Biologicals In Wheat
Lee Lubbers is all about soil biology. He is also consistently one of the top wheat producers in the country. Damian talks with Lee and Brian and Brad from ProFarm (formerly Marrone Bio Innovations) about how he uses biologicals in his wheat crop to not only deliver higher yields, but to keep his soil full of life.
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00:00 Hey folks, we're talking today about using Biologicals in wheat to enhance the yield obviously, but also to build 00:06 up soil biology and we've got the guy that's all about soivology here. We're at luber's farms with Lee lubbers. One of the original founders of extreme AG he loves to 00:15 talk about soil and he really is into earthworms doing his work and he's all about the Legacy these wants to produce here at lubris farms got Brian 00:24 Miller and Brad passion there with Marone bio now becoming Prof Farm you've been working with us on some products. I remember 00:33 at Farm progress show. Chad Henderson said something really pretty smart. He's like hey when I look for that next Competitive Edge, 00:39 I Look to what's happening in specialty crops, especially crops, you know growing celery in California. They're using 00:45 my own bio products. I want to know why they're doing that because they've got to be really intensive and they'll get more bang for the buck. So that was back in the fall last year 00:54 you put for the first time ever their product on this week. Why did you do it? What was the objective? Lee Loopers, we also have 01:02 been watching what happens in the turf markets and Specialty markets because they know how to maximize production. They figured 01:11 it out before we did in large-scale Grain production. So we've always been watching that and we've saw 01:17 the value in maximizing what we're putting on the field and Biologicals, it's not just putting it in the soil now, we're 01:26 into a foliar area area. And then what that does is that helps complement our chemistry. Yeah. So we already you 01:35 know weeds pretty simple. We grow on every continent in the US except for in the world except for Antarctica. You've been 01:41 growing out here in Gregory South Dakota since you were a little kid You can't live on a kind of yields that we got back. Then 01:48 you told me before we hit record on this that you did how many bushels out here on this week. We did in wheat challenge. We did one 15.6 on 01:58 our wheat and we cut a lot of fields were running 90 to 120 consistently in the monitor bushel average across the all the 02:07 Acres of wheat here at Lewis Farm. I have in tallied it up because I've been so busy, but I'm going to do that this weekend, but I think we'll be 02:13 really close to it 200 bushel yield. All right talk about the biological product. That was put on here Brian. Okay, so 02:19 we were using Pacesetter and it's a 12% renewtria renew nutria is active ingredients and it 02:28 isn't plant extract from the giant not we plant and it causes a plant to go into a defensive mode. 02:37 It rather than wait for diseases or insects to cause a plant to do that. We prime it for that and what it does is it ramps up different chemistries into 02:46 plant? And it said you need to be defensive and don't let stress get to you. Let's let's keep pushing. That's a that's a neat story as neat 02:55 concept Brad your old school. You you worked for the big one of the one or two of the big six chemical companies Biologicals. It's all 03:04 snake oil. It's just a bunch of oh, yeah fling this out here. It almost doesn't the butterflies come down. In a rainbow comes out and it's all 03:13 happily ever after is this all a bunch of nonsense? No, it's not. I've been in the biological come on. 03:19 Now. I've been in this biological thing for 12 years now and everybody you came from real chemist. I came from real chemistry and I saw 03:28 that that was going to be one of the fastest growing markets in the future and it was tough in 03:34 the early years to get Growers to look at these products and you really have to prove the performance. So what we've done out here with Lee lubers and 03:43 the rest of the extreme AG group is we tested these products now for two years before we bring them to the grower and do an experiment on their Farm. 03:53 Did it work? Yeah, I did last year. We saw a good results with our corn and Kevin Matthews. He got it on his wheat last year. So and he got 04:03 positive results that motivated us to bring it in as a standard practice and we're in a really bad drought worse drought since 2012. 04:13 And when we finished up cutting wheat last Saturday night, we're combining dry wheat 12% in a drought and we've had like 40 hundreds 04:22 and last about 40 days and you look down and the straw had a green tinge and we still had pale green flag Leafs and that gives us 04:31 a sign of we achieve physiological maturity instead of premature death is okay. First off the rain thing. You said it before we 04:40 hit record on this you looked up my my winter home of Phoenix, Arizona. You said Phoenix, which is obviously a desert they got saguaro cactus there and you said they get about what 04:49 brainwise right at nine inches a year and we raised over 100 bushel wheat on a little over tanning to so we're better than Death Valley but a long 04:58 way some normal on precept. So you right I want to ask you a question Brian sure. Our man Kelly Garrett is got an entire agenda this year to minimize 05:07 stress on plants and he says something pretty smart. He's like really talk about You know having a healthy plant. I'm not sure we've ever seen one. I 05:16 think that every year and agriculture. We actually are doing things that maybe you're out of our control we end up with stressed plants. 05:22 I'm not sure we've ever seen a stress-free plant you put PACE Center out here and you said it triggers a response in this plant that 05:28 makes it do this. It sounds like you just stressed this plant. Why would we stress the plant when Kelly's like her saying we should do everything we can to mitigate? No. So we're we're 05:37 in a defensive position is really where we're at. And when you plant the seed you're potential is much much higher than your end result. What you're trying to 05:46 do is stop the decline. I'm trying to put the brakes on all the stresses that are taking my yield away and that's what 05:52 this is going to do. So it wasn't really a stress when you said we triggered a response. It wasn't triggering stress. It was 05:58 doing what it is protecting the plant. It's getting the plant ready to tolerate stress. That makes a little bit more sense again. Give me 06:06 some background. You're the guy that always takes the pointy headed scientist and brings it down to my level. Well, the bottom line 06:12 is, you know, we you put Pace that are on with your fungicide. We combine it the two so then you can have the best Both Worlds you get that added 06:21 plant health benefit that you're going to see like Lee said all the way out to harvest. So just a healthier plant keep it happy and healthy throughout 06:30 That season he's had a lot of heat. He said very little rainfall and for that's really happen. Now for two years. We saw it 06:39 in corn and soybeans the same way at Harvest last year. You can ask your question. You talked about complementing chemistry. What is the chemistry that happens out here on 06:48 this wheat that you complemented with a product? That's a biological we combined it with product called miravis Ace 06:54 and we put it on as a it's a fun decide. Okay, and that's where PACE Center is designed to be. 07:01 Placed with a fungicide that's how it's applied. When did that happen? It was right at very early flower. Okay, and on the wheat so our flowering 07:10 we're heading and at that time we have one thing that we battle every year year in year out drought or flood fusarium had blight and that 07:19 is the biggest yield robber globally on wheat serum headlight. Yeah preserium head blight also known as head scab. Okay dry up 07:29 the head. Okay. So it drives that prematurely. Yeah, and they'll be they'll be there can be whole head 07:35 or sections of head with no kernels. And once you've got it you cannot hear it. You have to prevent it. So we have to be on time. We've got to 07:44 get it done. So we had to apply it and we knew we were gonna have to do it. So we added to PACE Center to it. And what we did is we maximize our 07:53 fun decide so we had longer efficacy and one thing we noticed in Prior years. We were achieving what they call. 08:01 Suppression. So we're always getting a little bit of fusarium headlight on our wheat, you know, we were getting 80% control. 08:10 Now this year we had control first time ever we've had control for a few cerium. That was big compliment that fungicide. Yeah, 08:19 totally we had no Leaf rust. No late seasonally for us control and preserium head blight and we were combining. Like I said 12% wheat in a 08:31 drought with green flag Leafs how much money we like to talk about money? How much money are we talking about for this using this box? Because you could have done everything you just described 08:40 fungicide at early flower and not use this product. It was the lowest cost thing we did this then we put in the tank. Okay said or was a few minutes ago. 08:49 Yeah. Yeah. It was a it was like one. 1/4 of the price of the fungicide. Okay. It makes sense at $10 wheat does this make 08:59 sense when we back to 650? We'll do it every year. So this become standard practice. Yeah come standard price. One of the things we talk a lot about here extreme AG 09:07 is we're all about trialing stuff. We're all about experimenting with stuff. There's a point that you say I believe in this enough that it goes across all 09:13 my weed Acres. This goes across all your wheat Acres. Yeah, and that's gonna happen in that same application Brian. He's gonna do it. Yes time of fun. 09:19 Just that was the perfect timing he hit it just right got it and then is there any other way this product gets used? 09:25 Oh were you using corn soybeans? Of course, we'll talk about that in different video. The main thing is we're the way to use this and wheat is with fungicide, right? Yeah. That's that 09:34 would be the optimum. Yeah. Now organic Growers will be able to use I mean the the full rate of 13 ounces and they don't have the fungicide option the 09:43 chemical fungicide option. Then the 13 ounces is what we'd recommend got it anything that we need to know that we didn't talk about terms of using a biological product own week you ate and you 09:52 were skeptical 10 years ago if I'd come out here you just said leave the farm, but now people always think about enhancing 09:58 yield in terms of we've got to play more pounds more gallons. Like we've got a really put fertility to it or something like that. It's really about 10:07 initiating triggers in the plant and complementing what you're doing. That's how we're getting these yield increases. It's not pounds. It's initiating triggers 10:16 within the plant and that's what specific Biologicals enable us to do that. We always 10:23 close that with something. That sounds like Just like it took it from the classroom to the field and he made it understandable. That's why he's Lee lubbers 10:31 and that's why we like like hearing from him. He's with Brian Miller and Brad passion with my own bio which is now called 10:37 Pro farm and you can find out all their stuff going to their website. And otherwise, you can find them through us here at extreme AGG. We're gonna be shooting more great videos, they're informative 10:46 and insightful with our manly Loopers here at Loopers Farms until next time check out other cool stuff extreme egg.pharm
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See All GrowersLee Lubbers
Gregory, SD