't itch. And welt, uh, welt up 02:31 For us. We usually pollinate around 4th of July. That's when we're in peak pollination for when we plant in April. That's usually some of the hottest periods of the year for us. 02:38 So we got to looking before we planted this corn this year. And in the years past when we planted the corn behind wheat, 02:43 what we were seeing, and actually August is cooler. The nighttime temperatures in August is usually four or five degrees cooler than it is July. Sometimes the day temperatures can get on up there, 02:52 but normally nighttime temperatures, we do get a better cooling effect, which is great for this pollination. 02:56 You don't see, if you can look down this canopy here behind me, you don't see any hard, uh, hardly any flaring of any kind. Um, 03:03 the overall plant health, uh, of this corn is really good. Um, we're standing here in pollination. Johnny, when's, 03:10 when's the last time you made a trip across this in high boy? Uh, we went across it at V 10. We put out a fungicide. Okay. So probably about, 03:17 about two weeks ago today, Fungicide and trying to influence rolls, long corn. Um, and, and the other part of that is we're down in the south. 03:27 We're maybe not in the deep south, as far south as as what Matt is. Um, but like anybody else, 03:31 we worry about southern rust on our standard planted corn crop. And with that in mind, obviously with this later planted corn crop, 03:39 southern rust, it's gonna be a big watch out for us. Uh, Johnny, have you got plans coming back? I'm assuming to 03:44 Yeah, I Rust material Less than 10 days. We'll be coming back again. Try to stay at that three week mark. 03:50 Go ahead and hit it again with another fungicide that should carry it to harvest. So you can see here. Well, I'll let you hold The heavy one 03:57 Gives me the heavy one. So this was the same Off of it, same Root ball. 04:01 I just beat the dirt best I could off of this one by hand a while ago. But, uh, you can see we got good penetration. 04:06 We do have a tendency to have a hard pan down in there and we do apply some soil conditioners in fur that really seem to help us with that issue that we're 04:14 having. So you could tell we got good root systems established going into the, going into the pollination period here. 04:20 And that really helps us if it does get hot and dry. So that's one thing we've been pretty excited about is the, the structure of the roots that we have. So 04:28 For a corn plant to add that much root growth to be planted in the middle of June is, um, something I know Johnny's probably pretty proud of. 04:37 And another thing too, uh, you know, in a heavy no-till environment. The other thing is Johnny's got wheated constantly in rotation. Um, 04:45 so every other year he's got a crop growing on this ground pretty well, uh, 12 months out of the year, I guess is the fairest way to put it. Um, 04:55 and I think that's helping in addition to the, the soil conditioners trying to do everything we can to reduce, um, you know, shallow and sidewall compaction as well as deep compaction. So, right. 05:05 I think that's definitely helping out, as you could see by that root structure on that corn plant there. Thank y'all.
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See All GrowersJohnny Verell
Jackson, TN