Feeding The Biology of the Soil
We don’t do garden plots at XtremeAg, we do legit, large scale trials. This year, Kelly and Temple each have 40 acre lab trials with AgXplore — Temple is doing soybeans and Kelly is doing corn. The guys explain what they are trying to find, what they are using, what they are already seeing, and most importantly, what they will deem as success.
Presented by AgXplore
00:00 So why do we do labs? What do we seek to find? What problem do we seek to solve? And more importantly, why do our business partners want us to do these labs? 00:07 That's what we're talking about today with Ag Explorer Temple Roads and Kelly Garrett. 00:11 Welcome to Extreme Ag cutting the curve more than just a podcast. It's the place for insights and information you can apply immediately to your 00:20 farming operation for increased success. This episode of Cutting the Curve is brought to you by Ag Explorer with innovative products that improve fertilizer efficiency, protect yield potential, 00:30 and reduce stress. Ag Explorer helps growers maximize field potential. Find out how Ag Explorer can help you get more out of your crop@agexplorer.com. 00:40 And now, here's your host, Damien Mason. Hey there. Welcome to another fantastic episode of Extreme X, cutting the curve. We're talking today about labs that Temple Roads and Kelly Garrett are do it. 00:51 You know, one of the big things we do here at Extreme Ag is educate and share information, share findings, share learnings, 00:58 share experiences that you can learn from to cut your learning curve. Hence the name of this podcast. Well, 01:04 we got labs going on in Maryland and in Iowa with Ag Explorer. Kind of excited to tell you about what we did a couple weeks ago when these labs 01:12 went in, the work that they put in and what they're looking to find out. It's a soybean lab in Maryland with Temple Roads. It's a corn lab in Iowa. 01:20 Kelly Garrett, I've got Gunther Kreps and I've got Calvin Murphy with Ag Explorer to help us along from the technical standpoint. All right, temple, what did you do? 01:29 You've put in a lab, you've done this before, you have a history using Ag Explorer products for using something, using something different in a different way, 01:36 and you're varying it from your grower standard practice to achieve what? Well, I guess I should back up and say I, 01:43 I don't know that I'm changing it from my grower standard prac practice because, um, so we we're doing a, 01:51 a lab with Ag X and we put onward, or not onward upward in, um, with our in furrow and it's basically a humic folic blend with, um, 02:04 you know, a sugar product, which is octane. So it's those two things that are combined, which is something that we did last year and we had such 02:14 success with it that, um, to be honest with you, I'm doing this lab and it's Myer Standard practice, uh, cuz I, it worked out so well last year. The, um, 02:25 so that's the one thing that they, they, they wanted on this lab. So we're running just a straight upward product in the, in the lab. 02:34 Um, again, humic folic blend with Octane and it's one product, so it makes it really nice. We, in years past, you know, wait, wait, wait. 02:43 We're blending. Did you just tell me what upward is? Did you say upward is a humic fulvic onward mix. Are you saying you put upward in with a humic and a fulvic in a, in 02:54 No, no, no. Up upward is actually a product of a couple different combinations, um, of things. It is a humic phobic blend, blended with octane. 03:04 So it's like a couple things blended into one joke, which eases our pain. You know, as um, farmers, uh, when we are putting all this stuff in, you know, 03:14 we kind of get sick of taking all this stuff and putting it all on the trailer and going to the field with it. 03:21 And we got all these blends that we're trying to come up with. Well, uh, ag X kind of came up with this and they're putting it all in one jug, 03:28 which really eases our pain. Instead of carrying in, you know, one or two, you know, two or three totes on there, 03:34 we're putting one tote on there of this product called Upward. And we're putting 03:39 Gunther, is he right? Is that what, by the way, is he right? Is that what upward it is? These guys do so much stuff and he's, he's uh, 03:44 he's got a lot going on. Is that truly what upward is? He's he's got it mostly right. It is a humid fulic combination. It does have our octine product. 03:52 Octine is a combination of sugars plus biochemically extracted, um, um, uh, bio stimulants and another, uh, 04:00 form of humic acid as well that's biochemically extracted. And on top of that, there's a third component. 04:05 It does have a biochemistry that works to release phosphorus in the soil. And you know, when you think about the placement of putting it in furrow, 04:12 putting it right on that little baby root system, it's, uh, releasing that phosphorus that's naturally in the soil or any phosphorus that 04:18 you put in with it, right? Make it, helping it to be to be more available. So, uh, those are three components that upward, truly is. 04:27 Calvin, you're a, Hey Calvin, wait a minute, Calvin, you're the agronomist at Ag. Did Gunther just say putting this product on those little baby root 04:35 systems, wasn't that cute? Is that what he just said? It was, it was. Alright. So he 04:42 Reminded me, uh, it's kinda like Talladega Knights little baby. Jesus Got 04:49 Golden diaper roots is what we got. Alright, so this thing, so tell me the, the exact process of putting the soybeans in, um, when you put these in, 04:58 first off, everything. So the person listening 15 inch Oh, your soybeans on 15 inch rows. Yep. 05:04 Okay. I'm on 15 inch rows. I'm, I got in furrow and two by two on, on on my planners. And, um, I can put on whatever I wanna put on, 05:14 you know, uh, we are a pure ascended, uh, nation out here, so we put on a lot of stuff. So he's right. So I, 05:21 I forgot about the other part of it. It, Hey, gunny is that, that's basically prevent NXT that's blended into that, is that right? Yes. 05:29 Yep. Okay. So we ended up, so last year, so just to clarify, last year, um, preventative axt was in some of our, 05:39 our trials that we did, you know, kind of on our own and we had huge success with that. So that's one of the things, I mean, 05:48 I'm pretty excited about getting these three products in one jug and really cutting back on the amount of stuff that we put on the trailers. You know, 05:55 it's saving us a lot, a lot of time. And what we're finding out is all this stuff that we're doing, it's, it's, you know, we talk about a systematic approach. Yes, it's a systematic approach, 06:06 but there's an extreme amount of synergy that we, that we're coming up with when we're blending all this stuff together. And the company at AG X is, 06:14 is helping us kind of save us a little bit of time here. Delvin, you're down in, uh, Mississippi, 06:20 you aren't gonna be involved directly with this lab. What do you think? What are we gonna find out with this lab? 06:27 Uh, I think it'll do exactly what we're talking about. So the big thing with, uh, what we're the time that we position this product is what we call the 06:37 establishment phase. And what we call that is kind of the seed to soil time when you're running that planter. 06:42 And what's really important at that time is adequate stands, stand uniformity seed dec seedling vigor and nutrient absorption 06:53 and or availability. And this one product, this one jug pretty much addresses all of those things that we're trying to affect. So, 07:01 Hey, this one jug, so is the lab temple is the, is the, the purpose of the lab to prove that this new product where we essentially kind of concocted it out of taking three other things and putting 'em together and 07:14 making them, one is it is the lab, is the purpose of the lab, maybe gunther's a better person to prove that this product works. Uh, 07:21 and and it's compatible. Definitely. You wanna go? Uh, I, I can tell you what, for the purpose of me. Um, so they came up with this, and this, 07:34 this is kind of purposely for me in my opinion because this, these products do a couple different things. You know, 07:41 the humic and folic and the sugars feed the biology of the soil one. And we need that, you know, 07:47 keep in mind we're in a Chesapeake Bay watershed, we're low phosphorus ground, or we're high phosphorus ground from too much chicken litter over the years. 07:56 So we're one or the other there, there's no in between. So it works really well for us. So, you know, we've got to prevent the NXT mixed in this upward mix that's gonna help me 08:06 socialize the what's in the ground already. Um, it's gonna help me utilize every ounce that I put on. And then the humic, folic, um, 08:15 blends with the sugar when you put that in and it's feeding the microbes that are already there to help break everything down further. So in my area, 08:24 I feel like this is really the perfect product that they put in place for me that is going to help me utilize every bit of the phosphorus that I get out 08:34 there so I can get it into the plant instead of just letting it sit there. Right. We're untying it. 08:39 So the big, the biggest takeaway for you is gonna be phosphorus. Yep. 08:43 Okay. And so just because the personal listening that's tuning in from central Nebraska says, okay, uh, you know, 08:51 cause everybody thinks there's bigger differences geographically than maybe there are type soil. You have, you described it, okay, uh, 08:57 you did on 15 inch rows, your population just so the person listening from some completely different area. The population on those soybeans on the lab is what, 09:06 Uh, they're at 110. Okay. 110,000, 15 inch rows. You did stuff in two by two stuff in furrow. What did you, every product that you put in, tell us. 09:16 Holy crap. Okay, so, um, my, my G S P is, you know, my grower standard practice is this, You know, one problem that you have temple is that you don't have, like Kelly, 09:28 Kelly has Mike Evans prepare him a little tip sheet before he comes on his No, he, he has cue cards he has to hold up. 09:35 So essentially, so Evan See that It's like, it's like the Bob Hope, uh, it's like the Bob Hope USO show. Uh, Evans is standing over there and, and walking him through his routine and says, 09:48 here's what you used Kelly. And whereas you gotta do all those old, he's got These giant cue cards and he holds 'em up like this. 09:53 But he has to write 'em real big. I mean, right now he doesn't have on his sunglasses, so he can see today. But you know, he's telling him as we go along, that's how he works. Okay. 10:03 So anyway, so you gotta go on your own. And he has a, he has a cue card, uh, prompter. 10:09 Exactly. Evan This out for me. And I called Aaron to make notes so I could even talk more intelligently about It. Told Jeff, told you, told, told ya. 10:17 I, Hey, told you. Do you know what it's called? Being prepared, by the way, at the end, Bob hoped toward the very end, his last u s o show, 10:25 there was like one word per Q card because he was getting so old and couldn't see. So like the jokes got even slower because it had to be like, you know, 10:33 the man from Jeff. Yeah. Anyway, go ahead. All right, go ahead. Temple, my man. Uh, on your lab you put in there 15 inch rows, 110 put population. You used this product called Upward, 10:45 which is a mix that we've already described, uh, from Gunther's perspective. Tell us what else you put in. 10:51 So, um, that's mainly what we, what we put in because we're trying to show that upward can be used alone as a standalone product. And then we, we also put in, you know, insecticide, 11:02 fungicide, um, we put all those things in, but we wanna let leave that alone and not have, you know, we, we need it as a standalone. And then alongside of it, you know, 11:13 alongside of our lab, we did another trial right alongside of it where there was nothing applied, you know, just an insecticide, fungicide, nothing else in it. 11:22 And then I went back to my G S P, my Grower standard practice, and my grower standard practice is basically all of these things combined, 11:32 you know, it's, it's upward, it's um, fungicide, insecticide, um, there will be a stress mitigation product put in there like mega grow. Um, 11:41 and then we also add charge. We put charge in furrow because I'm in a low phosphorus soil most of the time, 11:51 and I need something that I can put into that plant. So, um, and I do that on all my soybean beans, on all my acres and, 11:59 and it drives a lot of energy into that plant so I can get that plant up and going. So we did three different, uh, 12:06 versions of this so we can compare 'em all next to each other. But, uh, as far as like the lab that we're showing, 12:13 we just wanted to put upward in there just to drive the fact home that this is gonna work in our soil in this area. 12:22 There we go. All right. By the way, he talked for a long while there, Calvin, for a while, checked out and like, kind of, uh, was checking his phone, 12:31 but that's all right. We're gonna bring it up. Calvin, any last notes about what you see at these labs? Because then we're gonna get to Kelly's lab. What do we need? Uh, 12:39 The, the, the one take home I'd like to say about Upward is just remember it, it's, it's a great product with and with that fertilizer, 12:48 whether you're running it by itself in the absence of fertilizer or are pairing it with a phosphorous source. So it, it's very flexible, so to speak. 12:56 Just take home message, I guess. Okay. Very flexible. It works with or without a fertility product, and I'm assuming upward, uh, is not used just on soybeans. 13:06 Where do we use upward? Where do we want to use upward? Is that, uh, is this upward first year? 13:12 Yes. Yep. Okay. Where, where are we gonna use it besides soybeans? Uh, corn. You can put it in with cotton. Uh, just about anything. 13:21 The great thing, there's nothing in upward that would hurt, uh, seedlings, so to speak. So it can go just about on anything. Vegetables. 13:30 Got it. Gunther, anything else on the way out the door before we talk about Kelly's Field Day? I'm sorry, Kelly's lab. Kelly's lab, 13:36 Right? Yeah, on soybeans, guys, I'm a, I'm a big fan of just putting technology products on soybeans. I get a little concerned when I think about solve indexes on fertilizers, um, 13:45 going directly on top of seeds. Um, so if you're gonna gonna put a fertilizer source with it, make sure it's a low salt, um, type phosphorous source. 13:53 But thi this type of technology works with the biology, it works with, uh, the soil chemistry, and it really gets that crop off to a good start. So 14:02 Gunther, the term when you assign human characteristics to animals is called Anth anthropomorphism. When like, you pretend that, uh, you know, 14:10 monkeys are like little baby humans, you've done that with soybean plants. I don't know the term for it. I, honest to God, I'm gonna have to look that up. 14:17 When you start talking about soybeans having little baby roots. I'm gonna have to look up what that term is. 14:22 Anthro Gunther, I don't know, something like That. So Antho Gunther, we're going on to Kelly. Kelly, you got a lab going on with Ag Explorer. It's for corn. What? Uh, 14:33 now it's your turn to start. Uh, cue the cue cards. Alright. We took out the other products that we use on the Grower standard practice and 14:42 replace 'em with upward number. One thing on upward that I like, is it combined four or five of the nine things going in Furl. So it is, 14:50 it is much just like Temple said, we're putting a humic and folic acid in Furl. We're putting a stress mitigation product in Furl, 14:57 and we're putting something in the furrow to break the bond with the cat to release the phosphorus. Humic acid. Fulvic acid octane, 15:05 prevent NXT octane is grower standard practice for us on soybeans already. You know, I'm, I'm big on the stress mitigation part. Uh, 15:13 you're well documented the trials that we've done in that and now with upward and you're combining all four of those, 15:19 we've taken all fertility out of the furl except for calcium and maybe some zinc. It, you know, depending on the field, depending on the crop. And, uh, 15:29 upward basically cuts my, uh, cuts my, my mix or my recipe for infer in half. I mean, that's great. You know, the guys running the plant, the guys running the tenders like that because it, 15:41 it just makes it easier. Everything in there is important. Everything in there we're already using. Now it's in one bottle. 15:46 Yeah. So we talk a lot about ease of use, we talk about compatibility, all that. Mm-hmm. Especially like Chad Henderson down there. He, you know, he's, 15:53 he's throwing everything and the kitchen sink into a mix. So is upward, does it mean that we're taking less products to the field? It is. 16:01 You took less products to the field? Yes, it is. Well, you're taking, I no, you're not taking less products to the field, but they're all in one package. 16:08 Yeah, well, I mean, you're, you know, every, Every pack, everything. Yeah. You're taking less packages to the field and everything in there. 16:15 I'm already doing. I, it's Okay. So your glab is on corn, your lab is on corn. Mm-hmm. You use this product upward. You said you put it infer, put it two by two, 16:24 put it where We put it in Furl. Okay. And what are you seeing? I mean, your corn has been in the ground for two weeks. 16:32 Yeah, this corn has been planted for 10 days, you know, so it's coming outta the ground and things like that. Now there isn't much to see yet. Baby roots, 16:40 Baby roots, baby baby, little Baby roots, Ricky, Bobby, little baby roots. It, it, uh, uh, there isn't much to see yet, but all four of those products are important. 16:52 They're proud of our grower Standard practice. You know, like I said, octane is in every acre of soybeans. Infer as a stress mitigation product, I, 17:01 uh, uh, I don't have any worry about this lab at all because we're already doing this stuff. It's just in a different package and, uh, I expect to see great things. 17:13 I had a question and, and, and this is an honest Enogen question, hang on a second. Temple, uh, 17:17 Gunther is upward going to replace a couple of your things because essentially we decided it can take this and this and make it better by 17:26 putting it into this. In other words, is upward replace something because, or is it, or is it supplemental too? 17:31 Uh, it, it will replace some of our products. So we've had guys that did a combination of Inferno Octane, um, so Upward is truly infernal plus Octane plus prevent nxt. Mm-hmm. Um, 17:43 what we found is in all the research over the years, guys, the best results that we saw was the combination of the three. 17:49 I've never read a farmer that loves dumping jugs, um, and having multiple things on their trailers. Um, what I do know about farming, and I've been around farming my entire life, is guys like simple ease of use, 17:59 right? So our best results, agronomically and economically, were in all three. Were in that fur. Were in the two by two. Um, 18:07 getting guys to take three different products, put it on the trailer, uh, it gets too much. You know, think about your help going out and mixing, 18:13 mixing stuff. It's easy to get the rates wrong and put the wrong stuff in at the wrong rate. So putting it up together at a two court use rate made it easy, right? 18:22 And just easy to remember. And it's easy math. Um, so plus it's one tote, right? It takes up one, 18:28 one space on your guys' trailers when you go to the field, right? That's a big deal. Um, so for us, right? So 18:34 Up upward, up you said upward is three products mixed together and they are, uh, essentially heop, folic, a sugar, 18:43 a uh, stress mitigation, a bi what a biological, uh, So there's bio stimulant, there's a bio stimulant, there's a bio, um, biochemistry, some metabolites that are produced by biology. Yes. Um, 18:57 and that's from the Prevent NXT piece. There's some other technologies in there as well that comes from the Prevent NXT that help with, with, um, uh, the soluation of, of phosphorus. 19:07 Um, but it's, uh, it's a strong combination of technology designed to make that nu Nutri Nutrition available and keep it available to that crop and allow it to get taken in by 19:16 that root system, the baby root system on that plant. Got it. Hey Calvin, I know that you've never seen a cornfield because you're down in Mississippi, 19:25 but if you had ever seen a cornfield since you're the agros that I explore, what should we expect? What do we think we're gonna see, um, 19:32 out of this new way that, uh, by the way, Kelly, you put it infer on this one, you put it into Yes. Infer Yes. Using upward in furrow. What are we gonna see? 19:40 What do you, is it gonna almost see be that he's happy cause it was easier to use? Or is there gonna be a difference between, uh, the non, the non-lab? 19:50 No, you should see some big differences. You should see a little more uniform emergence, uh, probably that, that seed dec seedling bigger than we talked about, 19:59 that's gonna come in with the uniform emergence and probably grow off just a little bit quicker. 20:04 And what we can't see without doing a little work is what we've typically seen is just a bigger root system on those plants. 20:13 Yeah. When I sat in a session a few years ago when I was doing a speaking engagement and I watched an agronomist, uh, 20:19 and I want you to tell me if this guy's full of beans, he said if there is more than 24 hours, or maybe it's more than 36 hours in a, 20:28 in a variation of emergence from one corn plant to your field. In other words, if your field, if your field of emergence varies by more than 36 hours, 20:35 you can count on like 20% yield, deduct from what it could have been or some crazy thing like that. Is that true? Uh, it could be. Uh, it, it's hard to say. 20:44 There's a lot of factors that go in with that. You, you want it, you want it off and running. You want, 20:50 Have you ever watched cable news? They don't say things like, could be possibly. It depends. You've gotta be harder and more like to the point and say, 20:59 absolutely, if you don't use my product, you will die. You need to be more. Well, uh, it will increase your chances of higher yields if, 21:08 if you're more uniformly emerged within that timeframe. I, I will say that. All right, Kelly, get me outta here. We gotta, we, 21:15 we've spent a long time talking about your lab, but it's kind of important, it's important work that we do. Um, how big is the lab? 21:21 20 acres? 20. Mm-hmm. 20 or 40? Uh, no, this lab is 40. Yes, I apologize. 40 acres. Okay. Yep. So these are not, these are not little field day plots. 21:33 Okay. I'm sorry, Tim. No, I don't like a little field day plot doesn't gimme information. You know, our ground is variable, you know, the hills we've got here and things like that. 21:42 If we don't have a plant full of stuff on there, I don't think it's good to, No, I mean, 21:47 A 40 acre, a 40 acre trial basically, um, changes Kelly and I and the rest of the grouped into making things our grower standard practice. Cause when you see it on the variables of 40 acres, 22:00 that changes our mine. And it's, it's a, it's a lot of what has changed our practices over the last couple years, hadn't it, Kelly? 22:07 That's right. Yeah. I mean, these, these plots you go to where they drag you out there and it looks like they put in with a road till it's like, it's like, look at somebody's garden. I mean, 22:15 it's just, it's it's, it's neat to, there's a, It's, there's a saying, there's a saying here that a good seed dealer never loses his own plot. 22:23 So what's that tell you about the information that comes outta this? It's, it's skewed and, and biased and, and doctored and it's 22:29 Exactly. Cool. Alright, so stay tuned. I got, I got one question for, for Gunther. Can I ask you a quick or are you gonna cut me off? 22:38 Go. Um, so I'm gonna go back to the onward or the upward product real quick. Um, gunney is, is it in your opinion that, um, 22:50 this upward mix, will it help buffer some of the salt loads? Because you gotta remember, you know, corn and beans both. 22:57 There's a lot of people that put just a little bit of salt fertility in their, their, their mixture in furrow. 23:05 Will this upward product help buffer some of that salt to make it just a little bit safer? I know that nothing makes salt safe in furrow, right? You know, 23:14 corn can handle a lot more than what beans can. But will this help out to try to buffer a little bit of that salt if people do put some in? 23:22 So it will, um, you know, the excessive amounts of salt, like take, take five gallon and 10 34, oh, that's just too much salt to try to even buffer. 23:30 Um, if you put that infer, oh, you're gonna smoke some rib tips Off. 23:33 So while that'll help some to some extent, uh, I'm still one that I, I hit the caution button because what happens temple is if you sit dry for a 23:41 while and you don't get moisture and that salt lays on top of that seed, even with those carbon complexes in there trying to help b buffer some of that 23:47 salt, it's still gonna burn off some of the root tips. And you need them root tips to drink nutrients. So You never wanna smoke your little baby root tips, Tim. 23:55 That's all right. Don't allow baby root systems to smoke. It's bad. Don't allow your babies to smoke. Doesn't matter what we're talking about. 24:02 That's it. That's don't give your babies whiskey. Is that what you're, Give your babies whiskey. 24:06 You know what, this is such good information. We're gonna make it a separate podcast on what you shouldn't give your babies. But right now we're gonna get outta here. 24:12 That's the labs that we're doing for our, our friends at Ag Explorer. We've got corn at Kelly's. 24:16 We've got 40 acres of soybeans in a lab at Maryland with Temple, uh, using a product called Upward. Uh, 24:22 stay tuned and we're gonna give you the results as we always do, because you know what, at the end of the year or the beginning of next year, 24:28 we will have all the results I'm talking about very, very systematically done. And, uh, scientifically done labs with the data. 24:34 And we share that if you are a paying member, you are invited to those webinars to be a paying member. It's very simple. $700 a year. If you farm seven 50 acres, 24:42 it's a dollar an acre you're gonna make, and you probably farm more than that. And the point is, 24:46 you're gonna make a lot of money if you become a member because you get access to our webinars, access to the data that happens at labs, 24:53 just like this one that we're talking about. And this ain't some little garden plot. It is 40 acres. It's real information, real data you can use. I'm Damien Mason, that's Gunther Kreb, 25:02 that's Calvin Murphy that, and they're with Ag Explorer Temple Roads and Kelly Garrett with Extreme Ag. Stay tuned for great information and share this with somebody that can benefit 25:11 from it. So next time Extreme. Thanks for listening to another edition of Cutting the Curb. For more insights and information that you can apply to your farming operation, 25:21 visit Extreme ag.farm. Are your crops stressed out? Ag Explorer has you covered with a full line of products designed to reduce crop stress and improve yields. 25:31 Check out ag explorer.com and start protecting your yields and profits.
Growers In This Video
See All GrowersTemple Rhodes
Centreville, MD
Kelly Garrett
Arion, IA