Hey guys, it's Temple Rose from Extreme Ag. I'm down here looking into beans right now. This is the actual plot that I put in
for Corteva Biologicals. So what we're seeing, there's are bugs out here. I need to go spray them. Evidently,
I rag on Matt Miles all the time about having bugs. That's a stink bug right there. So the, this trial right here is all about infra our treatment
and, you know, seed treatment, whatever you wanna call it. But mine was actually in furrow. This was yield fortified.
Yield enhancer plus. This is a long name. You guys need to just abbreviate that. So this was actual in furrow program.
We've been doing PG for a long, long time in furrow. This is the same thing. This is a different way of looking at things
with this new product. It's got a few more things in it that we weren't used to using in the prior years.
So I was pretty excited to try that. We've made leaps and bounds by putting PGS at trigger points. You know, that's a trigger point.
We're trying to build root systems. We're trying to, you know, get that root system going, get it after that fertility, help us start stacking nodes,
start adding to the nodules, building nitrogen on the ground. All these things we're trying to do.
Well, a lot of this that we do, you know, we get it established at the beginning. You know, we did a, a cup of podcasts with Damon Mason,
and I think he, he called it building the fortress. Well, that is what this is doing. This is helping you build that fortress.
So these plants, they look pretty good. I'm pretty impressed with 'em. You know, so far I'm just ripping out roots.
But I mean, we've got a good root system established. Everything looks really well out here. We got a fair amount of branching right now,
so we're really excited about that. So we'll let you guys know. But as of right now, we're super tickled with this product.