Maximizing Crop Residue Management: How Johnny plans to break down his stubble.
Johnny Verell and Brian Adams discuss their stubble digester study conducted on a high-residue field.
00:00 Johnny Rell with Extreme Ag. I'm out here today with Brian Adams. We're out here at the, uh, stubble digester study 00:05 that we put in last fall. And so, but let Brian take a minute talk about the different products we got and what we're seeing. 00:09 Yeah, so guys, we're standing in the middle of a, kind of an atypical field for us, but probably the highest residue, uh, 00:16 we would ever encounter in our environment. And this is, uh, corn crop about a 250 bushel corn crop, Johnny that was produced 00:22 behind a hundred plus bushel of wheat crop. Is that correct? That's right, that's right. And you think about all the wheat stubble on the ground, uh, 00:28 you think about all the corn stubble that go into producing crops with, with that high of a yield. 00:33 There's just a lot of stove left out here in the field. And so one thing you have to think about is Johnny's actually gonna go back 00:39 to corn in this field again this year just works out well for him in his rotation. 00:43 So there's a lot of, there's a lot of stubble to be managed, a lot of residue. I mean, what we're doing out here is evaluating a couple 00:49 of different, couple different residue digestion products. One of 'em being excavator from Mari Stim Johnny, 00:54 is it out here just to a normal rate, 12.8 ounce? That's right. It's at 12.8. Okay. And we've got a product that we like to use 01:01 that we've been using for a few years now. We affectionately call it Uncle Bob. It's uh, labeled as NDB quorum, Q-U-O-R-O-M 01:09 and which is a, just a blended biology bacteria and fungi. And then we have some enzymes out here as well. 01:15 That's right. Another product from Maim. Johnny, tell us about upshift C. Yeah, so we added Upshift c another agronomist we work with. 01:21 He recommended we do a trial and we add the, uh, upshift C to the biology to see if it really helps feed the biology 01:26 and start the breakdown process. So we got a couple trials out here with that. Also, in true typical fashion, 01:31 we're doing this real scientifically Johnny show em our, our measuring device here. 01:35 That's the seal for a lid on a 55 gallon drum. And I know temple's disappointed 'cause he really thought Brian was gonna do a hula hoop 01:41 today, but Dollar General is outta hula hoop, so we didn't think it was gonna work with this. So maybe next time Temple I'll hula hoop at a later date. 01:48 Uh, and that'll be just for Temple. So you can kind of figure this a couple of different ways. You take the area of a circle, 01:53 which Damien Mason once told me was Pi R Square. And, uh, I heard Matt Miles rebut that PIs are not square, they're round. 02:01 So that's, uh, that's an argument for somebody from Indiana and somebody from South Arkansas 02:05 to have and me be out of it. But basically you figure out the area of this circle, which we do not know at the time, but we'll measure that 02:11 and get that back to you when we take these weights and we can extrapolate that out over an acre. We can figure out how many tons 02:16 of residue per acre we've got and we'll get those figures to you. Again, we've also got the non-treated out here 02:22 to see what truly doing. Nothing in this very high residue field will do. And we're excited to share these results with you. 02:27 We randomly take our, our circle here and we just throw it and wherever it lands, it lands and it happened to land. 02:33 We're standing right where it landed earlier. So I'm gonna place that back down right there. I think you guys can see that down there. 02:39 And what we'll do is we'll come in with a spade shovel all along these edges here and chop that residue. 02:44 You don't wanna pull anything from outside the circle. You want everything that is inside that circle to be represented. 02:50 And not only, and we tried to keep it very fair. So every sample so far has had at least two star has had two stalks in it. 02:56 So they're all had the stalk we collected, we cut the root, root ball off, collected the whole stalk. 03:00 So we think we got a pretty good idea of what's going on, but we're gonna collect this one and then we'll weigh 'em 03:05 and post that in a video later on here directly. We'll show you guys what this looks like once we've got it chopped and uh, what it looks like 03:11 after we get it cleaned off and collected in the bags.
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Jackson, TN