Less Traits, Less Cost and More Yield
Based on their experiences, Kelly and Mike believe that corn seed with less traits usually results in higher yields. They talk about how they make up for the lack of traits and protect against pests throughout the season. They talk about a new insecticide from Rizobacter that they are testing this season.
00:01 Kelly Gert told me about a year ago, one of his objectives is to plant corn with less traits. It's less costly. And frankly, 00:08 he says some of these stacks and these traits aren't given the bang of the buck that they once did. So one of his labs right now in area in Iowa, or CR County, 00:16 Iowa as it were, is using products that he thinks will help him get big yield and use a less costly corn. I've got Brad passion with Rise Factor joining us. 00:26 This is the lab for their company, Kelly Garrett, Mike Evans. So here's the deal. You, uh, are big on saying, Hey, 00:32 cut back on seed cost and then use a products. They can also get me way over that finish line with even more return on the investment. So tell, tell us about what's happening here, you and Mike. 00:40 And then we'll talk about the, talk about the product. We have identified Mike and I, that the less traits that are in the corn, you know, less traits are better. 00:50 We have a yield benefit from that, but we still need a way, especially with all the corn on corn replant, we need a way to, um, 00:57 to protect against the pest, to protect against the insects. And the age old products that we use are starting to lose some of their effect. 01:04 You know, uh, they're still doing okay, but we know it's coming. And so anytime that we can work with a, 01:09 a partner and try a new product to see how that'll go, I'm excited about it. So this is a very important lab to me because we're protecting the corn. 01:17 It's a new insecticide and I think it's great. Uh, it's, tell us about the lab and I wanna talk about the product. Mike Evans. What is happening in this lab? 01:26 So in this lab we're looking at, uh, neo ovo and uh, that's the product. That's the product. And we've got, uh, 01:32 this is a third year corn on corn field here. Um, no-till. So if we felt like it was a good environment to try that out, 01:38 cuz there's probably more susceptibility to pests, right? So if you go 20 miles east of here, 01:44 you should get into really heavy corn on corn more, and a lot more pest resistance there. Find out there I would be Car Iowa. Um, I talked to people in that area and there's a lot more rootworm, 01:54 beetles and everything else showing up that are more Resistant. So, because Iowa farmers are greedy and they wanna make all that money growing corn 01:59 after corn, after corn after corn, they just went through the rotation. Yeah, Well you got a lot of ethanol plants, a lot of processing over that place. 02:05 Flood demand for the corn. Yep. So this nivo product, Brad, you and I chatted before we hit record and you told me it's, 02:12 it's solving a big problem, uh, with nematodes and I'm gonna be, you know, the ignorant one. All right. What's that even mean? What, what, what's, 02:19 what problem? Why, why are nematodes, what are they and why do I need to kill 'em? Well, nematodes are the billion dollar pest it's been talked about for years. 02:26 There's not any real good solutions for them. It's, uh, underground. It's hard to tell, uh, what effect it's having. But when you dig up your corn plants, uh, 02:37 here about this time of year going on into July, you'll see that, uh, they're being attacked, uh, by the nematode. And um, obviously, 02:47 um, that has a big impact on yield. So with neo ovo, we're pretty excited that we've got a, a corn root worm insecticide that will control corn root worms all below 02:58 ground pests, but it will also control, uh, nematodes in corn and soybeans And soybeans. So, uh, 03:06 your point about getting away from the triple and quad stack corn. Cause they, they, they got the trades built in. It was a great thing. Mm-hmm. 03:12 15 years ago when it was kind of a new thing and you said it's lost some of its effectiveness. So did it, did the, 03:18 did the triple stack really expensive traited corn ever say it was gonna kill nematodes or was it just the root worm? Uh, to my knowledge it was just talked about rootworm. Yeah. 03:28 So this is kind of bonus. You are, you're gonna product here that'll take care of the root worm as well as the ne nematodes. Yes, absolutely. The nematodes destroy the roots. 03:36 Do they make it so it doesn't uptake stuff? What, what do they do? Yeah, they, they'll, uh, penetrate the roots. Great. 03:43 Abrasions on the roots though, affect the root system and root in your root system is your, your heartbeat or your plant really. I mean, 03:50 it's pulling the nutrients and working with a soil to get nutrient uptake. So any kind of damage you get there is concerning 03:55 Person that's asking the question right now. Cause we're listening to this. How did you apply this neo ovo? It goes in the furrow. Yes. 04:02 Tell me about how I use this product, Brad. Yes, you put it, uh, in furrow with your starter fertilizer. Liquid. It's a liquid and, uh, mixes well with all starter, starter fertilizers, 04:13 how they build the issue. Uh, we did all that testing the last couple years and, uh, with, uh, six to eight different samples, uh, each of the last two years, 04:24 a variety of different, uh, starter formulations, uh, Mon thias sulfate, 10 34 oh. And then, uh, some very specific ortho type, uh, products that, uh, 04:38 are unique as well. So, nope, no issues at all. The Person watching this video right now might say, I don't know, they shot this June 22nd. It doesn't really look all that good. 04:46 We are in an exceedingly tough environment. I mean the, the the, the cover is really good because it's holding some moisture in here. 04:53 It's just really, really dry. If we heard a good year or a normal year, this corn would look like art height. 04:59 Yo, it'd be up to your waist. Yeah. Yeah. Right. So what else happens in this lab? Um, I think we're applying their merging product and pace setter, 05:07 which are more late season passes for ones for stress mitigation. The other one's for, uh, well, I actually don't know, Brad. Probably merging, 05:15 probably you could probably help us on that one. Yes. Um, we're gonna have both pacesetter and emergent out here. And, uh, pacesetter, uh, is a just received, uh, about three weeks ago, 05:26 uh, epa uh, approval for disease control. So in corn here we'll have, um, another mode of action that will be added to, um, you know, the program here, 05:39 Babysit Center does what It, uh, will control diseases. So it now, and it also gives you better plant health. 05:45 Okay. And then the other product we're gonna put on is emergent. Yeah. And emergent is, um, a product for abiotic stress. 05:53 So you put those two together, it's kinda like peanut butter and jelly, uh, when it comes to, um, heat stress, drought tolerance, 06:01 stress that we have going on. Right. So everything That goes on from here on is a stress mitigation product. And how will you put those on? 06:07 Probably put 'em on with a drone. I'm pretty excited about that because here, you know, Kevin would maybe, uh, 06:12 do it with the haggy out there where he can get into the fields here. We can't get into the fields in these hills. 06:17 It'll be our first year using some drone technology. Mike and I are excited about that because of the accuracy we can get, how we can get on the canopy. There's 48 rows right here with this product. And 06:26 We'll, you wouldn't want to do this entire acres that's out here, but you are going to do the lab with the drone because it's a How many acres? 06:34 This Is a 72 acre field. This lab's probably 20 Acres. Okay, so about 20 acres. So you think this is an effective way to do it and you don't need to go across 06:41 this field, but you're big sprayer anymore because you've just sprayed it for herb herbicide. Correct. Your herbicide pass, just Yeah. 06:47 Yeah. Now it's, yes, too tall. Got it. So what I'm excited about then is, uh, this lab's gonna stay with us, but it seems like the neo, uh, neo ovo nivo is the big one. 06:57 The other two we've got some history with you told me when we were getting, uh, just, just do that again so you know the problem Neo, so I don't have to, 07:04 so we're excited about the neo ovo, but the other stuff is something that we've been using previously, right? Yes. Okay. So nivo is our new thing. You told me before we hit record on this, 07:13 that what you're excited about at rov Bacter is nivo is going to be available for consumers, for farmers next season. 07:20 Next season. Right now We're still in lab and trials Now. Yep. Right now it's at the epa. Uh, we're under a crop destruct, but, uh, late fall, sometime early this, uh, winter, uh, 07:31 we'll have approval. That's, that's the timeline that has kind of been given to us, uh, by, uh, the epa, The person that's never filed to get something approved by the epa. 07:40 When you said we're under a crop destruct, explain what that means so that they understand how our labs work. Well, basically we have 10 acres of neo ovo here in the whole United States. 07:49 So we've got a couple acres here, uh, on, uh, Kelly's, uh, lab. And, um, so that crop destructive will have to be, uh, 07:59 mowed down then prior to harvest. Okay. So of the 20 acre lab, we're only gonna use the neo ovo on about a couple of acres of that. 08:05 And that's where the, the drone, we're gonna absolutely pinpoint it and see what's happening on that field, on those two acres. Yep. Yeah. 08:11 Anything I did not ask you about this lab that you wanna make sure that we understand? Cause it seems like a pretty good, exciting thing. Like I said, it, 08:17 it cements something you want to do, get away from expensive, high priced, uh, traded corn and go to a lesser price product and still get, 08:25 get the big yield. Well, number one, I'm excited about the nivo because of the insecticide portion, but also this year with the dry conditions we have and you know, my, uh, 08:35 my focus is on plant health and stress mitigation as well. And the rest of the lab with the pace setter and the emergent and if we bring 08:41 the haven piece, you know, we've talked about that. All of that is plant health and stress mitigation on the rest of the lab. And now we've got the drone piece coming in. 08:49 I'm excited to validate on my farm these pieces, so I'm excited about all of it. But you're right, the nivo is 08:54 Number one. We're also gonna be able to show you some footage. We hope of that drone hitting those two acres. Exactly. 08:59 Because this is probably the future of agriculture stuff. The future of agriculture is happening. Extreme ag. You need to stay tuned. 09:04 That's why we put out these awesome videos for you so you can learn, share them with somebody that can also benefit from them to up their farming 09:09 game. His name is Brad, passion with Rise of Backer, Kelly Garrett, Mike Evans, Damien Mason with Extreme Ag coming at you from a field in Crawford County, 09:16 Iowa, where we're doing some really cool stuff. That's good.
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See All GrowersKelly Garrett
Arion, IA