In the Top Echelon of Products I Use
Matt talks to aerial applicator, David Glover, about a new product from
Agrotech USA
that is designed to protect and enhance the efficiency of dry nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium applications.
00:00 Hey guys, this is Matt miles. I'm here today in McGehee, Arkansas Southeast Arkansas going to talk to you about a 00:06 special product that we're we're looking at through extreme AG through our farm individually today. I've 00:13 got a guest with me David Glover from McGee also, and David is a his owner precision air, which is our aerial application partner. I 00:23 guess you would say, I would hate to know how many acres you flew over on our Farms. But I'm sure it's a lot and what we're going to we're gonna tell you kind of neat. I need story or 00:32 I am about how how we got into this what we're talking about today. And then David's going to tell you a little bit about about you know, his his part his role in this this new product. 00:43 The new product that we're going to be talking about is called ionize from Agate and to kind of 00:49 preface where we are there. three years ago well Multiple years ago one thing we've seen that we were not doing is we had plenty of phosphorus in the soul. We weren't 01:01 able to get that phosphorus from the soil to the plant. You know, it's just like a grain cart and in a 01:08 grain operation, you've got the combine running. You've got your semi out here, but you don't want your combine getting full and having 01:14 a deadhead all the way back to that semi to unload the product. So we were looking for something to carry this phosphorus into 01:21 the plant. Tried several multiple different things couldn't find anything to work. Nothing we could get to work. We'd have plenty of phosphorus in the soul tissue samples 01:29 in the corn would be just average at best. So we started researching, you know, just continually researching other products. 01:37 Stumbled across my agronomist Rob Edmund stomach across a product called neutral charge. 01:42 He started watching a videos on it looking at it and and basically what what this product does is you've got 01:49 your phosphorus molecule. and then you've got your calcium and magnesium and iron and things that are they're locking that phosphorus up 01:58 to being able to go into the plant what Nutri charge does is it releases those charges so that molecule going to plant 02:04 So that's where we originally started with. This product is trying to get the phosphorus from the soul. 02:10 to the plant So in a liquid form is a liquid form, so we were able to put it in our info. There's been some new data that's 02:19 come out the last year. So putting it in why drop applications and different things like that? Okay, so from there. 02:27 Agrotech had proved that this same product could be done in a granular form Not only would it release the 02:37 molecules away from the phosphorus but it also increases efficiency and nitrogen and that's another big thing 02:43 that we look at the, you know, the different products that do that there's some of them out there. 02:49 The new push or the new thing that we've seen that increases yield is soil health and there's some product there's products out there 02:55 that that do that, you know to a certain degree, but they're not good for soul Health. They're not good for the biology everything. We got growing in that Soul. We want to continue to grow as 03:05 we add these products. So so this is something that's kind of unique. It's something that we figured out. So if a guy says, well, I can't 03:13 use no to charge because I don't have a liquid. I don't have liquid on my planter. I don't do liquid fertilize. I use dry. There's not that excuse because the 03:23 ionize is a dry form of the same. It has the same responsibilities and and completes the same task as a neutral charge does so then we 03:32 get into the into the realm of okay, we can do this either way. So, you know, there's there's yield numbers out 03:38 there good yield numbers out there some of the yield numbers out. There is solid as they can be but they're almost so so high that I kind of get, you know, 03:48 I mean, you know farmers only gonna believe so much and even though we've experienced some of this ourself and extreme egg, you know, 03:55 I'd rather die try it but you're gonna pick up you're gonna pick up six to to 10 bushels and acre with this product every time we've used it. So there's a 04:05 lot of products and extreme AG That we work with in a lot of Partners we work with this is in the top of my Echelon of the products that I know is is 04:13 something we need to be using as grower standard practice and David, you know, David's been looking at this as far 04:19 as an aerial applicator, which would mimic a farmer who could get this same system on his, you know on his tenders if he owns his own tenor. So I'm I want 04:29 you to talk a little bit about the product what you know, the product the ease of it the challenges you have as far as it being a granular 04:35 product and and what you think is is you know, as you're as you're doing this sure Matt. Kind of back up a little bit. We started using nbpt when 04:47 we were in the timber industry after we kind of slowly got back out of the Timber industry. I was watching my trucks go by from 04:58 the port to get more fertilizer to get emptied then get to mvpt put on and come back to me and I thought why don't we 05:07 just do this per load in the field? So we did some chicken and there was actually a few people doing that so we built some pumps and systems and 05:16 we've been putting nbpt on the urea only urea for four years now and you know, it's 05:27 It served the purpose, but now we have a new product that not only works on urea but it works on all your other dry products. 05:36 And from the air applicator standpoint if I convertedly integrate and and add something like that to what I'm already doing that just makes 05:46 good sense for us. So we're in the process of starting on this iodized. It's the product itself is dry. I would call it 05:56 a talc type product But when you shake it in a container, it's almost like liquid. It's very fluid. It doesn't take very many feet 06:07 of auger to blend it, which most of their applicators have a 30-foot auger. So that's not a problem at all. We use a little two inch auger to 06:18 take it out of the container and put it into the mix cycle. So Where it helps us again is not waiting on 06:28 the fertilizer to go from the port. It can come directly to the job site. We can mix it low per load if it rains. 06:37 We don't have a truck sitting there. That's loaded we can stop. Comebacks restart the urea or whatever product that we're 06:45 using is is an untreated. It's treated per aircraft load. So that's that's really a big deal in in this business in the summertime 06:54 all these thunderstorms running around and it helps us a lot when it has a farmer too because you know, if you get a tenderload of fertilize brought in there with with 07:04 a product already treated on it and then you say you're in a 10 day rainy period you know, then then what's happened that 07:10 we know that that urea urea melts when you look at it wrong, you know, we know they're starting to be some degradation of that product at that point where you can 07:20 take that back to the retailer say hey put this back in your being that's right. We're handling the the nitrogen stabilizer 07:26 here and then they bring out fresh or blend that together. Whatever to get a more quality product when they come back which is easier on you too. That's right. You better dig some out of 07:35 a tender before we've done it everything you think of and all most of it bad. So yeah. 07:42 Just I would say this is just a new normal. I think it's where this is going. This is just going to be a new normal. This product saws many. 07:53 Of our problems. It's easier to handle. I don't have nbpt pouring out the back of my pickup. It's just a more. 08:05 ergonomic way of doing business I think it's going to be again The New Normal. So explain David like this is a system. So this is 08:16 I don't know. We've kind of call this a semi prototype, you know the concept. Yeah, there's a little bit a little bit of a little bit 08:22 of blemishes here. That'll be cleaned up on this but this is the this is the actual Hopper that you put the ionize in 08:29 that's right word directly in Auburn. Now, you said earlier that you're eventually you know and everything you do you start 08:35 with you always seem to change it to make it more efficient sure and you're going to eventually move this. Yeah. This will be moved and we'll set 08:41 it on top of the main auger and clean it up just this kind of a proof of concept but you've got a re-estate right here that adjusts the speed of this little plastic auger. 08:51 That's this ionize is so fluid that it will not take up inside of here. It's almost like a liquid and it you can turn the call you 09:00 get your calibration right here with RPM of your truck and it's just Just a good system pretty simple to you. It's simple. That's right. And you 09:09 know something we've already looked at here. We were talking earlier. We got to figure out a way that we can that we can dump this out say you 09:16 you've got this thing full and and it's it's weatherproof. But if you're going through several days of moisture, you 09:22 probably want to get that powder out exactly because I would assume that ionize and moisture don't go real well together. We found 09:28 that out already. So this is gonna be a really good system. One thing about Precision air that I noticed is is as 09:35 David said, you know, Dave and I are talking about this other day, you know, he seems like he always feels like he's the guinea 09:41 pig on everything everything new this starts and those guys that extreme ad kind of feels the same way a new product comes out 09:48 or a new technique comes out. You know, that that's where we start we start with that to try to make it better. And I think that's 09:54 one thing that shows in your business. I mean, you've got y'all have one of the most Quality Air Services. I've been around several and and 10:01 I can't think of one that does a better job not only does a better job with the application but 10:06 So with the technology, you know some of the technology you got on your plane people don't even a lot of 10:12 lot of air servers don't even know what it is yet. So I applaud you for that. You know how you do that? But if you're a farmer 10:19 and you own your own Tinder, which I do not so you know that's going to be a challenge for me, but I have liquid on my on my planner and and I put a lot of my fertilize out liquid, but 10:28 if you're a farmer that you know across the United States or or in another country and and you you know when you say I'm just using dry. Well this will 10:37 satisfy your needs for you know, nitrogen efficiency phosphorus uptake from what I'm understanding it all do the same thing with potassium. 10:47 You know it anything that has a positive negative charge will release those nutrients to be able to go and 10:54 do what they need to do and be free and that's a good upside for the arrow applicator. You know, if if this product opens up 11:01 the market for your all your other potassium your phosphates all your other Dap You know all your other products. That's that's something that helps you 11:11 guys and it gives us those source of income. Well, that's something that I would just fixing to say, I mean number one of the number one nutrients are one 11:17 the number one macros we put on on rice is doubt, you know early and and you haven't been able to treat that that with agricultane. Well the house 11:26 got new nitrogen in it and it's got five percent at both. So this is a double whammy product that will release that phosphorus and 11:33 protect that nitrogen at the same time in a in a form. And on a form of fertilize that hadn't been able to be done before so it's going to be a win-win situation for the 11:44 farmer for the aerial applicator and hopefully for agatech 2. They they've got really good service really smart guys there I've sat down with James before and and 11:54 we talked ten minutes and he's he's four levels over my head within about two. So sitting there going. Yes, sir. Yes, sir and half of that going away and 12:04 have that I'm retaining and but every time I sit down with Agra tech and and talk to those guys, I've become a smarter farmer. So yeah, we're I'm so jacked up 12:13 about about it from a liquid form. Now. We've got it in a granular and a I guess you would say a granular form or a power drive form. So, you know, 12:23 if we come up with another excuse we can't use it. I guarantee you they're gonna come up with a reason or a way that we can yeah. Yeah. I'm 12:29 anxious to try it see how it goes. Yeah. I'll see this is this is gonna be the the inaugural Inaugural deal in ago, I guess flight affects the 12:41 fire of ionized. We put out some easy in last year, which is kind of was a product from agrotech that was kind of 12:47 doing the same thing. Ionizing Improvement of that. It's able to do more things than what the ezn was. It went out fairly easy. It 12:54 did. I was treated at the retailer which you know there again, and and I don't know if James wants to print this or not. I'm gonna say it, you know, 13:03 we are heavy retail in some areas across the farming, you know sector and a lot of retailers are closed-minded when it's not their product, 13:13 you know, and they're products out there that we want to use that we need things done and and you know 13:19 not knocking any retailers because I love them to do it wouldn't be far without them here. But if we can all work together, you know and be 13:25 able to you know to do this together. I think it's better for the whole Community. Sure.
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See All GrowersMatt Miles
McGehee, AR