So, you wanna start tissue sampling?
You listened/watched to the debate in part 1 (To Tissue Sample Or Not?), and you've decided you want to be a better tissue sampler now. In part 2, Chad, Molly and Stephanie talk about and demonstrate the best practices for tissue sampling.
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00:00 Hey there, any previous recording we did a discussion two tissue sample or not to tissue sample and frankly it got a little heated Chad is over here 00:09 Chad Henderson. Here's the Farms Madison Alabama been farming for a long time standing in front of this beautiful bunch of corn. That's a lab 00:15 been three million dollars in tissue test for aggro liquid and we brought the Agro liquid girls out that Stephanie is a link. Oh 00:21 with Agra liquid National grammas, Molly Alexander Southeast Regional grounds for aggro liquid. And here's the deal Chad says, 00:27 what about tissue sampling? I thank you need tissue test to get your baselines to understand where you're at understand what your management level is understand understanding your 00:36 corn plants once you get Your Baseline as a farmer or your Baseline on a individual Farm Molly? I'm not Molly definitely not 00:44 my Stephanie make sure I'm proving our point you want you I mean is to get your baselines is to understand where you're at. 00:51 But you can also overdo it and you can over do you say that it gives you too many predictions. It will give you heartburn and also gives you more I was on Three Bridges at 01:00 one time y'all in one month. That's on a bridge like I'm gonna jump this is it this is it I'm not doing it anymore. I cannot fail again. You 01:06 see that I tissue tested at the wrong time. So I told you guys here listening reviewer, but here's what we're gonna do and this recording we're gonna decide if 01:15 you are going to tissue sample. How do you do it? Why do you do it? When do you do it there you and then what do you do with the results because we can 01:24 get along on whether you should or shouldn't now we're gonna say if you're gonna do by the way, if you're gonna Molly if you're gonna tissue sample 01:30 change kind of point you spend a lot of money. It's been a lot of time you're running all over the countryside grab any samples and then 01:36 afterwards you're like I couldn't possibly treat all this stuff. I'm overwhelmed. I think I side with Chad I do too. But there 01:42 are plenty of people that have a crop consultant and intern and somebody else that can do it and read it for you. 01:48 So that's what I was missing. That's your own fault Stephanie, you know, he talked about money. I can give you all kinds of reasons here and I want you to answer me this 01:57 he said okay, it's kind of costly by the time I get those samples pulled sent to the lab back from the lab. I get my results then I need a few days to sort stuff out my 02:06 agronomist like Stephanie here Molly right here. And then I'm like, it's I've missed a window by two weeks. Miley's big point was hey, you're 02:12 gonna know before the problems there. Not really. You're still gonna be two weeks into a problem. What do 02:18 I do? I mean if we're gonna do this if we're gonna do this sampling now, what now? What you've got me two weeks after we pulled the sample. 02:24 I know I'm ready to do something. What do I do? One more Point? What I suggested people too is when you pull a tissue samples pick one Adam and 02:30 pick for one. Yeah, maybe Boron or maybe action or maybe look at the crop. Look at the limiting factor of new trance in this specific crop that you're 02:39 in and then address that yeah. Don't try to chase five different race horses through the field like pick your one probably most limiting factor and address that I 02:48 That is where your money in times more and you will learn a lot about your crop. I'm not definitely not saying not tissue sound but 02:54 here Steph he's gonna show us how to teach them if you don't hey weird result. 03:00 How many plants right here in this acre how many plants from this acre? We planted 36. Okay drop we dropped 36. Okay. 03:06 So 36 28. So we got we got 33,000 that actually are living 34,000. Well, that's with you playing it if I planted it. We have probably 35,828. Okay, 03:16 you lost 200 plants. No, we're 35,000 plants out here. That's a hell of a lot of sample my pole. Where am I pull in the samples from how how tall up the plant? When do 03:26 I do this? Stephanie help me. So that's the critical part about tissue sampling because if you're not pulling the right part of the plant, you're not gonna 03:32 get good results or good answers to those questions. So if you have a little tiny plant up to V3, so three leaves you 03:38 want to cut that entire plant off get 20 of those put them in the bag send them off to the lab. That's the 20. He just remember it's not about the amount of leaves you 03:47 have in the bag. It's about the mouth of mass in the back. Yeah enough to dry down and grind that up to get a 03:53 good sample to analyze it. Okay, you take how many prayers you say 20 about 20 to 25 samples per acre, okay. 04:03 Just he's got inside already. He's got five in the pot same population right in the zigzag pattern. Yeah in the same field in the same soil type. 04:12 I hope you leave breadcrumbs how I get lost out there doing all this. So anyway, is he doing that on every acre? The man has 5,000 Acres 04:18 of Corners. He gonna pull 5000 times 24 plants. No, I'm gonna say Pig one or two Fields like pick your lower producing field and pick your top 04:27 producing field. And then you have a comparison to see what's good. You know, why is this feel good? And then what is lacking in 04:34 this field? So you can move that production up on that poor, but at least we just did the thing that Chad kept saying you could do this so much 04:40 that you're gonna have so much and information obesity as a term. I've heard lately. I got so much information. I don't even know 04:46 what to do with it. It's falling out of itself here. I don't know what to do with it. All right, so you just grab me two acres basically between two fields and 04:52 you said start there then what? Well, once you've pulled those and you've sent them into the lab of your choice, you get your results back usually within three days 05:00 three three days, depending now, you always want to send them where they're not going to be in transit like over a weekend or so, you always want to send the samples tissues need 05:09 to go in paper so they can breathe. We don't put tissues in plastic the plant has failed to breathe because if 05:15 there's any mold or mildew when they get the samples they the lab has a choice to ditch those. Okay. So be very careful put always put 05:21 tissues and paper if you pull them in evening time because people don't always get time and if you pull me time go leave the bag open and sticking your refrigerator. Yeah you ship it and you can put 05:30 you can put damp paper towels over there as well to keep them like nice and safe stay wet where they don't get crispy and trying 05:36 to keep them as real life. Okay, we just pull them and we send them and then they come back to me and I've got I got the Wall Street Journal worth of information. Oh God, I'm missing 05:45 my love to them and I don't have enough Boron and it looks like manganese is over the top and my calcium to what is that 05:51 thing you ratio is all over the place. What the Do I do now? It's a little bit daunting. I'm gonna say you know what? I'm just gonna just let things go, right. No, what do 06:00 I do? Well, it goes back to what we were talking about earlier with that limiting factor. So if you're pulling them early on 06:06 there's certain factors, you need to look at your biggest ones are in p and K, of course. So those are gonna be the ones we're measuring to look at to 06:12 make sure we have a good start and good takeoff. You do want to look at your micro levels as well and make sure because those are big mover and facilitator of impa so early mp&k 06:21 in micros when we move forward into more of the like early to mid-season testing. This is where it starts 06:30 going off the rails where you this is not what we're doing those little forest plants anymore. Now, we've moved on to ground one more thing. 06:36 We'll put we'll pull our tissue samples. When we do pull we'll pull the tissue samples in front of application. Yes. So like we're gonna have we know it before 06:42 V5, we're gonna have a herb side application. So that's why we're gonna pull it be three and we're gonna say, okay. I have two Leaf stages, 06:48 which is that time frame is probably what almost six days apart because it's cool or five six days early. 06:53 It depends. Yeah, you're hoping you have enough time to get those samples in and then get a result back. And of course, they don't mail it 06:59 any Pony Express. You'll have once they have the results their email to you. And you say alright, I got my results. I was getting ready to do a treatment and this result 07:05 says, oh crap. I've got extra Boron or whatever. But anyway, okay, so when we pull them when they're not four inches definitely show me how I do it when a 07:14 plant is tall as you what I do. So if we have a plant that like here, I just you're not gonna send the whole plant. So when we 07:20 have anywhere from that three leaf up to this stage where we don't have any reproductive so no tassel. No ear development. You're 07:26 gonna pull that most fully developed or the Collard Leaf. So we're gonna go through that plant you're gonna look and you can always see this little line and you can find that top leaf and that's 07:35 the one that you're gonna show. So it has a little bit of a different color. That's the colors. That's the leaf. You're gonna pull. Yep. Take that 07:41 off. All right, and that's the one you're gonna send. So again, 20 to 25 of those leaves have to get a 24 inch envelope. You can 07:47 always fold them. It has to go and paper. It has to be a certain way. Maybe we get to that size. 07:53 If we pull 10 to 15, yeah, because you have enough Mass. It's about mess. I mean, you won't get 25 in the background. You have to send multiple. So we still do we 08:02 go to the same maker or we go to a different acre for consistency. You're gonna go to the same maker because you want to compare overtime. How many samples should I pull 08:08 per season? I did it when it was four just tall doing it right now when it's not like well, that's quite and I remember 08:14 I'm a Dairy Farmer. I call this five foot tall corn. The actual reproductive stage is known as the what 08:20 is this. Well, it's today's taller are probably three. Yes, three. Okay. Well I talk about the plant that we pulled the one you pull. Oh, 08:29 yeah, right. What's the number? Probably anywhere from independently. Well, okay. So is that enough? I pulled it four inches tall and 08:39 I pulled it. Okay. Is that enough? No, you need to keep going because you want to see once we're moving that nutrition from the leaves into the ear production. You need 08:48 to see what that plan is doing and what we're starving of, you know, as we're going into that yield portion of the 08:53 Okay, so I'm gonna pull three times a year at least three times. Alright, let's go to a bigger crop a bigger stock. Now. This is a bigger stock right here. But it's also same 09:02 time of season do I we're right now recording this at the very end of June. I'm pulling this and sometime in mid to late June here in North Alabama wins. 09:11 My third sample come. Yeah. So your third sample is Gonna Come, you know, once we start that you're development and when we're looking at that we're starting to 09:17 push all the nutrients from the leaves again into that ear production. So now when you're pulling you want to find that primary ear, so if 09:23 you have more than one ear on there, you want to find that primary ear and pull the leaf opposite. So the opposite side of the ear and 09:29 below so we be pulling this ear right here. So we currently right so we just came down the Plant you come down on a 09:35 second pool. I was going up the plant now, I'm coming down the Plant and I'm grabbing one under the primary ear. 09:41 So fold that again. Yeah, I just won't yeah, whatever. I take it all day twice. You gotta fit it in an envelope. All right, 09:47 and then one of my late season we're talking and here it'd be sometime in July anytime after we get that tassel. We're gonna be pulling Below in opposite the ear Chad. What 09:56 do you and I know you get you you're like, I'm getting too much information. What are you looking for when it's like this towards so so this is what 10:02 we like we like the good color. Here's in the strapping, you know, this could be a couple of things. This could be sulfur this 10:08 could be mag. It could be nitrogen. This could be Nation, but we're looking to strapping a lot of times what you see on this driving is 10:14 a is a leaf that it could be growing rapidly, you know, so there's multiple things I don't get real work. It could be something it could be nothing. Yep. I don't get real worried about strapping but 10:23 when you send it, that's your that's your diagnosis just by eyeballing it the lab is gonna tell you yeah, that's it. That's how you 10:29 see it. And then what am I looking at when I'm closer towards well here what we're looking at is we got a good wide life. Look how much difference it is. 10:35 And when we talk about Mass, you know, we're talking about we can we have to have maybe 10 to 15 of these where we could have eight to 12. 10:41 These okay because again we're talking about man this we pulled 24 little plants. We pulled maybe 15 to 20 of those 10:47 nice plants and we only pulled six or eight of these two good and then Molly's Point shooting for 10:53 the most limiting factor. Okay, you found a lot of stuff out but here's the one that's glaring. Who tells you that. 10:59 The lab no, I mean your lab will sometimes depending on who you use they'll make some suggestions at the bottom. And those are very generic 11:08 and base based on like a standard of what should be found in that plant. You should if you have a consultant talk with them if you have an 11:17 agronomist talk with them. It's Molly's number up on the bottom the screen right? Make sure you is the tissue sampling proponent of 11:26 all tissue sampling proponents. Y'all have got it all yes, it's me this then I gotta know this. It's all 11:32 about money. Chad did make a point that wait a minute if I'm gonna spend all those money, I'm really finding out stuff that I can't fix this year. Anyhow, why don't I just go ahead and go with 11:41 what I'm pretty sure it works by going out here through all my other trials of chemistry and foliers and herbicides and fungicides and 11:47 not spend my money on sampling. How much do I spend on these tissue samples tasty sample, 20 20 dollars or so to get one analyze that the lab one tissue or 11:56 one one? These in it is only 25 bucks 20 to 25 dollars plus shipping. Well, that's not terrible. But you have your time to pull all of it. Okay, you know in their intern. Yeah, 12:08 but on your question, you know, what's that return for this year? You may not be concerned about your return for this year, but it's 12:14 what you can do to improve that field or that location for next year. So really the cost is not the limiting the cost 12:20 is not the prohibitive factor. It's the time it convenient. So so what I learned from the tissue sampling is was my applications on time. Yes was my 12:29 herbicide. Obviously, it's gonna be right you're controlling weeds you wanted a certain State wind is my why dropping was I laid 12:35 on my why dropping or was a too early and I run out the back on my dropping it helps me on timing of knowing what application to 12:41 make maybe I should make an earlier why dropping and then on this situation make two wide droppings or come back with a 12:47 pivot and irrigation pace. So this is the things it's it's honing in on the time once that tissue sample Falls and it shakes 12:56 you have stopped. It's very hard to go back up. You can take the numbers back up, but you check your yield. 13:04 That's my main point. As far as the tissuing is if you're the average every day farmer and you're not 13:10 necessarily too concerned about tissues, you can put out different products and different ways of doing it 13:16 to address it just to kind of maybe head it off in the past. But if you've got certain problems and you'll go for the 13:22 past 10 years has been to finally hit 200 bushel corn and you can only get 180 and that is doing the cats 13:28 meow of everything you're doing then pull your tissues and really get in depth and have someone that knows what they're doing. Maybe you're fine. You'll find that limiting factor and it 13:37 might grab you that 20 bushels and it was only I'm not saying every 20 Acre Corner being filled you have skip on out there and pull you. So what we do is 13:46 are the first you'll go for our farm was around 230 bushel. Okay at 2:30. There's a chick Mark there's a wall 13:52 and it's about yeah, you know and it's hard to get over. Once you climb over that wall. The next wall is around 260 to 280. That's 13:58 gonna be the next wall. Once you get over that wall. The next wall is somewhere around 3:15 to 3:35. And you just 14:04 Climbing these walls and there's different things that get you over these walls where there was timing of application or application or the way 14:10 of application the amount of application. There's several things to get you over and that's what tissue sampling done for us was we 14:16 honed in on the direction wasn't as much the numbers as much as it was the timing of knowing to keep that numbers climbing 14:22 and not check see even though he acts like he's anti-2 exampling he brought it all around and this was supposed to be if you're going to tissue sample. Here's how we did 14:31 how here's why you just gave us a great why and here's what to do with the results last question Stephanie. I farm a thousand acres of corn 14:40 A Thousand Acre soybeans up in my farm in Indiana, which I don't want to say I did how many samples should I pull you gave me the thing about one acre, but if I have a thousand acres 14:49 of corn and I got time the 25 dollars per sample understand. How many should I pull should I grab four acres? Should I go to four different places? What's reasonable? I 14:58 look at your soil type. So if you have very soils in that field if you have different growing conditions, So you want to be consistent whatever you do, if you're doing multiple samples 15:07 in a year always that same spot so that same soil condition that same time of day that same cloud cover that same hybrid, you know variety challenge keeping everything 15:16 the same if you want a good Trend and then, you know pick different spots on your field. You was soil type is probably the 15:25 way to do it. If I got if I got four main soil types across a thousand acres try and stick with those. Yeah for always irrigated 15:31 non. Irrigated. You've got to run that that's a big but don't compare different. So don't pull the Sandy field one time 15:37 in your clayfield. The next time are we neighbors or to your neighbors or whatever, you know, stay consistent and another good 15:43 point you're Universe you're gonna have real different plant type. I think we've done Justice too. If you're gonna tissue sandal 15:51 only I still knows if they want to teach them or not. I don't think we've answered any questions about if you should teach yourself, we're not well, but we did say if you're going to here's how 16:00 old here's why and here's what to do with the results Molly Alexander and Stephanie zelinko aggro liquid 16:06 Chad Henderson, of course with extreme AG Damian Mason, they're wrapping it up here from Henderson farms and Madison, Alabama stay tuned 16:12 for more great stuff from extreme egg.
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See All GrowersChad Henderson
Madison, AL