Farming On The Bay
Temple Rhodes farms on Maryland’s eastern shore, operates a couple other business ventures, and he’s now contributing to XtremeAg. Throughout the season we’ll tune in to see what Mr. Rhodes is doing with fungicide treatments, seed plots, and micronutrient products to increase fertility uptake — a big issue for his geography. Because Temple farms in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, he’s under an environmental microscope. Enjoy meeting Temple and hear about how he runs his operation to “never become complacent.”
Presented by AgXplore
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00:00 I like this guy you want it first but let's face it. That's the way good people are sometimes they come across it's kind 00:06 of like, let's face it Jagermeister who the hell likes Jagermeister when they first taste it, but eventually, you know what you get drunk enough. It starts to feel good. 00:15 Welcome to extreme mags cutting the curve more than just a podcast. It's the place for insights. You can apply immediately to 00:24 your farm operation for increased success this episode of cutting the curve is brought to you by AG Explorer. With Innovative products that improve fertilizer efficiency protect 00:34 yield and reduce stress. AG explore helps maximize field potential find out how AG Explorer can help you get more out of your crop at Ag 00:43 And now here's your host Damien Mason well greens and welcome to another fantastic episode of extreme acts 00:52 cutting the curve. I am so excited to introduce you to somebody that I have now become buddies with his name is Temple Road. She's a Maryland farmer. He's gonna 01:01 be an affiliate here with extreme AG affiliate meaning he's not one of the original five Founders, but he also got great stuff to contribute. He's gonna be 01:10 telling us about some of the practices he does there and the Chesapeake Bay Region that are different than you could get away with other parts 01:16 of the world. He's gonna talk about some of the unique challenges he has because of where he farms in the Eastern Shore 01:22 area. He's also going to tell us about his trials. He's got a lot of cool stuff that he's doing there. He's a sharp dude. He's a farm guy he also 01:31 Has a side business so you're going to get entrepreneurial information Farm information and you're going 01:37 to get from a different perspective. Ladies and gentlemen. meet Temple roads 01:42 How you doing, Damian? I'm glad to be home part of all this it's been fantastic. I kind of think of myself as a fungus kind of grow on you as time 01:51 maybe not exactly how Damian put me out there. But yeah as Damian said we're in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed so things are very very different in 02:00 our area. Um, It really changes the way that we look at things. So, I mean, I guess all of us Guys across the country are trying to make changes and I feel 02:13 like the farmers in our area have been making changes for a very long time and their changes that we've had to make because we were 02:22 forced to make them. So we're right here 45 minutes from DC 45 minutes from Baltimore 45 minutes from Philadelphia where we 02:32 are setting up on the Eastern Shore. We're kind of like the the many it's a mini Midwest. I mean, we're we're flat. We're pretty much wide 02:42 open for the most part A lot of people can live here and then commute to your cities for their jobs. So all eyes 02:51 are on us and when we say that we farm right on the worst age. I mean we have fields that are right on the water's 03:00 edge. So we have to be very very Particular about everything we do, you know, one of the things we talk about a lot is every ounce counts. We 03:09 have to make sure that we are efficient as we can at all times. 03:16 Yeah, so there's a couple decades ago. First of all here more about your operation, but then we'll get into specifically some of Trials are doing and then the main thing we want to cover is the the 03:25 challenges you have because as you said being on the water's edge, I've been hearing about that for a long time about your operation. You've got some family. You've 03:34 been there for a while go ahead and give us the skinny on your operations. Um, I know this is hard to believe but my children 03:43 will be the 9th generation of farmers right here on the Del Mar. So we're from here originally and we've 03:52 been here for a long time. So both on my mother is and my father's side. There's Farmers on both sides. There's some woman who's commercial 04:01 fishing on my mother's side and farmers and then on my father's side, it's pretty much all the form background. So We talk a lot about being traditional bound 04:13 and that's one of the things that I try to break myself out of, you know, we always do what our fathers do our fathers did with their grandfather did though and 04:22 so forth. So that became a hard shell to break out of but I've always been for lack of a better terms very different. I'm never 04:32 happy with anything. Not that I'm a naysayer. I'm not a naysayer but if something doesn't work to exactly how I 04:42 think it should work. I have new problem with Clinton welding taking it apart and re change and everything 04:48 about it. And that's one thing that my father taught me very well to to do those things to make those changes because they might make you money but a lot of times you're just 04:57 gonna make a pure out mistake, you know, and when in mistakes we find huge successes, so there's a lot of that I make it all the mistakes are our 05:07 co-founder Chad Henderson. There's no such thing as a mistakes. There's just trials that didn't that didn't equal success. I think is what he 05:16 says. He says something about there's no he's got some will say I think that's what Chad and I get along. So well, he sees 05:22 a lot of me and him or him and me whatever you want to put it. There is ton of in Chad's 05:32 right? There's a there he's exactly right but you make so many mistakes along the way and I have never made a 05:41 mistake without learning something. That's a that's the hard lesson learned but it's the lesson that you learn that sticks the most so, you 05:50 know, what's so that's kind of how what's interesting is that you're you're enjoying a 05:55 A platform that is educational but it's also we're telling all the people as we always do in the listeners know this learn from our mistakes. Yeah, we're 06:04 gonna we're gonna hit some home runs around some bass hits and we're also going to tell you you know, what we fought or even if 06:10 we trial a product and say, hey man, we flopped with this product. We're honest about that and I think that that's a great thing because you know 06:19 how Corporate America now they talk the last 10 years the SWAT strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats and all those corporate people Temple getting 06:28 that little board room and they all talk about. Oh, I want to talk about our company strengths and they're all bunch of Ass lickers that want to basically just talk to each other about their strength 06:38 strength strengths. It's like why don't we admit we got some weaknesses here and we got some real threats, you know, we get the threat of irrelevance and we got the weakness that 06:47 we won't be honest about what we're doing wrong and a great thing is what you're talking about and what I like about the extreme man guys is like hey, you know what? I know 06:56 what my strength is. I don't know weaknesses over here. And I know what some threats are my operation and that's important thing thread to 07:02 your operation is in my opinion. Like you said you want to be the 9th generation for your kids. You better make sure that 07:11 you're always looking at things not like Grandpa did it's good to have and I know we say that we don't know that Grandpa wasn't forward looking. 07:20 He must have done something right. So the reality is You want to look forward and say what's AG gonna do tomorrow that's going to make it harder on my 07:29 kids or what adjustment. Can I make so that we're still here and and relevant and thriving and I guess when you 07:35 look at some of those things You're a little bit. I think that I think the real secret is never become complacent 07:43 and that's the greatest thing about the extreme that group. They're not complaced with anything ever, you know, 07:52 they'll make change to tell you the truth or the most honest people in the world. And if you have a problem before you make the mistake if you 08:01 remember the group you legit that's what I did get on the phone call them don't answer everybody your questions and it can save you a boatload a month, but never become 08:10 complacent that should be their logo because that's what they all are. They're never completes. 08:18 Hey, let me talk about this. I was wondering let's talk about then the operation I think you told me before we hit the record button, or maybe 08:27 it was on a phone call about five to six thousand acres a little less than that, but we're so 08:33 it's it's a it's kind of conglomeration of people. So it's my father. He's still Farms. He's 82 years old still phones still 08:42 badass still gets up at 4 4 30 in the morning works all day puts in the full day every day and then a few and then 08:51 my one of my songs and then there's me. So as the more people that come in the more we grow we do a 09:00 bunch of other stuff. We run hunting business doing the wintertime. It helps bring in a little more income for everybody. So we do a bunch of things my daughter 09:09 and a couple of the other children my sons they have show capitalism. So there's a there's always something going on. There's and 09:18 I think that that's what you'll see with all of the guys and extreme, you know, a lot 09:24 of the guys that are out there that are you know, busting or rear ends. They we have a bunch of different things. We 09:30 don't rely on any one income. It's a bunch of incomes coming in from a bunch of different directions. I mean, I'm so longer but the 09:40 way we talk about diversification of income and diverse. There's when corns eight dollars you think why do I need to be Diversified? I'm 09:49 going to just have all the Eight dollar core and I can have and then when corn is back down to 380 you say 09:56 Boy, I'm sure glad that we have these three other ancillary businesses that bring in some Revenue around here because we're barely breaking even on 380 Corner. 10:05 We're losing money on that. So Diversified. Oh, yeah. What's that? I said dad told me that a long time ago back when I was young and he had 10:16 two hundred two hundred fifty head of Angus commercial cattle and some years. We were like, you know, you bust your butt with a cataly like 10:25 man. We're not looking any money like what's going on. He said just wait when when other markets go 10:31 down. That one's gonna be the one that carries us through and there's being years where it wasn't for that extra income 10:37 somewhere else. Yeah, we would have been real trouble, you know, and and I think that that's the kind of things that people you know, 10:46 They some people miss out on and it's for us. It's not just about Green Farm and it's about all of the above and everybody has 10:55 their own interest, you know with our children each one of them have different interests. And what's funny is is they are all good in their 11:05 own areas. So the important thing for you know, me and my wife and our entire family, we strengthen people in the areas 11:14 that they're good at if they're good at something. We let them continue with that because then it becomes 11:20 a passion for them to do that. So they're never complacent now taking another step so everybody kind of 11:26 has their own areas. So speaking of areas, it's about you because you seem to really be the green guy and maybe you've 11:34 got other things let's talk about the green operation. But first off you going back a few minutes you said here on the Delmarva where 11:40 we have followers and listeners that are from Mississippi. We have followers and listeners that are from Nebraska Kansas. They're 11:46 saying what the hell's he talking about? I know what you're talking about because I've been there. What's the Delmarva? 11:53 Delmarva is Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and it's kind of the it's the Eastern region of of that area. That is more 12:02 Farmland. That's the know more about so that's kind of though. I don't know the Bread Basket of 12:11 our region. That's pretty much what it is. So the Delmarva and there's somebody that's out in Western Kansas saying I've heard about Farmers out there. What 12:19 are they grow? Tell us because it's really not all that differently. It's not like, you know. 12:25 Matt Miles when I first met him so he was like who forms around who's all pavement? 12:31 Um, so that is the belief and it is like that some what on the western sure and in areas there's this high traffic 12:40 put in our area Matt was just up here a couple weeks ago. He flew up with friends it is and we 12:49 tore all around and he was like, this is not that much different than my area like you're very flat irrigated here. Of course, 12:58 we have pivot irrigations here. He's very differently, but he's like, I'm just amazed that it's not that different and 13:04 it's it's really not. I mean, I was just probably Almost say 50 acres probably is our average size field and we've got some you know, 13:14 they're two three 400 acres big swimming. It is a big area here, but there's a lot of focus. 13:23 In our area on regulation, they regulate everything and it's because we're so close. We're on the Chesapeake Bay, but we're so close to DC were 13:32 30 minutes from Annapolis. Um, so there is All eyes are on us at all times. Yes. So let's talk about that. And this has been going on for a 13:45 while. I made the crack 10 20 more years ago that the chicken litter there's a lot of chicken production. It turns out in that area and then they put 13:54 the chicken litter on the fields the next thing you know, the the people that live on the shore of Chesapeake Bay 14:00 in their beautiful homes all say well the chess Peak Bay has these pollution problems because of those damn chicken 14:06 farms and when Kim Long comes out and sprays their yard every three weeks. It's never that that causes problems for 14:15 the bay. It's always the agriculture that causes problems the bay. They never quite see themselves as the issue. It's never that they're 14:21 sewage back up caused problems that bay. It's always on the chicken farm. So you've been after this for a long time, but the reality is you live there. 14:30 They vote you the out control you and so you have to farm around this and it's been going on for a long time. What's the unique challenge you got to do. 14:39 Because of the environmental and the nutrient management plan. 14:44 So they came out with a new management plan. It's part of our law that we have to we have to abide by and we have to report every 14:53 ounce of fertilizer that we use, you know, NPK. So it really so what we've seen every years there's only 15:04 a certain amount of Fosters that we can use because there's runoff you always got to remember we're in lower CC soil. 15:10 So the environmentalists have they really do have a legitimate argument. 15:18 Because with our Lucy's he saws everything in our soil is a little bit volatile. So stabilizers is a big deal being, you 15:27 know, anything that gives us more efficiency spoon feeding the crop all these things become. 15:34 Pretty major component and what it's done for the farmers of the Chesapeake Bay. It's made them figure 15:40 out at what stage does every plant would be once soybeans a week barley whatever it's made us find 15:49 out exactly what it needs it when it needs it. Yeah, and if we can do that and we can fertilize and Stage is or spoon feed that crap all throughout 15:58 the crop. We can still grow good coffee. We can grow a very good but we have to watch what we're doing. But what we found is is early years. We 16:07 are depleting our soils to a certain degree. We're depleting now, we're all so got a lot of time so a lot 16:16 of things that happen with pole treatment or there's a lot of poetry houses here. We're known for that. You know, Purdue Islands. Tyson is 16:26 a little bit further south of those Mountain hair. There's a ton of chicken companies here. So 16:32 there's a lot of litter Here, but we utilize it all here, but we can't utilize we don't have enough to 16:40 fertilize all over Acres. There's a lot of commercial fertilizer involved but every ounce of manure 16:46 that we use every ounce of fertilizer that we use it all has to be reported to the to Maryland Department 16:55 of Agriculture. And then they are telling us by our soul samples exactly what we get to use the very next year on that 17:04 specific parcel. So it becomes a very big challenge for us. My question for you is you said okay. 17:16 It's probably good because judicious usage of the stuff versus just flinging it everywhere is better for the environment and it's also should be better for your pocketbook. You're not 17:26 just blowing the stuff every which way right? But right I'm saying that long-term. We're mining the soil are 17:32 we actually reminding it or minding it? Are we doing the right thing or we are we long-term hurting our you know, you want this to be the 9th generation roads Farm. 17:42 Are we doing the right thing? To be honest with you, um kind of up in the air. I I see both sides 17:53 of the fence. I see because I live on Chesapeake Bay and we you don't mean the kids fish out there and we're catching Maryland crabs out there and 18:02 it's a recreational source and and it's you know, it brings a lot of money to our area with the fisheries and stuff. So we we all 18:11 work together, but I can promise you I can share your last 15 years and I can show you everybody's phosphorus in 18:20 their soils and we are absolutely starting to deplete it and it's really hard to catch up. Well and 18:29 especially when you're in this situation now, you can put a little bit more, you know Poetry Man overall, if you can get a hold of it and it'll help 18:38 bring those values back up but there's a certain amount of though these phosphorus Blends whether it's commercial 18:44 or it's organic. They're still tied up. So it's getting to be more of a point of. Can we maintain? 18:54 And I believe we can I think that we can maintain where we are and can we utilize so that's our Focus point. 19:04 Okay. So my question there is it doesn't look like the regulation the regulatory environment's going to change. In fact what's happening? There is probably coming to the rest of 19:13 us. Meaning you're not going to go. They're not gonna say oh, you know what we're wrong go fling that fertilizer everywhere. It's more likely that your rules are gonna come to Indiana where 19:22 I live, you know, we saw in Ohio Temple Lake Erie had a blue algae bloom or whatever was called and by golly what they say. Well, we 19:31 got some fertilizer issues with the North Ohio Agriculture and we're gonna go out there and start really putting our finger on 19:37 this and that's what happened there. So this is probably coming to all of us. Can you can you? 19:44 Through technology and practices and new products. produce and still comply Yes. 19:54 okay, um, what we're finding is so what what they tie down to us is the true NPK of their 20:03 of their you know, the macros now we can maintain and we can grow a great crap through all the things 20:12 basically that extreme Act is looking at whether it's a PG or whether it is some type of fertilizer enhancement whether 20:21 it is a stabilizer whether it is a seed treatment, all of these things are helping us maintain our yields and I believe through 20:30 all these different things that we're doing that we can maintain we can keep our levels where they are and we can make every ounce 20:39 camp and I truly believe that because we're seeing the efficiency and levels like I've never seen before 20:46 Well, obviously you're the kind of person who doesn't want to be mining the soil. So these products that 20:52 we're talking about like you're talking about neutral charging anytime about things that where you can improve uptake because 20:58 there are some cases where there are nutrients there. We're not getting to them. But again, there's 21:04 the replacement issue. So tell me how these products work and we still are making sure that we're putting the nutrients back into 21:10 the soil the most important the most important is that we have 21:14 So we're able to maintain for the most part but keep in mind, you know, in order to management plan. Let's say if I'm allowed to put down, you know, 50 to 60 pounds of actual phosphorus 21:26 down. What good is that 50 or 60 pounds? If it's just heading to what's in my soul, and other thing is is how much 21:37 Let's say that if we put that in the soil and there's a there's a portion of it that's tied up and it's not getting utilized is that running off 21:46 into the bay? Probably so to a certain extent is the soil sample actually, correct? Because if it's if it's 21:55 tied up into the soil is the soil sample actually getting the exact right reading or can we untie some of these things and 22:04 actually get them into the plane? So I believe that we can maintain I believe that we can get to the level that we need to get to I believe that we can say, I believe 22:13 all these things through Practices that we're learning that we're actually learned. I mean there's a 22:22 ton of Trials and what's important is is it's not just me out here the Chesapeake Bay that's trying to do the right thing 22:31 and doing all the trials most of the farmers out here are very much like me maybe even 22:37 more so they run their own trials. We're trying everything under the sun doesn't matter whether it's a stabilizer or whether it's a micronutrient or learning 22:46 stages of plants and get on exactly what that plant needs at that stage through tissue sample. So we tissue sample 22:55 every seven to ten days no longer than 10 days. Usually every seven and we are we are applying a little bit of time but I mean just because you sample 23:04 says that you're low and let's just say for beings Millennium doesn't mean that you need to go out there and apply mildly at 23:13 that point because it depends on where that stage of this or potassium at time of Greenfield, you know, when you 23:22 see potassium dipped on Greenfield a lot of people's like man, I need to get out there and I need to put on potassium right now, but you but you don't because 23:32 that you have to understand what that plant's doing at that time. So I think through education and not being complacent 23:41 you there's a lot and there's so much more to learn than what we know right now. It's mind Bob. 23:50 So I got a question for you about the replacement stuff and some of the tests you're doing. You're doing some trials that we're going to be checking with you about come June come 24:00 July come August. I want to know about a couple of them one where you're using neutral charger excited about that. It's an agrotech product 24:09 and that improves uptake what else you got going on. You want tell us about 24:14 what you want to talk about nature storage real quick because I can tell you what's the promise. What's the 24:20 hey, let's just do this. What's the problem and then the promise of the product that you hope to find out through the trial? 24:26 Okay, so the problem is is in our area as we've talked. We have phosphorus problems and we can't utilize enough of it and we can't get on enough to utilize 24:38 what or uptake actually needs to be. So in order to do that. We're gonna put neutral charge in there to try to help our efficiency and get more in 24:47 the plan neutral charge folks a lot about getting 30 to 40% more uptake into the plant tissues. Yeah, that's the case the number 24:56 dramatically changes. So we've tried that on a bunch of different things. We've tried it on. We actually put it on week this year and I'll tell 25:07 you real quick about it. I was looking at some health Maps the other day and all of a sudden I get to 25:13 one farm and I'm like what is going on? There's a straight line in it. And then over here in one corner. It's greener in 25:19 these two spots and I'm like, I don't know what's going on here and I go back and look at my application that he was where I hated neutral charge. So beans that 25:28 I hated neutral charge to that. I changed my health in my plans so much that the health maps from 25:38 the satellites picked it up to the line to my application that so, you know, the problem obviously was you 25:47 can't put on Fosters you're being heavily Monitor and then this the promise of the product that you are experimenting with 25:53 was that it improves your uptake and then you're telling me that within how long you actually All imagery satellite imagery that proved that three weeks 26:01 how many weeks three three weeks you saw you saw solid imagery that tells you the product was doing what you wanted to do. 26:09 Yeah, it's three weeks almost said that and I couldn't believe it and immediately soon as I assumes this happened. I call Rob Devon. I'm like 26:18 Dude, check your email right now. See checks and he's like, what's this? I'm like that's the neutral charge study that he sent up here for me to do. 26:27 He immediately calls, you know, one of the Headhunters, um at the company boom. He he gets 26:34 on there and we get on a conference call and he said he told us to be honest with you. He wasn't that surprised. I was getting ready to jump up and down. He said we see 26:43 this all the time. It really does work and not only does it work on the phosphorus level if you have Fox was a headed in with a 26:52 blend of marriage and it's also helps us a stabilizer. So we got multiple facets happening here. And 26:58 and the reason that it can help take it is just incredible. It changes the charges there. We're the plant can actually make it available to him. I 27:07 mean, it's it could be a change. So we did a bunch of different studies on corn and beans as well. So we're doing infero on 27:16 beans. We're going in Forever. By 2 so we put a high phosphorus blend that we put 27:24 on or beans because what we found over the years is beans to actually love phosphorus more 27:30 than you would think and there's more phosphorus uptake at an early stage and soybeans then what corn actually is. 27:39 Which you know, we found that out years ago. So we're making we got Trials of infero. Um and tuba two. 27:48 We got just two but two just in Furrow and we're doing corn and beans both ways and we're trying to nail down the exact 27:57 regimen so we can come up with a real recipe. So we I know there's six or eight trials out there. That's all on phosphorus uptake or all nutrient 28:08 uptake. That's it is on phosphorus uptake. But what we're finding is is from the tissue samples that Rob Deadman has so far on neutralized trials. 28:18 So forth that he has it's much more than just phosphorus. He's finding that his phosphorus loot is heavier. His calcium 28:27 loot is heavier. His manganese loot is heavier. So we're under the belief. 28:35 That it's changing more than just phosphorus uptake. Yeah, so that's an interesting thing that phosphorus was the one we were hunting and then by hunting that it's kind of like we keep 28:45 getting better at this we used to think there's all about throw more throw more NP and K out there. No, no, we're gonna have 28:51 the calcium. We have the Boron all these kinds of things and now we're finding by improving phosphorus. Also our other our 28:57 traces come up as well. So what I'm here, we're tripping over, you know for like a better terms, we're 29:03 tripping over a mistake, you know, like it's not really a mistake but it's something that's found. You know, the Roundup Gene 29:09 got found they weren't hunting for it. Just found it, right. You've got a few other trials going you're gonna be doing stuff with some 29:19 seed you're gonna be doing some steps of Fungicide and we're gonna be checking with you again to keep telling our listeners 29:25 about this because I think it's a pretty cool stuff real quick. You're doing seed you're doing Agra gold versus some 29:31 competition. You're doing air gold against itself real quickly on that and it tell us about Fungicide and then we'll let you go. 29:38 So we are doing at my farm my home Farm where I where I live where my shop is. We do a field day every year for Farm Credit Farm Credit is or you 29:50 know, it's our banking agency around here. They put down put out a seed trial of variety trout and it's everybody is invited to 29:59 come to that thing. Now. I am an agriculture. I've been using agriculture for years. We really like to see I also 30:08 put so it's agricult against every seed out there every Variety in our area and then we do just a straight agricult trial for 30:17 myself and for them for data, we do another one for two other companies, you know bear company and then the other companies 30:26 so we we are constantly trying new things all the time again not being complacent. We do some seed trials 30:35 soybeans as well because Seems like I know beans may be a little bit better than I know corn sometimes. 30:43 Um, and that's kind of where my passion is. But so we're doing a bunch of different trials. I've been doing trials for fungicides for years 30:52 for a bunch of different companies. BASF is one of them. I've made tremendous Leaps and Bounds 31:01 with fungicides. With BASF. I've got a really big story to tell that it's kind of a home run. It's probably it's pretty long and it's 31:13 pretty lengthy, but it was from BASF and it started a change of mindset from a very long time ago. We would probably be okay. 31:22 There's a question. Well, we'll get to that this summer. When will you be typically June July is when we're starting 31:28 again more fungicides reason and season your brother world, right? Yeah, we are. All right. So why don't 31:34 you and I revisit the fungicide. In fact, we'll make a an episode just about that because I think it's important. 31:41 I'm assuming we have human conditions, you know, we got all this issue. So I want to hear about the fungicide trials that you're doing then and then 31:50 you had one other thing that you're doing. I thought was me. I think you told me you're doing a short corn because 31:56 of residue management as I hear that right. Yeah, so quite a few years ago. We've been having we playing a lot 32:06 of your game. So with 300 bushel corn. Comes a ton of residue. We are doing some short-horned trials for another 32:16 company and they are trialing out here. I think it's going to be between 40 and 60 Acres that would be behind my shop and it'll be open to the public no be 32:25 able to come in and see it. So there is less residue you can get a conventional sprayer over the top. 32:31 You don't need to wait for the airplane. You don't need to have to have you know, a certain higher way to 32:37 get across that you don't need in those things, but The problem that the guys up north we fight and other guys even from the north is residue 32:46 like we were fighting this residue come spring and how you handle that. So we started using a bunch of different products, you 32:55 know, whether it's be a human or human can and sugar mixed with a uan whatever it may be. I've done a bunch of different trials. We did one last 33:04 year with minister. So what we're finding out is we can actually break down this residue we can get it back into the soul profile. We can 33:16 actually utilize some of the nutrients out of because you know with the father that breaks down around here is three to five years out before it's totally burned down 33:25 so we can really utilize. So again, we're already in an area that is low in nutrient value. So we want to utilize 33:34 every bit of our stove or put it back into school and we're finding out that some of these third party, you know out of the 33:43 box thinking companies have some of these products that really really work and they break it all down and not only does it help you break it down it also 33:52 when you're back in there whether it should be huge to a no-tillary, you know, the no-till guys out there in the world and we are some what 34:01 no till here, but we're mainly stripped we stripped to But that should be huge those guys because you have to be able to break down that that residue 34:10 to get it back in the soil and that three to five year period if you're not applying anything could be much longer in a new tail situation before you 34:19 break it down you get that back down into your sole profile. Yeah, I mean years. Do you want to wait let's back 34:25 letting stuff. Well, that's right these dollar, you know these dollars you talk about return on investment. If you're spending the kind of money you are now and then 34:34 you're not getting back for five years. You're losing a lot of money. Hey one thing I can tell you Temple dairy farm kid, two things 34:41 first off short corn bad for silage. I just I know that okay, I'd be called bad for touch. Secondly. If you chop corn silage, you never have 34:53 a residue problem. That's the second thing. I can share with you from a dairy farm background. 34:57 Yeah, all right strip tilling we don't do a lot of discussion about that. I want to get you back on a talk about unique challenges or also opportunities because 35:07 of your ability to strip till I want to hear more about the fungicide stuff come summer. I want to hear more about your other 35:13 experiments and trials you're doing there. Temple roads Gonna be with us and doing trial stuff gonna be with us on our webinars. If you're a listener, if you're if you're 35:25 extreme AG fan listener member, please keep up with what he's doing. Remember a little different geography a little different part of the world a little different challenges out there a little different lessons. 35:34 You can get from what he's doing. Leave me with something. What do you got for me? Never be complaced. I 35:43 knew you're gonna say that because you said that the beginning you said the middle. I know you're gonna go with that and I 35:49 think that's a great lesson and I think you know never be complacent and honestly, you know break out the box don't be completely tradition down 35:58 everything that your father and your grandfather has told you don't be stuck in a box don't be afraid of change 36:04 because change is good. It's the only thing that's in heaven change. Yeah, and and also 36:10 it's okay to it's okay to decide you made a little mistake once in a while because you're implementing some new stuff, but you don't have to make Christmas 36:19 mistakes. You can learn from us. That's what we do here at extreme AG. There are literally almost a hundred of these podcasts now in in 36:25 the backlog, so go to extreme share it with your friends, you're farming and on farming friends alike. Keep up with all the stuff. We're doing here follow us on social media. We are 36:34 on Twitter and we are on Facebook. I give you the exact address, but by now you probably know how to just type in extreme AG Find us on both those two platforms. He's Temple 36:43 roads. I'm naming Mason. Thanks for being here, buddy. Thank you buddy until next time it's cutting the Curve. 36:50 Thanks for listening to another edition of cutting the curve for more information that you can apply to your farm operation. Visit extreme mag dot Farm 36:59 are your crop stressed out AG Explorer has you covered with a full line of products to help protect your crop from environmental stressors such as cold and wet 37:08 or heat and drought check out acne and start protecting your yields and profit.
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See All GrowersTemple Rhodes
Centreville, MD