Adjusting For The Weather
Farmers love talking about the weather but to be successful in Agriculture you’ve got to do more than just talk, you gotta adjust. Matt and Layne Miles discuss the weather challenges they dealt with in crop season 2022. The third hottest summer in Arkansas weather keeping history followed by huge late summer rains created some problems. Complaining won’t make you money. Or, as Matt Miles says, “We’ve got to find a way to stop blaming the weather for our failures.” Listen to what adjustments Miles Farms made for lessons on how you can salvage a bad weather season.
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00:00 The Big Challenge here is we know that weather impacts agriculture. We all know that that's why we talk about it so much, but what's 00:06 the adjustments that you can make what things can you do to persevere get through and also still have a maximization 00:12 or an optimization, I guess of the situation and get you yourself a big yield or at least a yield that keeps you profitable. 00:21 Welcome to extreme mags cutting the curve more than just a podcast. It's the place for insights. You can apply immediately to your 00:30 farm operation for increased success this episode of cutting the curve is brought to you by AG Explorer. With Innovative products that improve fertilizer efficiency protect yield 00:40 and reduce stress. AG explore helps maximize field potential find out how AG Explorer can help you get more out of your crop at Ag 00:49 And now here's your host Damien Mason. Hey there welcome to another fantastic episode of extreme Irish cutting the curve. 00:58 We're talking about weather but not really because Farm people talk too much about the weather frankly. We're talking about weather adjustments. You 01:04 know, what some people this year meaning the crap, you're 2022 got absolutely rocked he heard about the dry drought issues in the plains and 01:13 and the United States West. We also had some dry and then we got here with hurricanes. Well miles farms and the Delta region 01:22 of Arkansas southeast Arkansas that is had some weather problems of their own extreme excessive heat. Matt miles says it's as bad as he's ever seen especially 01:31 in the overnight temps which stress the crops and then they had the issue of huge rains that came in when the soybeans were basically ready to harvest and then 01:40 they started messing with the soybeans. So we got a lot of weather adjustments to have been made Matt miles McGee Arkansas Lane miles 01:46 McGee Arkansas join us today. Tell us what you dealt with this year laying you start and then we're historical perspective from your dad. 01:56 Up. So I mean all honesty we've with the kind of been all over the place just to kind of start. I mean never we've been drying up to plant beans 02:05 in February we and we did. Had a fairly dry planting season. Ended up getting a pretty wet. 02:15 After planting season during the irrigation. We got we got dry and we've been dry ever since what's a normal planting window for soybeans 02:24 in McGee, Arkansas? normally we will plant for Three four days it'll rain for three or four days plants three or four days ramster four days. Is that usually 02:36 happen like starting March 15th? Yeah, probably somewhere around there when you say Dad. Yeah, I mean we're getting there earlier every year. So, 02:44 you know, we had this conversation five years ago. We would have said April 15th today. We would say, you know our Target day to try to start based on our 02:53 average frost, you know in the spring last frost would be we're thinking our new Target dates March 15th, March 16th. Got it. 03:02 So you went out in February you put in beans it look like there's gonna be brilliant we talked about we have an episode about it an extreme egg. Then what oh, they 03:11 I mean, they actually they turned out pretty decent, you know compared to the rest of our crops. Oh, I'm gonna say they're right there in the in the 03:19 right around the average as everything else. When did it when did it start being? I think we got a problem. When did you start looking around 03:28 Matt and say wait a minute. This deer is gonna have a real weather challenge for us every year. It's hot in the Delta. That's not a big story. When did it start 03:37 thinking when you start thinking? Oh, we got a problem. Well, we kind of know in in you know, 03:43 I've made this comment several times as a farmer. We got to figure out a way not to blame the weather for our failures, but it just year in 03:52 and year out. Something's always going to change and it don't matter. I've talked to people in the Midwest and the east coast and California. They're 04:00 like well, if you don't like our weather today just hang around here and it'll change tomorrow, you know, that's the thing and 04:06 and that's true anywhere you go but as far as this year, you know, we planted in February beans. We had a two-day window to get 04:15 that done. We got it done not knowing if we'd be successful or not as Lang said we had a you know, we had a pretty good maybe season we were 04:25 at the point at that at that point, you know, we thinking we've been out irrigate this corn but twice, you know, that 04:31 might you know, we end up having to hear gate. um We were told you know by different people that watch the weather better than we do that we were 04:40 going to have a really hot June and a really hot July. Well like as you said earlier, I'm used to really hot July and a pretty hot Jew Mom, 04:49 right January sometime. I mean this year prime example this year. I think Christmas it was probably on Christmas 04:58 day was in the 80s, you know, like if you were in south Louisiana or somewhere like that, you know normal Christmas Day. We already at least 05:07 be in the 45 range, you know, if not older so, you know, I kind of notice is going to be a weird year. I kind of new it was going to be hot 05:15 Then the spring started and we started getting timely range. We were getting our you know, premarges activated all of our stands, you know a good rain at 05:24 the right time will make you look like a hero if grew up planting and you get the right rain the right Reign, it'll make you really look smart, you 05:33 know, because it'll take care of a lot of mistakes. Then June hit. And you know our corn was 05:40 if I remember right? We were either tassel or right there at tassel. Probably a little past hassle before we had to start wearing about 05:49 irrigation. And man, it was a hundred degrees like just stacking in days of 100 degrees. Every night before I go to bed during the summer. I'll look 06:00 at the heat index before I close my eyes and if if it's somewhere in a 79 I just say 80 and above. I know that our crops 06:10 gonna a percentage be down Okay, so we're not going to make the yield that we made in the year that we had more weather. That's more conducive to to the Midwest. 06:21 Take that house 2.0. So we I was looking at this thinking. You know and we were not where we were getting across our 06:31 Fields our sets whether irrigation because evaporation alone. Was sucking the water out because of the Heat. 06:39 and we just did the best we could you know, three thank the lord we had some stress mitigation products out there, you know helping us on 06:48 and it ended up being the third hottest June. In the history of Arkansas, so I mean I'm 53. I don't know when they started that history, but I 06:58 don't know when Arkansas was a state but there's three bad. So Third how to Summer on in the history of the state of Arkansas that's going back ways. But the more 07:07 important thing is and again, I like what you just said Farmers Love talk about the weather. It's what we do right? It's on their phone. It's on it truck radio. It's on her computer goes 07:16 on on but here's the deal. You said something smart. We got to find a way in our culture. Stop blaming the weather for our failures. We know that there's absolute, you know, 07:26 dust dust bowl that kind of stuff. It's not the first time it's been hot. It was the overnight stuff. You still persevered and got through it. We talked in our webinar 07:35 about stress mitigation. You said stress mitigation is not is everything. It's it's not a product. It's a practice. 07:44 So some of the things you did this year that you think helped you bang out a big yield and probably a bigger yield than County average or Regional average. 07:54 was it product practice both and what things as far as practices Diamond Damian of 08:02 all always in soybeans the earlier plant the the more you get out of that stress same thing same thing really in corn because you can avoid stress of insects 08:13 or rust or something like in that later in the growing season. So number one my pain opinion is 08:23 is planting a little bit earlier because that that gets you that gets you earlier in the 08:29 year to where you're trying to beat the heat is that on everything is that okay cross-specific or everything my 08:35 opinion I would say it's it's pretty much everything. Oh we back. We probably moved our corn a little bit further than normal. 08:45 Because I'm maybe you can't get a little too early. But our beans we keep backing up even further. I'm gonna 08:51 say like Dad said earlier March 15th is a pretty good starting point. Probably will try a little bit earlier this year. If I yes thing 09:01 the person that's listening to this that is in southern Wisconsin says, yeah. Well, I remember thinking that the earlier I got out the better and then we 09:10 got what's our buddy Kevin call it. Easter freest if you're in southern, Wisconsin, you might get May 11th freeze, right? So this 09:19 works for you. Where does that stop working? Do you think we're just planting early help you get through stress? When does it stop working somewhere around mid, Missouri? 09:28 Well, I mean not maybe for maybe for March 15th, but but Damian, I mean if that that freeze line, you know, everybody knows where they're freeze line is and when what 09:39 so take February, you know, we that that's a February was a month earlier than than when we started on the March 15, so it's 09:48 February 15 or 18 to whatever day it was. We were sitting in the office and we did our calculations. Okay at what point can the freeze hurt us? What point can 09:58 a frost artist and as long as those card leadings aren't off. It we don't seem to find the damage that 10:06 we did before on hurting the beat the beans are young young age. So if you can if you have the math of art, this is this is the the point I can 10:15 start playing and I've got I think it was like five weeks dead or six weeks after the after the beans comes 10:21 up then the cotyledon comes off. Then you're susceptible to the freeze or the frost. So it all depends on region and and the math 10:30 that went, you know, when is early All right. So let's do the Takeaway on that. We know that you just almost set history man. You've been in 10:38 farming there your whole life and So you you're not familiar with all the weather of the history of Arkansas's 10:44 weather, but you're familiar with at least 50 years worth of it. You said this is the third worst summer in terms 10:50 of heat that you've ever had. Maybe it's not gonna be that way next year. Do you go ahead and do the early planning and all the things assuming that 10:58 Heat's gonna be your biggest problem. In other words. Do you just say the if you got to manage for one problem we 11:04 manage for overnight heat problems and let's get out sooner. Is that what you're gonna do? Yeah, we pretty much try to stay consistent and we've we've been 11:13 very blessed with consistent yields. They may not always be, you know, really high yields, but they're consistent that they're what pays the bills and so 11:22 you know what? I think there's something better and we talk about this on the podcast last night. You know if we were fortune tellers or we had 2020 we 11:31 would know this year plant your corn early. We backed our corn planting data because we feel like it increases yield. 11:39 You know to do that well out of 10 years. This was probably The one year that we should have left that 11:48 planning day, you know earlier because we would have missed some of this extreme heat during pollination. Then you go past that 11:54 and say okay March 1 to 15 this year. I would have said would have been the best playing day or maybe May 20th, you know go two months 12:04 now on the road and Skip some of that really bad heat the thing he is. I feel like you you risk more trying to beat 12:13 the heat on the latter part then you do on the car. There's a lot more. You mean like double crop you talk about wheat beans. So after 12:21 your wheat gets harvested you go out and you plant soybeans and then you and Rob talk about this or even corn you 12:27 say. You're you're more worried about you say getting it out earlier and your first crop matters a lot, but you're not 12:34 afraid to wait a little bit on second planting. Is that what I'm hearing? Well, we don't have a choice on a second planning and we're we know we know up front 12:43 and we're gonna take a 10 to 15 bushel hit on yields, you know behind the double crop beans, but there's no choice. You can't you know the way 12:52 it's gonna come off in June. So you're gonna plant those beans in June this particularly year one out of 10. 12:58 I'm not we'll start cutting on a Monday. We'll start harvesting them Monday. So I'm not gonna say anything about yields yet. I still think they'll be lower. 13:06 But they won't have the damage in them, you know, and I preached early playing soybeans as being the biggest yield 13:12 influencer in a soybean plant. You can have all the Go-Go juice you want but that planting day affects yield more than any other thing. 13:21 This year that was great. You know our early Planet beans were good. But then the adverse weather that comes in a harvest which would theoretically normally 13:30 be a month later when we're through it came in last July first of August and it was a mess. So I want to hear all about the 13:39 adverse weather that came in Harvest and then also heard about some other adjustments you make to because we've talked about different things. We marketing 13:45 selling and different things you do from a business practice to capitalize on that before we do that. We got to hear about something 13:51 that you probably are saying Damian. I don't know about that. Hey Farmers want to save money on fertility without sacrificing yield. 14:00 Harvest last season's nutrients for this season's crop with extract powered by accomplish. I'm Damien Mason. I'm host of Extreme Ice 14:09 Kevin and curve and everyday we talk about ways to be more profitable and do better by your soils. And I'm telling you this might be the answer extract powered by 14:18 accomplish is exclusively available from a nutrient AG Solutions. So contact your local nutrient AG Solutions crop consultant to learn more. 14:27 All right late season, you used to tell me can I ever knew this? You know, I think about hurricanes. I think what hurricanes in Florida like just happened. You told me 14:36 when I first started with extreme man. You said something about getting things done before the Hurricanes. I said, I 14:42 don't know what they were talking about. You're in Arkansas. You said no when those things happen if we still got crop stand out there 14:48 we're screwed and that's why we got to be in a hurry and that's why we have maybe a touch more equipment than we need because that 14:54 equipment makes a big huge difference paying for itself when you get your stuff harvested and the guy down the 15:00 road is still got crops out there that are being destroyed talk to me about what happened after we got 15:06 through the tough part of June in July overnight. Yeah, so we went into the June and July and it was some of the you know, as we said hottest we 15:15 couldn't irrigation wouldn't keep up. Lane's got a vigil. He's got a a yield mouth that will show you, you know, just the difference in 15:24 soul type. We you know, I told you earlier before we started recording. We I've learned a lot of stuff. I put in 35 15:30 40 crops and I've learned a lot of stuff this year, you know to prepare myself for the next time this happens, but 15:39 So we were getting a dollar 80 a bushel premium. For any beans that we could get in. in August 15:48 Okay, so if we got any beans in in August, it was a dollar eighty if we got any beans in in September when I say in harvested took the elevator any 15:57 beans in in first half September was like a dollar 25. October basis was 40 cents. So you're talking a buck 40 a bushel? 16:07 And I thought man this is you know, what we're feeling a rock the world here because we're all of our beans are early. 16:14 And we're going to we'll get there's no way we'll get any in later than September other than women just 16:20 just for example, if somebody's listening to this that like is is new to the game here. You're the basis means the spread between what the 16:29 Board of Trade says the the crop is you're talking about your beans the world needed beans because it was pretty Harvest for the eye States. Let's say they're they're 16:38 biting it up to where you're gonna make a buck 40 over normal price because the world is needing beans, right? That's right. And that's something that 16:47 we get to take we get to take advantage of with more combines and with planting early and with green beans, you know, there's still being in being located where 16:56 you are. So you you complain about not having the soils that Kelly does up in Iowa, but the benefit is you at least do get 17:05 to capture some bigger profits on a crop if things work out because of timing so you are thinking I'm gonna rock the world and that was 17:14 about early, August Yeah, yeah early August like Late July early August. We started really pressuring these to get 17:22 ready we cut the We cut our Ultra early beans that we got in, you know, I had a target of getting those in before the last day 17:30 of August and we got 600 acres. I'm harvested. I mean it was the 31st when we delivered the last load. 17:37 But we got those in we got the basis on those and we were now we were set up to get the premium on the first half of September beans 17:46 it started raining. and when I say rain Diamond not it don't it don't have to rain much. You know, we we went about a 12 to 15 day 17:59 window there where you might get a tenth of an inch or a hundredth of an inch or just You know the next day may be cloudy all day with humidity, you 18:09 know and what it does is I mean, you take a soybean and go put it in a glass of water. Just let it sit there for 24 hours and double 18:18 back out and see see what it looks like right that that went into quality issues. And you know, there there was nothing we could do about it. But that hot weather 18:27 anytime you have hot weather and mature beans you're gonna get what's called damage. They sprout in the Pod the Pod wall of the bean gets really thin, 18:36 you know, because you know that being stretching out. Hopefully, you've got a big bean that you've put these products on to get a bigger seat size and our 18:45 test weights went down to 49 percent. We're once that story being inside that pie. And by the way, this is something that I think is interesting to people like me from 18:54 the Midwest. We don't have this problem. I'm assuming because we generally don't have that wet of Falls our 19:00 soybeans around here would come ready to harvest. Let's say third week of September till mid October. 19:07 We don't have the heat. So I'm guessing the reason it happens. If we get wet. We ain't got 91 degrees 19:13 that then is going to be conducive to sprouting. Is that the reason you haven't we don't yeah, I think so. I mean 19:19 it just it stays moist in that pod, you know back to you know, I'm gonna throw this out there and we planted that double crop soybean behind the 19:28 March behind the Fairway beans. Our soul temperature was 102. soil temperature 19:36 go lay down in a real Sandy field covering yourself up with sand and see how well you react to 102 degree temperature. What time what time of year was the soil temperature 202 July 31st. 19:48 I've got pictures probes and I was thinking this means gonna die when I stick it in the ground this means gonna die before it ever has a chance to germinate well to cook 19:57 will it cook beans to about a hundred and thirty don't we so you're not you're not real far off exactly and I'm planting a 20:03 new Bean in that soul and expecting it to sprout and do well but you know that you just seem like we went from really hot 20:12 and and lost Shield there to them adverse weather conditions. So what I want to do Lane talk to me about this. All right, you were looking at 20:21 Dollar 25 dollar 40 plus dollar 25 basis. That's that's rocking. That's that's bringing the Bell right there and you went from that to a bunch of rains came 20:30 in when you're already still just hotter and all hell and then you got a problem. Now, you're you're beans are 20:36 sprouting in the pods and you can't Harvest because it's wet and then the beans are still wet. And then you sit there and look 20:42 out at the fields. What's the adjustment? That's what we're talking about is adjusting to the weather so you don't have a failure what? 20:48 Did you start what was the adjustment started making? Well, I mean obviously you've got to wait till you get the combine back in the field. But you know, 20:56 once you start cutting you're like man this this is this is tough. Now these beans these beans look pretty bad. And you start getting rejected. 21:05 You know, you gotta basically make an adjustment then where do I go with them? Who's gonna take them? What do 21:11 I do next? So we started taking them to our beans and because nobody would take them and hopefully all this this kind of 21:21 not necessarily blows over because we still gonna have damaged beans but If we're in there, we're taking a damaged load 21:28 and then somebody else comes in with a good load. You know that elevator. They're gonna win. They're gonna blend our damage off that that's 21:34 gonna be our adjustment there. Where what? What do we do? What do we do with these beans when when nobody wants them? They look terrible. They smell bad. Where do 21:44 we go with them? What do we do with them? And the adjustment is take them take them to the bins or take them with 21:50 somebody that that wants them to wear. The elevator will blend them off when they went to your when they went to your bins because you had nowhere else 21:56 to go and elevator one of them. You have to blow air on them to get him fit to the store. 22:01 Oh, no, the moisture was actually, you know fairly good on Damien. I mean as long as they're in even 22:07 the elevator tell you when that when they're able to take the more damage beans then as 22:13 long as the moisture is down on they'll still store. But they also will I mean there that's harder to get the moisture down on them. So yes, when we 22:22 put them in the beans, we've got to blow a little bit of air on to get that it ain't a lot but enough air on to get them to wear those store how many 22:28 of the what percentage of your beans were damaged the point where you didn't even know for sure. If somebody would take them 10% 20% I'm 22:37 talking acres and Fields. Now I wouldn't say that. I'm doing some quick. 22:45 so about five to ten percent of the the beans were in bad shape. Yeah, I mean it wasn't it was almost like 22:53 five loads ten loads dad. So so yeah. Okay, here's the next question. What prevent it what do you think you did that made it so it 23:05 was only 5% versus 25% It was it just luck and the weather or do you think some of the things you did made some of your beans hold up better when those nasty 23:14 and it was pretty heavy rains. It came in with that scorching temperature. Was it something you did or just blind luck that made it only five percent versus being 23:23 worse. Well, I mean I actually felt like we were probably some of the some of the people in the worst shape because we designed our crop around earlyness. 23:33 To catch the premium. So I'm going to say that we were probably like I said in worse shaped in some of our neighbors because they're beings were later. 23:42 You know in our later beings were better, you know. He was just a it was just a timing issue and you asked how you prepare for that? 23:51 You know, I knew early on what what we were fixing to see and we are discussed in you find the elevator with the least amount of damage charges 24:00 and you cut as fast as you possibly can one other Farmers start getting their beans in there and they're damaged and they're gonna go. Whoa, we can't take 24:09 anymore. We're done. Yeah, the elevator puts a blockade up and says we can't anymore. So you're thinking that the main thing is cut the damage so 24:18 the internment adjustments cut the damage stuff as quickly as you can find a place to go with them sit on some of you have to and figure 24:24 it out later. Then the other part of it is you kind of did a bit there was a mistake you made you think maybe you got ahead of yourself on desiccation you wanted to make sure you had plenty 24:33 of beans to capture early stuff and maybe you got caught with too many beans that didn't got damaged. Is that still a story? 24:40 You know, I really after after looking at it and we talked about this on a podcast last night, you know, I've changed my mentality on 24:49 that, you know at one point time. I thought there's no need of having a dedicated being out there. If you know, you're 24:55 not gonna be able to harvest. Okay, so you can mitigate that risk if there is a risk the more we could the more we've seen the more data we're getting 25:04 on this occasion. You got to realize we used to be the only Decatur now you all the guys extreme AG 25:10 doing it. So we got new data. We're not just looking at our dad. Well, they're gonna do things better than we do it or 25:15 And we did you know check like Chad said those beans here in Georgia last year the ones that he didn't dedicate were just as much or more damage as 25:24 ones he did. Yeah, so I'm starting to change my mentality. on that and I still look at the forecast and if I'm gonna have 25:31 if alright, so the last day we decided they changed the whole forecast. So my oh crap now we're in trouble, right? 25:40 They we started looking at some of these beans prior to so so we quit testing and where we got to really bad beans. We went out there after the weather passed. 25:49 You know, we surveyed the soybeans and we had two to three pods sprouted and damaged and ever plant. prior to any desiccation so at that 25:58 point Destinations not it didn't hurt anything. Well, what's remarkable to me is there's the person that's the naysayer the coffee shop crowd the person that we don't like because they're 26:08 not really a part of the extreme egg following because they they want to judge versus just 26:14 They would say what's what it gets for going out there and killing off all of his beans should have known that weather is coming. Well first 26:20 off it takes what after you go through investigate four to five days till you can Harvest five leaders, you have 14-day Harvest interval between between desiccation 26:29 and when you put it out, what's the first day you could do it the very first day of the 15th day 26:35 is when you can start Harvest. Okay, so it takes two weeks. Nobody can predict the weather 15. I thought was only five to 26:41 seven days. So nobody can predict 14-day weather no matter where they are. And and if they tell you they can they're lying. But anyway, 26:47 do you think that the do you think the answer is? You just get a stick. When do you think the adjustments I guess the question? When do you think the adjustments you made helped you 26:59 out with the extreme weather? What what adjustments and when do you think it really matter? What thing do you look back and say boy this really made me some money to 27:08 adjust this way. Well, two things I mean like like, you know when I was that's what I was going to mention while ago when Lane was talking. I almost interrupting. 27:17 Damaged soybeans in our areas almost like a run on the bank, you know, the first person has a bad load and in elevators like whoa, and they 27:26 start charging more, you know, we went from a a 180 positive basis in the same month. To a negative 40 basis. All right. So is that 27:37 basis still not there at the Gulf? If they blend the beans but it makes us look like hey, you've got damaged beans. So we're fixing to rip 27:46 you a new one. Now did some of those elevators get a ripped a new one too. Probably they get the beans down on the gulf. They go off grade one elevator. 27:55 He said they lost two dollars of bushel on that barge. There were a lot of barges floating in the Gulf that were damaged because 28:01 those beans were coming from Louisiana and Arkansas, South, Georgia, you know, 28:07 Florida So it becomes a scare tactic in what what Lane saying is a lot of times so during and this is what this really sucks too. So just say 28:18 you got a five percent damage being and they're charging you 40 cents a bushel. 28:23 For the damage. Okay. It's a monetary discount it. During that month, they changed that forty cents a bushel to a dollar twenty of 28:33 bushel discount. So they have the right to change that discount. You want to why a farmer gets mad sometimes. Yeah, you're a Midstream. You contracted your 28:42 beans with this elevator. Yeah, right. Well five percent damage was 40. But today we're going to charge a dollar 20. Yeah. The 28:48 thing is they'll contract you the price. They don't guarantee you that the they don't guarantee you what the damage is charges Gonna Be Right, which is 28:57 kind of piss her. So Lane But you're you've been at this for 10 years your old man's been at longer. What mistake I think 29:08 you're old enough. Now, you can admit remember young guys never admit they made a mistake, but you're old enough. Now if what one mistakes did you make when 29:14 it came to things you think now looking back you could have done a little better. To mitigate weathers impact on 29:23 your yield or your price. anything that that's kind of a hard one Damian because I mean I it to me it's it's always goes back to 29:35 planning date because because that's what that's what really dictated the you know, the our better corn or better beans our 29:44 beans that weren't damaged or anything like that. I wouldn't call it a mistake because you're in and nine out of ten years. 29:54 There are I guess obviously nine out of 10 years that I've been former 10 years. There's only been one that that yeah, right that's happened. Right and if 30:03 it happens one every 10 years, you're okay if it happens if it happens for the next four years. It's a problem our adjustment 30:09 our biggest adjustment that we didn't make when I turned told you earlier that we've learned a lot of stuff out of this year. 30:15 We should or you're getting more, you know, we worry about over irrigating and more so than we do under irrigating. Yeah, and 30:24 we should have instead of irrigating a set in a field every seven days which they're not ever five. Do you think that when we got people 30:33 listening to this from all over and some of these people are out in the western plans? Let's say they're not allowed to irrigate they know water or they're 30:39 gonna be as environmental pressure. There's legal pressure for them. Not to do you think this is one of the advantages that Miles Farms has 30:45 because you're down water tables what seven feet you got water you got plenty of water. Do you think this is an advantage you'll have that'll help you adjust to 30:54 weather issues moving forward it it does some but you think about where you live 31:01 your corn you're dryly and corn yields are better than our ear getting right. 31:05 So, you know, it's it's an event if here today we wouldn't be having this conversation if we were driving in right literally I look at like the 31:14 NCGA results and stuff and and Dryland corn when you get north of say middle, Missouri. It will out yield our irrigated corn because of 31:23 the heat industry. Yes, and the things we have so yeah, you keep us in the game. Yeah. I'm not 31:29 going to say that it. You know that it makes us money. It definitely makes us money to farm the death and have irrigation but does it make us money against Kelly, you 31:37 know, probably not but he is Laramie it's going to be higher than Iris sure, you know in the end it all comes out, you know, pretty much I've compared with a lot of my counterparts 31:46 and different areas and in the end the net result per acre profit is really scary close, you know. 31:54 206 and and them no here. You know, it just it's kind of weird how God makes it work all ends up working out and you're not sorry good. That's 32:03 it. Oh. Oh, you don't talk talking on the irrigation, you know whether or not you know, we irrigated too much or not 32:11 enough we have and I can show you an illustration on that too. I've got one field that you know. 32:18 To kind of explain our irrigation to people that don't know we we irrigate what we call sets blocks of a field. So just 32:24 say you've got 40 acres and there's two sets, you know each one's 28 years. I've got one because I've been there and some of the people listening this when 32:32 anything of irrigation to think of a center pivot, you don't do Center pivots you do hope all right fall, I'd 32:38 call Float irrigation you guys call it row. Yeah, I just got Roe irrigation. I don't really know the exact order goes down the road got it's it's okay. 32:47 Got it. And anyways, so this one field has has seven sets and it takes seven days of water. Yep. Well, we had a well go out and I was 32:58 supplementing I was going one way with the well went out I supplemented with another whale as best I could. 33:06 And didn't there was a set in the middle that probably didn't get watered for 10 days on one of the initial irrigations. And I 33:15 mean Damien when when I say look like pineapples, I mean it was just it looked like but it looked like a just a roll of pineapples. 33:23 You need to show that. Yeah all because of a well-being out. We got the well Feast got an irrigated, you know, we stayed what what I guess the best you can 33:34 stay called up for the rest of the year because it was extreme heat. Yeah, but in the middle of my yield map, but at day 33:40 after we cut that field it is it's literally in the Middle where the sets match it's red and orange on the outside. It's it's greens and 33:49 yellows and all the like normal yield map stuff but exactly roller to where that set didn't get water. It. It is 33:58 it's orange and red. Yeah, obviously you wouldn't have a if you don't have water you got no crop down there. Especially you're like this right last thoughts on whether adjustments from 34:07 from you Lane, then we'll get it from the season better and any thoughts big lesson big takeaway from this year. That's a pretty good one right there. Anything else? Yeah. 34:16 Yeah. Oh, I mean just when I say it's gonna be hot. We we got we got to be prepared for it. Oh, and I know products are 34:24 stress mitigating products probably help but we've got to be able to to adjust in in real time because the the only Band-Aid so did every 34:33 did every acre of your miles Farm have a stress mitigation product applied at multiple times or at least once 34:39 Yeah, I'm pretty sure. Yeah, they they did of some sort, you know, multiple multiple different products, you 34:47 know back to what I was saying, you know earlier enough fertility is stress mitigation, you know enough irrigation. We didn't get 34:56 complete stress mitigation because we didn't get enough water on the crops. I mean salt I dictated that so much you could have a soul 35:05 type. That's a stiffer normally a little bit yielding a little bit yielding this yielding on the top end of the field where the water got the most and still 35:14 it was a 30 bushel, you know negative compared to where the water maybe some of the ground to help water better. That's the takeaway for 35:23 me is whether it's cover crops or whatever it is. Can we figure out ways to have more moisture holding 35:30 capacity detect ourself against years like this. Mm-hmm. That's good. Takeaway. We talk about adjusting for the weather. You know, 35:38 you can't control it. Matt said something smart. We got to find a way to stop blaming the weather for our failures and we're talking about adjustments. You can make and things you can do stress mitigation 35:47 products timing of water. When you use water cover crops, when you plant we heard it all also timing out 35:56 your Harvest now if the ability to desiccate and your soybeans, That's Matt miles and Lane miles from McGee Arkansas. 36:04 Thanks for being here guys. Yep. Thanks. Daniel till next time. I'm David Mason's cutting the Curve. 36:11 Thanks for listening to another edition of cutting the curve for more information that you can apply to your farm operation. Visit extreme are 36:20 your crot stressed out AG Explorer has you covered with a full line of products to help protect your crop from environmental stressors such as cold and wet 36:29 or heat and drought check out acne and start protecting your yields and profit.
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See All GrowersMatt Miles
McGehee, AR