Increasing Soybean Size With Late Season Fertility
Late season applications may help boost bean size and yield.
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00:00 You know, a lot of people don't think much about nitrogen in beans. Not only do they not think of nitrogen on beans, 00:06 they really don't think of late season fertility and how that relates to a good bean crop. Like we're standing in here, kind of the, my general rule 00:15 of thumb is if you're over 70 bushel beans, these are, you're going to have to add more nitrogen. And whether that's act actually adding inorganic fertilizer, 00:26 litter, a MS, whatever it is, you're gonna have to come up with more nitrogen and y'all do that. 00:31 Right? So one thing that is apparently clear is that, you know, late season applications of not only nitrogen sulfur, but micronutrients, potassium, 00:44 they help bean size, they help overall yield because that's where you're going to get your bushels. It's not from, you know, five bean pods. Right. 00:54 You're fine though. You're Happy if you get four bean pods and I'm still looking 00:58 for a five bean pod. I'm gonna find one I don't know about here. We're gonna find one. I think micros are a big deal. 01:04 When you look at boron, manganese, copper, molly, late season, all those translate into nitrogen utilization and they also translate to beans size. 01:16 Right? 'cause there's, there's good sized beans out here for Mississippi, for the Arkansas delta, 01:21 Right? We're standing in some pretty good beans. I mean these were, you know, even through the season when, before they were desiccated, I mean we were talking about 01:27 beans that were, that were chest high. Flip the script a little bit when we get into those. February beans, you know, they were waist high 01:33 was doing good, right? They cut better than 70 bushels. They were actually very good beans. We feel like that it was seed size 01:39 and some of the best test weight that we've had, right? Ever. I mean, we don't normally see much over that. 54, 55. We were seeing 50 sevens. 50 eights 01:48 Realize that early, early you can get a crop planted. Doesn't matter if it's beans or corn. It means you have a longer 01:57 grain fill period on the tail end. So from what I understand, talking to y'all, the cutoff date or forgetting any response in this environment on beans 02:08 is like R three. Yep. But I would say that is more in the, in the lines of a typical planning date, which is not in February. 02:18 No. And, and really not a whole lot in March. These, I mean, I mean there are for us, but it, but a lot of just our general area, April 1st, 02:25 April 5th is really the date. So anytime you can get end of February or even March beans in, you're going to have 02:33 more opportunity to fill those pods. So you can, you might can take that, you know, 80, 90 bushel beans that you were talking about this year. 02:44 You might can up that a little bit by going a little further into the season with getting 02:49 A little more later fertility applications. Absolutely. Absolutely. So I know that obviously, you know, February, I mean, 02:55 to a degree we feel like is, can be dangerous. Yep. You know, we're, we're, Oh it can 66% right now. 03:00 Right? It can be dangerous, but let's just, let's push that a little further. Let's look at like the March 5th. March 10th. 03:05 March 15th is roughly when these are planted, right? Do you think we can take these beans we are calling, I'm not gonna say ultra early February, 03:12 but you know, the first half of March that we might push those R four getting close into R five, you know, gaining some bushels there. 03:20 I think you could 'cause more, more nutrient applied on the tail end. That's only gonna go to increase your seed size. 03:28 Yeah, I mean we see that in corns. We see it in every, every case that, that I've been around. So 03:34 Getting, you know, I guess basically just getting that seed size and, and really trying to fill them pods out. That's, that's the end goal to, I'm gonna say busting 03:44 that 80, getting into that 90 area or even really getting over, you know, 70, 75 And, and in the case of beans, 03:52 if you look at nutrient uptake, it, it all needs to ride with what I appreciate all the time. 03:58 It, it needs to ride with potassium because that is the uber nutrient. It moves everything else around in the 04:04 Plant. K fuel, K fuel, we always enjoy you coming. You know, we are gonna keep trying to push and see if we can't get some bigger sea size next year, be.
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See All GrowersMatt Miles
McGehee, AR