Are you Getting The Right Coverage?
We talk about coverage, we talk about droplet density, we talk about drip production and droplet size all the time. But do you really know what they mean in practice, in operation, on the farm? And how do you know if you're getting good coverage in your spraying operation or how do you know if there's areas that you could do better? Damian talks with Kevin Matthews and Nick Fleitz about the different types of coverage patterns and how to test your spray coverage patterns for maximum effectiveness.
00:00 Hey there. I got a question for you. Are you getting adequate coverage with your sprayer? You've probably 00:06 think you are and maybe you are but then again maybe you're not Nick flights with tint air is gonna help us get the proper coverage and 00:12 we're gonna talk to Kevin Matthews. One of the founders extreme mag to actually is ready to do a test Nick when I was with 00:18 you last summer at Chad Henderson's Farm, but me you and our buddy will who's shooting this camera right here? We're not in the field like at 11:00 at night still humid 00:27 dark bugs and we tested to cover do you put die in Chad spray rig and then went across the field and we went through the black light and 00:36 we looked at what spray covers looks like I'm telling you. I was very eye-opening. So tell us about what we did then 00:42 and then take us to how we're gonna help Kevin make sure he's getting best coverage. Yeah. So I've been working with some ways to try 00:48 and help visualize coverage and actual prop canopy better because we talked about coverage we talk about drop with 00:54 density. We'll talk about drip production and droplet size these terms all the time, but I don't know if we really know what they 01:00 In practice and operation on the farm and how do you know if you're getting good coverage and you're spraying operation or how do you know if there's areas that you could do better? Well from the 01:09 sprayer seat. It looks like the stuff's getting out there. So you're like yeah all the boom looks like it's working Kevin's driving across. He's like, 01:15 I'd like to get through forward Acres today. Yeah, a little Fields. I got time to get here and check it but you got an 01:21 idea you got there night. It's actually pretty simple so you can answer this question about a couple hours time anymore 01:27 can do in this on their own Farm. You just need a basic UV die. I order mine offline. You put it in the tank with what your spring go out 01:36 and spray your crop and then I wait till it gets dark the Sun starts going down and I use battery powered lights. I go 01:42 out in the crop shine around and you can see where the individual drop with land you can see what the coverage looks like and it's really 01:48 a stress that per se of your spraying operation and you can see it. There's any Factor you can please to get a better performance break it if you're into a 01:57 bunch Acres you got short time here. All as there's droplets hitting the plant on a fully replication what difference does it make it makes a lot of different systems expansive 02:06 and we and we want to do a good job when you especially we got herbicide resistant weeds if we're spraying a burn down or a premium or post-emerge pre-emerge. So we 02:15 really want to get that product. Right? So there's a lot of money we want to make sure we use the right field, but then you know, my question would be 02:24 is okay. So I I can take and get these pictures that we're looking at and see that I'm using the correct nozzle. How much died I put 02:33 my tank. So you want to Target a 1% concentration that's gonna give you the best fluorescence when we were a Chad's 02:39 we didn't quite get there. So I've kind of tweaked my message and really honed it in so one percent so say You're Gonna mix 02:45 100 gallons of water. You want to have approximately one gallon of UV down. I don't want to house. Yeah a 02:51 little bit more show up. Well, so I'm gonna be spraying my burn down. I'll be doing it today if I weren't here. 03:00 So, you know be putting pre-emergence herbicides in everything what you know, what do you think is best to 03:06 get good feel on those plants? Because I want to kill everything out there get it ready to plant. Yes. I'll burn down you we kind of want to balance we want good coverage. We're always 03:15 one good coverage talking about your pretty much herbicides you tend to be pretty water soluble here in North America. So it's we 03:22 want to have good soil coverage with the key is really have that soil moisture for Activation. Yeah, as long as we have good soil moisture the droplet size 03:31 we would use for that application isn't quite as important. But if you were in a dry year or you farm somewhere like Lee, yeah, we're moisture can be 03:40 at a premium. That's where a smaller droplet Spectrum higher coverage nozzle really in that pretty much herbicide application. Yeah. So you 03:49 say more of a future kind of like this one here. This is a pretty good balance of what I would say to your production and help. Yep. So 03:55 this is really good windy on us, you know, yeah gives you some insurance and protection. This is our uld or ultra low drift nozzle. And on your 04:03 arms. Yeah. So it's a it's a good personal droplet size. That's going to give you that protection. No immediate proof. 04:09 Yeah good. It's hard to go wrong with that novel just for fun. Which of these nozzles back here that we're shooting would give you a pattern that looks like that with more 04:18 small droplets with a whole bunch of coverage. Is it that would be this nozzle here Ultra Lowry, 04:25 right? You can see it doesn't have the aspiration around it that you see a lot thicker. 04:33 Moving to the next one over. Where would I want that one? Then? We'll talk about some pictures. Where do I want it? Where do I want? A pattern looks like 04:39 that Nick. That's really your High coverage application. So punch inside things to 04:45 do not translocate within the plant. We're really reliant on that uniform high density coverage. 04:55 So we're gonna use that on that fungicide side. But as soon as I get that crop up and going 21 days. I want to be back in it doing my post-emerge after pay 05:04 application so that we do a good job. And so after doing that post-emerge applications, then you know, I'm gonna be 05:13 using dicamba. I mean I use Clarity so I had my elds here with that style drop it and covered but 05:22 You said no to stay in compliance on the label and this is more of a dicamba type or out of that. I need to be doing to prevent drift just 05:31 so this is traditionally what we see with those really Drift from products where you've got those label regulatory requirements, you 05:37 know, we really need focus on and you tell very Stark difference and droplet size in the density of the drop that's on the leaf surface because it 05:46 is a systemic product. We don't have to focus as heavy on coverage because it's gonna be taking up by the plant and translocated to the site 05:55 of action within the plant to get that good control Nick and Kevin before we hit record on this. I was obviously that's your 06:01 purpose of these illustrations to show bigger jobless eyes less of them. And I said, well, when do 06:08 I need that Kevin's point was in the last four or five years that I can thing? We've got lawsuits. We've got neighbors fight with neighbors. Is that exactly what I want to die 06:17 camba spray pattern to look like. Yeah, especially on soybeans because you're at Our time of the year when we're doing our corn on our operation. 06:25 We will use the uld because we're so cool. We're not worried about the heat but as I've learned more working with Pen Air 06:34 and Mr. Nick here, I'm seeing it. We need to change nozzles and go to one that's going to give us some like what I mean, which ones that gonna be when we're sitting 06:43 here. Those are you these obviously, I know what they are. I've had great luck with them. You think you got 06:49 one that does a little better job to get us this or just got to do back into pressure down the uld. 06:55 So you can approach it one in two ways. You could try back in the pressure down on uld that's gonna reduce the drift. We'll find a little bit but I know where you farm, we've 07:04 got a lot of development a lot of new housing and things the city's growing out. Yeah tobacco. So that's where maybe 07:10 a nozzle change to give you that extra bit of your production to really really help you out. And so this was done here this pictures with the uld max or 07:19 ultra low drift Max. That was a nozzle really designed for that can look 240 or any time that you're gonna be extra cautious on the drift 07:28 control. He went the highest level of drip reduction real quickly the person that's usually relied on the local Cooper rag 07:34 retailer to spray and they're getting into spraying game. Why does that matter because we know but what they're saying 07:40 why 240 or more pointing white I can't but it's because of the drift or even he's out by heat balance. Yeah. 07:46 It'll actually I don't guess it really volatile lives because it vitalize means it just appears but it actually moves. Yeah turns into from a 07:55 We do vapor and happen. You can't happen. Yeah, and it happens if you're drift, if you're putting out such a fine Mist. Yes. So those molecule except in 08:04 one of two ways those molecules inherently are prone to Bald inflation where they turn from a liquid into a vapor or if you have a lot of driftable fine 08:13 droplets, you talked about hotter weather when we're spraying soybeans that can put evaporative pressure on a 08:19 really fine spray droplets. So they can evaporate before they reach the Target and then you have that that vapor 08:25 in the area two more things. I want to talk about moving over here. This image looks like complete coverage 08:31 almost like we soak the plant. When do we want that and what also do I do to get it to look like? Yes. When do you want my phone decide? 08:41 I want to cover that thing up. Soak it from top the bottom. So this is a good fungicide. Look Nick. Yes, sir 08:47 for fungicides a lot of insecticide as well. Yep. We're contact herbicides. This is really what we want to see. It's really the density of droplets is 08:55 looking at because it's a smaller droplet size. There's more droplets created for volume liquid so we can really coat those plants. 09:04 Got it, and we already looked at the nozzle. So I don't think we need to do that. We just showed you the nozzle a bit ago one last thing. We did a 09:10 recording with temple about this. When do I use that? Because you don't have that representative here. Basically if you want there to be almost no droplets on the leaves, right? 09:19 Yeah, when we're trying to prevent coverage we want to use those green novels here that goal is to go with that nozzle is to prevent foliar contact 09:29 and coverage and just get it down to get the product whatever we're spraying and temples case. It was nitrogen through the plant down to the dirt. Yes, sir. Got it. What are 09:38 you gonna do? I just thinking out I just do away my water drops and just put monitors and out like that, but I figure out my burn my colon. 09:47 What do you think? I would stick really wild around for now because of the boom height. Yeah, if you could keep that boom within a few feet of the ground, you could try that but 09:56 the late reminder dropping our small grain that works great that works great wrap up and what we're talking about on distrib. 10:04 Should really the product he's going to do it this year. You're gonna do the test. You're gonna dump some die in your prayer. You're gonna go out there and test if I can find it online 10:13 if I'm hoping Amazon's got it so I can tell you whereby where I buy my die. I ask you good information. There's a company called risk and I 10:22 can read I use a clear blue UV die. I like it because it's clear so it doesn't stay in my hands my clothes or your equipment turns blue and it's the water it only. No, it 10:31 only shows like a little kids that pee in the pool turns purple like grown up. It only shows up under UV light. 10:37 So it doesn't stain anything. I buy my UV lights off Amazon. There's battery powered once you can take to the field if you're gonna be close to the power 10:46 source, you can go to hardware store and there's some really good ones there. They're really Frost effect here. And obviously, I guess we're warning standpoint you're talking about putting the die with water 10:55 to do a test. You don't have to have herbicide in there. So you're not sending your kids out black lights and herbicide later or pesticide 11:01 late and Fields. It's just water and you can get a pretty good. 11:04 That Chad's a couple acres. We had a good idea of what we're seeing you can do with water only or I have done it with a bunch of sides in the tank. If you do want to do it 11:13 mix it with your actual spring products. Just want to be careful of exposure when you go out in the field afterwards to check things. You might want to stay close to the 11:22 field Edge. We're just gonna do every box on and walk through remote zone right that I don't know Kevin used to be a contender Sporting Clays guy and they 11:31 talk about patterning your shotgun. It's kind of same thing. You can try all day to hit the target and maybe it's 11:37 the shotgun. That's actually not you so maybe it's the nozzle. It's not you that was tall 99% of the time. It's 11:43 easy. That's not the case here. His name is Nick flights within dare and he's got more sprayer knowledge than anybody I've ever talked to 11:52 his name is Kevin Matthews extreme egg. We're talking about nozzle nozzle operation and making 11:58 sure you're getting the right coverage. It's a very good topic with the expensive products and the kind of work. We're trying to do to get high heel crops. 12:04 All about making sure you're getting the right product the right place the right time here until next time. I'm Dave Mason from commodity classic. Thanks.
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East Bend, NC