Extracting Nutrients From Residue
Are you maximizing the return on your residue? We talk a lot about residue management, but today we are talking about maximizing the return on your residue. Damian talks to Caleb Traugh and the experts at
about using biologicals to extract nutrients from the residue.
00:00 Are you maximizing the return on your residue? Very likely you are, but maybe you're not. That's what we're talking today about. 00:07 It's not just residue management, it's residue maximization. You know, we've got some products in the market now that their entire mission is to help 00:15 you break down your residue and then accentuate the biology in your soil. One of those products is a product called Bio 800. It's from gans. 00:24 So I've got Brian, an Iowa farmer, also a master dealer for Agan company. I got, uh, his boss Barrett, the CEO of this company, gans, and then Caleb Trau, 00:32 our own affiliate out of Georgia. He's a crop consultant. So I said, you'd be perfect for this. All right, let's talk about what's in that fertil, 00:38 what's in that residue, because lemme just show it to you this way. When we were younger, 00:42 there's this thing about plowing it under and making sure that residue didn't mess up your seed to soil contact. And all of a sudden we started realizing, 00:49 wait a minute, there's a lot of value in that residue, as long as we can benefit from it and learn how to get it into the soil, where are we now? 00:56 Right. And this is something that we're having to learn more and more about as our yields are pushed higher. Because when we look at, say, 01:04 a 300 bushel corn crop and there's 400 pounds of potassium that gets pulled up into that plant, 01:10 and that doesn't all leave out of the field with the harvest. Yeah. A lot of that stays in the stalk and they're in that residue. 01:18 So we're learning how it's more important for us to work on extracting those nutrients out of that cornstalk that we leave in there so we can be more 01:27 efficient with our fertility in our, uh, subsequent crops. Big, big point is higher yields mean bigger stalks, 01:33 and then bigger stalks mean more residue. And also as Caleb points out all that potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus, especially the phosphorus and potassium, 01:41 they don't go away in the semi-trailer on the, at the kernels of corn. It's still in that stalk. Are we, were we guilty of wasting that fertility? 01:50 Well, we were guilty of wasting it for the next year's crop. Okay. It can take a while to get back down to the ground, but you know, 01:57 with fertilizer prices and everything, you want to get that fertilizer out of that stock back in that ground for the next year. 02:04 Got it. Tell me about this product. Uh, you've got two products. They both are buy 800. One of 'em is more about, uh, preseason or I'm sorry, 02:13 at time of planting. And then this one's about breaking down the thing. So this is called Bio 800, bio 02:17 800 breakdown bio. So specifically to be used post-harvest. So put it down immediately after harvest and uh, it will help break down that, 02:24 that, uh, corn stover, that, that, that wheat we, we, uh, st over and it'll take the nutrients, put 'em back into the soil, 02:32 it'll help improve the soil and all that humus that these microbes are gonna break down that that plant over, turn it into humus, 02:38 add organic matter back to the soil. It's a happy, happy circle. Okay. Little, Um, 02:43 we're probably smarter about it than we were in the old days about getting that nutrient value out of the residue, 02:50 but also there's a lot more nutrient value in the residue. To your point, is this all we need or do we need something even beyond this? 02:58 Is this getting all of it outta there? What are you, what are you seeing in your scouting? Yeah, 03:02 so we're definitely wanting to maximize the amount of a nutrition that we can pull out of that residue because, uh, fertilizer prices are definitely, 03:12 uh, not going down as low as we would like them to. So we're needing to maximize the amount that we can extract out of there, as well as the amount of, uh, 03:21 fertility that's in the soil in other organic forms that these biology, this biology can also help us extract. 03:28 What are you seeing? You're, you're an Iowa farmer at first and a, and a dealer of this product second, why'd you come on board and, and, 03:35 and you must believe in the product. So what do you see? So I could see that, you know, we put the product on right after the combine. 03:43 Um, you know, two to three to four weeks of really good weather, breaking that back down. Um, the field cultivators everything, 03:51 all the equipment was going through the field so much better. It wasn't clumping up and we were getting our nutrients back into the 03:57 Ground. And we talk about nutrient maximization. There really is an issue from the farm standpoint about seed to soil contact. I mean, when you got this much fodder, uh, 04:04 is it become an issue about getting seed to soil contact next spring if we don't break this down adequately? 04:09 Yeah, it comes, becomes a big problem, especially the further you go north. Got it. And, and we have a lot of people up there, Kelly Garrett first, 04:15 I'll give you Quick, quick numbers. One ton of corn st over that's left on, that's sitting on the ground. 04:20 17 pounds of nitrogen is contained in that corn stover, four pounds of uh, uh, p and 34 pounds of K in addition to three pounds of sulfur. Yeah. Tied up, 04:29 sitting there waiting to be used. We need microbes to go use it. And not just bacteria, 04:33 but we need the beneficial fungi to really make it happen. Yeah. So you pointed out before we hit record on this, uh, uh, Barrett, 04:38 that this is more than just, it doesn't just break it down, it also has a soil health component and that's a big thing soil biology heard 04:44 more about in the last five years than the, the 500 years before that this is, this is where this future is going. That's 04:50 Right, yes. In building your soil health, it's like a flywheel approach. You have to put energy in it into building your soil on a consistent basis. 04:56 And the more energy you put into it, the better and better and better that soil's gonna get. And it's gonna take care of you, take care of your crops, 05:02 take care of your family, improve profit per acre. So every time you put down our our products, you're gonna improve that soil health and add energy of that flywheel. You're 05:09 Out in the fields every day. Uh, what do you think that we need to know about this, uh, residue management, residue breakdown, and more importantly, 05:17 residue maximization that maybe we haven't discussed Right so far today I think we did a good job of kind of bringing together all the fronts. 05:24 We have the fertility aspect, but then we have the equipment being able to make, have a good planter pass for that next year. 05:31 And something else that we're now starting to do a lot of is, is squeezing more crops into a tighter window. So now, 05:38 whereas we might have an entire winter to start breaking down residue like we had before, now we're trying to get that as close, 05:46 closer to that combine as ever before. So now these, uh, these components of breaking down a residue are becoming increasing. I'm 05:55 Gonna ask either of you a question at the farm level, uh, Barrett threw out there a ton of fodder, a ton of stover, and you know, 06:01 the average think, oh, well that's like, you know, uh, it's probably not all that much, you know, over an acre you put enough of that leafs and all that stuff. 06:09 It's probably not all that much. I mean, there's a lot of value, I guess, in the fertility of a ton of fodder is what I'm hearing. 06:16 Right. And in corn they say that for however many pounds of grain that you remove out of the field, yeah, 06:23 there's about that much over left over. Okay. So residue. So if on a 200 bushel corn crop, 06:29 there may be 10 or 11,000 pounds of dry material, they're left in the field and we can analyze it and see the nutrient content. And it's definitely a lot in there 06:39 Farmer. Brian, when do I, how do I use this? Do I go out and spray as soon as the combine rolls through? So it starts melting it down? 06:45 Do I go out there and put it in front of my sprayers, in front of my planters somehow? How do I use this product? So we use the product right after the combine. 06:53 So we go out and put it down right after the combine. Yep. You know, we want as many warm days as we can get Yep. Before the product goes dormant. 07:00 Yep. So if we can get two to three to four weeks before it, you know, gets down to freezing. Yep. Works the best. 07:07 Got it. And if I don't have time, my combine went through and it started turn to winter, there's no microbial activity gonna work. Is it still, 07:14 do I get any benefit by going out there the first, uh, dry day in April? So yeah, we had some guys going out there early spring put the breakdown. 07:23 They they seen a really good result. Got It. So, And then they came back with the bio bio 800 plus. Okay. So, and this works in conjunction with, uh, and no compatibility issues. 07:33 I mean it's, it's a, it's a breakdown stuff. It's not like it's gonna have some negative interaction or, uh, con you know, as we say. Go ahead. 07:40 And one thing that we also, y'all might want to chime in on is in addition to the biology, what else is in that jug to help give those biology the things that they 07:50 need in order to break down the residue? Yeah, So we've got food for biology. So there's sugars in there. There's uh, humic amino folic is in there. 07:57 We've also got some slow release nitrogen in there. Cause the nitrogen is gonna be a, a, a catalyst for the microbes to do their job. Um, and you know, 08:04 there's other breakdown products out there that use microbes to do breakdown. Look at what's in 'em. It's all bacteria. What we're using is fungi. 08:11 Fungi are the number one things you can use to degrade cellulose material. Bacteria won't do the job. 08:16 Do I need this on just corn or is there another crop I need? So we've talked about corn a lot. This is probably my, you know, 08:21 you are from iOS. You know what all you think about is corn. Do I need this on any other crops? Yeah, 08:25 Absolutely. Yeah. We're using it down here in the mid-south on, uh, on wheat. We're using it, uh, even on, on beans. I mean, you know, 08:30 beans isn't a big problem with, with, with leftover. Uh, cuz it just, it it, it goes away on its own melt. But the guy's using it anyway. Um, 08:37 it's building soil health and it's given 'em some benefit. But it's great on wheat, even on rice. Okay. 08:41 And on cotton. Oh yeah, sure. Yeah. That's one thing that we struggle too with cotton is because since it's a woody stem, it takes long time for that to be able to break down. So yeah, 08:50 Bunch of sticks. It's like trying to farm, farm in the woods. So does this work, breaking down the Celtic fiber is one thing. When it's a cornstalk, 08:57 you're talking about a, a twig, Right. And you'll see that next year if you follow the same lines with a strip till you can go about a hundred foot and then you have to get out and unclog all the sts 09:08 left over from last year that never got the chance to break down. So that really kind of helped us in the south where we might not struggle with 09:15 things like peanuts and soybeans and some of the residue breaking down, but these real woody stems that we're getting in our cotton, 09:22 that's something that we're definitely working. We're A big follow in the South Barrett. Do you have any trials with this on Cotton? Oh yeah. 09:28 Okay. Yeah. And we're gonna probably more coming with our man Matt Miles because he's doing a trial with the bio 800 in that time of planting. 09:34 So why not go ahead and use this as a residue breakdown agent run. We're gonna, we're gonna work with him on that. Um, 09:39 and we've got trials going on in cotton rice, uh, on wheat, all in the mid-south. Stay tuned. 09:44 If you wanna learn more about what we're doing, uh, in conjunction with gans, uh, all of the guys are using it. Uh, Kevin in North Carolina, Kelly up in Iowa, 09:52 right here at Chad Henderson in North Alabama, and then over in Arkansas. So really excited. And I don't know if temple's using up in Maryland, 09:57 but we got a great, oh, fantastic. So we've got a whole bunch of geographies represented, a whole bunch of soil types, a whole bunch of crops represented. So stay tuned. 10:04 If you wanna learn more about organics Organics.com. H O L G N ix. He's Barrett. He's Caleb. He's Brian. I'm Damien Mason. 10:10 If you wanna learn more great stuff, go to Extreme ag.farm. Share this with somebody that can use it. And remember, 10:14 we really want to make sure we're delivering information that you can use. So if you have any request you'd like to hear more on a certain topic, 10:20 send us an email and by golly, I'll cover it for you. Till next time, I'm Dame Mason. Come at you from the field day. 10:25 That's about to commence here at Henderson Farms, Madison, Alabama.