Kelly and Mike have been impressed in the past 2 years with the performance of their Integra Corn Seed hybrids, specifically the 6061 hybrid. They talk with Damian and Micah from Integra about what they look for when choosing seed for next season.
00:00 Hey friends talking today about seed genetic characteristics that allow you to push the limit 00:06 on your farm. All right here at extreme AG. Obviously, we're all about getting great big yields to make more money. And also when the award if you want to because that's 00:15 how these guys all met. What we got to look at though is what characteristics are in that bag of seed that we plant the 00:21 traits and also the characters that allow us to really push the limit to put more nutrition out there to go the 00:27 extra mile to really ring the bell on yield. We've got Micah Mullins. He's a territory field rep for Integra seeds. 00:33 We got Kelly Garrett Garrett Landing Cattle and next to me is Mike Evans integrated AG Solutions. So the question is 00:39 I'm going to go right to you Kelly Garrett. You're the one that wants to ring the bell on yield when you look at seed. What's your first thought? What do you want from that seed? 00:48 I want to Quality seed in the right maturity range and I want to seed that. I feel I want to hybrid that I feel will respond to the Intensive management that we 00:57 like to do here. All right, and you're always about the money. Also, we're gonna talk about money a little bit Mike Evans integrated AG Solutions. You are sort of 01:03 the counterbalance. He's the money guy in the business guy and the return of investment guy and you're the here's what these plants need guy day. You 01:09 know, you're saying all right Kelly nutrition Greg agronomics, etc. Etc. You are pushing the limit. We just shot 01:16 a video. We said we're in a corn field. It's a little different one this one but this is pretty darn amazing right here on its own. You want 01:22 that 300 340 400 bushel corn. You're really pushing that crop. Agronomically with nutrients Etc. What are 01:32 you doing? And then how does it relate to the seed you select? Well, we want to like when we're looking at Sea, we want 01:38 to look at root systems and stock quality and and leaf matter. So those are three things that we really look at when we're getting hybrids. All right, 01:47 I'm gonna go to our man Micah. All seed is the exact same it's just a different label in the bag. Yes or no. 01:55 No, all right. Why is that not the case so it comes down to breeding genetics. How can we package that seed together? So you might start with different parent plants 02:07 and then breed from there. So one thing that we've really stepped up on the Integra side is our coating for our seed. 02:16 Okay. So the biggest thing right now is like what they're looking for seed masks. How can we get that 02:22 plant out of the ground the fastest so that's huge factor and that's what we've seen in our new scene coding. All right from the seeds standpoint. These guys want to push the yield I 02:31 push the limit to get the biggest yield which means they're going to be going out there with more treatments. They're going to be using stuff. We 02:37 didn't even think about 10 years ago mix is like we talked about today where there's molybdenum and Cobalt in there, etc, 02:43 etc. The seed selection matter when we're pushing the yield when we're pushing the limit to try and get the highest yield possible. Yeah. So 02:49 what we're doing a lot of like we grow trials independent seed trials and we're trying to find out what 02:55 Is like the the top thing that we can put on to make this plant grow and performance best tell me about a seed failure you've had in your 25 years of farming on 03:04 your own Kelly. Being all one company seed and then having a disease package come in. Okay. It happened in 2014 with Northern 03:13 corn Leaf blight. Okay. So we like to diversify the package now more than ever before just to put that's 03:19 a one way to protect against diseases. Yeah, that's not necessarily a high yield issue. That's just to get it yield issue talk about 03:25 a high yield scenario, since you're trying to push the limit here when you think about Seed where you've had a problem before you didn't 03:31 get the yield you're you're thinking and it was supposed to be the right seed for the job. Yeah, it comes back to Roots like some genetic 03:37 lines don't have the good roots as some other ones. So when we're pushing fertility, we need good root masses especially with the vertebrate technology that 03:46 we use here with Kelly, you know, we won't really good roots, especially on the lower side of the population getting the fibrous rooting system and getting all those nutrients that 03:55 we're putting out up you plant more than one company, but we're here with Integra. We're here with Mike. Why are you using Integra in this 04:01 field right here? I mean, it looks good looks really good. We got we got some big ears. We got stocks, you know Evans is the expert around. 04:07 But looks fine to me. Why not put this on every egg or other than the disease package there another reason? 04:13 The reason we have Integra here or in any field that they offer great service. Mike is a great resource for us. This variety is 04:19 6061 which has proven to really respond to our intensive management. I mean, it's a great hybrid within Integra if I go from 6061 to 04:28 one of the other numbers and I'm not going to pretend I know them is they're really gonna be a difference between how I farm. I'm the guy that just goes out and 04:34 says I'm gonna plant it and let the co-op come over and spray it and then we'll be done with it. Do I want a different variety than 6061? Yeah, so a lot of them we have characteristics that we do and 04:44 so based off a soil types. You know how things move across different states. That's one thing that we look at so we have a lot of data. So when 04:53 we go to the fields like Kelly's here, you know, we know what works this soil type these conditions. So if I'm the farmer and I say, I'm not gonna be like Kelly Garrett. I'm 05:02 more the I'm more the planet forget about it guy you gonna give me a different seed we will find the best seat for that crop. I mean, that's what our 05:09 job is, you know, what goes best on that ground. How do you decide for Mike Evans? You're the the decision maker and many regard when it comes to agronomic stuff. How do you decide what seed 05:18 goes where? Um, especially when you're especially on the stuff, you're really pushing for high yield the stuff you're gonna really put oh they 05:26 call it a racehorse hybrid. So we're gonna look for something that really responsive hypertility management, but also in that 05:32 realm we're looking for Good disease package and and good stock quality so they can handle 05:39 that fertility. That stock stays has good Integrity as we keep pumping the stock the most important thing to you making sure 05:45 that's a big old heavy stock. I especially having gone through the high winds. You had a terrible windy Springs this year you had wind that 05:51 just whacked out with the duration two years ago is talk strength and diameter size more important to you than 05:57 it is to anybody else. It's a very high priority. Absolutely. He wants to get 0.6 pounds per year per 06:04 plant per year. Is this variety gonna do that? Yes, definitely. All right. What else do I need to know Mike when I'm talking about going to the races 06:13 here and I really want to push it. What do I need to know about selection of genetics? Oh, like I said, the treatment comes out of the bag how 06:19 fast we can merge root mass. How how well it performs and weather. and wind 06:28 how well it performs them weather now, that's not something we can control but why is this variety will be better than another variety when it comes to weather just handle 06:34 stress. Well, so like heat stress lack of rain, you know this hybrid still can perform. What have you learned in your time with Integra about seed that's going 06:43 to set the record. What do you what do you think of those things as the most important? He says, he's a stock strength. You say I say stock strength, but starting 06:52 from the beginning. So emergence out of the field emerges the most important emergency. That important stocks are thanks to the most important. What's the most important? 07:01 I'm a root guy. So I always go back to the road. So all you gave me a different I asked you all you gave me all the different answer. All right. Now, let's go 07:07 to another one. So you see it's emergency doesn't stock. We'll go with my last question for you guys. Answer it. I do want you to answer it. 07:13 It's yes, it's yes all of those. All right now, I'll go ahead and go with you since you like to answer questions Kelly here. My question is 07:19 this we've been doing spending a lot of time in my involvement with extreme AG on the issue of nutrient uptake. 07:27 Is a different genetic variety or even with different seed brand or even within the same company, is there a difference between that plant's ability 07:36 to uptake or is that all based on our management? Is there a seed genetic difference between one plant that's going 07:45 to be better about uptake versus another is that all on us? I would say it's a combination but I would 07:51 say that's more on us and balancing the fertility balancing the soil and making a good environment for that plan, I guess so they want 07:57 to push the yield they want to get to 400 bushels. He wants to chase Francis get in the mid 400s. Is that gonna be something about your 08:03 seed or is it gonna be more the seeds good and it'll take you to 300 but taking up to 400 bushels that's on you. 08:10 No, I mean we're trying to find the right seeds to Excel and then yield environment. So we've picked some 08:16 pretty good ones here on these Farms close it out here on me. I want you be honest. I asked him. The question are all seed 08:22 companies the same all seed is the same. It's just different label on the bag Mike Evans. 08:26 Well, that's a fun question. Each company's got their own quirks, right? So whether it's quality of seed or the genetic lines are picking 08:36 they all kind of got their balance and that's why we pull from different companies on the farm. Do you believe that you're going to find some brands that just absolutely work for your high intensity 08:45 management and there's some brands that simply not gonna work for high intensive management or do you think that every company has a variety that'll 08:51 work for high intensity management what some companies have we call them holes in their lineup where like the maturity ranges like you? Yeah, 09:00 Kelly likes 115 day 114 day corn. That's where we get a lot of our bread and butter here and they've got a really good 115 day hybrid. So we really sweet 09:09 spot. Yeah, and that's 110 day hybrid that we really like and there's a couple early numbers that we like and we got to fill the Gap. So what are you gonna get in this 09:18 field right here. Are we gonna ring the bell on this? This field looks really nice. This will be a dry land entry into NCGA for us and we're excited 09:27 about the potential here. Give me a prediction. No, you're not gonna be a prediction. His name is Michael Molly's if they won't learn more about this. How do 09:33 they find you or how do they find your company Wilbur Ellis company Integrity Wilbur Ellis company Integrity. He's Mike Evans. He's 09:40 Kelly Garrett. I'm Dave Mason coming at you. We're talking about high intensity corn production. Basically, we're ringing 09:46 the bell and is there a difference on the genetics you select and it sounds like there is and it's also there's a lot of characteristics you 09:52 might be looking for to do that. Pick the right seed to ring the bell for your yield till next time. Thanks for being here at extreme AG.
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See All GrowersKelly Garrett
Arion, IA