How Can Enzyme-Based Products Improve Potassium Uptake in Corn?
10 Sep 242m 3s

Kelly Garrett from XtremeAg joins John Torrance in Gladstone, Illinois, to discuss an innovative approach to addressing potassium uptake challenges in corn using an enzyme-based (Upshift-C) product, to break down natural minerals and enhance nutrient availability.

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00:00 Hi, this is Kelly Garrett from Extreme Ag. I'm here with John Torrance of Gladstone, Illinois. John is an affiliate of Extreme Ag 00:06 and we were coming into the area today, so John and I have been driving around looking at fields. Here's one of John's corn fields. 00:11 It looks like a lot of potential here. I'm jealous of how flat it is compared to where I'm at in Western Iowa. 00:16 And John's talking to me about some of his challenges that he faces here. And one of 'em is potassium uptake. 00:22 He's got a lot of nice potassium levels in the soil, but getting it into the plant, you know, it's probably a base saturation 00:28 type problem, things like that. And John, what are you doing to address your potassium problem? 00:32 Sure. So we use, uh, upshift seed to help break down mineral in the soil. Natural minerals, obviously. 00:38 And, uh, we make a pass with the planter and then we also make a post herbicide pass. We just put it in with the herbicide to, uh, try to get 00:45 as much ground contact as we can earlier in the season to help get those minerals broke down on the quarter. Because Upshift Sea is an enzyme type product that helps 00:52 with the breakdown and uptake of potassium. Right. And so, you know, instead of, uh, spoon feeding potassium 00:58 because you've got nice levels, you're spoon feeding upshift seed 'cause you're making a couple different applications. 01:04 And how, how do you feel that it works for you? Is it helping with the problem? Yeah, uh, tissue tests look great. 01:09 Um, I know some people tissue tests, SAP tests, but, uh, we have seen an increase in that. Um, it's also three times more efficient than your regular 01:17 potassium application of dry fertilizer, Right? It, it's less expensive than the potassium fertilizer. 01:22 It's a more efficient use of it, especially when you got it here. It's a very sustainable act. 01:26 You know, when we talk about sustainable regenerative farming, you're not adding to the synthetic NP and K of your farm. 01:31 You're putting the enzyme out there using upshift sea to try to overcome and make what you've got usable nutrient uptake, 01:38 uh, become more available. Uh, that's what regenerative farming is all about, you know, and, and down the road there, 01:44 there's probably some sustainable dollars or a program you can go into from using programs like this. And uh, John, it looks like the potassium here is working. 01:53 The plant health looks really good. Um, it'll be interesting to see how your trials come out. Yeah, we're looking forward to it.

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