Kevin's Drip Irrigation Start-up
Kevin Matthews walks through his subsurface drip irrigation system from Netafim. He draws water from the river, which requires some special equipment. He talks about the system pump, filter, meters and fertilizer injection system.
00:00 Extreme out here. Today. We're with our netafem subsurface drip irrigation system. This is a permanent system typical 00:06 life. 25-30 years is a kind of what what they claim and it looks to be true. This system's been in oh about a dozen years. Now. This is the first thing that we 00:19 had we built it. We're using the disc filters and Apollos. This is a smaller set because this is only 00:27 a Hundred Acre Site you go to a bigger set as you increase your Acres will irrigate about I guess on this 00:36 Farm here. We're about 24 Acres at a time the way we set our zones up sometimes 15 to 18 depends on which is owns it 00:45 is we run multiple zones and it's really important when you start to season that we flush this thing out really good. So we want we've done took our 00:54 filters apart and we've cleaned all these filters right here. We've checked everything for leaks. We've checked 01:00 our gauges good make sure they're good shape. We've cleaned our filters here. It does our prefer pressure differential and that's reading the pressure 01:09 on our discharge is going out to the field versus our income and from where we use the river or don't really matter where you're at. That's your income. And then we 01:18 want to check our our check valves. We got two. Hours in line right here. And that's to keep water from going back into the river or the 01:27 Water Source or well or whatever you're using and we run our fertilize which we have this tank right here. 01:35 That we can measure out small stuff. If we're just need to put just a real small amount per acre. We can put it in here and we also use this to calibrate to 01:44 as well kind of like a calibration cylinder. You might say works out really good, but typically but we have a tank 01:50 that we pull up 1200 gallon stainless tanks and we'll pull up and we'll hook our nitrogen in there. We run a 24s product which is 01:59 sulfur. It's really good that you have all this stuff flushed out and clean because and these check valves working properly 02:07 because when we inject that nitrogen our fertilize any products that we're wanting to inject we're doing that Upstream from 02:16 these check valves so that we make sure that we don't ever get any into the water source because that's one thing we got to be good stewards of we've got our water 02:25 meter right here. We like to ride our gallons down at the beginning of the Season that it's showing on our water meter and we keep up with that for our records and 02:34 an event we get checked and somebody wants to say how much water you put on out of the river when you say, okay. This is what we're doing right here and with our drip irrigation. 02:43 It's so much smaller amount that we use per season, then what we would with our pivot that we have but 02:51 Works really good. We got the The river screen you've seen the river screen the way we put it in the water. The reason we like the river screens real good is we're sucking off 03:04 the top portion of the water as fish friendly. We don't have to worry about fish getting on it. We don't hurt any fish or any of the aqua environment there Aquatic and that's 03:13 really nice. And it also keeps these filters extremely clean so they don't have to work near as hard. That's a good thing because we 03:22 won't we don't want no more than about 10 pounds differential in the pressure right here from the top to bottom and then it's 03:28 gonna kick in and start cleaning Okay. So we've talked about our filter systems. We're making you know, we've got our River screen. We've got our section. So we got it clean. We 03:37 got everything clean. We got our filters clean. We know what kind of pressure differentials we got. Now, we're going out to the field and we're going to flush each one of these zones and you'll 03:46 get to see throughout the video how nasty this water can be accurate. Say it over the winter and the river and when you're pumping it through these filters you 03:55 In a bottle, it's actually looks like clear drinking water. I obviously would not want to drink that water. But the 04:01 filters do awesome job cleaning is my point but it is still amazing how much sediment that builds up in the systems 04:10 the way they're designed is their drip tapes or up here and then our manifold is what I like to call it. It's down below 04:20 and then the drip tape's come with risers and they hook in here in the Q flex and they go up into that into the tapes that 04:26 q-flex goes into the PVC pipe goes up at each end of the PVC pipe. We've got flush valves quarter turns and you'll watch this flush those out 04:35 and it's pretty cool when they said over winter how much you can have but when you're doing it you want to be you kind of 04:41 want to check the whole system. So on our nmc pros and juniors, we've got different solenoid valves 04:50 and those valves if you're using air like we do on a lot of systems or you're using water Pneumatics to open and close those field valves 04:58 out there. You need to test those solenoids we do a weekly solenoid test throughout the season. I write down the day that I 05:07 check all of them. You just listen, make sure they all click and everything's good. It's just a good practice to have no big 05:13 deal. But right here, I'll go in manual test mode and I will manually test I'll tell it right here. Say Okay. I want to I want 05:22 to flush valve 5. I want to flush five six, which I just tell it I want to cut by five and six on to irrigate, but our actual goal is 05:31 to flush it. We'll do one zone at a time on the flushing because we want to put you know, 1000 gallons 05:37 a minute 1200 gallons a minute into that zone real fast to really get some velocity and clean that out real quick takes you about 10 15 minutes is on 05:46 Sometimes some real big zones. I have had to take 30 to 40 minutes per Zone. It's kind of frustrating but that's just once a year you do that. It's good 05:55 to do it at the end of the year, then it's not so long in the spring when you do it. Now this running off of diesel one. 06:01 Snow is good is okay. How much fuel are you burning you got to be burning a lot of fuel I actually drip is a low pressure system. So we're not building. We're only 06:10 running a 58 to 60 pounds pressure at the pump. And then we want to maintain six pounds pressure at the highest elevation 06:19 at the furthest distance of the tape. And so we're dropping down as we go out. So we're actually we can be doing right here. 06:28 I got my chart. Let's see. I'll be running about well, right for instance right here 18 Acres. So I'll be irrigating 18 06:37 Acres. It takes three hours and that's really really wet during reproduction vegetation. I'll run two hours and this is very dry our average about 1.8 06:46 to 2.1 gallons per hour. Um and you divide that by 18 Acres, that's pretty efficient our coulomi farm research Farm. 06:56 We're doing about 36 to 40 acres an hour at the same time. We'll do it on two hours or three hours zones, but on that 46 to I mean 07:09 30 36 to 40 acres there on that one. We will run about we run it with a generator diesel pirate. We'll run about 2.3 gallons 07:19 per hour right there the diesel fuel. So it kind of gives you a cost of what you're having to run and of course feels more expensive this year. But I mean 07:28 you can get this down at one point six gallons per hour. That's that's pretty dang good when you 07:34 spread it out over, you know, 18 Acres or then you go to cool me 25 35 40 acres depending on how you got your zones laid out but this is extremely important. 07:43 So you're killing a lot of birds of one stone. We're testing the systems. We're testing solenoids. We're testing our Airlines going out to our field valves. 07:52 We're flushing the the main I call it which is the end where the field valves are on and then the flesh ends. We're flushing those out. So we're 08:01 getting the whole system flush ready to go then when we get our fertilize in there and and the crop everything just works great. 08:10 It's the it's the best day you can spend is in the spring going through your system and it also gives you a chance to check to see if you got any leaks. We 08:19 have groundhogs different rodents here. And and if they happen to bore a hole or a tape is it will go through the tape. It's part of the maintenance. It's just 08:28 like with our pivots. We have to run our pivots. We have to mount check for leaks fix leaks and then 08:34 we have to you know, clean out rust. They have different sediment. We got to get it cleaned out at the end cap and then we need to calibrate our nozzles. Make sure they're all putting out 08:43 to correct them out. So this is just another piece of equipment. That's carry yellow Kelly. Garrett would say it's just one piece of equipment that yeah, we 08:52 got to do a little maintenance on it. Just like we do or tractors or combines our Planters our sprayers. You're only 08:58 going to get out of it what you put into it. So it's been a blessing for us especially during dry times. But 09:04 this is one of the maintenance things that we do and we highly recommend Is doing if you ever have any questions about it, please feel free to 09:13 call we can help you with it. We got some awesome net of M dealers throughout the country that can help you with it. But again, these are 09:23 these are just kind of the some of the things that we do y'all stay safe.
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See All GrowersKevin Matthews
East Bend, NC