Chad's Missing Drain-Tile Mistake
9 Sep 241m 13s

A missed opportunity to cross a power line during the tiling process led to poor drainage in part of the field, causing stunted corn growth.

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00:00 So you've seen me talk about, in episodes about, you know, the tiling and, and, uh, lift stations and all that. 00:04 Well, here it is where a picture's worth a thousand words, right? So this is what we're looking at when we put this in. 00:10 Remember, we have irrigation out here first. So I just decided, you know, I run the power line from the road 00:15 underground to the base of the pivot. But when we went to tiling the area that we had on the backside of it, I didn't feel like 00:21 that we should cross it. You know, it, it wasn't much area like, oh, it ain't worth it, you know, it's just a few acres. 00:27 This is what I'd done wrong by not crossing that power line. You can see where the tiling stops. 00:33 And this side over here is not tiled. So when you look at it and it bowls off, that's where not tiled. 00:38 It barely had a stand. And we would've had several acres, several acres out here that would've been like this from the early 00:44 rains that we had at planting. But now the corn's uniform and this is not. And so that's what we get into. 00:51 And when we talk about how much these lift stations mean to us on getting this corn off to a good start, getting 00:57 that good uniformness of the corn, even through emergence and then up through its growing season as we come 01:03 through those spring rains, it just keeps the water down to where the corn can make the root system 01:08 and make the ear that we needed to make.

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