Hi, this is Kelly GI from Extreme Ag. I'm sitting here by the field where our WHOLEGANICS trial is. Holganix is a biological company. We put Bio 800 inferral.
It's advertised to increase nutrient uptake by making the nutrients more available. Why do we want to do this? Anything we can do to improve soil health,
improve the microbial system, improve nutrient uptake, improve nutrient availability, is a very sustainable act that also leads to high yields.
If we increase nutrient availability, the plant has an easier time, spends less energy bringing the nutrients up,
more nutrients are available to the plant, thereby leading to higher yields. And any product that I can try that is advertised to do this,
I sure want to give it a shot. Holganix and Bio 800 are new products and new company for us this year, but we're happy to conduct a trial and see what works.
Not all biologicals are gonna work in all areas of the country. You've got to see what works for you on your farm.
You've got to make sure you treat your water. You know, uh, I've heard of other people using chlorinated water and then they don't
understand why the biological doesn't work. Well. The chlorinated water kills the biological. You've gotta treat your water, you've gotta treat the biology correctly.
I do believe a lot of the biological products will work, but we as farmers have got to use 'em correctly.
We've gotta dot the i's and cross the T's. The product will take a lot of blame if it doesn't work correctly, when in fact it's probably us that is at fault.
So please pay attention to the directions. Please use good quality water, good quality handling techniques when you're using the biologicals.
And don't forget to pay attention to your chemistry. I believe that agronomy is chemistry plus biology. And if your chemistry's not in order, your biology will not behave properly.
So we make a big focus on the farm here, Evans, windrow, Vern, and I, of trying to make sure that our chemistry is balanced.
And then we find that the biology acts and produces a lot better, acts 'em a lot more efficiency. And uh, you know, like I say,
anytime that I can improve nutrient uptake, I'm gonna improve yields. And I'm probably gonna reduce my dependency on synthetic fertility,
which of course is a very sustainable act. There's nitrogen reduction dollars out there with the Extreme Make Soil Health Initiative.
There's different programs with trutter when we're reducing our needs for synthetic fertility. So we're always keeping an eye on that too,
because that's like, to me, that's free money as a grower because I wanna reduce my dependency on synthetic fertility because the fertility that's in the soil is gonna give me a better
yield, a better r o i anyway. And then the sustainability dollars are just a bonus on top.