Matt's beans on beans experiment has gotten frosty, and that might not be a bad thing. But, he notices something interesting about where the frost most affected the beans.
00:00 Hi guys, this is Matt miles with extreme AG. We're out here in our I guess you would call it. Our beans on beans trial that we've done this year. 00:09 We planted the first crop if you remember like February the 18th, and then we came back on July 31st and planted a second crop 00:18 of beans behind that after those were harvested something kind of I guess unique. I don't know if you need is not 00:24 probably something that we really wanted to see but we got a frost last night about 30 days early than normal. 00:30 See out here. We're kind of we've kind of these beans are kind of burnt back and where I'm standing right here. They're not as burnt. They're not as burn 00:39 as they was, you know, as these beans are so I'm standing right on a line in Lincoln kind of pan around and show 00:45 you what we're looking at here, but this is a both of these are planets same time. And this these beans on my right 00:54 are actually triple row beans. They were planting with the Muslim planter. There are no triple row planter and then 01:00 the beans on my left are the models on Twin row planter, which is our normal standard practice this year. We tested the triple row planter. And one 01:09 thing we've seen here is with this Frost. We got last night it got down to about 30 degrees. Right at daylight. I went outside No frost. I 01:20 thought we kind of passed that, you know past that window and then right at daylight, you know right there probably 30 01:26 45 minutes after daylight. We got our Frost. But what's what's unique here is these beans don't look as bad. Now. You're gonna see a few, you know, a few turned leaves 01:36 but these are these are just from maturity. We watch these beans all year. These beans will stay Greener. They've been taller and there and they're, you know, 01:45 not getting ready as fast as as the twin row talk to Mr. Lee Lewis today Darth Vader and we were talking about the frost because he's got 01:54 the most experience with frost on soybeans being from South Dakota. And the first thing he asked me he said how how tight you're canopy and I 02:03 said well on the majority of the field, you know, it's it's semi so we got a pretty decent canopy, maybe 77% any 02:09 really think about the twin Row in the fact that Canopy, you got the more heat you generate and you know, so that'll give you less, you know, less damage 02:22 on the beans and I mean believe it or not. He's a hundred percent right as you see behind me. You know the the beans with the heavier canopy have 02:31 a lot less damage in the beans that have the smaller canopy. These beans are about knee high with the 02:37 leaves. So they're gonna be a little less than knee high when we Harvest them and that's something we we accounted for 02:43 we new on the second crop as late as it was going to be that you know, the height of the beans are gonna be, you know 02:49 gonna be a problem. We were hoping we could get them lapped and we we really I really feel like we got a, you know 02:55 a little taller being and what I thought we would get when we planted them. So just kind of an update on what we got going on. 03:01 These are not going to be super high you'll beans we were hoping for you know, somewhere between 20 and 30 bushel the acre. We still think we probably got 03:10 close to that. We're looking at 10 to 12 nodes. There are three point one. We planted a 4.1 the first time, you know, this is 03:19 something that will probably try again next year just to see you know, we may change some maturities up see where 03:25 we what we get from there. You can see a little Frost damage on these leaves here. That's what we're you know, that's what 03:31 we're seeing right now is the, you know the frost damage there but you take these that have not got quite the 03:37 canopy is the other ones and for some reason they're they're quite a bit worse. Now, these means are mature and 03:43 faster too. So that could have something to do with why while the damage was a little a little worse. 03:50 The the bad temperatures didn't last but about two hours. So we're still in limbo or whether we're going to need to decate these beans looking 03:59 out on this afternoon. I will say we probably will have to desiccate them, you know, even though we did get a frost on them because it wasn't just a real hard Frost behind this 04:08 we're gonna try to plant wheat and get our three crops and on one acre in one year so different options on planting the wheat what we 04:16 were looking at from the beginning was, you know coming here maybe so the wheat with an airplane at about three bushels an acre 04:22 and then decade to soybeans use that as a cover for the weed seed still have our Polly pipe out for irrigation. So if we thought we needed to irrigate the 04:31 weed up, you know, we would be able to do that the other option he is because they, you know, kind of 04:37 matured a little faster than what we thought is coming here and harvest the beans and drill the wheat as we you know, 04:43 as we would any other crop we're confident that we're going to have be able to get the weed in based on you know, 04:49 regular weather patterns. Now, it's been extremely dry here. We haven't had a measurable rain probably in 30 to 04:55 35 40 days. So, you know the our normal wheat ground is way too dry to be able to even try to plant right now, but we have been here 05:04 getting these beans. So we have moisture in the soul. One thing we've seen though on these later beings is 05:10 You know as we talked about before back in February March when we planted the first beans, you know, 05:16 we didn't have to come with a residual because we plant them so early that the spring weeds weren't up. So we saved a little money there. 05:22 We outrun a bunch of the insects. So we save money there. So the cost of reduction on that first crop was relatively low this crops making 05:31 up the difference in our in our normal cost of reduction. You know, this is the only Green Field probably 05:37 in in the county so you can imagine the insects is coming to this field. We we have we have actually applying insecticide on 05:46 this field three times and get a little bit of trim in this past week. Redman stink. Bugs are a serious issue for us, you know on later beings 05:55 and of course this like I said, this is the latest latest field probably in DJ County. So if you're a bug you're gonna come here, I promise you hopefully after 06:04 last night. These bugs are a little sick from just being a little cold. I think actually when we run the numbers at the 06:10 cost Production on this crop is going to be higher than the cost of production on the February crop. But we will try this again next year. We'll probably 06:18 also try some early corn with beans behind that and kind of see how that works out. And you know, just just trying to see, you know, see what the most efficient 06:28 way we can do this.
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McGehee, AR