Is this the future of livestock farming?
If you farm a large livestock operation, then you have a lot of free fertilizer, and likely a lot of government regulation around the application of manure and pad runoff as well. Damian talks with Tim Wolf from Netafim and Kurt Grimm from Nutradrip about a subsurface drip irrigation solution that captures and sends the free, high-nutrient effluent water directly into the root zone of crops in surrounding fields for use as fertilizer.
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00:00 Hey there, we're talking about what is now a growth area within production Agriculture. And it's happening under our feet. I'm talking 00:06 about subsurface drip irrigation. This particular discussion will be about sub-service drip irrigation hyphen 00:12 e meaning effluent turns out that more and more now on livestock operations here in the United States. We're talking about taking the 00:21 effluent the runoff the stuff that happens on these larger scale animal facilities and putting it 00:27 out there under the ground in a drip irrigation Manner and through that system Tim Wolf with netithim. They are the company that makes the stuff 00:36 and this is Kurt Grim with nutrit his company installs this stuff Kurt. We did a panel right here. We had a dairyman. We had a professor talking about 00:45 environmental compliance. This is growing because why it's growing because of the environmental pressure to 00:51 be able to inject. And apply manure and feed pad runoff under the ground no odor during the growing season in a 01:03 and then that takes the pressure off of those fall applications. So guys have a wider window to get other things done in 01:09 the fall. So there's a lot of lot of big reasons that this is a this is a growing technology and something that's being widely 01:15 adapted Tim Wolf and limited risk for Runoff, so we put it on and the ground freezes up. It doesn't run off. Yeah, 01:25 or it doesn't Leach because we're putting that entire years worth all on you know in one day. Yeah, you 01:31 know you bring up the interesting thing there. Okay. I'm raised on a dairy farm. We're Hall manure every time we could you know, and 01:37 we didn't have the Lagoon system and the technology have now but even with the systems and the technology and places that these Dairy and hog facilities now, you've got 01:46 a lagoon you've got to wait till the crops come off and then you put your Lagoon full Lagoon of content 01:52 out there in that field and the point you're making now is if I've got subservice drip irrigation. It's a bunch of little three-quarter inch lines 02:01 what 12 to 16 inches under the ground all over there through my Fields. I can just be pumping that stuff in June May July if it's wet outside, I can still run a little 02:10 bit out. There. It is driving to run more out there and irrigate the stuff. So it gives me a seasonality and a convenience and gives me 02:16 nutrients and water when I need. What's the downside sounds like why wouldn't you be doing this all over the place is our downside Curt. Well, 02:25 so there's a there's obviously a challenge with getting the manure clean enough getting all the solids out. So we've got a we've 02:31 got to address the solids and how do we extract the liquid from the solids and it cost efficient manner in the field and get enough capacity. So those are the things those are 02:40 the challenges we're dealing with. Yeah. I mean obviously some of my things I'm an earth I think okay. It's a big pile of poop and anything. Okay. No, 02:46 it's a bunch of liquid stuff. There's a certain amount of solids that can be in here. You said one to two percent? No, you know 02:53 one to two percent is our Target so that we can push it through the drip line, you know, if we have too much solids like Kurt was talking about then we have a difficult time. So 03:02 we just need to filter it get the solids out and then manage it when the crop wants it and 03:08 that's when it's growing. There's a big challenge in the fall with a narrow window to apply it we can spread that application out 03:17 and put On what the plant needs during the season? This is a growth area for us. I mean, you're already we had a livestock producer here that said all the water 03:29 that rains and goes into a catch Lagoon at my facility goes through this system. No problem, but we're not quite there. 03:35 We're doing stage one Lagoon because there is too much solid, but you spoke about Kurt A system that you're seeing where it's kind of like these to call, you know, a two 03:44 series septic tank you're dropping solids here and then you go over here and then you're taking that water because it's now liquid enough, 03:50 right? So on hog hog facilities that have multiple stage lagoons or dairies. We can take that final stage where 03:56 it's you know, one to two maybe three percent solids run that through a standard a standard filtration system for a drip system. And that goes right in the more challenging sites or 04:05 the deep pit hog, Barn lagoons or the dairy manure that's you know, 12 to 13% solids. Those are the ones we've got 04:11 to do quite a bit of solid separation to clean up and then one thing that you use both about was by doing at least now, we're 04:17 getting rid of the liquid it leaves as only the solids and then if you're gonna be trucking the solid you're not trucking water and the 04:23 A diesel. Yeah, we'll use the nutrient-rich water right there in the drip system. And then we have got dry product that we can truck further out 04:32 cheaper because we're not hauling water so we can serve two purposes. Yeah. Is this gonna be where five to 04:40 ten years from now current we look back and he's like man imagine. This was brand new and now everybody's doing it because it just makes sense. Yeah, I 04:46 think there's there's all kinds of things coming together right now with cost of production guys trying to get lower cost per production. 04:52 You got increased fuel costs. You got increase environmental concerns. You got livestock producers trying to expand on limited land 04:58 base and we got to figure out how to how to deal with these things. And so I think it's a it's a perfect combination where this technology fits. 05:04 The one thing that doesn't quite happen yet. Why is it not become more expensive cost? Is it compliance? What's the thing that's holding us 05:13 back from this just really catching like Prairie Fire. Well, I think Kurt talked about that the items, you know there needs to be additional research. And right 05:22 now we can do all of what we're talking about we can do it, but we can make it more cost-effective as we improve as we do research. There's just 05:31 a lot of fun in the future of this because it's it's gonna become a lot more commonplace. Well, I think we didn't talk about as much 05:40 you know, we do and continue to have to get along with our neighbors and everybody nags out here saying tell your story. Well, the one thing is when you go and 05:46 tell your story and it's that yeah your stuff stinks when you put this out underground there's not an odor issue of 05:52 eliminated that which makes us less objectionable to Main Street, right? Absolutely. So one of the large Dairy Producers we had earlier used to apply this 06:01 product through a center pivot and and it absolutely would shut the neighborhood down like it was it was it wasn't gonna work that way. So 06:08 this solution came in zero smells zero runoff and and they don't even know we're applying it. Yeah, so closing thoughts. 06:16 This because I think this is cool subsurface. Irrigration is growing drip irrigation is a growing thing. You're busy because 06:22 of that or we'll see more more Acres because of the water concern. This is just a natural tie into it seems to me most definitely 06:28 it's a substitute for commercial fertilizer for organic guys or for guys that have it as a great resource, but the 06:37 other thing that we haven't talked about is it really helps the biology it's a very natural way to improve 06:43 soil health and we're putting it down in that subsoil Horizon where we where we want it and we don't normally biology and top four inches. We need biology at 06:52 15 inches, too. No absolutely. Do you want to learn more about this and he's together as the install and he's the guy that makes 06:58 the product go to Metaphim until next time that's Tim Wolf. That's Kurt Grim. I'm Damian Mason coming at you from Baltic South Dakota. For 07:08 more great awesome information and insights and videos just like this share all the things that extreme AG dot Farm especially as we've talked about this at different locations 07:17 about the future of subsurface drip irrigation. So next time I'm Damian Mason,