Hey y'all, this Chad Henderson with Extreme Ag and we're talking about a few products today from Concept Agritech that is Total Foss and Suite fulvic.
We've used these products in a couple different ways. You know, we can use our suite fulvic at our herbicide timing, but we really like to lean on it in any
of our pre-task applications or post-tax applications. We just done one a week or so ago with this corn, a pre tassel application
with fungicide and some nutrients. Then we use sweet Fulvic. We can use products like Total Phos.
We didn't actually use it on this corn, but we had products like that in there. This corn actually had it,
total Phos started on it when it was early with a planter application. But those are the phosphorus blends that we can use.
And those are the type products that we can use in two, in several applications. Again, we can start with our total fos early
and come in here midseason or pret tassel, and then we can come in here post tassel brown silk if you want to.
So those are a couple applications for it. Gallon rate or so, two gallon, you know, three oh. Anyway, you get the picture.
So that's where we're using Knit Again, the sweet fulvic. We've used it with that application as well, but we use it.
We used it this last time. It went out on this corn a week or so ago when we sprayed pre tassel.
It's a good application to get in there. There's fulvic is gonna drive the stuff into the plant, the sweet parts, you know, which everybody loves,
the sweet parts, the smell of it, and everything else. So the sweet part of it, you know, just adding them sugars to it.
Give it a try, give it a look, make sure it's a good additive to blend with your stuff because it will help drive the nutrients in the plant.
And that's what we're after. Thank you. Stay tuned.