So we've had a really wet spring. A lot of planters have been parked, couldn't get corn planted, and the corn it got planted.
We're seeing a lot of these drowned out areas where the corn's yellows needing some nitrogen and oxygen and it's just needing a little help.
So we're very familiar with this in the River valley we deal with it seems like every year, thanks
to a good friend Johnny Rell out in Jackson, Tennessee. He taught me an easier way to do this with a sprayer. Traditionally, we'd take a tractor and slinger and spray it
and dry fertilize. That's very cumbersome when you do that, but it does a good job too.
It works, it peels in, but this is so much faster. Never thought about doing it like this. We take these streamer nozzles like we use on our wheat,
but what we do is we skip and put 'em on every other. Boom, set every other nozzle body, excuse me, and we're on 40 inches instead of 20.
And what that does, we go with a larger diameter nozzle. And by going with that larger nozzle, putting half
as many on, then we still are putting our 15 gallons or 20 gallons, whatever your desired rate is. So we're putting a 24 s nitrogen
with a C Catt product in here. The C CATT has helps the nitrogen work better and the plant metabolize it, in my opinion,
and it also reduces any burn. The corn is smaller, you'll not see any burn. Some of our bigger corn, it will burn it.
So you don't want to do it on bigger corn and smaller corn. This really works well. Again, we already had 'em.
We didn't have to spend no money. We just swapped the sprayer out and roll on. So something to think about.
Conditions that we're dealing with this year, you can see on the nozzle bodies right here. You got it right here and you see that and missing,
and that's how it reduces the burn. About every eight or 10 inches is a band fertilized that's not touching the plant.
So hope this will help you get through this, this year, this growing season, and in the future.