Boosting Double Crop Soybean Yields: Chad Henderson's R2 to R3 Spraying Strategy for 80-Bushel Success
23 Aug 241m 18s

Chad Henderson from XtremeAg discusses the process of spraying double crop soybeans at the R2 to R3 stage, aiming for an ambitious 80-bushel yield.

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00:00 Hey y'all, this is Chad Henderson with Extreme Ag and what we're doing this morning is spraying some soybeans. So these are double crop beans. 00:06 They're R two, approaching R three, maybe in that area is where we're in and we're spraying some spray text products. 00:12 So we're testing some failures at this stage. You know, we do a lot of testing on these double crops. We're trying to get to that 80 bushel mark, you know, 00:20 and that's a hard mark to come to when we just run out of daylight. So these beans have got a decent shot at that. 00:25 They was planted May the 31st. So, you know, the window of planting was prime. It was as early as we could get it in. 00:31 So that, that helps a ton. So we're gonna hit 'em with some fo nutrition from spray tech. 00:35 What we're doing is CIR, which is a complete micro package. It's got some copper in it, got some, uh, potassium in it, 00:42 some other things in it as well. You know, you can look it up. And then we're gonna hit it with a full tech K 00:46 and that's where the potassium pod field that's coming, and we're trying to get ahead of that potassium curve. We're hitting it with boron. 00:51 And the boron is, you know, stick the flowers, hold the flowers, fill the pods, get all that done inside the pod field process. 00:58 And also, you know, you cannot leave out fixing the water. Don't forget about the water we get in a pH correct, 01:04 with full tech adjuvant. And that gets the water and gets it where it's ready for. The nutrient up uptake is critical 01:11 and that's get, helps get that uptake part right. So stay tuned, we'll keep you posted on a spray tag product.

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