Why You Should Consider Variable Rate Seeding On Corn
Integrated Ag Solutions’ Mike Evans began writing variable rate seeding prescriptions when both he and Kelly Garrett realized they were wasting money on seed. Too much seed was being planted in low performing soils that couldn’t possibly produce the yield necessary to justify high seeding rates. Even though Mike and Kelly both knew they needed to back off on seeding rate, they didn’t reveal that to Kelly’s dad. Why? Because many farmers stick to the “more seed = more yield” philosophy. Only problem: It’s not so. Kelly Garrett and XA Affiliate Matt Swanson discuss how they’ll reduce input costs by $15 per acre by reducing corn population without reducing their yield.
Presented by Loveland Products with support from Agricen.
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00:00 You know what? We're here to shorten your learning curve and give you new ideas insights information. You can apply to your farming 00:06 operation and we got a great one for you today. We're talking about variable rate seeding of corn. Maybe there's 00:12 something you're already doing. Maybe it's something you've never even considered. Maybe something you never even heard of. 00:17 Welcome to extreme acts cutting the curve podcast where we cut your learning curve with insights. You can apply immediately 00:23 to your farming operation. This episode is presented by Loveland products when it comes to crop inputs, you need products that are field proven to deliver 00:32 both results and value for more than 50 years. Loveland products has been providing Farmers with high performance value driven product Solutions designed to maximize 00:41 productivity on every acre visit Loveland products.com to see how they're Innovative products can help you farm more profitably and now here's your 00:50 host Damian Mason. Well greetings and welcome to another fantastic episode of extreme acts cutting the curve Kelly Garrett had a big phone call 00:59 a week ago with Matt Swanson Matt is one of our Affiliates in Western, Illinois sharp young guy. He's a recorded with me in a previous 01:09 episode if you haven't heard it Go and listen to it. And he's a reaching out to the old grizzled veteran. That is Kelly Garrett and Erie in 01:18 Iowa and saying hey, what's this deal about variable rate seating. So Kelly's got experience with it. They had a conversation and it 01:24 came up like hey, maybe we should actually make this a podcast. So, you know, that's the great thing. We're always looking at stuff that's being discussed internally 01:30 and behind the scenes and how we can bring it to you how to call go how to start out Swanson you called up Kelly and 01:36 said, I think that maybe I'm putting more Seed where I don't need it or less Seed where I do need it. What's your experience? 01:43 Yeah, so actually the call started with a we've done some variable rate seeing the past but we had talked amongst the group. 01:51 about kind of lowering our seating rates in general and the question I asked Kelly was How are you actually figuring yours, you 02:00 know in the past we've kind of done. I don't know kind of a shotgun approach to it where we say. Okay, this is what I think we need to see here. 02:10 And I like to have a little more. Calculated way of figuring it, I guess and so ask Kelly. How he was doing his and that was kind of the start of the conversation. All right. 02:21 So, how are you doing it Mr. Garrett? I believe that you can raise six tenths of a pound of grain per stock. That's a 02:31 plus work. So on normal dry land production corn. I hope to average a half and if I don't average a 02:38 half, I feel like I'm wasting seat. Half a pound of grain per stock. Yeah, I remember you it was I first time I ever really thought about how many 02:47 pounds I mean obviously 56 pounds per bushel all that stuff. I never thought about pounds per stock until I started working with extreme egg and you use that number that point six pounds of 02:56 corn coming off of each stock. And so the thing is that that's what you want to change achieve. But you're talking about doing when 03:05 you vary the population you then vary the number of stocks, which means if you're at your point six pounds you have less stocks. You're not gonna hit your number. 03:14 So I guess I'm trying to figure out here why the variable rate seating with something you even I Know What You Did In soybeans 03:21 Because you told me that a soybean plant will grow in and you did Big experiments with that where you cut way back, but with corn 03:27 it seems to me that we should be doing was it 28,000 per acre or something like that? What's a normal rate? Well, yes, 03:33 you know 28, I think probably a lot of people are more like 32 to 35 actually and I think that you're I think you're wasting seed at that level from a 03:42 blanket approach starting in 2015. My low-yielding Acres. We planted 24,000 my high-yielding Acres. 03:51 We planted up to 32,000. And if you work that out, you know, if you work that out 32,000 03:59 is obviously I'm hoping for 16,000 pounds of corn. You know that's 286 bushel per acre on 32,000. I believe at a half a pound of grain 04:10 32,000. That's 16,000 pounds. Like I said, that's 286. And if you're not raising 286 everywhere you're wasting seat. Now. I have areas that we do 04:20 raise that but in the thinner areas, we don't and I'm pretty sure that 24,000 that's obviously 12,000 pounds of seed. That's like 212. Well, my average proven 04:29 yield is 215 over the whole whole field and so really even 24,000. It was too high and so like this 04:38 year. I wanted to take the upper end up to 35, which is 312,000 bushels my expectation 312. Yeah, 312 will 04:47 show the low end I wanted to take down to 20,000 which is 10,000 pounds of seed, which is like 178 because 04:53 you keep saying 10,000 pounds of seed don't confuse. That's not that's not the seeds come out of the bag. That's the that's the 05:02 great. Yes, you great. So for for clarification, let's use the term seed when we're talking about what you're going from a bag into your planter into the dirt and 05:11 let's use green because yeah, I just was ruin those numbers like wait a minute. That's not 05:14 Many pounds of seed. It's something Understood so yeah, 24,000 plants in your lower yielding area. If you get a half 05:25 a pound per plant that's 12,000 pounds with punches out to 214 bushel acre and 05:31 You know people saying wait a minute, he's a high yield guy 214 bushel ain't that much that's in your low yield area in right here 05:37 yielding area. You're at 286 bushel. Obviously if it's a mixed average, you're gonna be you know, 24250 but here's the next question. Why don't you put more plants 05:47 in the low yielding area and bring it to up to a higher yielding area, man. Seen mmm, especially on our Timber 05:58 soil. Hill sides and those places with double bond Clays that don't respond. Well, especially to dryness. 06:05 you know, we've played with some down to 26 28,000, but And seeing especially depending on the hybrids and really great response like plant response to being 06:15 at that lower population. It's just not Standard, you know if you have a if you pulled a hundred Growers. 06:23 in Central and West Central, Illinois You know their average planning population, like Kelly says it's probably closer to it's at least 32. I would guess and probably closer 06:31 to 34. And by and large guys aren't raising that kind of corn by the way, you know, you're talking to a guy that's where the 06:38 where the Midwest meets the Prairie when he calls stuff Timberland soils meaning not the nothing Prairie of 12 foot top 06:47 soil. Like they haven't champagne. He has to he has some of that lowly ground that actually once grew oak trees which is 06:53 all that we have in my part of the world. Here's my question. You came up with this idea Swanson and you said maybe we're just wasting 07:01 seed that's nothing that we normally thought about I never heard about people thinking you were putting too much seed in the ground then then 07:07 it wouldn't even give up. It hasn't for years and years. We thought more seed equals more yield, right? Yeah, and that's I mean that was the standard thing and that's still today. If you go 07:17 to a seed meeting and there's a particular researcher that I have in mind right now that's gonna tell you you're not playing big enough at least 07:23 in the long run. If you're in a business of selling seed it's good to tell people they need to buy more seed. Right? Right and we 07:29 first started having this discussion. I would say this discussion is more prevalent on the soybean side. 07:34 Where guys are talking about pulling they're planning populations back from the you know, when I was a little kid we planted 2200 07:40 200 225,000 seeds on the bean side. Hmm. And now we talked about now, we're going 140 and now there's guys Kelly included they're talking 07:49 about going down to 80 but on the corn side the discussion is constantly been okay. We planted 28 07:55 now, we're gonna plant 30 we planted 30 now, we're gonna plant 32. It's always been higher. 08:00 And sitting around probably a coffee table or at a bar five or six years ago talking to Kevin and to Kevin Matthews and some of the other guys is 08:10 where I first heard this idea of maybe we're playing too thick on the corn side. 08:14 Yeah, well it's first off if you're from corn of soybean country. You know that soybeans if you ever had to walk the soybean Fields as a kid to you know, 08:23 hoe out volunteer corn. That's an era before you Swanson. I know because you've been always around with you know, glyphosate tolerant soybeans. You knew that soybean plants 08:32 bushed out. So it made sense when I started here from Kelly that he's going doing a trial with 64,000, you 08:39 know population soybeans. I'm like, yeah that makes sense. They get big bushy, you know, whatever but corn plants 08:45 don't do that so I can kind of as you said man it it makes sense to think about reducing population on soybeans because they can 08:53 You know fill in but corn doesn't corn doesn't Bush out. So why is this work cut? the corn the corn will Flex, you 09:03 know that I mean the The general thought or conventional thought prevailing thought there's the term I need the prevailing thought 09:10 is is that corn anymore has a fixed here and doesn't flex and that is not true. You know, maybe won't put a second ear on 09:16 all the time. But the you can pack more starch into those kernels bigger heavier kernels corn every every year every hybrid flexes whether 09:25 you can see it or not doesn't mean that it that it's not flexing and we we really are very over 09:31 planning our seed Corner more seed does not equate to more you my perspective is I want to look at every square foot of land I 09:40 have and I want to come up with an estimate or a forecast of how many pounds of corn that square foot can produce and I want 09:49 to get by with this few seeds as possible. What why would you want to more more seeds Mighty quit 09:55 you more seed Mighty Quake to more ears, but it doesn't equate to a bigger yield. You just have smaller ears. And yeah, so that's the puff. I'm sure that's the part. 10:04 That if your neighbors hear your experimenting this are just it's hard to get their head around it because they're gonna say well how in the hell could you ever get a good 10:13 yield? If you're not put enough plants out, right? That's six years ago. I looked actually I 10:19 think the first year Kevin and I talked about this. Like I said, it's been quite a while ago because I was still dealing with a 10:25 seed company at the time, but I went To the seed company's website and I pulled all of their plot results down from my area. Okay, and we 10:34 use this half pound number kind of inner discussions and that year, which was a good year here. The average pounds per 10:43 year based on the plot results was like 35 pounds per year. Kelly's talking about 0.5 in a dry land environment. We 10:51 think we can get to point six. So you're almost half the size of ear that we know is relatively. Accomplishable, maybe not even half the size but 11:01 half the weight halfway. Yeah, wait, right the weight I guess is all I'm discussing. I say size. Yeah. Yeah, I mean but just for the maybe there's somebody I 11:10 listening that doesn't really grow corn and they might think weight is entirely indicator or based on size and 11:16 there's not because there's test weight issues and Colonel size and all that. So that's all I want to make sure for the person that's not a well versed 11:22 you said point three five is what you did. Yeah, like 0.35 is what I calculated off the out of all of their 11:28 plot results on average. So in an email you think about this to expand on Kelly's point you take this in a Timber soil 11:36 environment? And you plant a hybrid that flexes a lot. Like there's one popular one that I can think of right now. and you plant that 11:45 hybrid down at 20,000 24,000 and that thing puts like baseball bat size ears on it the size of my forearm. 11:53 Now there are some. Changes you have to make because of that because you know, that's a lot of weight hanging out there. 11:59 but when you put say you put 34,000 in that vironment, you've got to feed 34,000 plants or 33,000. Okay. And all that material that's going to feed those plants 12:11 could be putting Grain on two thirds of those ears if you had them out there. Yeah so that I want to get into fertility before I do that. Okay, so I think you've sold me on the idea the 12:20 person that you know at the coffee shop that says well how in the hell you're gonna get a good yield you put out two thirds as 12:26 many or you know, 70% as many plants as you should have and Kelly already answered you already answered man, you said well, then you're getting more. 12:36 More Colonel weight and more more kernels per ear. Variable variable application really is kind of thing. It came up with GPS right? 12:47 Like you could finally a sprayer didn't have to put the exact same amount of stuff out and then a fertilizer spreader we didn't do any of this until the Advent of GPS. So 12:56 about what 20 or so years ago, right Kelly and that makes sense to my head when they start telling about that two decades ago like yeah, why are we putting 13:05 the same fertilizer in this low area with more organic matter than up there on that knob I'm like, yeah, it'll make sense. 13:13 Easier to do with all the technology to fleeing different pounds of fertilizer out going across the field. How do you do that? 13:22 With a planter, how do you it's one thing to say? Yeah, I'm varying it this field over here. That's Prairie soils to match vernacular. I'm gonna 13:31 put in more but this slopey Timber soil. I'm gonna put in less you just set your planter when you change Fields, how do you do that going across the same field? 13:40 ours is Derived from our yield map or really and we try to use three years of yield history just to make sure there's not an anomaly. And so that yield map is how we make all 13:51 our decisions. Evan Mike Evans puts that into the software program that we use three years a yield data builds the 13:58 different zones and then it spits out what we call a prescription you load that into the GPS on the tractor and every field has a different prescription the 14:07 planner app operator be it Richie or or my son Connor. They they've got a load the correct prescription when they pull into the field and then the computer tells 14:16 the planner what the plan and and it varies as you're going down as you're going across the field it varies and will put out either 24,000 14:26 pounds up to 32,000. I'm sorry, three two thousand kernels. See my mind now this year. We went from 22,000 14:35 to 35 because we feel we've made enough agronomic strides or progress that we needed to raise the top end, but I also feel we've learned 14:44 enough that we needed to We could save more on the bottom end and I wanted to go all the way down to 20,000 Evans was afraid of 14:53 what my dad would say if we went all the way to 20. So you you know, like I this year my corn on 4,000 Acres 15:00 made a 200 bushel average and I have and because of the forecast from my Weather Service. We turned our prescriptions down from 295 to 15:09 28 and my corn made 200 and I just calculated that that's four tenths of a pound. So I wasted 20% of the seed. I would 15:18 tell you that I would reasonably expect 200 bushel corn to be from an average of 22,400 seats. 15:27 and alcohol Is it you said was your number? You're one from 22 to 35? Yep, 22 on the low end to 35 now. We used to be 24 to 32 15:37 now or 22 to 35 and you're going to go you're going to lower than 20 22, but you Evans was afraid of your old man. Yep. 15:45 All right. I want to hear about Matt applying this after your conversation and what his plan is for next year. I want to talk about cost savings on seed and then I want 15:54 to hear about feeding the plant because obviously there's going to be different nutrients out there where you're 22,000 versus 35,000 before 16:01 we do that. I want to remind you dear listener. You work hard at keeping your Fields fertility level up but 16:07 if fertility is unavailable or underutilized you're not maximizing your investment. Are you now agerson one of our business partners a fantastic company has 16:16 an Innovative biocatalist product line available, exclusively from nutrient AG solutions that you 16:22 will help reduce plant stress and release fertility for Healthy High yielding crops contact your local nutrient AG Solutions crop consultant to 16:31 learn more and increase your results. The point is if you've got fertility out there and your crops are stressed or more importantly your 16:37 fertility is not available. You're losing money agerson's Innovative. Biocallus products can help you look it up 16:43 find out more from your nutrient. AG Solutions crop consultant you're going to do this this year Matt based on 16:52 your conversation with Kelly. You've kind of been circling around this anyhow, but now you're going to implement it more full-time. Tell us your plan. 16:59 Yeah, so one of the things that Kelly and I disagree about in this conversation is I do not like putting yield results into my equations because 17:09 I feel like in some instances it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Right? So one of the things that we're doing instead of that 17:17 Is that we're going to use a sole sensor system that's basically going to allow us to see where water flows and sits in the field and where it runs off. 17:27 And doesn't sit. So basically what our driest areas of the field what are wettest areas of the field and that's gonna be our base layer. 17:33 Now after we do this for a few years, we'll use yield to refine those zones. But what I don't want to do is use yield 17:41 right out the gate. Hmm one because I used to work on yield monitors. And I know how problematic they can be at times. 17:50 And two again it becomes that that self-fulfilling prophecy question. So we're gonna start with our 17:56 base layer being that basically soil water map. So water and topography map. Yeah and go from there, but 18:04 from there and like Kelly said it's as simple as as riding up the prescription and then for our planner that will then plant that prescription row 18:13 by row. It's not even a section thing. So every 20 inches you can be running a different prescription, theoretically 18:21 Um 24, by the way, just for the person listening 24 real planner. That's 36 row 20, but same 60 foot with think. 18:29 Yeah, so Essentially, that's what we're doing and Kelly and I actually continued this conversation. I think with the equipment that's available today. We 18:38 could probably And we probably will if I can get it put on do some trial work to not only vary the population. But in 18:46 those Timber soil areas, maybe change the hybrid based, you know to a hybrid that maybe is more conducive to those low pop 18:52 environments that flexes a little harder. All right, so we're doing this for yield. Well, the point is you don't want to lose yields. I'm doing 19:00 it for yield. We're doing it for return on investment. That's what you're doing it for you're doing it for reduction of seed cost. And and in the 19:06 old days you just said, hey man, see don't cost that much. She's pretty expensive, right? So is the payoff man 19:12 that you're looking for just in seed? No, I mean we're here it's a total it's a total picture. So if you're over planning, you could be hurting you. I mean, if you're 19:23 over planning your seat, you could absolutely hurt your yield just based on the fact you over Planet it and to take this to an extreme. You have a guy that goes 19:29 just your average guy says, okay, I'm gonna do an NCGA plot for next year and instead of planting 34. I'm gonna plant 42 and he doesn't adjust anything else. 19:39 Unless the weather's super Cooperative. That's a bad day. Depending on what the base fertility is. So yeah, we're trying to bring our 19:46 seed cost down that's a portion of it. But you just use the NCGA plot idea the point you're making there was if you went way 19:55 up to 42,000 plants they and you get the germination you're not going to I think I'll Mount to a dam because it doesn't have the 20:03 Fertility you didn't do the right. You didn't feed 42,000 plants is what your point and it's the same. That's right. It's the same problem in a microcosm on those Timber Hillside if 20:12 you plant 32,000 on those timber Hill size and you have a dry year, you're not gonna have the fertility available to even 20:19 feed that term 32,000. So you've essentially dinged up your yield just by pointing 32,000 and 32 is 20:25 a standard a fairly standard rate at least where I'm at. Okay cost savings on seat Kelly. You've 20:31 got a lot of Acres that you're dealing with. So last year you plan it. I mean crop your 2020 you planted. 3,600 acres of corn roughly, right, right. Okay. 20:41 So I just calculated it the difference between I was hoping that you wouldn't see you know, the listener doesn't watch if they're 20:50 just listening but I'm watching and I noticed that you were checking out monkeying around your phone and I kind of took it personally like me and swans are like dude if you don't want to be a proper conversation, 20:59 you know just hang up but you actually were looking at your phone doing something important. You were actually running some math, right? 21:05 You know, I was gonna ask you what you saved on seed. So I made you because I made a few notes ahead of time to be prepared for you. But that was one thing I didn't calculate I 21:15 didn't think about that was the seed savings. So, you know, I would say matter dollar bag of seat or you're 21:21 comfortable, you know using that as a as a dead. So 300 dollar bag of seed. There's 80,000 kernels. Okay at 32,000 seeds 21:31 per acre. That's a hundred and twenty dollars an acre seed cost. All right, if you turn it down to if you 21:37 turn it down to 28. It goes to 105. So there's a $15 an acre savings and you just went from what to want to get that fifteen dollars 21:46 just to go just going from 32 to 28,000 saves fifteen dollars an acre. And by the way, and and we always say this we're doing a 21:54 recordings. You know, we're having record farm income in 2022 15 bucks, you know, it can blow in the wind but there's been 22:01 years when you made seventy dollars an acre instead. It was a pretty DM Good Year 15 bucks is a significant portion, you know of $70 on 22:10 a normal year of what your per acre profitability might look like in our operation. We're gonna have about 5,000 acres of corn next year. That's $75,000 that's real 22:19 money. And I you know, I used to say there isn't necessarily one thing I can do today to make a hundred thousand but there's ten things I can do to 22:28 make 10,000. Yeah, and that's an example of that right there that 15 dollars an acre is real money fifteen dollars an acre potentially could be a big portion 22:37 of my inferral program, you know, maybe a girl or listening goes from 32,000 to variable rate seating 28 takes that 15 dollars an 22:46 acre and puts it into an inferral program and then realizes that yield game with the same budget. That's real money. That's all that 22:53 that's it. Do those do those numbers mesh up with what you're projecting for your 23 plan. 22:59 Yeah, so I was when he was talking I was doing my own so we're all non-GMO corn. So our seed cost is is 23:07 Fairly significantly lower than what then what Kelly's is gonna be but it's still comes out to 15 or 20,000 or 15 23:13 or 20,000 15 or 20 dollars an acre if we fall from what the standard rate. Is for my area to 28,000 now that 28,000 23:21 by the time you do the math if you're planning 28,000 of those formula, we're talking about 250 bushel corn, which there's not a whole lot. 23:31 Guy of guys in my area. There's a handful depending on what your percentage of what dirt you have but a 250 bushel aph is still pretty 23:40 strong. Yeah. Yeah, we're not talking about you know, 200 bushel corn across the farm. If you're talking about 200 bushel corn 23:47 across the farm. Like Kelly said you're you're down the 20 to 24,000 or seeds per acre range. Yeah, and which 23:53 then of obviously 22 and 24,000 instead of 32 again, you're taking probably about another 15 bucks. All sudden 15 bucks an acre of seed cost 24:02 savings becomes 25 or 30 bucks seed cost savings, right? Yeah. Absolutely. Okay and Kelly spot on I don't people get oh fifteen dollars is nothing fifteen dollars 24:11 fifty dollars. I I don't care where it comes from. I mean, like Kelly said that could be in your end for a program. I mean 15 dollars 24:17 is like half of my corn herbicide program for next year. So exactly it's real money, you know, and I would that this 24:23 is different you're in and you're out but you know this year we had 200 bushel corn. We're used to 230 for the on Farm average and the reason 24:32 is because it was dry. Well I would tell you that I wish now looking at my notes Here. I wish now that I only planted 24 24:41 1,000 seeds and I bet you that my corn would have been two or three bushel better because there's that much less vegetation that we 24:47 needed to feed Matt touched on that a little bit earlier. If I if I had 4,000 less 24:53 plants that I had to grow that could have been put towards yield just like Matt said and in a dry 24:59 year, not only are you gonna save those input dollars, but I believe that you're yield will be better. I have a friend in the 25:05 Panhandle Oklahoma Jared McDaniel and he talks about the low-pop mafia. He's irrigated down there but they don't have all 25:11 the water. They want to use these plant 18,000 and he he can spread his water around and you know, he doesn't always raise a huge yield on 18,000, but he 25:20 makes a lot of money and that's Yields, great and yields impressive and we all want to be high yield Growers, but the pile I'm not worried about a big pile of corn. I'm worried about 25:29 a big pile of money. That's the most important part. I like it feeding the plant Mr. Swanson just for the person that says 25:35 Okay. I want to stay with Swanson on the 2023 Journey. He's gonna be on where you're doing variable rate seating. You're gonna do that across all your corn Acres. Everything's gonna be it variable 25:44 rate. Yeah, it will be yes and then and obviously your sloppy stuff. That's a Timberland soil as you call. It's gonna get less. You're better Prairie flat topsoil heavy 25:54 places are going to get more What are you going to vary on your feeding just just same products across all corn Acres, but it's gonna have a little bit more where 26:04 there's more plants and a little bit less. So there's others not necessarily. So the places that have less plans 26:10 are typically the places that are less naturally fertile or they have less water. So the fertility is 26:16 not doesn't come out of the ground as easily one thing. That's maybe the easiest kind of nutrient to wrap your 26:22 head around in my Souls. Anyway potassium. We have a chronic potassium problem in the summer because we have double bond Clays 26:28 it gets dry those Clays essentially lock the potassium particle away. Okay. So those timber Hill sides are horrible about 26:37 it because typically the top souls are rooted and there's a higher percentage of that soil. That's that double bond clay. 26:44 Soil okay or or particle, I guess. so in that situation, even at the lower planning population, we're still gonna have to put more potassium on 26:54 or the same amount of potassium on in those areas in our side dress because those soils are naturally less fertile with potassium or they have less water to make 27:03 the potassium available and that goes in varying ways across all the nutrients all of the nutrients have 27:10 their own responses to water and what their availability is in water. So, you know, we may have areas that we plan at 35 that we're shooting for. I don't 27:19 know what that is 320 probably for a 320 yield. But our nitrogen rates in that area may actually be totally lower as far as applied rates because that those soils 27:29 are naturally very fertile. Yep, and the water holding there that fertility is gonna be available. So 27:36 you're gonna not even use the same mix of products in some places. You're going to vary the seed You're Gonna Save the money and then you're gonna also very not just 27:45 the quantity of fertility products, but even the products themselves. Yeah, we're gonna I mean there's gonna be some that are fairly consistent things like Boron that are leachable that 27:55 we're gonna apply. And here's the truth of the matter. I don't know anybody that can can burial break every nutrient individually on every pass 28:02 across the field because it's right but there's gonna be a base mix and then we'll change the majors or the most expensive ones. So the wrap this up the the skeptic that's 28:12 out there saying yeah, I listen to this but you know what that wouldn't work here. That's the famous thing by the way farmers in 28:18 particularly love to do that. Yeah, that'll never work here that works out there in Iowa in Illinois. It wouldn't work here in Kansas. 28:24 Anyway, what's the what do you got to say to them Kelly? Do you know what the most expensive sentence in farming? Yes. 28:30 I've always done it this way. Yes, sir. Grandpa Grandpa, I did Grandpa and dad did it this way? All right, most extent most expensive sentence in 28:39 farming Kip coolers when we listen to him speak. He said if you can't take 10% of your acres and do research and trials on them. You're already broke. You just don't 28:48 know it yet. man your thought the because you're obviously you were you were planned on doing it you call it Kelly. Is there anything that you are like saying? 28:58 I'm gonna do it but I'm worried about this or I'm gonna do it but I think that my big learning curve is gonna be here. What do you think? Well, I 29:07 mean the hardest part of this is trying to predict yield right you're in Kelly and I are both 29:13 well mostly Kelly me a hundred percent. It's a driving environment and there's a crucial component. I have no control over right? So the hardest part is trying to predict the 29:22 yield part of this but to answer your question. I mean, there's guys And you know Dryland Colorado dry land Kansas planning eight 29:29 nine thousand getting hundred and twenty hundred and thirty hundred fifty local corn. So don't tell me it's not possible. Yeah. It's just a matter of adapting your system to it. And and I know 29:38 you talked about the water thing you're in we're all three in Iowa States. We're less. 29:43 We're less likely to just have a failure because of water. So I mean it's it's a consideration but it's not your primary consideration. You 29:52 mean using historical averages. You probably can make this work. Yeah, I don't I don't think it'll be a huge issue. It's I mean, it's gonna take a few years to fine tune 30:01 like anything. I don't we're expecting to hit it right. I like it variable rate seating on corn. We're talking to Kelly 30:07 Garrett and Matt Swanson. Matt's going to roll it out in 2023 stay tuned because we will revisit this topic to 30:13 find out mid season and end of season what he's seeing and what his results look like and Kelly Garrett obviously has been doing this for 30:22 a while. I think it's great that Mike Evans brilliant agronomist put together prescription then says hey, but let's 30:28 not quite do this because we're gonna make Kelly's dad mad. Anyway, see, we're still we're still we're still out here his thing at the end of the podcast Maddie said, you 30:37 know always do it this way cuz that's what Dad did and one of the admit earlier in the podcast him and Heaven. I got together and still 30:43 still went and worried about what what Gene Garrett was gonna say. All right till next time I'm Damian Mason. Thanks for being here. It's extremax cutting 30:52 the Curve. That's a wrap for this episode of extreme AG's cutting the curb, but there is plenty more available by visiting extremeag.farm 30:59 for over 50 years Farmers have turned to The Proven lineup of crop inputs offered by Loveland products from seed treatments Plant Nutrition 31:08 at event and crop protection products Loveland has the complete lineup to keep your farming operation productive and most importantly profitable check out 31:17 Loveland products.com to learn more.
Growers In This Video
See All GrowersKelly Garrett
Arion, IA